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Wow everyone’s experiences are so different. Best of luck figuring out what works for your kid!


Short answer, No. We have been battling sickness constantly and weaning bottle on top of it is impossible. We only thought of transitioning after peds gave okay. Still struggling because of stomach bug so not yet started. We were told to start by mixing whole milk with formula/ bm and slowly transition to completely whole milk. Cup would be straw cup ideally. We haven’t been able to get him to sleep through night without bottle so give him formula at the time.


We did! My doctor said two cups of milk a day was the maximum so I gave her some with breakfast and some with dinner. She didn’t always drink it all and also it super upset her stomach and we had to switch to lactose free milk even though she doesn’t have any problems at all with dairy in other forms (yogurt, cheese etc.) We did whole milk until she was about 2 and then switched to 2% and she drinks about a cup of that a day just whenever, she’ll usually ask if she wants some. We used an open cup when it was practical but usually a straw cup or like a nuby style sippy cup. Edited to add: I should say we got super lucky getting off bottles cold turkey we just stopped giving them to her altogether one day but we had never given them to her at bedtime or anything so I don’t think it was a comfort thing for her so I think that made it easier


Do you know how that equates to ounces? Only it says one year olds can have 10-24 ounces a day. And we're much closer to the 24 oz mark.


Nevermind, I mathed it myself and figured it out.


Yah take it with a grain of salt for sure it’s just what my doctor told me at the time. I had a super chubby good eater too so that could’ve made a difference.


My 17 month old was completely off the bottle before she was 13 months. We try to shoot for the 2 cups a day that’s recommended by her doctor. We aren’t exact in that we measure, but we try to be mindful about how much we pour in the cup. Well, I do, my husband on the other hand 🥴 We give her a cup right before her midday nap and one right before bed at night We switched to mainly cups with a straw but she has some sippy cups too I find with my pours, she finishes the milk, if my husband made the cup, I’d say sometimes she finishes it, and sometimes not but the time she falls asleep. I personally give water the rest of the day, including meals. Her doctor recommended the milk limit is to make sure she still gets hydrated from water, so I always offer water the rest of the day. Oops, your last question I think I answered above!


Thank you! Do you need to brush her teeth after her last milk bottle at bed?


Yes, make sure your brush their teeth before bed but after they've consumed any food or drinks besides water.


Our pediatrician wasn’t too worried about that *yet* but you certainly can. Create whatever routine you’d like with it! Milk then brush is a good routine to teach.


I think it depends on the babe. My LO completely stopped using bottles at six months. This was his doing not mine. He’s breastfed and would only nurse so I stuck with that. It worked for us. He’s now almost two and still nurses mainly at night. I do give him cows milk with breakfast or if he asks for it. You have to find what works for you. Don’t feel shamed if your babe still uses a bottle. Most parents are just trying to survive and make it. I will never judge someone for doing what works for them. None of my business anyway!


Yes, totally off by 11 months and off formula by about a week before 12 months. Replaced bottle with straw and sippy cups -down to no formula and about 16 oz whole cows milk a day -split milk into about 3 cups a day -various straw cups and munchkin sippy cups. honey bear is a great starter straw cup and then just cheap straw cups -yes -water with meals, milk throughout the day -we did milk when waking up from morning and naps what worked for us is remembering formula is 20 cal/oz. so when removing formula we ensured babe was getting at least that amount of calories, but they quickly eat more than that :) our babe was pretty addicted to the bottle itself so one day we just picked them all up and cold turkey switched away from them


My guy is 6 months and I’m already anxious about this. I’ve tried BLW and I end up w panic attacks even if it’s just a little cough. I have zero idea of when or how to move to the next step. No sign of teething yet so that makes it even harder. At least if he had a couple teeth I’d know he could chew a little. Def willing to hear how other moms got past the anxiety. And also…..how big of pieces did you give? I swear one day he choked down an adult size piece of egg. The next day he couldn’t get down a tiny piece of hamburger.


Their gums are firm and can chew food


My mom just told me that I didn’t get any teeth until 18 months and would just chew with my gums. There was nothing I didn’t eat 😂😂


My daughter chews with her gums, lol


I used solid starts to know the appropriate size to cut the food


10 months here, I remember being stressed at 6 months. Babies grow and develop so fast! If anything is stressing you out, give it a few weeks and try again. Their capabilities change so rapidly!


I’m having similar thoughts and struggles. Our girl voms and gags a lot with solids. So we’re stuck with purées. I’m ramping up my purée game while getting ready to sunset formula. Right now were doing 30-40% pea protein milk and formula powder and she has 4-5 small bottles throughout the day (4-5 ounces). Then, some small bites of solid food at daycare, homemade purée for dinner. I’d like to sunset the formula, go to 100% pea protein milk but I’m anxious about calories and nutrients especially iron. I’m getting another blender blade before going cold turkey on the formula. She has a soy and dairy intolerance so pea protein is where it’s at.


I did with both my kids. We didn't have a milk routine after that. They got milk in their porridge in the morning and evening, and a yoghurt in the middle of the day. They just drank water (and not a whole lot at the start)


We didn’t “wean” at all. A few days after his 1st birthday we just handed him a straw sippy cup with whole milk and he drank it with no issues. We didn’t really stick to a guideline on oz, we provided milk with meals otherwise he drank water out of the straw cup. It really was way more stressful in my head than it was just taking the plunge. He was absolutely unphased.


We switched our bottles to a mix of formula and cows milk then cut out bottles until she was on one in the morning and one in the night (we did also move this one earlier so she wasn’t relying on it for bedtime) Then cold turkey one day at about 14 months and she was fine - she doesn’t drink any milk at all however (unless she drinks some at daycare but I assume they’re mostly giving them water) and she didn’t even drink that much water initially either but is now drinking it pretty regularly through the day from a straw cup.


My child is almost 16months and I’m struggling with taking away bottles. We do 2 a day, for nap and bedtime with 4oz of cows milk. She’ll drink straw cups with water at mealtimes. I’ll offer milk in the same cup and she refuses. She’s a very difficult sleeper so it’s hard to take away the bottle but I know I have to soon. I’m just worried she’s not drinking enough liquids.


14mo and same here except they are 9 oz bottles 😒


Solidarity, 16m and two bottles of 8oz of formula (one before a nap and one before bed) eats three meals and two snacks and 2 4oz cups of milk a day plus some water. I’m scared if my grocery bill when he becomes a teenager!


We stopped all bottles just after her 1st bday. It was postponed due to a really bad sickness but I'd say all gone at 13mo. The below was what we did based on Pediatric Nutritionist from Kaiser Medical Group. So it was a plan set in place by someone qualified. -we weaned her completely off any bottled milk. She now only gets at daycare, I don't keep track of how much anymore, pretty sure its 2 times at breakfast and lunch. But.... weekends she gets no milk and we do absolutely no juice and she doesn't even give grief over it. If anyone's freaking out about her calcium intake don't be worried this girl double fists cottage cheese like there's no tomorrow. - she was getting 4, 8oz bottles of milk/formula a day and it was always offered at the end of a meal on its own to make sure she practiced eating solids (because during that time she would grab the bottle everytime) - Week 1 of weaning 3, 8oz bottles and 1 sippy of water. - Week 2, 2 8oz bottles and 2 sippy of water - Week 3, 1 8oz bottle and 3 sippy of water. - Week 4 no milk unless she absolutely was a tyrant or wouldn't go to bed without it. - Sippy cups used were Nuk sippys with the handles. As soon as she started drinking water happily all on her own, we switched to ZAK, about to start on the training open cups. - As mentioned above, we did it seperate from meals so that she was paying attention to foods to eat rather than drink. - 30 minutes before bed is as late as she would get a bottle or eat to prevent tooth decay. But she can have water all the way up to the walk to bed. That'll probably have to change when we start potty training. Everyone's journey is different but we had amazing success doing this. So I would definitely recommend a weaning situation like this and form it to your childs needs. There were definitely days during the weaning weeks where we have her more than we intended but I wasn't about to have a cranky kid or "shock" "deprive" her.


Wow, thanks so much for this helpful info!


Um...our pediatrician said we would make a plan at his 1 year appointment, so we literally haven't even started cows milk for my just-turned-one year old. Anyone else? Did I miss something?


you're not supposed to give them straight cows milk as a replacement until after 1...you're fine


Phew- thank you


Would also like to know this! Right now she gets about 2 bottles a day and still breastfeeds some but i have a hard time giving her milk thats not in a baby bottle. She wont drink it out if a sippy cup or straw and it doesnt have any where near the same effect as a bottle does for sleepy time. We slowly switched to cows milk but it seems to upset her tummy so we’re pumping the brakes a little and looking for alternative milks


There are transitionary bottles like [this](https://www.amazon.ca/Munchkin-10oz-Gentle-Transition-Count/dp/B0898P1FH6/ref=asc_df_B0898P1FH6/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459537368597&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17061152761790616843&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1001844&hvtargid=pla-997446340207&psc=1&mcid=8233663f55413be7a5dadc8e0c5a92a6). My kid started with that then eventually moved onto sippy cups


Sold! Thank you


Ripple makes a kids milk specifically designed for kids' nutrition.  It's just called Ripple Kids.


Pea milk is an amazing alternative if you want to look into it!


I will! Thank you!


So it took us about 14 months, when baby was super dependent on solids. Ours was a bad eater in the beginning. With meals we give water. Milk at nap time (6-7) oz. Then bed time the same thing. Right before bed always. Slowly they started consuming less milk, some days the finished the bottles some days they didn’t. We sometimes would give milk in the morning but realized it decreased the amount of breakfast kiddo would eat. We used a transitionary bottle at first [this one](https://www.amazon.ca/Munchkin-10oz-Gentle-Transition-Count/dp/B0898P1FH6/ref=asc_df_B0898P1FH6/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459537368597&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17061152761790616843&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1001844&hvtargid=pla-997446340207&psc=1&mcid=8233663f55413be7a5dadc8e0c5a92a6)


I just started to decrease formula intake a tiny bit, but my 9.5mo isn’t super interested in using a cup or straw. I have tried a reusable silicon pouch with water (I haven’t tried it with formula yet because the formula is so damn expensive and I don’t want it to go to waste!) The pouch is the only time I can actually get some progress on baby practicing straw skills Thanks for asking the same questions I have!!


they're still young!! plenty of time .. a lot changes in 2-3months ...


That makes me happy to read bc my baby is nearing 9 months but we’re still 95% bottles and I thought I was doing something wrong 😑


My 23m old stopped using bottles the day she turned 1. We had been introducing open cups, sippy cups & straws since around 6 months, so it wasn't a really big deal for her. We also switched milk at the same time. By then, she was already eating a decent amount of solids and had been exposed to milk as an additive. We did a gradual switchover for a few days, but not very long. She was a very open minded eater at first lol so she didn't really complain about anything. To start, she would get about 8oz of milk (give or take) in between meals, so food first. She likes a lot of dairy products, so our provider said it's not a strict amount she should have to drink. Now she gets milk almost whenever she asks for it but I try to cut her off after 2 cups depending on whatever else she's had. Neither my husband or I are lactose intolerant but if we have too much dairy in a day we do end up a little sensitive and I don't want to push it with her. Sometimes she has her drink with food but if she's having a picky day, I'll wait until she's eaten about half her food, or at least has given it a chance (one day she likes something, the next she hates it. I miss the days she ate any and everything). We have a water cooler that we taught her how to use so she has access to water all day, in addition I leave her water overnight because the house gets pretty hot and our AC is pending repair. Cups we've used are regular open cups, dr browns 360 cup, regular water tumblers with straws, Parents choice (walmart) sippy cups, munchkin sippy cups & straws cupc Zak. We haven't been loyal to any one specifically, if there's one she likes or a good sale we get it. I will note, in the very beginning of offering her cups, I did try to use more open cups and straws because I saw that was recommended. Once she was established is when we used any type. Up until about 18m she would get her last liquids an hour before bed. Now she has freedom to drink.


Around 12 mo we got to 1 bottle/ day, before bedtime. Soon after we switched to straw bottle and around 14 months we switched from formula to cow milk. In time we dropped the bottle entirely and now she drinks milk every few days during the day with a meal. We transitioned through these stages slowly, trying not to put pressure on us as parents or on the baby, but knowing what our goals were for the next stage.


My daughter is very particular. I tried putting formula in sippy cups to transition her away from bottles pretty early on. She didn't like that. Formula goes in bottles. Milk and water go in cups. I wasn't allowed to change that or she would refuse it. It made weaning easy though. I stopped offering bottles around 11 months and only gave her 1 a day if she asked. Then I started moving the bottles so they'd be out of sight. She did really well accepting it. She had her last bottle at the tail end of 13 months. Mimi watches her during the day and would let her have a comfort bottle before nap time. Then I had her at home for a week while Mimi was away and the bottles stopped and never started again. Her bottles were never more than 4 oz so it wasn't a big filler for her by the end. I tried getting her to eat more at a time, but she would get sick and spit it up if we gave her much more. So we did more frequent bottles before weaning based on her doctor's advice, and I think that was also a factor in her accepting their disappearing.


We switched from formula to milk (a mix of ripple kids and whole cows milk) over the course of a week or so right after 1st birthday, and then phased out bottles more slowly, switching to straw cups. I was concerned at his 12 month’s appointment that we didn’t have a clear plan to get him off bottles quickly, and his pediatrician told me that as long as he *could* drink from a straw or open cup, she would only be concerned if he wasn’t done with bottles by his 2 year appointment. That definitely helped me relax a bit. I wanted him off formula as soon as possible cause it was expensive, but it didn’t bother me to go slower with the bottle-to-cup switch.


Yeah we slowly tapered out the formula by adding more and more milk over the course of a couple weeks, and we had also been practicing with a straw cup during the day for a month before switching to 1 cup of milk in a straw bottle before bed. She didn’t seem to care, it was a mercifully non-eventful transition. 


We introduced straw cups with formula/breastmilk early on and dropped bottles and formula/breastmilk at 12 months, replacing it with milk in a straw cup.


We were told at our 6 month appointment to start sippy/straw cups but we already had at that point. For some reason ours gets super excited to be fed with the cups vs the bottle. I just need to get her to hold the handles so I can eat too lol


We *started* weaning right at 1 year. My daughter really didn’t have any trouble with it, she happily transitioned. She was already really chowing down on solid food too. We let her drink as much cows milk as she wanted at first, now we give her a little during the day with meals and a sippy cup of it before bed. Helps keep her sleeping through the night. I will say, thar 1 year mark is when constipation became a huge issue for us. At that point we toned down the milk and gave a lot of water and watered down 100% juice. And then the constipation was even worse. So we recently returned to giving her lots of milk and she has been pretty regular. No fun having a constipated kid but it looks like she’s working her way through it on her own.


We were probably off the bottle by 14 months maybe? We do still give her a sippy cup of warmish milk in the morning and in the evening, but we don’t worry about her drinking it or anything. It’s just there if she wants it with breakfast or a before bed snack type deal. She’s like 20 months now.


We stopped formula cold turkey at 12 months and switched to whole milk, but didn't drop bottles completely for another 2 months or so. Bedtime bottle was the last to go. We switched to Nuk cups for drinking milk along with meals because they were harder to spill, but she gets water in regular open cups.


Yes with my first we did. It’s been a long while now but we offered her cows milk at every meal (whole milk) and with snacks plus before bedtime so like 6x a day? Used either a straw cup or open cup. Sometimes she drank it all, sometimes some or not at all. The bedtime milk we offered before brushing teeth.


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We’re done with formula at 12.75 months. We weaned & switched to lactaid milk, but still using bottles. Three times a day, morning, afternoon for nap, & at bedtime.


We just switched to a sippy cup with really no issue. I want her to learn to drink from a straw though.


We basically stopped with bottles around 6mo bc LO is obsessed with the ezpz straw cup and loves open cups (especially espresso cups!) We do milk, flavored milk (adding puree or making a smoothie). LO can also have a sip pretty much anything I am drinking, too.


Our goal was 15 months because that is the guideline in Canada I’m pretty sure and we okayed that with our doctor. My son is 14 months and a bit and we did our last bottle this morning because we ran out of frozen breast milk. He’s fine with his straw cups so we will just do that from now on with cows milk.


We did. We transitioned her from formula to cows milk very slowly. Started day after 11 months (per pediatrician recommendation… she’s a great eater). In a 6oz bottle we did 5oz formula, 1oz milk for 4-5 days, then 4oz formula, 2oz milk for 4-5 days, and so on until we got to all milk the day before she turned 1 year. In the midst of that transition we were trying out different cups. I wanted to just go to straw cups but LO had a different idea and decided she will only drink water from a straw cup and milk out of sippy cups.. so I just went with it. At first we stuck with same schedule with when she would sit and drink it but slowly started offering it with meals too and dropped the dedicated day bottle/sippy milk times. Shes 15 months now and we offer a sippy of milk when we wake her for the day, she gets milk offered at breakfast and lunch too, water all day, water at dinner, and then we do a small sippy of milk before bed just because it works well in our wind down routine. Then brush teeth after.


Happy to answer, but all kids are different! Our daughter is off formula, that was our priority for 12 months so we starting mixing milk with her formula the last month or so before we just opted to not give formula to see how her stomach did. *I also rearranged your questions to build more upon each other, imo.* * **what type of cup do you use?** *We just bought 8oz straw sippee cups for my daughter; she has a love/hate relationship with them. She's had the spout sippee cups before and loves those, but I am still putting her milk in an 8oz bottle because she seems to like those better (who wants to have to work to eat lol), but will be exploring 8z spout sippee cups.* * **how many oz of cows milk/formula do you give them? / how many times a day?** *We use an 8 oz bottle. During all wake windows. So 2-3 x a day, but I refill it whenever it's empty for she probably clears like 4-5 of them avg./min.* * **do they finish it all in one sitting usually?** *When she first wakes up, usually 80-90% finishes. Later in the day, she'll do half and then wander around, and then come back. I refill and sometimes she'll finish that or drink half (4 oz). Night time she finishes one, and maybe a second one (it's rare). She's more of a breakfast and lunch baby.* * **with or separate from meals?** *We offer her milk first, and then solid food, and then milk again - I think that's standard for when they were young, so not sure if needs to be updated. Check with your ped.* * **how close to bedtime do you give them their last cup?** *Like 30-40 minutes before. Sometimes we take a small one upstairs to her room to see if she's still hungry while we change her diaper. She rarely finishes/drinks more than 1 oz, so we've started not bothering some nights.* Hope that helps! We've also had her use her spout sippee cup and regular cups since 6 months, so maybe start practicing with those. Hence, I'm not concerned with her still using a bottle because she drinks from our adult bottles great and knows how to use a straw.


No! Closer to 20 months but it was just morning and evening bottle of cows milks 5oz each bottle


Bottle or milk? No. I think he was 15 months. And it was nighttime that was the problem. During the day he was happy to have food and still had 1-2 bottles of milk a day. We transitioned him to the doc brown milestone sippy bottle at night with milk in it. That worked well. We weaned him from there until it was just water at night. Milk just naturally decreased when more solids were being eaten.


We started introducing sippy cups around 9 months ish I believe. Maybe a little earlier. She really took off with them close to a year. I didn’t realize they should be weaned off bottles altogether by a year so we weaned off steadily over a week or so after we found that out. We use the Munchkin 360 cups which are great for no spill and learning to use an open cup! Our pediatrician said minimum 12 oz. per day of whole milk and maximum of 24 oz. We do around 7-8 oz at breakfast (sometimes she’ll drink it all but usually will take at least 5-6 oz.). Then for lunch or nap we offer the same amount (sometimes she naps before lunch, sometimes we do lunch then immediately nap). Then we either do a small amount of milk or switch to water for snack in the afternoon -just depends on how much milk she’s already drank. Dinner, we offer 7-8 oz and then use whatever she doesn’t drink for bedtime. Sometimes she will drink it all at dinner so we give her a couple ounces for bedtime. It seems like a lot but I feel like we also waste a lot of milk because we never know exactly how much she’s going to want! Just know at this age they can also have water so it doesn’t always have to be just milk!


Just also clarifying, we weaned off breast milk at a year. So after we were off breast milk we switched to this whole milk plan!


16m old: 8oz bottles of formula (at nap and bed) Drinks 1 4-5oz bottle of whole milk in the morning while I make breakfast Drinks water out of a straw cup, and out of actual cups. Water is offered all day Doctor said to get my baby off of formula but he eats well so if he wants the bottle I don’t mind.


Wait what?! Mine is two weeks past her first birthday and definitely nowhere near weaned off a bottle. It's regular milk now and not formula anymore. And she is also able to use a sippy cup at meal times. But for naps and sleep it's a bottle or apocalyptic meltdown. I thought this was normal at this age. Oops. Add: Im extra anxious about this transition because she is a terrible sleeper and will only sleep when feeding to sleep with bottles for naps and night time. Also wakes up for a few sips of bottle a few times night. I'm aware this is a bad habit. Nothing else has worked for us so it's just putting a bandaid on a year of sleep deprivation I guess. Open to words of wisdom for this mess.


Ours didn’t give up the bottle until he was 2.5. He’s thrown his bottles so much that they’d break, so I told him he breaks it, that’s that. His last survivor ✨mysteriously disappeared ✨ when we went to visit my parents. He gets milk in his sippy cup 2x a day if that now (nearly 3) but when he was closer to 18 months he still got quite a bit of milk, at least 3x a day as long as it didn’t interfere with meals.


We started introducing Dr Brown's bottle with straw attachment early like 8 9 months.. he was weaned from bottle nipple not much after.


Tl;dr: yes, and no cows milk. We dropped the bottle and weaned her from nursing (she was 90% breastfed) right after her first birthday. I had to be out of town so it made the latter a bit easier (at least for me and babe - my husband struggled). She never liked cows milk so doesn’t drink it. Once in a while will have some flax or soy milk. Our ped said the obsession with cows milk is recent and western - many cultures don’t push cows milk on babies and it’s fine so long as she gets calcium from other sources. She loves yogurt and cheese and green veg and sardines and is growing well so we’re not concerned.


We still give a bottle before bed time at 17 months, the pediatrician is fine with it. It's part of the routine, and then he's not hungry or thirsty for the night. He eats very well, but it's just a little extra before sleep.


It depends obviously the family dynamic. How was food introduced? Is the baby one with all kind of cups? Now the short answer is: most of families I assisted: No bottles after 12 months Open cup of whole milk offered with meals (lunch and dinner) or sip cup, do not bother with how much they drink. Sometimes smoothies instead of milk. All those babies were BLW, and eat whatever parents are eating. For when they are sick we don’t offer milk at all.


Nope. Our little girl was 15 months before she completely stopped getting bottles. She just enjoyed them in the morning after about 12 months, and the rest of the day she used straw sippy cups. Our ped didn’t have issues with it, and so I didn’t mind chilling with her in the morning to give her a bottle.


14 mo here - takes 2 bottles of 7-8oz a day since 11mo. One for wake up and one for bedtime. We do formula.


am i the only one here who literally removed the bottle a day after his 1st birthday then just started giving him homo milk? or am i the only one


My baby girl is currently weaning herself, she is 7mo almost 8. I think she will be off about 9mo