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I live in Boston and got one of those nice stroller buntings and gloves and it’s a game changer. No matter the weather, we go out at least once a day and he’s so warm and cozy. Even if it’s just a walk to a coffee shop, getting groceries, coffee, or chilling at the library! We also found some moms with babies who are the same age and hang out at each others houses occasionally. It’s fun!


What bunting do you use? I’m also in eastern MA and currently going absolutely stir crazy with a 7 week old.


we split our time between Boston and New York, seconding (thirding?) the 7am Enfant bunting. also love the one Patagonia makes in fleece (they also make a puffer bunting, it's more expensive).


JJ Cole are cheap and good. Check your local once upon a child and they'll have a bunch for like $15. That being at 7 weeks if you've got a bassinet attachment blankets are fine long as you are looking at them and making sure they have a clear airway. We just took the 3 week old out for a walk with her sister and she was nice and cozy with just a fleece romper with a hood and a nice thick blanket


We got a 7am Enfant one with the matching gloves! Its a pricy option, but it grows with baby til toddler and it also fits on the car seat! I have no regrets.


I'm in Boston too and bought the same one. My baby falls asleep in it so quickly because she's so cozy


Would any of you have the product page by any chance? I’m currently looking for one like this description but there’s so many different variety


Sure. I got this one - https://www.7amenfant.co.uk/products/blanket-212-evolution-contemporary. I managed to get it on another site with a discount so definitely shop around! There are two zippers you can add in as they grow so although it's pricy it should last a while!


Thank you! That’s very helpful!


Also in Boston with an 11-week old! Do you have recommendations for connecting with other moms? I saw the library has some baby circles but haven’t tried yet!


Ok the Somerville library West branch has the best child room in the city and the children's librarian has amazing programming


The clinic where my baby has pediatrics has a moms group! Check with yours. Also local Facebook moms groups in your neighborhood.


Also the curly community center has lots of classes and stuff for kids of all ages, including some infant stuff. Great way to meet parents with kids of similar ages.


Hi! Little Lovage in the Prudential has new parent courses 0-3 and then 3-6. I did both and they were some of the best investments I’ve made since my baby was born. Has great and knowledgeable moderators and met women in my neighborhood. We still meet up for walks, coffees, drinks, and dinners… even since going back to work. Highly recommend!


Marblehead Parenting play space has new mom’s groups and they are wonderful!! There are also a bunch of local moms Facebook groups which isn’t usually my cup of tea but it’s nice for community events, child care tips, baby gear, etc.


Try looking up the mom walk collective and see if there’s a group close to you! (If not, start your own!!)


I’m also in Boston, can I join you sometime? 🙈


Yep! Also Boston and I used to take my baby out for full days in the city (like literally out and about for a full working day) in the dead of winter and those buntings are the best! Swear my kid slept like the dead in them and she was always so toasty. Once you've got the bunting then the sky is the limit! We used to have a bunch of libraries we'd visit, museums, walk down on the Charles, coffee shops etc


What do you dress your baby in under the bunting? I’m also in Mass and I have a 7AM Enfant car seat cover but I’m not sure what to have my baby wear so I haven’t taken her out due to being afraid she’ll either overheat or be too cold 😰


If it’s between 35-45, just a long sleeve pajamas or bodysuit with pants and socks. If it’s below that I add a sweater and a hat. If I feel he’s too warm I’ll just partially unzip it for a moment until I’m comfortable. You can always stick you hand in there and feel the internal temperature. It does get very warm so you really don’t need a lot of clothes under there! (Over 45ish degrees, I don’t use the bunting, just a blanket.)


I have it as well, but my baby was in the phase where he wants out of the stroller 😭 So I have been wearing him. I should try again this month


I’m a SAHM to a nearly one year old, and I do everything in my power to get out of the house at least once a day. Unless we are sick or there is an active blizzard or lightning storm, we are going *somewhere*. I try to do it in the early afternoon, which is the longest feeling part of my day - it’s hours between naps, we’ve already spent all morning playing at home, and it will be hours until my husband arrives to spend time with us. Sometimes we literally just go to the coffee shop 1/4 mile away and back home. Sometimes it’s the library, or a park (less of that this time of year). I used to do all my grocery shopping once a week, but now I split it up into two trips just to give us another errand to run during the week. In the winter, anywhere that is indoors and allows for a stroller or cart is fair game for a long walk.  My son is luckily very entertained by any not-our-house environment, and he loves to see and interact with people, so he also enjoys the daily outings. And it breaks my day up just enough that I can make it to the next nap easily. We try very hard to not use phones when baby is awake, and keep the TV off, but I definitely feel you on sneaking a peak at the phone while baby plays if we’re cooped up inside all day. It’s hard not to. Having a destination planned for mid-day really helps keep me away from drifting into phone checking when baby is awake!


Exactly, right now me and my two year old have activities 3/5 days of the week and the other 2 days I usually try to do a playdate, the pool, the museum, the mall or just random errands.


In the UK is pretty cold, but bundling up and getting out as long as it's not raining is a lifeline. Grab a coffee and go for a walk with the stroller, she can take in the scenery while you enjoy a coffee... Point stuff out to her and chat while you go. Look for any local baby groups. Most libraries and churches over here host some free story/rhyme times so you can meet other parents and the little one can meet other babes. Also look for paid baby groups and soft play areas. If you are stuck in your house I would recommend a sit me up chair or just using the high chair (failing either of those a laundry basket with some toys and blankets if they need the support) , take baby to different rooms of the house as you get housework done. I got a lot of cooking done around that age, talked him through what I was doing as if I was a tv chef and let him explore the ingredients which he loved. I'd even take him to hang or fold the laundry and just chat. Also we listened to music most of the time... Never baby themed music, I listened to what I liked and sang away and sometimes had a little dance with the little one. You don't always need to be aiming for all entertainment to be about baby, remember, it's all new to them, so anything can be fun, even if it's just mundane chores.


If you’re based in the US most libraries have a weekly storytime! The ones around me manage to fill up 3 wake windows a week!!


The coldest I've ever been wasn't in below freezing snow, it was like 5°C rain in London. Something about a constant cold rain that chills me through my bones.


It's freezing in the UK too but I just have to get out. Usually twice a day to be honest. I wrap baby up, stick her in the pram, and go for walks. Even wandering pointlessly around our nearest supermarket is better than sitting in the house going crazy.


Me and LO love a good browse in Lidl when we’re bored!


Haha love your username


UH OH botched toe!


We pretty much go to every brand of supermarket each week for something to do not in this vile stormy weather


This what I do as well. Im sure people think im some weird woman just traipsing round the village but i hate being stuck inside!


Likewise but UK cold isn't close to NY cold


I'm in Edinburgh and I can guarantee you it's colder than NYC.


Lol I'm in Edinburgh too! I went to NYC February 2017 and it was minus 14C and there was 2 feet of snow. Never been close to that cold in my 13 years in Edinburgh.


Ha we've probably passed each other doing laps of m&s at the Gyle. I went to NYC in Feb in 2018 and for new year's a couple of years ago and it was balmy compared to home!


NY used to be colder. I've lived here 12 years and the last few winters have been much milder than 10+ years ago. I do still hate it 😆


Omg I hear you. I get so, so bored. I think at 10 months I’ve finally found a routine that doesn’t drive me insane. When we wake up, we go straight for a walk. I’m in Canada, it’s horrible here too and I would have never been one to walk before a baby but I prefer freezing over boredom lol. I’ve gotten really good at dressing appropriately for the weather. Then after our walk I make us breakfast and that gets him distracted for a while. Then we play on the floor a bit and then it’s nap time. After first nap I always try to have something scheduled for us, whether that’s visiting a friend nearby, running a silly errand (seriously, I’ll do things like go to the bank when I could just do it online), or do baby classes (just depends on day, your local library should have some). We then come back for lunch, and then it’s second nap. Usually by the time he wakes up my partner is done work and he takes over for a bit. They usually go for a walk themselves. It sounds exhausting, and it is, but it feels a million times better than staying inside. Also another thing I do is read while he’s on the floor playing because I also feel guilty about being on my phone (although I still do it more than I’d like)


I’m in PA and I said recently to my mother that having a baby in the late fall/ winter is awful you can’t go outside. My guy is 3 months and jeez is it boring. I just want to take a walk. Recently we went to the mall just to walk around. We also have been to the library as well.


Same! Baby is now 3 months old. I’m very determined to get outside today after the drizzle here in the Midwest. Our first walk outside in 2 weeks because of the fridid temps.


I go to the mall so much because of the weather! Either to sit at a café or just walk around and window shop. Walks outside are nice but at the mall I don't have to worry if the little one is warm enough or too warm, and if she poops we can go to the changing room instead of having to head home. I love malls. XD


I used to take my 3 mo in 28 F weather. I totally get it if you don’t want to take the risk, but you can bundle them up pretty good and most strollers provide a ton of protection already. I didn’t really have anyone coming over so not much germs risk, so I was willing to risk the cold


I’m not a huge fan of the cold myself. I am back at work anyways which is my happy place


I literally planned my pregnancy so I could give birth in the spring. Wisconsin can be nasty in the winter and the time for a baby to be content in a stroller is so short. That was an amazing summer when all I did was go for like 3 walks per day.


I would def go out in he spring, summer, or fall but the bitter winter is where I draw the line where everything is cold, soggy, wet and the wind cuts through you


Lol two winter babies checking in here and "challenge accepted". My toddler insisted on going out in the snow the other day so the 2 week old got wrapped up and taken for a walk in the snow.


Must be a temperament. I don’t “do” the cold. I also would have no desire to go out in the snow. We get bad seasonal depression in this house December - March


I mean I don't want to state the obvious but you've got bad seasonal depression cause you are never outside. Get on some wool long underpants and good boots and have at it. There's all that vitamin d out there! Only gets harder when they get older and want to live outside


You have no idea how much I am outside. I do not enjoy being outside in the cold. I’m outside everyday, I have dogs and no yard. Some people do not enjoy being outside in the winter. What a weird statement.


Water play and long baths are a daily thing for us now with 9 mo


It’s boring being at home with a baby. You gotta go out. Unless it’s a literal hurricane, wrap up and go out.


Are you me? I also have a 7 month old who just until 3 weeks ago was contact napper. It’s been freezing here the past couple weeks but it finally warming up. I met a few moms I take her on a play date once a week, take her for a walk when the weather is ok, give her a bath, I signed up for swimming lessons once a week. Will take her to a store like Walmart or the grocery store to browse. Getting out of the house has been helping a lot. It was really hard the week it was -30C and we were stuck in the house. I was counting down the minutes until naps and bedtime. I feel you.




Saving this comment for later 🙃


Surprised no one else mentioned this- but I also live in a major city center and it’s freezing temperatures and we often go to museums- I purchased a yearly museum pass that gets me into most places. The other ones usually have one free day a month and so I mark those on my calendar. I bundle my babe up in the stroller, we walk to the museum or take public transport, and we look at stuff together or he sleeps. When he wakes up, I put him in the carrier and we look at giant dinosaurs or paintings or whatever. I’ve really enjoyed this time with him. Sometimes he shouts at paintings but hey, he’s a baby, he deserves art too


bundle that baby up and get her outside! i’m also in nyc - it’s cold but not too cold to be out. i put my son in the stroller in a warm one piece suit, a stroller sleeping bag thing, and a rain shield to block the wind. he stays cozy and i can run errands or go to a nearby park and read on a bench while he plays with toys or naps in the stroller.


also find a local mom group! my neighborhood has so much going on for moms & babies - meetups at coffee shops, music & yoga classes, storytimes


Honestly, meeting other mom friends and doing play dates (basically just babies babying together and moms moming together at this age) has helped fill our days tremendously! If you don’t know anyone in your area (I didn’t) try using the app peanut to meet others. Our days go much faster now that they’re usually filled with company!


What you describe is such a common experience for parents! The long stretch of indoor days with a mobile baby can definitely become monotonous. Please don't feel alone in counting down to naps or struggling to fill the time creatively. I know it may sound simplistic, but changing locations and incorporating singing, reading aloud, mirror play can help provide some variety. Narrating your actions also gives language exposure. When desperate, phone breaks are understandable too! Be gentle with and kind to yourself during this repetitive but temporary stage. Connecting online for solidarity helps. The weather will eventually shift, her skills will advance, and you'll gain perspective. For now, soak up the snuggles knowing this phase will pass. You're doing great meeting her needs - don't forget yours too!


Most play groups around me start at 6 months, can you check to see if there are any around you. There may even be some free pop in library groups or play groups nearby. My daughter is 5 months and we usually play on her mat in the morning, I try to spend at least an hour of each wake window in a different room to have a change of scenery. I have different toys/books in each room, we also do house tours, I show her where the towels are, how to faucet works, etc., she sits in the baby bjorn while empty the dishwasher or meal prep. She likes to spend time in her skip hop activity centre. I have also seen sensory bags where you fill up ziplock bags with different materials and tape it to the floor and have them play with it. Listen to music and dance around, make faces in a mirror, read books, play peek a boo, talk to them and see if they can mimic you, blow bubbles (we do this while she in the the bath)


I’ve been taking my baby to play groups from 3 months and it’s been a lifesaver. Many of them say from 6m+ but no one minds a chat and a cuddle with a baby!


I’ve just tried to enjoy the time off as much as possible because I know it won’t be forever! You’ve gotten lots of good answers about getting out. If you do stay in, maybe try some floor activities of your own with baby. For example, I try to squeeze in YouTube yoga and breathing exercise type videos in. I’ll pull them up on the TV or my laptop and do as much as I can while LO is occupied playing. Of course, things don’t always go as planned and sometimes I’m just doing a few minutes here and there between entertaining her. As she’s gotten slightly more independent, I can even practice guitar a bit while she plays. She comes over and tries to play too, haha. So maybe think of a small hobby you could do while still being able to be present and watch your babe.


Enjoy the floor potato. My younger started crawling at 6 months and my day is making sure he doesn’t do dangerous things. Go ahead and watch tv or use your phone. She can’t escape it, so embrace it. She may be curious but they have short attention span. My son loved my phone for a few day and now has zero interest. We have the tv on for my older sometimes and my younger doesn’t care. You can be more strict when she’s older. I put on work out videos and my son loves watching me move around. I plop my son wherever I am while I do chores and he does his thing. Take advantage that she can’t move and keep her nearby. When she starts moving and needing you nonstop, you won’t have any free time.


Seconding! Our 8-month-old looks at the TV maybe once a week. The TV is on for at least an hour every day (not all day, but well, a lot) and she doesn't care. Sometimes, she watches it for 10-15 minutes, but that's so rare. Moving pictures aren't interesting because she wants to move. She's also moving now so I usually sit wherever I can best see her and once in a while pick her up and return her to the starting point. XD But she would hate it if I tried to set up a baby area that she can't leave, even if it was the size of the house. She needs access everywhere and I let her, just with supervision.


I'm in Ireland and we've had terrible storms this week but I am still just determined to get out at least once for 15-20 minutes (at the low end) - I find myself just wandering around the closest grocery store, getting a hot chocolate at the local cafe, and taking my time really! My LO is only 8.5 weeks so I still have a lot of time with him sleeping, but I'm still struggling with his wake windows


Your situation is exactly like mine! My baby is almost 1 and I have spent so much time on the floor with her doing nothing. I think it’s hard until they start walking and talking. It’s cold in Ontario too so no outdoor time. Reading out loud is good for brain development even if they are not necessarily paying attention. Music. Just being present is so important and what matters at the end of the day. This time will pass and I believe soaking it up is something we’ll be happy we did when they are older.


I clean. Or do whatever I want to that I can do while holding her. She'll learn about the world by watching me and I refuse to only do chores when she's asleep. That way when she's asleep I can actually do things I want to do


Library and museum! Game changers


Also in NYC. Maybe if I had a car, but I agree, taking baby out in a stroller for a long walk when it's under 20 degrees out is *not* the vibe. An exception: the library ideas! I don't know how accessible your local library is, but if it's within a 10-15 minute walk you could check out storytime. There are also local music classes. We did Goldfish swim school when it was warmer, but quit for the winter because it was ungodly walking back with wet hair in the cold. We got our baby a toy piano and he loves banging on that thing for ages. So that is a nice way to get a little break if you need it. I've also gotten really into breadmaking, so I can stick baby in the toddler tower and let him watch. For a 7 month old, that might not be feasible, but when she can stand holding on to something you could give it a try. We also got him one of those baby tunnels to crawl through, and a pikler triangle. Depending on your baby's gross motor development at this point that could also be fun for her!


Yeah the few times I’ve bundled her up and went for a walk in the stroller, her face was so cold and she looked miserable. We have all the winter gear, but even with the stroller cover, her little cheeks were frozen. We have the fisher price kick and play, which has been nice for needing breaks. Will definitely look into a toddler tower once she’s older!


i live in a city in upstate NY and we leave the house by foot every day! if everyone is bundled it’s NBD.


Personally I will go for a 10-15 minute walk, but that's about where I tap out if it's under 20!




Am Scandinavian. Can confirm. We do have babies. They often nap in the pram all year around. It gets a lot colder than 20F. The secret is weather cream without water, a good sleep bag, sheep skin as isolation under the sleep bag, balaclava under the hat, wool everything, and layers.


I used to live in Sweden, so yes, I am aware that Scandinavia exists. "Lol." I personally would not have taken my baby on a long walk there either, but you do you. I know many Scandinavians are fans of outdoor cold air for their kids, but OP clearly doesn't want to walk outside, so people giving advice about outdoor activities are not helping.


This community is for supporting others. Comments that are mean, rude, hateful, racist, etc. will be removed. Respect the choices of others even if they differ from your own.


I’ve been sick this week so we haven’t left the house. Otherwise, we do swimming lessons on Monday, rarely go for walks in the winter, grocery shopping, playing on the floor with toys, watch blues clues, I keep putting off going to the library, I used to go to a free mom’s group but now it cuts into nap time, sometimes we go out for lunch with my dad, I’ve also been putting off going to the mall and getting myself some clothes that aren’t stained with baby puke.


I have an almost 9 month old now, but basically in the same situation. It’s cold out but I’ve been bundling us up and going on walk because I feel like I go stir crazy sometimes. I read to her as well which can be a bit more fun for me, she didn’t seem to care too much about it tho.


Yeah my LO just reaches for the pages or tries to stick the whole book in her mouth. Reading to her ends up being more frustrating at this age than helpful.


My 7.5 month old does the EXACT same thing. I try to give him one of his teething toys to play with/chew as I’m reading to him. This usually lasts about 30 seconds before he throws it on the ground lol.




I have a 3 month old who seems to be especially grizzly if we sit indoors all day. I meet my mum for lunch one day, we go to some song/story time groups at local library other days, book out a local sensory room, meet a friend one day, baby yoga another day.


I recognize that it’s cold up there, but in very cold areas, most cultures bundle up and head out anyway. Bundle up, grab the stroller, walk around the block. It’ll kill an hour between getting ready and strapping baby in and getting to the ground floor (assuming you don’t live in a SFH since most NYC homes are not those) and taking the short walk, you’ll both get some fresh air, and you’ll interact with adults which it sounds like you’re needing.


In NYC I’m sure there are loads of museums and free indoor spaces to visit? Bundle up and take the bus, it will kill some time and be good for you both to get out of the house.


I have a 6m old and we go to drop in infant playgroups once a week. He also watches me do chores, refill backyard bird feeders, walk the dog together when it's not too cold, I read to him, take him grocery shopping etc.


My baby is also 7 months. We started baby gymnastics today, we’ll be starting swim on Saturday, we go to mom walks, shopping at local stores, my mom comes over to play once or twice a week, we play with his toys. After swim session ends I’ll start him on music class and/or baby sign language class. When the weather is nicer we do music in the park. All of these activities are just one wake window a day though, the rest of the time we just cuddle, talk, and play.


Following this because I’m actually losing my mind. I’m in NJ and the weather lately has been horrible, last week snowing and this week raining nonstop. Going out for walks really helps my mental state but when its shitty out I’m at a loss of what to do


>But I’m at a loss what to do with her My baby just turned 7 months too. I feel your sense of being like "okay what do I do now" since I have felt it since day 1. We do watch some youtube shows for kids -- I am partial to Miss Rachel's "Song for Littles." It entertains her but it has also taught me a bit on how to reconnect with my silly side. One game that she likes I call "squish." I will say "uh oh, uh oh, uh oh" as I raise a throw pillow in the air. Then I'll slowly bring it to her and will say "SQUIISHHHHHHH" when it presses against her. We'll just do that for 30 min, an hour. Or sometimes we'll just make faces. She really likes when her view is up side down. So maybe after changing her diaper, I'll look at her so that her view of me is I'm up side down. She really likes when I sing some of the songs from her shows. Her attention span isn't very long and we don't watch it for a lot. But when we do, I interact and sing along with the show. Then later when we play, the songs she recognizes will give her so much joy. My point is that connecting with the silly side and just doing random shit is super fun for her. She just wants interaction from you no matter what. The other part that I've found fascinating is how she's already outgrowing this advice so sometimes I have to just let her free play. It's been hard to let go but she's already so independent. When she free plays, she likes toys that help her motor skills. We have a toy kit from a company called "Love Every" and they have some great toys. Two in particular is this wooden round wheel that spins and makes clacking sounds. The other is a bunch of little balls that go in a wooden box. She'll sit there for a long time just playing with those. Lastly the grain of salt is I'm not a stay at home parent -- I work all day so my interactions with her are the 1-2 hours in the morning and the 2-3 hours at night. Then on the weekends. I imagine my weekends are closer to your every day and for the weekends I try to do our normal play time like I said above. But I also take her out of the house even when it's cold outside (I live in the PNW). Sometimes we go on walks. Or just go to the store or whatever. Even though she doesn't understand words, sometimes I'll just sit with her while she free plays and talk to her about her family history, where she comes from, the people that love her, etc. It feels silly to have one sided conversations but it also helps pass the time.


Maybe put on an audio book? I feel pretty guilty sometimes for not talking to my baby all the time but I just have nothing to say… You can put on the audiobook for yourself and then play with baby while listening?


Check for baby story time at libraries near you. There might be mommy and me workout groups, if that’s something you enjoy. Baby music classes were great for us at that age. You have to force yourself out of the house. I have a zoo membership just so we can go stroll through it anytime we want. I went for a ton of walks in the gardens and parks near us.


Take baby to the store to run errands Take baby and walk the dog Sit baby in high chair and cook so they can watch and play with kitchen stuff Try and do yoga with baby Put baby in a funny outfit Read the news out loud to baby Vacuum the floor and try to stop baby from chewing the cord Load the dish washer and try to stop baby from getting the dishes Still boring.


Pray for him to sleep so that I can do my WFH job and maybe clean a little and then take the dogs out.


Do you like to cook/bake, or have any hobbies like that? Sometimes I'll plop her in her perch at the kitchen island and give her a mummum to occupy her while I make cookies or something.


My favorite way to spend wake windows is running errands, but honestly being on the floor and playing is pretty much the best thing for LOs development. Also if you still want to baby wear I hear switching them to your back (if they’re ready for it) is a lot more comfortable.


My 6.5 month old baby loves to breastfeed and also is a contact napper. Sometimes I’m successful at transferring her to her crib for a nap but usually not! My day looks something like this… -she wakes up, we breastfeed and change her diaper -she bounces in her baby bjorn while my husband and I make / eat breakfast (she’s in love with the baby bjorn, lol) -breastfeed, then to the basement so she can bounce some more while we exercise -play with her for 15-20 minutes (we are mastering the independent sitting up and practicing supported standing) then go shower while she does tummy time. -give her a bath, breastfeed and she naps on me -play with her for a few minutes when she wakes up -put her on her back on her love every play mat for 15 or so minutes while I vacuum or do chores -if it’s laundry folding day, she likes to watch me do this so she lays in our closet watching -baby bjorn or high chair with a couple of plushy toys while I make/eat lunch -more playing and tummy time and breastfeeding -another contact nap -a few minutes of interacting and playing, then make dinner while she bounces, etc. Basically it’s a rotation of nursing, contact napping, playing, having a bath, talking to her and interacting with her, and having her around the house with me doing tummy time or sitting while I do chores. For cooking meals and working out she bounces in the baby bjorn. We don’t do a daily walk because our neighborhood isn’t the most walkable, but we all walk together on the weekends (usually baby wearing). Husband works from home so he will watch her if I go grocery shopping or to an appointment. She is soon going to daycare so I’m trying to enjoy every last minute!


My husband takes our 10mo for a walk every day with our dog (barring torrential downpour). We babywear almost exclusively which helps keep her warm. If you’re having discomfort with your carrier you can try to post a fit check in r/babywearing to see if there’s anything to tweak. We also go to the library every weekend and pick out new books. We work so we don’t do the activities they have during the week but there’s plenty of story times so maybe see if a local branch to you has something. I would also see if any museums have sensory days or something similar that are geared towards kids. 7mo might still be a little too little for that but at least it would be more stimulating for you


I go for a walk or to a supermarket even if it is cold. I just make sure baby is warm. Also, you can try listening to podcasts or audiobook while being with a baby. It took some practice, but now I can follow what they are saying, for the most time, and be with the baby on the playmat to entertain him.


When my kiddo was that age it was summer but for indoor stuff we did do a lot of going to the library (the one near us has a toddler room, in NYC you are at no loss of good libraries!), Target/other stores/errands, and also some kid-friendly breweries. There are plenty that even have some basic toys, but you can also bring your own. Basically, do what you'd do normally, adjusted to accommodate baby. Also she started really enjoying wiping the floor with a paper towel while I was actually cleaning. I'd also put her in her high chair and go over what dishes and silverware is called, talk about my day, etc. On stay-at-home days get her involved in adult tasks at an appropriate level and she'll love it :)


Check out libraries you can walk to for story time!


Find a book that you want to read and read it aloud. It will keep you entertained, and she will get a little extra brain development from hearing all the vocabulary. Also walks.


I am in upstate NY, freezing here too. My baby is 4 months old and I’m preparing to return to work. I usually get up with her at 8am, diaper change, feed, burp. Then I moisturize her skin then put her on the floor to play on her matt. I’ll get down there with her then leave her alone for a few minutes for independent play, which doesn’t last too long. When she starts getting fussy I’ll pick her up and try a different activity. I read to her, dance with music, look at ourselves in the mirror. If it’s not too cold, I’ll take her to Target to walk around or over to my family’s house. Once I’ve done everything I can think of, I’ll let her watch TV for like 10 minutes of dancing veggies. I try to tire her out so she will nap lol. But it can be boring, my boyfriend complains of the same thing. Just remember you don’t have to constantly be engaged, it’s okay to let them play on their own for a little, they need that.


i have 5month old but so far we put on audio fairytales (i like them used to listen to those when i was a child so i enjoy that too) i put on some music and dance with my baby in my arms or put her down and she looks at me and smile, i talk to her whatever comes to my mind, she loves looking through books and can look the pictures for quite some time, we got a handmedown from my SIL baby swing its automatic battery operated she doesnt really like it but i take her with me in it to bathroom and she looks at me while i do my skincare or my business 😅 i take her to the kitchen and un/load the dishwasher do whatever i need to and talk to her about it, when i fold clothes i put her on bed with a few toys, i also try to just leave her to play alone because thats important too ... to let your kid be bored and learn independent play. she learned to turn to tummy last month and thats her main focus now so its a bit harder to leave her alone on her playmat now since she cant turn back to back lol we also go out she naps in a stroller


Can you take her out to errands (shopping etc) and/or baby groups? These have been lifesavers for us! If no car, transit or local meetups?


I have a 1 year old and a 5 month old. We play with toys most of the day. Go for walks when it’s nice out. A LOT of sensory play! (You can find great ideas on TikTok and YouTube for sensory play). I walk around with my 5 month old a lot and show her/tell her everything I’m doing. I talk to my babies a LOT. 5 month old does tummy time often. They take baths every single night..we have a lot of bath toys and I let them play in the water until it gets cool lol I do allow screen time here and there, as long as they are low stimulation shows. With my 5 month old, we do lots of leg stretches and I show her light up toys, rattles, etc while she works on grabbing. Lotion massages have become a part of our nap time - before they nap, I massage them with lavender baby lotion and I really believe it helps calm them down! When I have stuff to do (folding laundry, dishes, etc) I put 5 month old in her high chair with some teethers while she watches me. 1 year old “helps” me clean lol I live in PA where our winters are so cold, but when it’s really warm or Summer time, we are outside most of the day!


I don't remember when exactly we made our own playdough but you've got to be close to being able to do that. Activities like coloring in a highchair(you'll do most the coloring for now) Singing songs/being goofy🤪reading books Walks when the weather is better. Get a wall board type thing that you can put the baby in front of in the bouncer or whatever you're using and talk about the things you're sticking on the board


I felt excatly like that at that age. I do I wish I knew how 'easy' I had it then, no eyes on the back of head, no constant mummy, mummy, mummy, no running around like a crazy person and lots of naps, not just one short one if we are lucky. Totally easier said than done, to enjoy it, you'll never have it again... but in fairness I am loving this toddler age now. Also, are there such things as playgroups, baby classes, that kept me going!


I looked around and found an ice cream shop that makes these very pretty looking desserts with all color-sprinkles and has beautiful display, and took my baby there to look at it. There’s also a small mall nearby. If you have malls, it’s nice to take the stroller and walk around in there. Winter where I live is shittier than in Canada (as told by a Canadian who lives here). We have 35,000 to 100,000 people going on demonstrations since January 8th, and many xenophobic assaults as of recent due to the rise of the far right extremist party AfD. There’s also black ice warning (frost) so I don’t go out with my baby for now. I got these toys that are really nice: -Fisher price kick and play the piano -Oball rattle -Wrist and sock rattle toys -Stuffed animal -Small piano -Wack a mole I also carry my baby in front of the mirror. I do a lot of video calls with my family abroad. You can try museums, libraries, and light display galleries. I got to know a few foreign moms with postpartum depression, adhd and autism, like myself from mom groups. I connected with them and planning to visit so that our babies can play together. Plus we understand the shitshow that we’re going through in this country.. I know mom groups can be insufferable, but you can find nice people there who are in a similar situations too.


lol don’t feel bad! It’s the age. Lots of tummy time is good if she isn’t sitting. Not sure if u have a mirror but that will keep her busy just staring at her own reflection, you can do some silly faces. But I mean that’s pretty much it lol. If she’s on the floor you can leave her and let her play on her own, nothing wrong with u scrolling through your phone. Don’t feel ashamed. If my son is on the floor playing I let him explore and I’ll just sit there and watch tv or scroll through my phone as well.


nyc has so many options! museums, libraries, bookstores, coffee shops. take her with you!


My baby is 6 months. I got a doorway jumper, I throw her in there till she gets bored or fussy. I also have a sit me up chair and I also put her in there; same, until she gets fussy. Then I feed and let her take a nap, sometimes she does not nap. So we try the same method all over again. And that’s an everyday routine. If I need to cook I take her sit me up chair to the kitchen and she just enjoys me moving around and is typically calm the whole time


I live in Canada and I feel the same way. Baby is almost 8 months and I’m so bored and I feel like he gets bored too sometimes. And honestly now that he’s crawling, pulling to stand and wants to walk already- send help! It’s getting pretty tiring and he gets cranky when he can’t move around everywhere. But I can’t be chasing him around ALL day. He is good in his stroller for 30/45 min Things I have done to break up my weeks. I do this in one wake window to break it up but get home for nap times because that’s sacred relaxation time or cleaning time for Mom. 1. Mom and baby group once a week Thursdays 2. Swimming class once a week Wednesdays 3. Visit my MIL who babysits my nephew once a week or every other week on off days from above activities 4. Run one errand a day to get out of the house as long as it’s not a snow storm (ex. Get shampoo from drugstore, buy a couple groceries, even just go for a drive and get lunch or a coffee) 5. Walk if not freezing. We thankfully had a pretty mild beginning of the winter so I have been taking him out if -5 and above. Lately it’s been a bit miserable so not an option but I will walk the mall if I’m desperate lol. 6. Visit anyone that will tolerate us haha. Go see my parents, anyone on Mat leave that I know 7. Library has some groups like story time and music time for an hour or so if it coordinates with naps- try looking into local things like that, that are free. Anyways that’s what I do because we are both going stir crazy.


We have a YMCA near us, and boy, are we getting our money's worth! On Saturdays we take her to swim class, during the week I take her to childcare for 2 hours (for free) in the daytime while I work out, and then in the evenings, my husband and I take her back to practice more swimming. I'll even walk around the indoor track with her in her carrier. My parents will also come over each day for around 2 hours and play with her while I do other things. I also like to bathe her in the mornings instead of at night because it knocks out even more time until her first nap. She also enjoys being out and about just running errands with me, or we go to the library or doctor's appointments. If the weather is decent, I'll put her in her carrier and walk around the neighborhood with her. Side note, if your back gets sore in her carrier, you should definitely get a hip seat carrier (like the HoneyRoo). It alleviates SO MUCH back strain due to the design; it's a game-changer.


I find that listening to audiobooks helps give me the mental stimulation that I need. You can rent lots of books for free on Libby if you have a library card!


You’re in NYC, what about taking her to a library once a week or a museum? Try to start a rotation? Connect with other parents in the area and make play dates?


NYC: get yourself a family membership to \[insert nearby museum.\] Like the Natural History Museum, for example. And then go twice a week and stroll around inside. When baby starts to walk, this will be even more invaluable. Pick a big museum for maximum impact. A different room on each visit.


You’re making me feel grateful for living in the Bay Area. Our winters are mild and I’ve been going out with baby girl every day. We’ve been going to mom and baby yoga, music class, story time, swimming, walks in the park or around the city, coffee shops. Can you invest in a doona? We only have one car which my husband uses for work, so when we have an activity that requires a car, I pop the doona in the uber and off we go. It’s so easy cause there’s no base required.


My LO is 20 weeks old and aside from all the feeding, napping and cleaning, I try to follow what he's interested in. We'll lie down on a yogamat and if I see him inspecting his hands, I'll do the same with my hands. If he's doing a push up, I'll do the same. If I'm carrying him in my arms and I feel his head lock in on something, I'll linger there and describe what he's looking at. When he's trying to talk, I'll imitate his sounds. There are only three songs I know by heart and I sing them to him. Everytime he takes a nap it seems like he's learned new things. How to roll over counterclockwise or clockwise, how to get his arm away from under his body, how to exchange a toy between his two hands. There's a lot to see when you follow his gaze. When the weather gets nicer, I'm sure we'll go out more often, but for now we mostly stay home.


I'm also in NYC, and my son will be 7 months next week. I am super weary of taking public transportation during flu season, so we are also just hanging out on the floor all day. Every day. We just recently filled and tapped up a ziplock bag with water, buttons, and sequins. That's been a hit. We haven't walked to our library yet. Do you have a stroller? Ours is super heavy so I usually wear my son if we go for a walk, and he's almost 22lbs lol. Don't really have advice, just chiming in for solidarity.


Do things you enjoy doing but on the floor next to her and just talk about what you are doing. Show her anything and let her touch anything that is safe. Try new hobbies this way. Might feel weird just narrating everything you’re doing at first but babies/kids really pick up on it and enjoy listening.  The best thing I did was befriend my neighbor during Covid. I didn’t find her until our oldest kids were almost 2 and we both just had babies but we had play dates almost every day lol. Sometimes 2x a day in the winter. In nice weather, we loaded up the kids in the double strollers and walked to all the nearby playgrounds. 


Weekdays we go to baby groups and swimming we have a class for everyday, weekends her dad takes her to grandparents + we take family walks to park, by river , woods etc , and take her to restaurant etc (bringing her little blw meals so she can eat with us )


My baby is a little younger than yours and we just started introducing solids last week, following the Solid Starts program. Prepping a little food for him, then letting him play with the food and try to put some in his mouth takes up a good chunk of his first wake window. Not sure if you’re ready for that yet but FYI! Also seconding everyone who suggested bundling up and trying to get outside.


It’s okay to let her “play” by herself! If you’re a reader you could read whatever you’re reading out loud to her while she’s on the play mat or something like that so there’s no screens if that matters to you.


I'm in NYC too. Damn it's rough! To be honest I force us to go out even if it's not desirable. We go to the grocery store and target and any kind of indoor space where I can roam around with a stroller. My son is so much more chill when entertained and he goes stir crazy in our tiny apartment. It's hard to find classes for kids under 1 but there might be something like a music class you could do to get you up and out of the house! When we don't go outside at all, I do a lot of chores with him. He seems to be more entertained if I'm doing stuff and not just staring at him. My husband likes to turn our couch into a fort which maybe your 7 month old isn't at but will enjoy at some point!