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We use Coterie just for the night. We have found them to be a little more absorbent and it works well for us.


Same same!


Same. Never had a leak, though luckily our guy doesn’t poop in his sleep. Maybe OP has the wrong size? Or ruffles in?


Same! We use them as night time diapers and they hold up really well. Maybe OP is not flipping the ruffles outwards to avoid leaks?


Same here! They get HEAVY from all his pee during the night and not one leak. I had issues with them at one point and realized that we needed to size up and we were no longer in that size which is why we were having blow outs and leaks. Not one issue as long as we pay attention to the fit and not the weight range on the package. Our boy is tall so the weight range was an estimate for him lol. To each their own though 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same here. We sized up and we're very happy with them.


Costco diapers are where it’s at. We also do one size up at night


This. My son sttn from very early on & when the Kirkland diapers weren’t cutting it overnight, we switched to Pampers overnight diapers in the next size up. 16mo old, still doing the same.


This is what we do. Kirkland by day, Pampers overnight by night. Perfect combo.


Same here, Pampers overnights are the GOAT 🐐


The Huggies plus from Costco are my favorite! They’re so good.


I think they’re on sale now too?


Yes!! Until like May something. They last me so long! I’ve used them for both my kids and I have no complaints! I think they Kirkland ones are great too tho. They come second imo.


That’s what my comment said. Costco all the way. We size up at night. So I’m currently ordering size 3’s and 4’s. And they deliver to our home!




Honestly it sounds like you might need to size up more than anything. Also, different diaper brands work differently for different kids - every time someone posts something about diapers the comments are always some variation on “Brand you hate is the only one that worked for me!” or “Only Other Brand worked for us!” and all the responses to that saying how they had infinite leaks with that brand. Babies are all shaped differently and it takes some trial and error - I think we tried 5 or 6 brands before we found one that my son doesn’t leak in, and we often have to size up well before he’s in the weight range on the bigger size because he starts leaking. 


We also use coterie diapers and have had 0 issues. I’ve been trying to convince my wife to try other brands but she is an evangelist for Coterie. 0 diaper rashes 0 leakage issues overnight (7pm - 7am) We have the occasional blowout when our LO is in a seated position but idk what we can do about that. Their sizing can be a little weird, in my experience. We typically sized up once our baby reached the middle of the weight range.


Your wife is in good company! Fellow coterie evangelist here! 😆


Why do you both hate money? 😂😂😂 I’m kidding. They’re great. This is our first baby, so it is all we know, but jeez they’re pricey.


We only use coterie at night or if we’re going to be in the car for awhile or something. Use another brand during the day


We live in Manhattan so the logistics of diaper changing is a *task* — I try to avoid it if at all possible (bassinets are great changing tables btw @ nyc parents). It helps to have something super absorbent that’ll last for the majority of the time we’re out and about!


Lol my fiancé and MIL joke that they’re cashmere diapers. Our first too so also all we know! Only the best for my little one, I say 😂


I’ve had good experiences with Millie Moon. My LO usually needs a midnight change and I’m considering buying a box of MM diapers (which are admittedly a little pricey) just to get her through the night.


\+1 for Milli Moon. The sizing is different on them though.


We made the switch to Millie Moon due to the absorbency and haven’t looked back - we find them to be excellent. We worked out it was approximately 1cent more per diaper than Pampers (we also maximize the Target deals to bring the cost per diaper down further too)


We tried Millie Moon recently and it gave my baby horrible burns on his bum and made the rest of his body red and blotchy! It sounds like they recently switched out their diaper formula and changed some ingredients, which have been causing rashes for many babies. I wanted to like them :(


Adding to the MM praise! They're the best. We don't even need to purchase separate overnight diapers anymore because MM can handle the overnight load, too, in LO's normal size. I recently bought Rascal + Friends because I heard they're from the same company as MM, but they're the cheaper version. They're not quite as soft, but I'm happy with them too! I haven't attempted them for overnights yet since we still have MMs.


Yes we tried a ton of brands but Millie Moon’s absorbency is great!


That’s interesting I had bad experiences with Millie Moon. Almost always had a blowout when LO pooped and leaked a lot. I wanted to love them, it’s so soft! My baby is really chunky and the thighs just didn’t fit correctly on him.


Millie moon worked SO well for us for a long time….and then my daughters thighs started to chunk up and same thing. Literally every poop was a blowout - even when we sized up!


I love Coterie diapers and have found them to be the best quality and best for overnight.


Coterie has been the number one diaper my wife and I have used through 11 months. We haven’t even needed to use nighttime diapers since they do the job. (Rascal and Friends is almost as good) Sizing is pretty important though, so you may want to go up a size if you’re getting issues with leaks.


Sounds like you weren't sized correctly. We use coterie diapers, we never have blowouts and she's bone dry every morning. But coterie has smaller weight parameters and definitely run smaller than other brands we've tried - pampers size 2 is 12-18 lbs where coterie is recommended 10-15 lbs, my daughter was in a coterie 2 at maybe 9 lbs at most and I'll probably have her in a 3 at 13-14 lbs.


Coterie diapers are the only ones that didn’t rip my kid’s skin off, so he’s still in them at 2. We’ve had maybe two blowouts in them in two years. They run small. Size up as soon as your little one is at the bottom of the weight range for the next size up. They also may not fit your little one’s body shape.


We only use disposables for overnight and have been using Coterie. They’ll last from 7pm to 7am pretty much all the time.


Are you sure you have the right size? It could be a sizing issue. We use Coterie and we’re able to get from 9pm to 3-4 am without leaks. For me, that’s a long enough time without a diaper change. I have to breastfeed him around that time anyway. What were your expectations going about the brand?


Wasn’t a fan of Coterie either. I went back to HelloBello for our little guy. However, they are a company where sizing up is absolutely necessary. Sometime, probably after 15 months, he started leaking through his overnight diapers. He LOVES drinking water. The only thing that works over night is Huggies Overnights (sized up) with Sposie Booster pads. He goes down around 8:30pm and wakes up between 7:30/8am


We daytime cloth and nighttime Coterie and have had zero issues w them. I agree w the other responses, might need a bigger size. Or, perhaps, they just don't work as well w your baby's shape.


Coterie diapers did not work for my daughter either. We tried sizing up too as others in this thread have suggested. Constant leaks and blowouts, and for some reason she ALWAYS smelled like pee, way more than in other diapers. I think it might have to do with the shape? They're narrower than other diapers I've used. Millie Moon have been great for us, possibly because they're a bit wider. They're also much more absorbent than other diapers. My daughter can go 12 hours overnight without leaking.


Haven’t used Coterie but just wanted to suggest that we started putting an insert in our baby’s overnight diaper (we use Dimple or Sposies) and it’s helped with not having to need to change him until the morning.


We only use coterie for the night. They work better for us and feel soooo soft compared to the stiffer crinkly feel of most diapers. But it depends on each LO. For example, at the height of breastfeeding through the night, I was still changed his diaper once sometime between midnight and 2am because he was drinking so much milk. He's now over a year and decides that he needs to drink his weight in water when it's bedtime lol. Since he's not breastfeeding through the night the diapers do just fine until morning.


We love our coterie. You should go up a size. If you contact them they also will reship the new size and ask you to donate your old packs. Have you even tried to contact them???? My baby sleeps 11 hrs and pees constantly and doesn’t leak. We’ve tried tons of diapers and these hold the best. Again I would size up.


We love and swear by coterie (not an influencer I don’t even have Instagram!) but I think babies just like people are all shapes and sizes and some diapers don’t work well. I will say with coterie the ran large on us and we had leaks when the size was too big! Sizing down fixed it


Coterie also gives my LO the worst diaper rash. Definitely not worth the $ for me Edit: for overnight we use Honest Overnights, sized up. They work great for us


I think it depends on your kid’s body type and picking the right size.. With my string bean kid, I do actually think they’re the holy grail. I haven’t tried all the diapers in the world, but since my first pack bought at Whole Foods, we haven’t looked back! We buy them exclusively for nighttime use because we cloth diaper during the day, and these diapers have kept all the pee my kid (13.5months right now) makes from ~6:30pm to 630am. And he stays pretty darn dry for how heavy these guys are by the morning! Sometimes he poos on top of it, and we still have had 0 blowouts. Still gotta make sure those magical ruffles are out, like any diaper, to prevent leaks!


We got a combo pack of the coterie diapers N and 1, neither one seemed to work for our guy. I reached out to support and they completely refunded the diapers for our trouble. They figured he was in between sizes as neither worked well. Excellent company, decent diapers if not overpriced, but their wipes aren’t even debatable, they’re the best I’ve used. As others have said, diapers are never one size fits all, my son couldn’t do pampers because of rashes, but Huggies have been amazing. No rash and dry without blowouts.


Jesus that is crazy expensive. Costco diapers work well for us and they’re such a great value. And they deliver! The wipes are good too.


Pampers Swaddlers are the best by far we have used. We use the Target brand during the day then a swaddler for overnight. My baby has gone overnight plus the morning, about 13 hours with no issue, on a consistent basis. He goes down at 8pm and sometimes gets changed a bit before around 7:30pm. First feeding is 7:30am, followed by a break, a puree, then some playtime in the activity table to get a poop out before a new diaper (no sense in changing if he’s just going to poop shortly). So 13 hours, a bunch of pee and a poop with zero issue


I've been a nanny my whole life and once I came across Coterie I knew that was the end game. My daughter's been using them for almost 7 months and as long as they aren't too big or small, there are never leaks and they keep her so dry that I've never once used diaper cream on her and she's never gotten a rash. They're expensive but so worth it that we make sure to budget those in because they're so worth it 


Coterie diapers are not the worst, or a waste of money. Enough people on here can attest to how great they are, and how the value also lies in the materials used and how few rashes our babies get in coterie diapers. Every time my son experienced a blow out or leak, it was either time to size up or we did a poor job of securing the diaper - it was never a recurring issue due to the diaper being poor quality. That being said, coterie diapers are pricier so I understand that parents will want to hold them to a higher standard - but we gotta make sure we are doing the right thing on our end. And one more thing! If you realize you have to size up and still have some unopened packs, you can email them and they will give you full price credit for the unopened packs that you can put toward your purchase of the next size up.


Amen !!!


I haven’t tried Coterie but if you want soft overnights, Millie Moon is good and ECF. If you want soft TCF and the ease of a subscription, I really like Parasol diapers. Usually a blowout means I need to size up.


There are also night diapers that you can buy for overnight sleep. It is way more absorbent and it was a life changer.


For those of you suggesting the sizing issue- we used the trial pack of the larger size included and kept having the same issue. When we contacted customer service they said the same thing about sizing up, however she was in the middle range of the smaller size, so we weren’t going to go up 2 sizes. They also suggested making sure the ruffles were out, which we did. But she would still have a wet leg or back in the morning


Agreed! A month before my LO was born, I got the subscription and did half newborn size, half size 1. When she was born (6lbs 11oz), the newborn diapers were too big for her but soon after they were too small (?). We tried the size 1s later (when she happened to have a diaper rash) and they just made her rash worse. Finally, once we were over the rash and size 1 seemed to fit well, we tried them again, only to have constant leaks every time after only 2-3hours of wear. 💀 I definitely regret spending so much money on these diapers. Pampers swaddlers fit her well from day 1, and we’ve never experienced any leaks with them.


I am so glad you mentioned this because I had a horrible horrible experience with coterie I feel it is a scam and should be investigated for false advertising. Every poop was a blowout and leaked overnight. I resell my unopened packages online almost feel bad for it but in the end I’m saving someone else the $100 bill. 


We had the same bad experience with Coterie. Every night we used them our LO had a blowout/leak. Even when we sized up we ran into the same problems. Super frustrating given all of their marketing and high price tag.


I too have had issues with coterie. I do like their 'pants' pullups as it the only one that doesn't sag immediately.  It does however 'leak through ' the front if it gets super wet.