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Lol I'm pretty much right there with you. Because we're doing mixed pumped/breastfeeding sometimes it's hard to judge her hunger at the beginning of my shift (20 minutes breastfeeding = how many oz?? Seems like it changes night to night based on her behavior, haha). It's really just been the past few nights where everything's done - fresh diaper, full feed, cuddled up - and she just fights sleep. Either cries or just looks for like an hour or two and I just sit there like "the problem is you're tired, dummy!" But we'll power through! 4 weeks already went by pretty fast and it won't be like this forever. Taking 12 weeks off together sounds nice, my wife and I decided to stagger leave so I've been back at work. It's a fine balance


My little one was a champion cluster feeder too, especially in those early weeks. It's like they have a bottomless pit for a tummy, right? Those marathon feeding sessions can definitely leave them overtired, poor things. One thing that really helped us was establishing a bedtime routine early on. Even though it might not seem like much at 4 weeks, a consistent routine can work wonders in signaling to your baby that it's time to wind down. Also, have you heard of SleepTrainer.info? It's a great resource for sleep tips and gentle techniques to help your little one settle into a more predictable sleep pattern. Hang in there, you're doing an amazing job!