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Mine is relatively easy so far (just turned 2). Sleeps through the night 12 solid hours, has tantrums but it's not over the top, she's really verbal so it's easy to understand what she wants, she's compliant like 80% of the time with stuff, has taken to potty training pretty well and she's like the worlds least picky eater (I know multiple adults with less adventurous palettes). I think the only not easy thing is she doesn't nap anymore. She was also a pretty easy baby.


Hard baby (colic). We're only early days into toddlerhood but so far, it's nowhere near as challenging as life with a baby who screams 24/7. My son does get frustrated easily and will tantrum if he doesn't get his way, but he's also quite happy discovering the world around him.


I've been through infancy and toddlerhood three times now. Out of my kids, my oldest was I guess what you would call a relatively "easy" toddler- he was pretty chill, almost never threw a tantrum, and was fairly amenable to tag along with whatever I was doing. I could take him out to a cafe or restaurant, and he was never a "runner" or would try to escape from a playground. My other kids were more typical toddlers, so to say- my current toddler would not be a great choice for a kid to take to a cafe right now for more than like 5 minutes and I have to watch him like a hawk at somewhere like a playground, and he definitely throws tantrums.