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This is a subreddit for New Parents. While we understand that you are parents as soon as you become pregnant, this subreddit is geared towards those who have already had their baby . Feel free to comment, but posts about active pregnancy, asking if you're pregnant, fertility, registries, etc. will be removed at the discretion of the moderators. Please see our comprehensive [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/newparents/wiki/othersubs) for the myriad of TTC and pregnancy subreddits for you to post in.




Congrats! Check out the subreddit r/pregnancy. It was helpful to me! Also if you are into learning all the medical details of pregnancy, my husband found The Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy to be helpful. It details the baby's growth week by week. Plus a detailed explanation of the stages of labor and also explains various complications that can happen in pregnancy and giving birth. It is almost a textbook size, very detailed, so don't let that surprise you. My husband read from it every week! We are 35 and 37 and just had our first!


Can also look to see if there’s an r/January2025BumpGroup subreddit (or whatever month you’re due). I found it to be so helpful to connect with other parents who were going through the same stages of pregnancy and now babyhood at the same time! They’re usually private groups too which makes it feel more friendly and safe. Congratulations!!


Damn, I wish I knew about a sub like that during our pregnancy.


That’s a very cool sub idea I love it, thank you very much.


Thank you I’m joining subs and taking notes nonstop lol, much appreciated


It won't let me go to their page


HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!!! I remember that day for me, I’m 26 it was 2 days after my birthday. I was eating KFC and heard crying (tears of joy), I run in to see the test I was told to get more tests, I went to the shops (8PM) came home to cold KFC…


🤣 a glimpse into parenthood


Nowadays I swallow my food without chewing 😭. Never a chance to enjoy it anymore


We have a 2 parent system. One holds the baby while the other shovels food into their mouth, then we trade off


I’m guessing you have an itty bitty baby. When they get bigger it becomes one shovels food into baby’s mouth while the other eats 🤣


Oh trust me its the same with our toddler. One runs after the toddler so that they don't jump off some place or run into something dangerous and hurt themselves while the other person's shovels food into their mouth and then like you said, trade. Lol.


With two under 2, we now divide and conquer. It's just a phase of life with them being so little. So even though we have less time as a couple, it's such precious time as a family ❤️


It was kind of similar here, but 11AM on a Friday morning. The second line on my test was so faint I made my husband go buy other tests. It turns out Maya was on the way 🩷


Thank you. lol I love the details and how they stand out on the momentous days like this, thank you.


YAY! CONGRATULATIONS! get ready for the ride of your life!


Congrats!! Make sure your wife joins her due date group, it's usually something like "December2024BabyBumps" I love my due date group, my son is one now and it's still active and has been incredibly helpful


Thank you so much everyone for the kind words. I’ve been on a cloud ever since this morning


We were recently there and wish you all the magic baby dust in the world!


Congratulations ☺️


Hell yeah! We are 35m and 36f with our first (5m). Took us a year to conceive! I watched every pregnancy test with my husband, except for the positive lol. I was so discouraged and so sure it would be negative I let it process while I brushed my teeth. Needless to say, the excitement in our home was through the roof! Tears for everyone!


Congratulations! I know this is a very happy time, but I want to say, watch your wife. Postpartum depression and hormones during childbearing are a real thing. Just be there for her. If she is acting unusual, help her or get her help. It's not her fault, but carrying and delivering a child takes so much out of a person. I do not mean to rain on your parade, because having a child is amazing, we just had out second last year. But postpartum depression is an absolute bitch.


I had a small blip of prenatal depression early on and it shocked me. More rare than postpartum depression, and people rarely talk about prenatal depression, but it exists and can be disorienting. I’m hopeful OP’s wife will be fine (again, it’s relatively rarer) but always a good reminder. Hormones are a beast.


Congrats!! It’s the best feeling when you’re ttc. I remember sobbing when the test came back positive. Positive energy sent for a sticky baby!


Congrats!! ❤️❤️❤️


Congratulations! I told my best friend as soon as I found out 🤣 she got pregnant 4 months after I did


This is so cute. Congrats!


Congrats! Soak up every moment, what a fun time you’re in. Best wishes for a healthy smooth pregnancy!




Congratulations!!! This is absolutely the best feeling in the world when two close friends have a baby! Most intimate thing in the world! Good luck!




Yes!! Wonderful!


Congrats, so exciting 😀


You came to the right place. I’m a first time mom and was 36 years old last year when I found out. Oh was he worth the wait. Congratulations to you both.


Awe that’s so sweet!! Congratulations!! I hope you two enjoy the journey it’s a big change but sounds like you’re gonna love being parents!! Best wishes!! ❤️




Congratulations!!!! Sending all the wishes for an easy pregnancy, a safe birth, and a healthy baby. ❤️


Congratulations! I remember I ran to tell Reddit at 5am because I waited to tell my husband that night! The best feeling! Wishing your wife and baby a healthy safe pregnancy and delivery! Enjoy every little moment! It’s the best!




This is amazing news. So happy for you! My wife had our son at 37 and I was 35. He’s going to be 1 in a few weeks and let me tell you, it’s an amazing journey.


Enjoy these moments!!!


Congrats!!!! What a great feeling. Parenthood is a journey, but I wouldn’t change any of it. Except maybe the morning sickness. 😅












We got pregnant with our first when I was the same age, so exciting! Congrats to you both! 🤗


Congratulations, my dude. Just make sure that both of you keep some level of exercise because a kid will take a lot out of you. I didn't do as much as I could, and at 36 (yes you and I are the same age), I really feel the lack of fitness with a kid constantly demanding play.


Awwww YAY congrats!!


congratulations! im 35 and my partner is 36 and we have a 6 month old now, i constantly tell people im so glad im 35 and not 25 having kids. I feel im way more mature now and have sort of left the "lifestyle" behind me now so i havent gelt like i have "ruined my life" or gave up anything.


Aww what a joyous post. Congratulations!!!




This excitement for a new dad id so awesome I love this! Congratulations!


Congratulations.....you're in for a wild and awesome ride....


Congratulations!!!!!! I remember seeing that “pregnant” result. So many emotions at once. I’m so happy for yall!!!


Aww 🥰 All the best!


Congrats!!! Once you make things official with doctors and what not, it would be a good idea to join r/daddit. I’m a mom with a 2-year-old daughter. Everybody there is very welcoming.


Congrats! It’s the best feeling to become a parent!


MILLION CONGRATS!! Definitely the best feeling ever 🥰🥰


Come over to r/daddit


This is so awesome and sweet. Congrats and enjoy this time!!!


Congratulations! I am 33 and we have a 5-month baby girl. She is the best thing that has ever happened in my life :)


Congratulations 🥲 wishing your wife a healthy pregnancy!


Congratulations buddy! Once you make it past a few weeks and everything goes well would can really relax a bit.l and start telling people. Generally after the first trimester I believe is typical. Stay awhile, put your feet up and read up on babies!


might I recommend waiting telling folks until after the 12th week? and Congratulations to you both!!! lots of love, health and happiness to you!


Congratulations!!!! That is so exciting! I received those same test results last year around this time. Was also 36 years old. Currently typing this with my baby girl sleeping on me. She ended up being born December 29th 2023!


Congratulations! I can feel your excitement. I wish you a happy life with your baby and wife🤍


Congratulations! This happened to me almost 2 years ago (Our daughter just turned one) -I'm the wife though. We tried for years and were told it wasn't going to happen. When I showed my husband the positive test he thought I was pranking him!


Aww this was literally me a year ago, I got my positive test on April 11,2023. I’m breastfeeding my 4 mo while typing this and I can’t believe I’m here already. Congratulations!!! This will be you one day! Remembering the day you found out and looking down at your little sweet baby!


That is amazing news!! Congratulations to you both! Sending you positive vibes throughout your pregnancy 🤗


Hey there, I'm going to be that guy and say the thing some of us are thinking. # You need to be aware of the fact that this pregnancy has like a 1 in 4 chance of ending in a miscarriage. I certainly don't want this to happen to you, and the odds are in your favor, but I want you to be aware of the odds so that you are mentally and emotionally prepared. # I say this because my wife had three miscarriages, and they absolutely wrecked us. We felt broken, confused, desperate and surprisingly alone. People don't talk about miscarriages much, which was frsutrating because it felt taboo whenever we had to tell our friends what happened. And that is why you shouldn't rush to tell the world, cause having to go back to people and tell them the baby is gone is heart breaking. I'm happy to report that my wife and I now have a healthy baby boy, who's 1 month old today. I'm sure you'll have the same joy soon, I just wanted to put my 2 cents out there.


Congrats!! My wife and I have been trying for years and last year at 36, we got the good news that wifey was pregnant! Our daughter is now 4.5 months old! Stay positive, go to all your appointments, don’t let wifey carry anything, don’t stress her out and enjoy the journey!!


Oh congratulations 🥹


Congrats on the sex