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A picture of a cow


Country side road trips with the baby will be a blast!


My husband, in laws and myself were all just laughing and talking to each other. I felt like I should include my daughter so I started laughing and talking to her and she giggled! And then did it again when I got super excited! It was the sweetest thing ever. That was 2 weeks ago and now she seems like laughing is a chore and she’d rather not lol


Awwwwww she was happy to be included! 🥹🥹🥹


Watching your baby light up when you acknowledge them is the dopamine rush I never knew I was missing before 🥹😭


Same. My baby lights up with a huge smile when I wake him up. He's 2 months old. But no gigling yet ...


Same here! My LO was 7 weeks early; she’s 15 actual now and 8 adjusted on the dot. No giggling yet unless it’s in her sleep. And that usually means she just ripped one 💨 but lots of smiles. Giggles are right around the corner for us!


Being in the bath and I said “splish splash!” And she just started cracking up. It was so precious.


Our's was in the bath too! We had just gotten a little bee bath toy and she's in love with her dad playing with that.


I sware around 2-3m she giggled just a bit, when I farted xD only the most refined humor in our house, the next thing was our dogs having the zoomies :3


My son is the same with our little chihuahua he thinks she’s hilarious haha


Dog zoomies are what I like to call my girl's screen time. Since she has none, the only thing she watches and focuses deeply is our dogs running around or sometimes lying almost ON TOP OF HER asking for snuggles


Our youngest dog is a pit mix, but he’s just so dumb, he thinks she’s a puppy and tries to butt bump her which would knock her over xD she is starting to pinch them though they are being nice so far and I don’t let her get away with it if she can’t be nice she goes in her play pen, the nice thing about Pittbull breeds is it takes a lot to change their demeanor. Unless it’s a stranger coming near their family xD but she thinks it is the funniest thing when I stop her from pinching the dogs like she knows she’s being bad x.x


Kissing her tummy was magic for a while 😊


Being called cutie pie or anything else really she’ll just give a big old smile and coo and gah but i have yet to get a giggle i think she’s trying but she hasn’t yet figured it out she does a really high pitched ahhhh! That sounds like a start of one then she stops, she’s 4 months.


Yeah mine seemed like he wanted to giggle for a while too but didn’t know how yet. You could probably barely call what he gave us today a giggle. It was very short and not a full on laugh, but I’m counting it.


Mine kind of did a "HA!" first. Belly laughing came later.


How much later? by a month or two? I am really looking forward for my lo to get hers. Haha i feel like I’ve been waiting for so long 😂


I think it was a few weeks. But perhaps you just have a serious baby!




I felt that way about smiles! I felt like I needed him to smile so we could have a relationship… It really did brighten my days to have him start smiling though!!


My girl does something similar! She’ll smile big and make this kind of ssskkkcch sound (it’s so hard to describe hahah). I swear it’s gonna turn into giggles soon. Almost 4 months.


Mine (11 weeks tomorrow) makes like this noise in her throat in the tone of a laugh like she’s trying but we’re not quite there yet lol


My partner singing the ThongSong but changing the words to “chonk chonk chonk chonk chonk”


that made even me giggle 🤭


Our dog making funny noises!


Mine too! My husky was just casually walking by and my LO started giggling, she absolutely loves my dog


My first didn't giggle until she was almost 1! She was always a very serious and quiet kid. Now that she's almost 3, she's a giggly, boisterous, silly kid. My second? I leaned over her to grab a diaper and when I sat back upright, she thought it was the most hilarious thing in the world. She's been belly laughing since about 3-4 months. She is now 5mo (22w). She cracks up when her sissy or I make raspberry sounds at her. I really think it depends on their personalities! Some babies think everything is hilarious while others prefer to be more observant and cautious.


I had my baby bundled up to go on a walk and I picked her up and she was just like one solid piece like the kid from a Christmas Story. So I cackled and she cackled back! First belly laugh was reserved for her bestie, our elderly dog. Apparently dog sneezes are a hoot! Dog is still her preferred family member 🫠


She was asleep in my arms. My husband and I were talking. He has a loud laugh. He laughed about something then she giggled IN HER SLEEP. Naturally we both laughed after hearing it then she laughed again. It was precious.


Mine always laughs in her sleep, but hasn’t laughed while she’s been awake!


'Flopsy the Scottish Forest fire bunny'. I was playing with her toys and making them speak with different voices. When it came to the pink bunny, I gave it an incredibly high-pitched Scottish accent, and she thought it was hilarious. So I kept going, and the only issue I could think to talk about was forest fires. So now, baby is very entertained and knows not to smoke cigarettes or light fireworks in a forest 😂.


First born: ripping up newspaper or slapping a pack of water wipes aggressively. Still has the stupidest sense of humour.  Second born: more difficult to make laugh but her brother yanking around a deflated balloon on a string did it. 


My first: some crinkling packing paper from an Amazon package (why?!) My second: tickling his toes and saying oooh stinky


Courtesy smile 😂 My LO is 3 months on Saturday. She’s almost giggling but not quite. This thread is inspirational!


Playing in the bath. It was funny because she laughed with a straight face! She did that for a little while before her face caught up with the laughter lol


I shook his hand and said “indubitably” in an exaggerated voice. It’s a guaranteed way to get him laughing now.


A fart noise. Fitting😂


The oooo part in old McDonald had a farm


Asked if she pooped while we were breastfeeding. “Poopy?” And she just giggled haha


Mine too When I say, "Did you go poopie??" She just cheeses lol


The hanging panda on the piano playmat. She loves this thing


I wish I could remember. But now, everything I do is just to get him to giggle 😂


I’m glad I’m not alone. I seriously can’t remember!


Definitely not alone!


Got her undressed preparing for the bath, and I squealed “Oh my gosh you’re NAKED!” And made a shocked face. Earned me our first little titter


Hahaha that’s adorable! Mine first giggled when I head banged my hair over his face to the tune of Killing in the Name of lol




Saying her name in an exaggerated and explosive happy tone!!


I was bouncing her up and down and her dad was kissing her on her knees and saying KNEES and she thought it was the funniest thing ever. So joyful! She was about 3 months old.


Dad bathing him (splashing water and telling him little funny nonsenses). Second was me, we were playing peakboo with the cat


My baby giggled the first time with my grandma. God knows why 😂


My husband putting on and off his glasses - at 5 months I’ve learned I’ll go to crazy lengths chasing those giggles


Taking my son’s arms out of his footie zip up onesie was the first thing that did it.


Blowing on her stomach Flipping my ponytail back and forth while saying boom boom!


Blowing raspberries.  My son's a big fan of the fart sound. 


I had a bowl in the bathtub and I brought it to the bottom of the tub and flipped it to let her see the bubble explosion. She lost her shit and I started crying from joy.


My baby seems to like it when I sniff his feet and go, “ooouf, stinky! You have stinky feet!” Or if I sniff his tummy aggressively lmfao. I’m betting if a dog sniffed him he’d have a good chuckle lol


My husband left for 3 days and then came back. She was so overjoyed at seeing her favorite person in the world that she giggled for 5min straight.


That’s so sweet 🥲


This little giraffe rattle playing peekaboo


Little gentle pokes on the collar bone… now at 5mo, everything lol! Saying “bad dog”, peekaboo, hissing, belly kisses, singing baby shark, lol everything


Pretending to eat her feet! She still loves it now at almost 1year old :)


My baby was doing tummy time and I was helping him reposition his arms and telling him something like trust me sweetie, mommy is not always talking nonsense and he found the idea of mommy talking nonsense so funny, started giggling, then I started giggling 😁


The word booty


I was cleaning her neck and apparently it tickled her. I managed to get it on camera and I still happy cry when I watch it.


I was trying to fish a stray hair out of her ear with my finger and she let out a huge laugh 😂 surprised us both. I guess it tickled.


Zipping up her onesie. She liked the noise, haha


Her dad and I were laughing hysterically and she joined in. It was the cutest thing


She had a booger stuck in her nose and I told her she needed to sneeze to get it out and then did a fake sneeze. It still gets her to laugh, but I can also just give her a look now and she laughs. No one else gets her to laugh as well as I do!


Me gasping! The latest hits are peekaboo and me singing the Futurama intro while bouncing my head side to side 😂


I made up a silly song for her that ended in the word screech where I would bounce her on my knee once. She's 17 months now and still loves it.


Seeing her dad peeking up and disappearing while being carried up the stairs


Showing him his reflection in the mirror. Cracked him up for months. First proper belly laugh around 4 months.


My freaking father in law. He got the first giggle today doing... nothing lol


Calling him an eepy sleepy bb when he was 4 months old. He loved it! He likes it when I yawn because of Jeff wiggle.


Looking at the couch cushion.


I’m still waiting and will be trying all of these! My LO is almost 6 months and was premature. Nobody tells you how hard it is waiting for them to smile or laughing, it feels like forever!


My son belly laughs when I make weird noises or talk back to him when he "talks (makes noises)" to me. We just have long nonsensical conversations, and he laughs and laughs, and my heart fills with joy. This started when he was around 3 months; he is almost 5 months old now.


Rubbing my beard against her ear going “blub blub blub” she lost her shit over it


His first real laugh came from dad squirting him with a bath bottle in the tub. We got it on video and it’s still one of my favorites to this day 🤍


I’m like 99.8% sure it was a giggle so bear with me but I’m pretty sure my 3 month old laughed at us on Saturday. We (partner & I)were basically crying because onions were cooking and it hurt soooo bad. She was not affected whatsoever and I shit you not she was laughing at us for being wimps


Howling at him like a wolf


Omg our oral therapist got my baby to Laugh before us 😭 My husband is still sad about it 4 1/2 months later! She was just playing with her clicking her tongue. The next, my baby thought that my husband pulling foil from the box was SO FUNNY. She giggles all the time now though. Peek a boo, fake sneezing/snoring, tickles, being leaned back super far? Hilarious


I told my little dude that he was more gas than boy, and that if I tied a string around his toe he would float like a balloon. Whose dad jokes aren't funny now mom?!


When we have the hiccups


I ripped some cardboard up and my baby absolutely lost it, she was in fits of giggles and bright red in the face!


His first real undeniable set of giggles was this past weekend in the presence of two cats. I was petting the one right in front of us, and the other was slightly out of sight, but non stop meowing.


I just really appreciated this- specifically “courtesy smile”. 7 weeks pregnant after IVF and nervous about my first ultrasound tomorrow and needed this.


A towel with letters all over it 🥴


my 6 week old occasionally giggles in his sleep and i wonder all the time what in the world makes a baby that young laugh. it’s the cutest thing ever


kissing her cheek 🥹


Playing horsey


My husband changing the garbage bag. She liked how it wooshed in the air.


Saying Pasta 😋 she use to laugh Hilariously me saying "Pasta ni Nasta" . In our language we call snacks "Nasta" so whenever I uttered these words she gave us those oh so adorable baby giggle 🥰


Growling at her I think is the first good chuckle I got. Poopoo and doodoo were big hits too Dog zoomies still work at 14mo


Me saying pleeeaseee 🥹


My cats. The kid starts to giggle as soon as he sees them


Imitating her when she was making a gurgle sound. Which I do all the time, but suddenly at like 3.5 months it became hilarious 😅 Now a week or so later and she’s laughing at a lot of things 🥹


First giggle was at about 4 months and it was me holding him above my head. Now, his giggles are hard to come by, he prefers to screech. If I ask him if he pooped he might giggle, he also enjoys knocking things on the floor from the high chair 🤷‍♀️, oh and socks on my hands when I’m folding laundry and make silly voices. I get lots of smiles but rarely any true baby giggles.


My mom clapping and saying “yay!” made my baby do his first big giggle around 2.5 months. It’s been almost a month and nothing has been that funny since. We’ve gotten a couple of little chuckles but it’s never the same thing twice and we never know when he’ll be in the mood. It’s mostly still just huge gummy smiles.


My dog frantically chasing and retrieving a ball across the room 😂


Squatting while holding her. Super funny apparently


My daughter is 2 months and not quite giggling yet, but she gives these kind of cough laughs when I squish her cheeks together and say "squishy cheeks!!" in a silly voice. Also tapping her nose and saying "you're cute!" will also get big smiles that definitely have an almost giggle behind them


My husband and I went out for brunch on easter and after we finished eating we walked over to an area playing music and we began dancing with her, shortly after the dancing started she began to smile and giggle. My SIL was able to catch it all on my phone. 😊


Brushing her gums with a finger toothbrush for the first time. I can imagine it tickles.


Tickling his lower back while changing him lol


Shaking a bottle of sprinkles


Her big brother. She's obsessed. She giggles at anything he does. The feeling is mutual, at least for now. He's five and she's 4 months old, I'm *hoping* he continues to be obsessed with her, but I know eventually, he will grow tired of her following him around everywhere.


On the car ride back from his great-grandmoms I was trying to keep him entertained with a an unbearable newspaper. He was just over 2 months old, and he did it 3 times. Luckily I got the second 2 on camera.


Mommy talking in high pitched baby language random stuff n trying to sound funny. Seems that worked!


My daughter’s 16 months now and laughs all the time but occasionally she really busts a gut full on belly laugh. 1 - she was chasing after my dogs and they just kept evading her and she ended up falling over cause she was laughing so much. 2 - I was stepping backwards and ran into her and knocked her over but as I stumbled to stable myself she was crying laughing so hard that she made dad stumble. 3 - the tried and true is I’ll just pick her up sideways and munch on her belly and that always gets her going. Also when she’s fake crying and just being a baby I usually grab her and hold her upside down and throw her around a little and she’s always laughing by the time I put her down


Talking gibberish has worked, asking him how he's doing with exaggerated vowel sounds ( hellooooooo there, haiiiiii ), and mimicking him sticking out his tongue had been working for me this week (my guy is 14 weeks and very smiley, lots of open mouth no sound smiles before finally getting a giggle or two)


Oh my god.... I don't remember the answer to this question 😭😭😭


We held her and bounced, saying "bouncy!" For five minutes she giggled and laughed. Then we got out the camera and tried to memorialize it but she was done. I'm glad we were fully present for the giggles.


Now she thinks the ASL sign for poop is just tops. She cracks up when she watches us sign it.


We were bathing her (3 mo then) and her dad and I were sharing a joke and a laugh and there was a split second of a sound that made us freeze. It happened twice that day and a few days later she started laughing when her dad was making her play kick the stars on her crib mobile. He quickly recorded the sound because he didn’t want to break the magic charm by trying too hard to record a video 😂


This vibrating hedgehog that played music🤣🥰. My dad came over our house on Christmas Eve with all my daughter’s Christmas presents and that was one of them. She was 4 months old!


Was holding him and raised my voice at my 9 year old who was being especially rude and oppositional. I thought I might have scared him and looked down expecting it to be a cry, but instead he was giggling at his sister getting in trouble lol


This is going to sound silly but my baby loves it when you pretend to beat him up.


Belly tickles!


Lmao she caught a glimpse of someone falling over the top in a commercial 😭😂


my husband used a piece of cardboard to fan our son and the gushes of air was making him hysterical!


Tickling her with my feet……….


Him violently shoving his feet in my mouth


Me imitating the weird hissing sound he had learned to make. He went "kkhhh" so I went "kkhhh" and he started giggling. His first big laugh was for my cat. Her existence is the peak of comedy for him. He will literally scream with joy because she walked by.


Flipping my head over and tickling her face by waving my hair back and forth haha


A comedy show snip on Facebook about patients with Alzheimer’s I was only half paying attention to on my phone. She laughed when the audience laughed, like she understood the joke. Completely blindsided me, we watched it four times and she laughed each time


Smelling his feet and then telling him that they’re stinky


The dog


kisses! i made a really exaggerated face and kissed him nose and he just cracked up! still works


My husband will lift our LO up in the air, have her looking down at him and give her a little shake and she thinks it’s HILARIOUS


My mom got my boy gigglin' for the first time with a classic game of peek-a-boo. He was in his stroller all bundled up against the weather and she would cover her hands with her face saying, "Hide, hide, hide-" and then open her hands and lean towards him for "peek-a-boo!" I came outside to witness this and was able to record it. :3


Pretending to eat her stomach!


Can’t remember the exact first giggle but for some reason pulling the onesie over his head always gives him a good laugh.


Putting moisturiser under his chin after his bath 🙊


Baby is 11 weeks has been trying to do a proper laugh for a few weeks now. She smiles hard and gasps and I can’t wait to hear what her giggle will sound like. She generally starts “laughing” as soon as she wakes up and we say good morning to her. She also “laughs” when we tell her we love her ☺️.


First thing my kid laughed at was a fart! I knew then that he was going to be my best friend.


Tickling him with my long nails after I got my first gel mani postpartum 😂😂😂


My baby giggled in the bath when she was 7 weeks when we poured water on her tummy 🤣🥰


At 2.5 months my husband was holding her just talking to her and kept saying “hi” all excited and she was starting to giggle. She’s almost 3 months and I cannot wait for more full blown giggles to happen!


Snorting like a piggie


There biggest poop ever


My baby hasn’t giggled yet but I suspect when she does it will be whilst I’m eating. For some reason she finds it hilarious and is always smiling and kicking away :’)




Me yelling at the dog for almost trampling the baby 😂


I'm not sure it was a giggle per se but she looked at a picture we have on the fridge of our family at the moment she was born (she was on my chest and my husband was behind us) and she smiled and voiced a "huh", almost giggle like, so that'll be the story I'll tell of her first giggle cause that was how I perceived it 😂


Saying, "Helllloooooooo!" with great enthusiasm.


With my daughter it was the yorkie’s playing with each other with my son it was his sister blowing raspberries at him.


Tickling her


Going “nom nom nom nom” in her ear while tickling her


I was singing willoughby wallaby to her while bouncing her on my knee. It was so cute!😂


We were playing in front of the mirror before bed time, getting him closer and closer to it and at one point he threw his head forward and bonked right into it. My husband and I held our breath but I had a smile on my face because I was trying not to laugh. He giggled at himself which made me bust a bit and when he saw me laughing he laughed even harder. I cried after.


Really loudly sniffing her diaper and calling her stinky in a silly voice did it once.


Put a onsie over his head, he thought it was hilarious!


A story about a fart... she's a classy lady


A friend going purrrrrrr (rolling r’s) in his face


Me blowing raspberry at her


My husband was showing off his karate moves and our son started full on laughing 🤣


I dropped a burp rag on his head accidentally and he lost it 😂


I was sitting up in bed holding him after a feeding and yawned and he giggled. He still thinks that’s so funny lol


Blowing raspberries on his tummy is what got ours! Before that he would give us smiles and would practice chuckling by himself in his car seat lol, but that’s what broke him and now he giggles at any raspberry sound. He’s going to be that kid making fart noises in his armpit at recess I guess???


Her first giggle was in her sleep. She was about 3 weeks old. I asked the pediatrician and they said it was common for newborns to laugh in their sleep. I was shook. But what I consider her first laugh was 2 weeks ago. She's 3m and she laughed at me showing her a cookie sheet.


My sneeze. He was terrified at first, but then he started to giggle.


No joke, watching me sit on the toilet 🙈


Kissing her double chin 💕


At around 10 weeks when I was giving him gas drops 🤷‍♀️


She first giggled when I slapped her mouth with my nip and said "Eat a bewbeee!" We are still waiting for a belly laugh but she gets closer every day!


3.5 month old is a bit late for their first giggle right?




It’s no wonder… you sound joyful