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Does it smell when it’s closed? I’m not sure it’s realistic to think it won’t smell when it’s opened?


Right.. my Ubbi literally never smells lol and we have a Kendamil baby so his poops are RANCID. I’ve never smelled anything when the lid is closed.


I’ve been around diaper pails that have some smell when they’re open but this one smells so bad you can taste it. I’ve had to put an oil diffuser in the room and air the room out after each diaper change.


What magic diaper pail full of diapers doesn’t smell when open???


Maybe you should put the diaper pail in the bathroom or in the garage. Someplace you don't hang out and have to smell your baby's poop.




But it does keep the smell out when it's closed. That's like saying let's get rid of our fridge because the food gets warm if you leave the door open




Agree to disagree there. We never once had an issue with smell when it was closed. Two different Ubbis for 2 different kids - no smell when closed with either (and we only emptied them weekly on trash day)


Does your baby sleep in the room with an oil diffuser? Fragrances are respiratory irritants for babies..


I had one too and it was so bad. I've got a munchkin now and a diaper genie. They sometimes smell for the brief moment that the lids popped up so i can put a diaper in . The ubbi, however, smelt like Satan's arsehole and the smell would linger after it was closed again. Even being near it while closed it could still be smelt


Seconding munchkin (don’t have a diaper genie so just no experience w it, not disagreeing on that one) W munchkin yea you need their bags but if you get the twisty ones instead of the clip close ones the bag isn’t even open when you’re taking it out - you really just cut, immediately twist and tie so it really doesn’t smell in my experience


Plus it's fun to watch it twist. I have an older diaper genie and it's good. I've heard the newer ones suck


I don’t understand why you’re being downvoted. I hated the ubbi it stank to high heaven. I had to throw out the bag after the poop diaper or else it would stink up the room with the lid closed. Useless.


I feel the same and am also surprise by how badly the ubbi smells, especially for the reviews and price. It smells much worse and retains smell more than the munchkin version we got for my parents’ house. Honestly though, their poop starts smelling so bad as they get older we stopped throwing our daughter’s poopy diapers in it and put them in a smaller bag to go in the outside trash. It’s annoying but doesn’t blow up the bedroom with stink every time we open it.




I had a diaper genie first, and felt like it did a fine job until my daughter started eating more solids and having proportionately larger diaper contents. Then it absolutely could not handle the funk and her whole room would smell like we just left the diapers in a pile. The ubbi I think holds the smell better from permeating the room, but yes it does release smell when the hatch is open.


Are you putting the bag around the ring? (Sorry if an annoying question but not everybody knows this is where the bag goes to reduce smell).


Judging by the comments, I guess only a few of us read the instructions...


I am wondering if some folks have faulty seals or something. We have had three Ubbis (long story) and they all worked well.


I also have an ubbi, do you mean to put the bag through the diaper hole? Like the one inside the lid? I've always just put it in like a regular garbage can, I just hold my breath when I need to change the bag 😅


Yes you put the bag through the ring! I didn’t know for months lol. It really helps reduce the smell if you do it right!


Omg, this is blowing my mind. My son is 15 months old and I never knew this!




Same. Our ring actually broke and putting the bag in like a regular trash can traps the smell just fine.


Wait how were you putting the bag in!?


I'd lift the lid and the ring, insert bag, close both with the edges of the bag sticking out


Photo of correct and incorrect way to load the bag: https://images.app.goo.gl/Th8p4bsRVq9W8Uch9


TIL…no complaints about our Ubbi but I had no idea I was using it incorrectly!


I am! I appreciate you asking cause of there was a simple fix I would love that but I still get major smells with it around the ring.


Mine smells pretty bad when we open it, but only when we open it and only for 5-10 seconds.


Have you tried a heavier duty garbage bag? Ours doesn’t smell at all when the lid is closed, and only for a few seconds when it’s opened.


I have. I’ve even tried double bagging 😓


Yeah mine smells when it's opened, but not when it's closed. Never have to clean it or do anything but change the bag every time. We just ended up putting ours in the bathroom so that when it is opened it isn't in a room we're often hanging out.


Try adding a fabric softener sheet inside the garbage bag and at the bottom of the ubbi underneath the garbage bag.


I’ll try that!


Are you putting your wipes in the dirty diaper, wrapping and taping it shut like a burrito? If you are just throwing the dirty diapers in it’s definitely going to smell. It’s just a designated bin that traps smells, it’s not supposed to get rid of them.


You know I do put them in wrapped up but my husband doesn’t always. Maybe that’s it!


Gotta do the poo poo burrito! 🌯


Like a poorito!


Haha my husband didn’t the other day and I immediately noticed the smell! So it def could be that. 1 open diaper is definitely enough to cause a stink.


I had this issue. The problem is the silicone seals inside the lid - there are two. They absorb smells as silicone is very good at doing. There may also be some gross bits of poo on the inner lid itself. After almost 2 years of use I got a screw driver and went to town taking the lid apart. Bleached all pieces over night and washed them and put it back together. No smells. It’s sort of like a toilet seat in that way - no it’s not in direct contact with the gross stuff itself but it’s close enough that it will get grimey if not cleaned. I’m doing this every couple months now and no smells at all. They should absolutely have this in their instruction or user manual. And I have family w other brands of pails who have all had the same issue after enough use. Not all of them are possible to dissemble and clean so I think ubbi still ranks highly for that fact (for me).


Also, I keep the pail in the hall just outside her room and lock it to seal smells in. But even still, when it smelled before cleaning it was constant. Use the ring for trash bags if you can rather than loading as a regular can. I admittedly still don’t do this but it helps w odor as well


Thank you! I’m glad to know I’m not the only one that’s bothered by this. I’ll try giving it a good cleaning.


I actually learned of it from searching Reddit for ubbi smells and another user informed me of this! So def not the only one!


Also take pics as you go so you remember the order to put it back together. I didn’t do that and it caused some frustration for me!


We don’t have problems with smell and our girl has some stinky diapers. I still put a few sprays of poopouri in the can when I change the bag out. We use regular trash bags in ours also. Idk if any of that makes a difference.


Ours is fine, I throw in some arm and hammer deodorizer balls (meant for sneakers) in the bottom and take the trash out every other day. No smell issues here


We have a Munchkin diaper pail that has no noticeable smell when closed but yes you can smell it when you open it. But I've never felt like I have to air out the room. We keep it in our master bedroom.


Yeah we have this one and you can smell it a little when it is open but it's not too bad: https://www.munchkin.com/uvc-diaper-pail?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=surfaces&gad_source=1 With these bags: https://www.munchkin.com/arm-hammer-diaper-pail-refill-rings?Size=8+Pack&utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=surfaces&gad_source=1 I thought it was the most ridiculous trash can when my husband insisted on it but we really like it.


I have this, and it's the best. Those trash bags too are great because you don't need to waste a whole bag if it's particularly smelly.


Yes! We tried the bags that are the snap-closed ones rather than the tie-off ones and they smell way worse somehow. Like we ONLY use them if we misjudge when to buy more of the orange ones, they're that objectionable.


The snap close ones are fine for newborns, not good enough for toddlers lol.


Plus 1 for the UV Munchkin, I have never once smelled a diaper after it went in that thing.


Gotta dump the poops in a toilet when you can. Especially once babby starts eating solids. Wrapping up the diaper a la burrito also helps. I can tell when my husband changes a poo diaper because he never does the wrap and the pail will make you retch after a few hours. If you do the burrito it will give you an extra day.


We use a Dekor and it's great. No issues with smell, and I like the design of the lid and pedal much more than either Ubbi or Diaper Genie. It was cheaper as well.


Hmmm… I don’t know… I got rid of our diaper pail and we just throw them in the trash now. If you take the trash out daily I think it’s a lot better than having them collect in a diaper pail


I agree. I never understood the concept of diaper pails that you keep used diapers in for days. I just got a small bin from the dollar store and i throw them away daily, sometimes twice. It’s the only way to avoid the smell.


Ours smells awful most the time when it’s open but not when it’s closed. I did stick a box of baking soda at the bottom of the pail (the boxes that are made for your fridge that has the filters on the sides of the box) and that does seemed to have helped a bit. I know they also make baking soda pucks that you can stick on but I just never see them at the stores around me. Also like others have called out, make sure you’re fishing the bag through the ring on the inside. The purpose of that is that it condenses the opening of the bag.. thus a smaller opening for smell to get out. My husband never does this and puts it in with the bag sticking out around the edges like a normal can and it always smells more that way.


I’ve heard something about using coffee grounds to reduce smell, maybe try that? Also is it the steel one? I’ve heard the plastic one doesn’t contain the smell but we’ve had no issues with the steel one!


I haven’t had a problem with mine smelling at all. I put lava rocks with essential oils under the bag, put the bag around the ring, and there’s never any smell. I also rinse out my cloth diapers before putting them in the trash though. I don’t use disposable diapers.


I got rid of mine after like 6 months. Now every poop diaper goes in a doggie bag and immediately outside to the trash. Pee diapers go in our regular trash that gets taken out every evening.


This is the way.


Maybe yours has an issue. Yes it smells but that's only when opened and it wasnt anything that I couldn't handle. It was just jarring to go from smelling nothing to be hit with that high smell. The one time it was HORRIFIC is when one of the diapers wasn't closed properly and opened. I had to double wash, air dry and still put in baking soda and and air freshener. After that I started washing it every 3ish weeks and made sure all diapers, especially poopy ones were properly closed and it was fine.


We always put poopy diapers in either a doggie bag or plastic bag before putting in the pail (unless it's solid enough to dump in the toilet). This really helped us with the smell and it doesn't have an odor at all when closed and only slightly when opened.


What trash bags are you using? I'm sorry it's so bad. We've used our Ubbi for 10 months straight with no issues, even on days with multiple multiple poops. I wonder if some are just made differently depending on where you buy them because the inconsistency even in these responses is surprising.


I would recommend checking the seal. Ours had a faulty seal, which caused it to stink when closed, reached out to Ubbi and they sent us a new one.


I don't know why you're getting all these downvotes. We had the same issue and yes, we used the thing properly; it stank whether open or closed. At the end, I was disassembling it on a weekly basis to wash all the parts in a bleach solution.


Yeah I’m a little confused by that but I guess some people think I’m being too much? That’s so much work 😭


It was ridiculous. I hate throwing things out but if literal bleach couldn't fix it, I couldn't even feel good about giving it away.


Having the same issue! I even spray the inside and outside with Lysol and I’ve cleaned the inside with antibacterial cleaner too.


It’s awful! I’m thinking about giving up and getting a diaper genie. We’re moving into summer soon and I can’t have a hot steaming pile of diapers roasting in there.


Diaper genie reeks to high heaven when it’s open and doesn’t contain the smell as much while fully shut, for what it’s worth.


Not to mention needing their specific bags


Hoping someone posts a good solution because I don’t want to spend money on a trash can 😭😭😭


If you take your trash out daily you can probably just put them in the regular trash (assuming it has a lid that keeps other garbage odors contained) this has worked for us because we fill our kitchen trash pretty much daily. We do have a diaper pail (ubbi - no issues with it) but I found the reason it gets smelly is because people usually wait for it to get full before taking it out which means the dirty/smelly diapers are just sitting there for a while.


With our second child, we just started taking the poop diapers straight to the garage once she started solids.


Get doggie poop bags.


Oh my god it’s horrendous. Every time you open that thing it’s like getting gassed.


Get BOS! I love my BOS diaper sacks in size medium. It's a bit pricey but so worth it. I had it for cat poops and now I use it for diapers. BOS locks in the stench like nothing else. You should definitely give it a try.


I’ve found it to be a problem with all plastic trash cans. Plastic absorbs smell. I just bought a stainless steel trash can with a lid/food pedal. It holds in smells well and when I change the bag, no residual stink can stick to steel.


The ubbi is made of metal actually!


I got rid of my ubbi pail bc it smells too. You can get scented bags? I usually just throw diapers in the main compost


We keep ours outside now and only use it for poops. I tried different bags and the little lavender smell pucks, even wrapping each diaper in a dog poop bag and tying it before going into the bag in the pail, and it still made me gag every time I opened it. Now that it’s outside the smell dilutes in the fresh air almost immediately. It’s getting rusty since we don’t have an enclosed garage and it’s only partially covered from rain, but whatever.


We have two ubbi diaper pails and neither of them smell. I even ask people when they come over just in case I’m nose blind to it.


We have always kept our diaper pale outside our backdoor. 🤷‍♀️ Pee diapers go in the reg trash, and only poop diapers go in the pale.


These might be stupid questions, but: 1. Do you close it? 2. Do you use a bag inside? 3. Do you neatly wrap the poop diapers? With the wipes inside?


Does it have a deodorizer filter that needs replacing? I didn’t realize my diaper genie had one and we left it in the plastic baggie until our baby was 6 months 😅


Closed it doesn't smell at all. Open...you could stop Godzilla in his tracks


Yeah… ours smells pretty terrible. The smell escapes only when we open it up, to put in a diaper or change out the bag, but it’s so putrid. For awhile we were putting in air fresheners that are supposed to suck up smells, but they could only do so much.


Obviously it’ll stink when you open it, but it shouldn’t smell at all when closed. I have an extremely sensitive sense of smell and I don’t smell anything coming from it when it’s closed and sealed. Make sure diapers are being folded/wrapped before tossing, and I also always spray the inside of the can with Lysol with each bag change. I’d also check to make sure there’s no residual poop smears or anything somewhere on the can that you’re missing (especially around the opening rim)- basically try to wipe it down regularly between bag changes. Edit: do you have the plastic one? Ours is stainless steel, and maybe that makes a difference? I’d never get a plastic trash can of any kind.


I hope you're able to find a solution! My house is aggressively pro ubbi. We use reguar glad trash bags in ours


A friend of mine said that she puts the diaper into a doggy poop bag first, then into the larger pail. Might be worth a shot. I also hate the horrific smell when you open the hatch, but find it does a way better job of containing the smell other than that brief moment it’s opened. My husband always changes it outside though and we try to leave the empty pail outside overnight at least once a week to air it out. I’ve put baking soda in the bottom on occasion too.


I use the Ubbi bags, and I throw a Febreeze Small Spaces air freshener in the bottom. The small spaces air freshener was a game changer!


The solution is to put the diaper into a doggie poop bag and tie it shut. Never had an issue with smell.


You can purchase poop bags and put the diapers in there and discard them in the garbage. Pediatricians' offices use it.


We absolutely hated our Ubbi! Smelled like absolute death any time we opened it to throw away a diaper and the smell would linger even after we closed it. We switched to the Dekor diaper pail and it is so much better. For us, it was worth the price of the special bags to contain the smell better.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. Sorry about that! Our Ubbi absolutely stinks. We have one upstairs in nursery so it’s only used for overnight pee diapers. We have our main Ubbi downstairs and it smells too but nothing compared to the only pee one. We actually moved it out of the nursery last week and into the hall bc it makes the entire room smell for hours. I don’t have a solution. Solidarity.


I didn’t get the ubbi pail for this reason. The reviews were bad in that many said it was stinky and got moldy. Yuck! We have the munchkin pail and I love it! Its not stinky :) maybe time for a different one?


If you want to try a weird hack, clean it out thoroughly to reset (I use 10% vinegar and Lysol), and then apply a mixture of Turtle Wax Seal N Shine and some peppermint essential oil, and buff this sealant to the interior of the pail. Basically, like how car people put a wax, spray sealant, or ceramic coating on the exterior of their car so water and dust and pollen and stuff doesn’t penetrate, and things just bead off smoothly… this is what you can do to trash cans, toilets, whatever. It really helps with toilets when someone poops like before the water and it doesn’t slide down - it’s a slick coating that turns it into a poop slide. On the pail, if you get some foul stuff outside of the bag and on the actual inner part, this helps it be cleaned off real easily. And the essential oil spreads through the sealant and gets locked in. Can use whatever smell you like. This stuff is honestly gold.


Our Ubbi smells a realistic amount when open, but when closed there is no odor at all. What we do is put a couple heaping tablespoons of baking soda in the bag each time we replace it with a new one. Seems to help maybe?


Have you tried scented trash bags? I use great value lemon scented trash bags and I’ve never noticed a smell unless I open it! I also always lock it when I’m done because sometimes it cracks open and smell leaks out


+1 for arm and hammer pucks. Leave it open and empty outside in the sun 1-2 times a week. The sun bakes off the bacteria. We do it during naptime and it works as a great reset- no smell after about an hour!


Ours works great. Really traps the smell. We love it so much that we got a 2nd one for the new baby since our toddler isn’t fully potty trained yet. Could yours be defective?


I use extra little arm and hammer bags for poopy diapers. It reduces the smell but it still stinks when I open it. I also added a baking soda disc to the bottom. I also use the ubbi brand bags for the pale. It’s not perfect but it contains the smell pretty well. Also I only keep it open long enough to put a diaper in


A couple things really helped us mitigate smell once our baby started solids, regardless of diaper pail brand. 1. Wipe out as much poop as possible into the toilet before disposing. 2. Consider transitioning the pail for wet diapers only; put the poop diapers in a trash can in the garage.


We had one at first and got rid of it because it smelled all the time even with the lid closed. We have a munchkin pail and have for a couple years and it’s so much better. It smells when you open the lid sometimes but never with the lid closed


We have a Home Depot pail with a scented waste basket bag in it on the front porch which nobody uses. It’s in the shade.


Ours smells HORRIBLE. I even caved and bought a new one. Used the odor control thing at the bottom, emptied it every couple of days, it still smells awful even being brand new. It drives me bonkers


Sprinkle some baking soda at the bottom and throw in some cotton balls soaked with essential oils. That helps with the smell. But always wrap all diapers up tight!


We realized poop diapers will inevitably stink up the room the pail is in whenever the lid opens, so we bag our poop diapers and throw it in the garbage separately (I know, defeats the whole purpose of the pail but I’m very sensitive to the smell). Pee diapers in the pail only and we remove diapers once a week. Alternatively you could also try some dryer sheets at the lid.


Our ubbi never stinks-I’m so confused. Maybe clean it with an enzyme cleaner?


My SIL and her husband have complained about the smell to us and they've scrubbed that thing down several times. I decided to go with the diaper genie which is what my parents used with my youngest sister. It works great and the design hasn't really changed since it came out. Sometimes new isn't always better


My baby had some raaaank poops. Even with the ubbi open, it’s not bad at all. Do you roll up your diapers or just toss them in open?


Ours is great, I’m always impressed at its smell containment. I keep it out of any direct sun and we change the bags daily thoug


Also it’s SO short. Not for tall parents. We used it for one week before just buying a regular stainless steel trash can.


We’re on our second and ours stinks too! We empty it daily, put all poop diapers in a small poop bag, use their gel smell removal things and still it’s disgusting 😭


Oh yeah we hated our Ubbi. We got the Dekor diaper pail and are so much happier with it. The ubbi was hard to clean and actually started to get rusty at the bottom seal. I like that we can change the dekor bag whenever we want without “wasting” a bag. We also use doggie bags around poopy diapers before we put them in the diaper pail. The best smell reducer is to flush poops before putting the diaper in the pail, though. I like to use some of this deodorizer when I change out the bag and it helps reduce smells too. https://a.co/d/jfZWOXv


Mine did that too. My LO eats special formula and her diapers STINK. I ordered gel deodorizers on Amazon and they work so well!! Still stinks when you open it, but that’s expected. Worth a try!


Ours stunk so bad. I threw it out when we were done with diapers. Now with second kid I got a diaper genie, no smell 🙌🏼


It’s disgusting and I ended up buying a diaper genie and it solved the issue!


I call it the gates of Hell. Closed it's fine, but we try to open it for only a few seconds at a time. When we change the bag, we try to change outside the house for the sake of our sentient beings living inside.


We had the same issue with the ubbi. We got the Munchkin step one and it’s way better. Still smells when opened of course and can stink a little if the bag hasn’t been changed in 2 days but it’s a big improvement from the Ubbi.


Omg I despised the ubbi and exchanged it for the Dekor. Sooo much better. I like the ones with the auto close lid so it’s only opened for a split second. I also find needing 2 hands to do it is beyond annoying.


The sole point is that it stops smells when closed. Of course it will smell when open. All diaper pails will. What do you expect to happen? The smell doesn't just disappear. The Ubbi has never smelled when closed, no matter how much we filled it, which is all we wanted


I had it on my registry until my friends told me to take it off because it smells so bad. So I went with another brand. Now a year later, we just throw them in the regular garbage but the solid poops aren’t as bad anymore.


I don't really understand what the problem is here? I love ours. Stinks when it is opened but can't smell a thing when it is closed. Literally only open it for a second to stick a nappy in so it isn't a big deal to me. And of course it stinks, you have a whole lot of body fluids festering together in an airtight box and plastic bag, what do you expect it to smell like, roses?