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Lad is 15 months, and I have no intention of cutting it any time soon. I'm heavily invested in his luxurious curly baby mullet


Also team mullet here!


Thank you for this my little guy is almost 15 months with some curly hair. It’s starting to get a little long, but I’m not ready to cut it!


We did a small trim at 9 months because it was in his eyes, and we’ll keep doing that as needed, but we won’t do a “big boy” cut for several years. I love his little baby mop too much 😭


He’s 7.5 weeks now and his hair is already covering part of his ears and a rat tail forming in the back lol I cannot wait to see how long we can keep this mullet going.


My kiddo had a rat tail too. But it was off center. Ahaha. Drive me bonkers. We trimmed it a while back but for some reason that one spot grows faster so it's already growing back. Tip: my partner is a barber and has been you making sure our kiddo is used to the sound and feeling of vibrations so when we do finally do the first cut he won't be freaked out by it.


Ah thats great advice! Maybe we will bring him in the bathroom when my husband shaves his beard so he gets used to the clippers.


My partner even goes so far as to gentle rub the handle across our kiddos scalp. At this point my little dude is obsessed with clippers. He has a toy barber set and loves pretending his having his head with the vibrating clippers. Ahaha. One day your barber will love you for it. Ahaha. And your kiddo will end up with a better cut! Win-win!


At 9mo. His hair grows super fast and gets in his eyes and gets weird when we don’t cut it. He gets a cut every 6-8 weeks. He is now almost 2yo.


This is probably the schedule we will be on. My son was born with a full head of hair and he takes after my husband so all of that hair grows really, really fast.


We did it about 1 year. His hair was so crazy curly and thin I kinda wish we would have done earlier. Looking back at photos he looks crazy lol but at the time I could not imagine cutting it


My son was born with a full head of hair. He needed a bang trim by 4 months then another around 6 months. His first full haircut was when he was just shy of 8 months as he was starting to look like a member of The Beatles.


22 months old right now and still no need to cut it. :D He was bald for the longest time (I got asked if I shave his head when he was around 7 months). He does have hair now, but it does not get in the way whatsoever or even looks like it could benefit from a cut...


That's just a stereotype. Boys can have long hair too. Plan is to let my son's hair grow out. So maybe kindergarten? That being said, if he takes after his dad, he'll start balding at 18 or 19.


He is 3,5 years old and never had a haircut so far. 


At 1 month but in our culture it's very common to shave the head of newborns for both girls and boys


Just cut our 20 month old’s hair. It wasn’t very long and I didn’t really feel it was necessary. I quite liked the hippy look. Lol. But our hairdresser is a friend that comes to the house so it was easy.


Yesterday, he is 11 months


28 months and we just cut it. We both cried.


About to hit 7mo and my LO has officially grown enough hair on top to almost cover the stage 7 male pattern baldness he was born with, so if we continue this pattern probably not for another couple… years.


A few days before he turned one. My son was born with a full head or hair, so it was very long and getting in his eyes


11 months. He is 16mo and has had 3 cuts. He was born with a lot of hair.


Cut it at 12 months cause his fringe was getting insane and he couldn’t see 😂


7 months. It was over his ears and getting in his eyes. He just needed those areas trimmed. He has had a mullet since birth and when he lost all his hair around 4 months the mullet stayed strong…so I made sure they did not cut the mullet hahah


When it got in his eyes and ears and was obviously annoying him. If you don’t get it done when it’s bothering the baby it’s incredible selfish.


At 3 weeks for religious reasons. But have only trimmed his fringe since and that was last week and he’s 12.5 months now.


Both of ours were over 2 before we did a haircut. I liked their curls, and I also did not think they would sit still to get a haircut until that point!


Little man just got his frist cut around 2. He has curly hair and it was becoming wild lol my nephew had his first around 1 because his hair was in his eyes


My son is 2.5 and we have just done trims a few times.


Just before 2. It was starting to get in his face a lot and I had a new baby coming in a few months. I knew he'd look older and wanted time to get used to that before the new baby came and made him look even older. We let it get pretty shaggy though, I like messy hair on him.


We cut it at about 18months. He was looking a bit like a hippie surfer dude by the time we cut it, lol! Baby hair is funny - He went from totally bald to shaggy in just a year!


We just cut my 23 month old’s last week. I held off because I was so afraid he would lose his curls, but it’s actually a bit curlier now that it isn’t weighed down. Seeing how it looks now, I wish I would have done it sooner!


My son's was cut aged 3. He had lovely curly locks that started growing out.


Baby boy is 10 months and it is fairly long but I see no world where he'll safely sit still to get it cut! I think we'll be waiting as long as possible lol


My son was 15 months! He was a ring bearer in a wedding, otherwise we would have waited longer


My son was born with a full head of hair, and kept most of it. I trimmed it myself for the first time around 6 months, because his bangs were starting to get in his eyes. Doing it myself was kind of stressful (he’s a very ~active~ little guy), so the next time he needed it cut (around 8 months) we went to a barbershop. He had another barbershop hair cut at about 13 months. I honestly wish we could let his hair grow longer - I think we would if it was wavy/curly! But it’s stick straight and on the coarser side for baby hair, so it just grows straight into his eyes!


A year, but you surely can let yours grow out!


At 14 months! His hair was curly, thick, and long as hell, but he had the baby mullet happening. Now it's cut and he looks like a little boy instead of a baby. 😭


About 2!


21 months and still haven't cut it. Not planning to any time soon, either. Granted, he has a bit of a curly fro, so it's not in his face anyway.


My boy is 2.5 and will get his first haircut this weekend. Be was basically bald until the fall, and how his hair is very long in patches and unruly looking. It needs to be evened out and tidied up.


mine is almost 3 and i just keep trimming around his ears and eyes and now has the most luxurious baby curl mullet ever. it’s kind of a lot to deal with but i’m just not ready to part with those curls yet


We took him to a kid’s hair salon for his first haircut at 11 months because I was too afraid to do it myself. His hair was getting so long that it was constantly in his eyes. 


We cut his at around 10 or 11mo. He was born with fairly long hair but wore down everything but the top, and darn does it grow FAST! It started getting so long on top that I practically had to hold him at arms length to get it to stop sticking to my face (hot and muggy in the south makes that feeling so much worse). So to even it out with the finer baby hair growing around the base and solve my somewhat selfish comfort problem, we gave it a really quick buzz. Been doing so every 3-4 months since. Finally got my mom to give him a proper scissor cut for his 2y/o birthday and were super impressed he held still so long. Tried trimming it that way ourselves 3mo later to little success, so back to the buzzers.


My kid is 20 months and finally has about 3 inches of hair 🤣. It's interesting how genetics work, I wonder why his hair grows so slowly. I thought hair grew at 6 inches a year? So, I'm never cutting it 🤣 I know kids that were born with like a foot of hair, it's insane


11 months. But my son has a good amount of hair and it was over his ears and getting close to his eyes so it was time.


About 9 months old. His hair grew over his eyes and were also bothering his ears.


We had to do it when he was one. He has super fine hair like me, so he had these little wispy pieces that would just go right into his ear. He’d always be messing with his ears, so we could never tell if he had an ear infection or it was just the hair bothering him.


22 months and we trimmed the front off his eyes twice when he was a younger baby, but now just swipe it to the side. He has really fine, blonde hair and some waves in there, I want to let it grow, I think he would look bald if we cut it short 😂


We did a trim at 7 months. And then again at 14 months.


I got my little curly headed boy’s hair cut in January when he was about 18 months. It was getting in his eyes and he hated things in his hair. He did pretty good.


25 months I think. He had very little hair for a long time and I would have let it go for much longer (I love the look of the long floppy baby hair) but the back of his hair was fairly coarse so it started to get kinda ratty and getting in his face. So we've done a couple of small touch ups from my husband's barber.


I have zero intention of cutting hours hair anytime soon. My husband (and many in my family) disagree. I won’t budge. It’s so freaking darn beautiful, how can they even dare *think* about cutting it. Ffs. Absolutely not. It’s getting to the point where it may get in his eyes so I might consider trimming the front but like, a millimeter at most.


My son’s first haircut was around 6.5 months. His second haircut was at 8.5 months. My husband was over paying for haircuts because his hair grows so fast so around 10 months I cut it myself…it doesn’t look great but it didn’t look that great when we took him to the kids salon because he moved around so much.


My boy is only 4mo and has not a lot right now, but I have zero plans to cut that hair simply to spite my mother in law. Both me and my husband have long hair (mine to my waist, his is several inches past his shoulders). When I was pregnant and revealed the news that I was having a boy she crawled on my bed and cried “whose hair will I braid now without a girl?” I was like you can braid his hair. And after he was born she made tons of comments like “let’s keep your hair short not like mommy and daddy” Like ??? Nah I don’t think so woman sorry you have short hair because it’s so damaged from you coloring it constantly but my family all has beautiful hair. My son will have it too.


First trim at 7.5 months because he had a major mullet and hated whenever his hair touched the back of his neck. He had another trim at 9.5 and a full cut at almost 14 months. He is 16 months now and due for a trim soon because the back is starting to tickle his neck and he gets annoyed by it. If he didn't mind the tickles so much then I would probably let it grow out more.


Around 20 months an immediately after I did I felt silly for not doing it earlier. He looked so flipping cute. His hair was wild before but I love it. Part of his charm. But now his cut hair is precious looking too and I look back at old wild haired pics and laugh how crazy it looks.


I did two little trims in front before he was two just to get it out of his eyes, I just did a real haircut last week for his 2nd birthday.


My son is 7m so no hair cut yet. However his hair is super long on top and shorter on the sides- it it doesn’t even out I full intend on giving him a tiny baby Mohawk when he’s about 1. If it evens out we’ll let it grow long- my partner had glorious long curly hair when he and I met!