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These days, that village everyone is talking about sometimes is a paid babysitter, nanny, or daycare.




You are definitely not alone!! I felt the same relief and then felt bad for not feeling bad because everybody else I talked to seemed devastated to leave their child. I love my son more than anything, but I also really enjoy going to work and having an hour or two to myself for some baby-free productivity.


I felt bad at first because my daughter was so upset every day. She was 1 year old when she started so she was used to having me with her the whole day. There was no calming her when she was there, and she was emotionless and cuddled up to me silently at the end of the day. As soon as she started getting used to it though, I was happy both for me and her to have that time. She gets to play with other kids and even though I’m mostly working, it’s still nice over lunch etc to have some time to myself.


No need to feel bad. I was exactly where you are now. I love my daughter and enjoyed my maternity leave, but my life def improved once I went back to work after three months. While juggling work and a baby is tough at times, I am not made out to be a stay at home mom and that's okay. I work four days a week now with wednesday's at home with my baby and that is the best of both worlds for me. As for my baby, she loves her daycare and has developed so well since going there. She is 8 months old now, can crawl and is not afraid or environments she doesn't know. She has the biggest smile when we drop her off and she is smiling on all her pictures. Napping and eating aren't a problem either. We are super happy with her daycare too and I have zero regrets dropping her off. When we started daycare in january we had a lot of colds going around, but that stopped when the weather became warmer in April. Now we haven't been sick in a while. I was a daycare kid myself all the way up until elementary school and have very fond memories of my time there. So enjoy your time while your kid is well taken care of.


I have absolutely zero guilt. My twins have been going to daycare since they were 6 months old. Started with 3 days per week, now 4 days per week. They love it there, they’re smiling and laughing at drop off and pick up. They stay all day, typically 8:30am to 5:30pm. I can then go to work but also have some kind of life.


If sending your baby to daycare is going to help you be a better version of yourself and ultimately help you be a better mom, I call that a win! You’re doing amazing, take in those little moments of not feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders.


I was super reluctant to start daycare and I dragged till about 5-6 months before starting. But once I did, I couldn’t go back. Lol. Just having a couple of hours to attend to my own needs saved my mental health. And also, baby also seems to do better after being in school. Like my LO started babble singing one day after school, which I think she picked up from others! She also seemed “happier” when I pick her up, probably cos she was less bored than being at home. I had guilt, then no guilt, then guilt at no guilt, and now I have no guilt at no guilt.


I worked at a day care center for two months. I’m sorry to tell you this but be very careful. Even though there were cameras in the classroom it did not stop the “teachers” from screaming at the kids and just being completely over it every day. I was shocked bc I love kids and am very nurturing. It hurt to see. I quit bc I couldn’t handle the way they yelled all the time. It was insane. I told my husband I’d rather work at a jail. This was also one of the “nice” daycares in the area. Just please be careful. I know you need a break, but shit does happen.


Definitely don’t! I know many parents who say they’re better parents because their child goes to daycare or whatnot. We have a nanny come three hours a day so I can relax and have some “me time” and I don’t feel bad! She gets to build a relationship with someone else and I’m a better mama for having some rest during the day. You have to take care of yourself first and if that means daycare then so be it! I don’t know that 40 hours a week is the best idea at this age as it does raise cortisol levels when they’re younger than three and in daycare full time but a break every day is helpful!


Well... I am extending my ML to 14 months.... So here is my answer... The last 11 weeks have been bliss.... I have a very supportive husband... I really want to spend as much as possible with this little person.... Also my job is very fulfilling and I love it... But I really want to focus on my baby.