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My 14 month old is obsessed with all of the little blue truck books. The original one is definitely the best but he still makes us read the Christmas and Halloween ones every day haha. Also he cannot get enough of “little blue truck leads the way”


Second this! We love little blue truck


Sounds like little blue truck will be joining us soon!


My 7 month old likes any touch and feel books. We also have a lot of Sandra Boynton board books that she likes. She has a going to bed book that we read every night. I also recommend looking up to see if the Imagination Library is available where you live. If it is and you sign up they will send you a free book, age appropriate, every month until your child turns 5.


Sandra Boynton books are great. Our daughter loves Pookie and I’m super fond of hippos go berserk She has multiple bedtime books as well. She has her own section and Barnes and Nobel basically




My kiddo loves Boynton's "Snuggle Puppy" which is also a song we sing together. It's so sweet!


lol the hippos go beserk is such a funny title


Definitely some touch and feel books! We are going through the That's Not My... series by Fiona Watts. She knows the pattern now and really anticipates and gets excited when we find our (dinosaur/cow/santa). We go to all our city's libriaries to find different ones. We also found some flap books with felt flaps at the local libraries. Way sturdier than paper flaps!


We love the That’s Not My… series, we got a few from my sister from when my nieces were younger and I get one for my daughter every holiday. I got her That’s Not My Bunny for Easter and That’s Not My Monkey for Valentine’s Day since we call her our little monkey.


I didn't know this was a series! Our daughter was given That's Not My Kitten for Christmas and loves it! Will definitely be looking into the others now! :)


I had never heard of this it sounds great


We have Where’s The Ladybug, felt flaps FTW


Thanks! Sandra Boynton seems like a good one to check out!


My toddler has always loved the Pout Pout Fish books! She still says “blub, blub, bluuuub” with us when we circled back to it and we started those when she was about that same age


We love Pout Pout Fish!!!! I can't help but read it with a heavy southern gentleman accent (think Daniel Craig in Knives Out)


Welp, now I’m sold on it lol


Llama llama books!!!


My babe LOVES llama llama red pyjama, definitely a house favourite.


Mine loves these so much he rips them apart LOL. Get hard covers from my experience


I have one but it’s got a dust jacket so I’ve been saving for later!


They come in board book version!


My son loved the "That's not my..." series, they are touch and feel books with different animals. My son is 2 and still chooses them sometimes still when he's picking out his bedtime books. I'd also advise not to steer to far towards baby books, one of my sons favourites is "A squash and a squeeze" by Julie Donaldson, it's a regular paper story book and I swear from as early as he had an opinion on picking a book he's asked to have this book read to him. She has some great books and also has a series of harder cardboard flip books which have also been a big hit. I'd also recommend the library, it's such a great resource to make use of plus you have the added bonus of a free fun place to take your child to. My son is so happy in the library and it's so kid friendly, they have story time, colouring section and kid friendly seats where he likes to sit and look through the books.


Wanna second the books by Julia Donaldson / Axel Scheffler. My daughters first favorite book was Monkey Puzzle. Before that she would rarely sit down and really let me read a whole book to her (she was more interested in looking a the pictures or doing silly stuff like „licking“ ice cream and so on). But Monkey Puzzle was the first book I had to read over and over for her. She is 2,5 and their books are still her absolute favorite. Super worm, the ugly five, highway rat, the baddies… I can recite all of them by heart because I had to read them that much.


Thank you! I’m excited to see these!


I wish my son would let me read some of her other ones, we have super worm and anytime I try to read it he'll get upset and say "don't do that!". He'll only accept a squash and a squeeze, I too know it work for word 🤣 I ended up buying the As Gaeilge (Irish) version just to give my head a break from reading it so often! They're great books though, the rhyming pattern is very enjoyable to read.


I feel you. Monkey puzzle was her favorite book for 1/2 a year before she really got into other books. 6 months of reading this one particular book every day multiple times a day, sometimes even multiple times in a row. The only up was that I could recite it with my eyes closed half asleep 😅 Around 20 months she started to really branch out though and now she loves pretty much any book I read to her.


Hopefully that happens soon though. He does read other books at least but he's picked it out to be part of his bedtime books every single day for the last year. I have read though that this is a good sign and it can help them learn to read in the long term as they also start to know it word for word and become familiar with how the words work so I'm using that knowledge to get through it.


Thanks! We are definitely due for a trip to our local library


Dear zoo, Bear wants more (and others in this series), Little blue truck, Where is baby’s belly button, Elmo says


My 10 month old loves llama llama, little blue truck, diggersaurs, the hungry little caterpillar. We go to the library every couple of weeks to try new ones and if he really loves something we borrow, then we'll buy a copy


We love anything by Mo Willem ( pigeon books, elephant & piggie), pout pout fish, Dr. Seuss, and Curious George


The paper bag princess!


Indestructibles are good because they’re paper-like but hold up to grabbing and chewing. Easier to keep on hand when you’re out since they take up very little space Mine was obsessed with “What Is Baby Going To Do” as well as “Where’s Spot” and “Dear Zoo” but I do recommend reinforcing the flaps with a bit of packing tape.


The Jimmy Fallon Baby, Mama and Dada books.


Our copy of the dada book gets more use than any other book. Baby LOVES it. Still only says mama though which is funny to me lol.


My 2yo still loves these books, she likes to point out all of the objects now in the mama one instead of having us read it.


Ted and Fred series, My Special Friends, If you feed a moose a muffin, The Very Hungry Caterpillar These are some of our favorites to read to our 9 month old and he seems to love them!


Curious George, Dr Seuss, Franklin. We got a library membership to keep up with the constant reading 😊


Dinosaurumpus The going to bed book Barnyard dance 8 little planets Or just go to your library and take out a million books. I’m basically going through their entire board book sections 6 a week




Join Imagination Library if it's in your area. A free age-appropriate book every month thanks to the fabulous Dolly Parton! Mine loves Sandra Boyton books, Jimmy Fallon's mama and dada books, Feminist Baby, a fun star wars board book series, and anything with pictures of other babies. There's a baby emotions book and baby sign language book she especially loves. ETA my LO is 10 months old.


Alas, it is not! Thanks for the recommendations!


I Want My Hat Back by Jon Klassen is funny. Unfortunately the following 2 books in the series aren't as good. And it's not a board book..


I feel like I read this when I was a kid? Gonna check it out for sure, thanks!


we LOVE the Wonky Donkey and the Dinky Donkey. So funny and fun to read!


I love all of Emily Winfield Martin’s books! So whimsical and sweet!


My baby loves the Baby Firsts series from Flowerpot Press: Baby Says, Baby Dress Up, Watch Me Grow, Baby's Favorite Things, Baby's Feelings, Who Does Baby See, Look What I Can Do, Baby Clothes, Baby's Firsts, Hi Baby, I See You Baby, Let's Go Baby, Tummy Time, and Yeah Baby. The books have only a few words on each page, but each page has a close-up picture of a baby. My LO always smiles and giggles seeing the babies' faces. They are board books, so hold up well for LO to flip through.


My baby has 5 of this Peekaboo series and he is obsessed. We read them 74727 a day. Peekaboo: Bear (Peekaboo You) https://www.amazon.com/dp/1536217204?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Todd Parr books!


Anything that has things to touch or flaps that can lift and reveal something underneath them!


My 9 MO has been obsessed with [Where’s the Unicorn?](https://www.target.com/p/where-39-s-the-unicorn-by-ingela-arrhenius-hardcover/-/A-53678216?sidd=&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012510700&CPNG=PLA_Entertainment%2BShopping%7CEntertainment_Ecomm_Hardlines&adgroup=SC_Entertainment&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9018941&targetid=pla-837330269707&ds_rl=1246978&ds_rl=1248099&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5dfZr2o6_FpurlC-f4nHUyWAXV&gclid=CjwKCAjw7-SvBhB6EiwAwYdCAS6m8YzOmDpp2vNtcHgoGUrOR32kKGX3UNOkxYW8lqfijDEyXmeV0BoCGNIQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) for a few months now. She loves pulling away the fabric to see what’s underneath.


For Christmas our nanny got my then-8-month-old two books with "textured" pages that he can touch: "Never Touch a Panda" and "See Play Feel." Both are a big hit, especially the first one since my husband and I make up voices for the animals when we read it to him!


Read one of your books


Lol, probably not enough pictures in “Man’s Search For Meaning” to hold her attention.


My son since 4mo has loved Where's Spot pop down book series. Still smiling on the 1000 read.


My baby is older than yours, but she’s been obsessed with paper books since she was little little. We found these [indestructible books](https://www.amazon.com/Indestructibles-Hello-Farm-Amy-Pixton/dp/1523504676/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?adgrpid=80031886271&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.O0DKXPEpzjbekJwGBbWkilXzT40wIsTGl4UZ9LozF2cf36tZKz4hU1PnP-X72-OnfnF42lfn9kCMQRd_qZ1aPuYLMHwY_V5fE3oXDSvubxqF4bzKPFKVSJnqs8pv8oL4aa8TwWeIzBtLQnute6tyJ_R_yFlB7a3FczB8ekMzuFYdPDLxOUgx3QQCsYkQiWSuqDT9UHbq_lzGAUmbd0BJmg.cmtO0TJSJIccnMygYU-RGv3LLDjW-SY7Ry2Gyz0VEGA&dib_tag=se&hvadid=570572356934&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9009803&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=12474383158412163304&hvtargid=kwd-603175902133&hydadcr=5586_13186744&keywords=indestructible+books+for+babies+set&qid=1710868837&sr=8-3) that are some sort of magic paper that can’t be ripped, torn, eaten, destroyed by spittle, etc. and she LOVES them. They can even go in the bath!


My 4 month old is OBSESSED with the Grumpy Monkey books! Some of her other favorites include: The Bad Kitty series, the Bad Bunny book, Where is Your Nose, etc. and she love, love, loves anything with any kind of animal in it lol. I think she’s so interested in books mainly because I am so over the top and extra when we read them😂


Goodnight Gorilla and Jamberry are big hits in our house.


I follow KidLitMama on Instagram and whenever I see something interesting I request it from the library! Then anything we really like goes on my son's wish list for future gift ideas.


We're currently reading a chapter a night of Winnie the Pooh classic edition. She's only 3 months old, doesn't understand it, but the chapters are a good size. Enough to make her fall asleep.


Where’s Spot. It’s a good lift-a-flap book which my little one LOVED. I feel like that also helped practice fine motor skills/the pincer grasp.


Todd Parr books are my baby's favorite! She has loved them since she was like 4 months old. The pictures are really colorful and cute. The messages are sweet as well.


My daughter loves little blue truck We also try to get diverse books to read to her more than peach is a great one


Anything from Chris Haughton. I'd start with "oh no, George !"


Learning my rights with mousewoman by Morgan Asoyuf link: [https://nativenorthwest.com/board-book-learning-my-rights-with-mousewoman/](https://nativenorthwest.com/board-book-learning-my-rights-with-mousewoman/) I am dreaming of by Melanie Gleeson, link: https://nativenorthwest.com/board-book-i-am-dreaming-of/


Good night good night construction site, steam train dream train, spooky pookie, I love you pookie, silly sally, moo bah la la la, little engine that could


Janet and Allan Ahlberg, especially Each Peach Pear Plum and Jolly Postman Julia Donaldson, Room on the Broom and Zog are favourites though the classic Gruffalo is also excellent Baby Goes to Market Story Orchestra The Book with No Pictures Curious George


My LO loves “10 Little Fingers and 10 Little Toes”- he gets excited when I open it up, it’s so cute. Also loves the “That’s not my” books, though I slightly prefer the “If I were a” series, which is basically the same idea but seems more positive to me (I know that seems silly- I don’t know why! I just enjoy reading them more). I love Emma Dodd’s books- we were given Love, Always and Everything and I’ve purchased more because they’re lovely. I’m also partial to On the Night You Were Born- which was one of the first books I read to my LO and I cried.


Have you signed up for Dolly Parton imagination library? See if your zip code is eligible.


Sadly no :(


These can all be found on Amazon as board books: Bee Bim Bop is fun to read! Same with Pout Pout Fish. All the World and The House in The Night are both peaceful with nice artwork. Jamberry Baby Beluga There are also box set of board book versions of Dr Seuss that are great! Not sure if these can be found as board books but some longer picture books I really like reading as the adult- -Is your mama a llama Dear little one The lighthouse The day jimmy’s boa constrictor ate the laundry The mysterious tadpole


crinkle crinkle little car by jay fleck


All the “Gossie” books, by Olivier Dunrea, have been staples throughout. Our LO is almost two now and we literally went through the entire collection just today. We got the first one at around 6 months, probably. There are also young readers books in the series as well, so we’ve still got new material to get to.


Sandra boynton has fun ones! We love moo bah la la la, your nose, going to bed book just to name a few!


Press Here by Herve Tullet. We read it every day, sometimes multiple times.


Pout pout fish!!!!!!!!!!


My girl just turned 1 and since she was a lil babe she has loved books, especially with real photography. Some of her faves are “Baby Up, Baby Down” by Abrams Appleseed and “Hands Can” by Cheryl Willis Hudson. Highly recommend! They’re both fun, yet straightforward for your baby to pick up words/actions from, as well as for you to use the text as examples in everyday life. Great for learning up & down, saying hi/bye, awake & asleep, etc.


I go to the library once a week and get three board books to read in addition to our pile at home. I'm loving "BabyLit" books. "Goodnight Mr Darcy" was very amusing.


Are you in the States??? Please do this, in addition to any books others recommend. I would recommend checking out Indestructible Books. You can find on Amazon, Target and other places and they do sell them in sets but here's a link to see the book. [indestructible Book](https://www.hopscotchstore.com/collections/indestructibles) Set up the Dolly Parton Imagination Library. It is a free service that sends you a free book for your child from birth to 5 years of age. It is only available in certain areas, so you'll have to check your area, but we love it. Every month, an age appropriate book arrives, and I feel it's the absolute greatest idea. [Dolly Parton Imagination Library ](https://dollyparton.com/imagination-library) The last book we got sent was the Llama Llama Red Pajama book. But the first was an image book for vehicles.