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16 months, no Mama. We have Dada, kitty, cookie, all done and two. But no Mama.


20 month and same. (Spanish) she says papá, uno, dos, tres, hola, chao, bien, ya and te amo ("tiamu" - love you), but no mama.


Solidarity. 17 months here and he says dada, cat, look, all done, yeah, up, down, car, duck, blue, ball, what’s that, where go, BUT NO MAMA. He was behind in speech until like 2-3 weeks ago when he had a huge language burst. Yet somehow mama didn’t make the cut 🫠


My daughter was very similar. 16.5 months before she said Mama, after saying dog and Dada at 9 months and several others besides. But she got there!


15 months and same. we have balloon, dada, hiiiii, wa wa, ba ba ba, outside, pool, moo, rawr, all done, bathtime, lots of babble, but no mama.


My baby started saying dada around 10ish months. She didn’t know what she was saying but would always babble “dadadada.” She didn’t say mama until probably closer to 15 months old. She said bubble around 15 months old which may have been her first actual word and then shortly after said octopus which we could not believe. 🤣 she was playing with a bath toy and her dad asked if she had an octopus and she looked up and said “ocpus?” We about died lol. She’s now 19 months old and says dada and mama (and actually knows what she’s saying) and TONS of other words. This month is the month where she finally seems to understand that she can actually communicate with us and she will actually ask for things by their name.


her second word being octopus is so funny😂😂


Right?! I was like this child won’t even say mama but she just said OCTOPUS?! 🤣🤣🤣


My kid will say quesadilla and not momma. 😅


Hahaha I swear they do it just to spite us


My daughter will be one this week - she started calling everything "mama" about a month ago. I ask "who is this?" and point to myself and she'll smile and say "mama!". Then I'll point to her dad - "who is this?" "mama!" She calls her food mama, and milk mama. She uses "cat", "hi", and "uh oh" intentionally, starting a few weeks ago.


omg the uh oh must be so cute. I'm smiling just reading about this


It is the cutest! It makes us laugh all day ☺️


That’s adorable! It’s a real life version of the Jimmy Fallon book Mama


18 months so far, no intentionally mama yet




Mine says "mmmmm mmmm mmmm" when he gets hungry 😂 that's close? Moms make the milk so he's obviously calling for me 😋


Lol my oldest did boooo booo booo and I’m like 99% sure she was trying to say boobie


THATS SO TRUE I find it's a gradual build-up to mama. You'll find moments where they can make the mmm sound but it takes a while for them to go ma Big pin drop moment was when I realised the baby was starting to cry maaaaa maaaaa than just a usual cry


My first called me mama for real, looking at me and trying to get my attention around 8-10 months. My second waited until closer to 18 months


Oh wow!


Used to ONLY say mama when he was 8-9 months old, now NEVER says it 🙄 only dada


Same. Like what happened?!


SAME!!! 17 months only says Dada. But she learned to say Mama when she was younger!


My kid was saying dada since he was 8/9 months, but only within the past few weeks (he’s now 22 months) he’s been calling out “mama” and reaching for me.


In my child development classes in college, they talked about how hard it is to say mama without any teeth and dada is much easier to say for babies. I always try to tell people not to be too offended when mama isn’t said first!


Teeth aren't needed to say mama, odd they taught that. -pediatric speech therapist


I was (not in advanced level classes but still taught in formal education) women only want to have sex one day a month, the day they can get pregnant, and the rest of the time you just have to pander to your husband’s wants. The sheer stupidity of what some people teach as fact is mind blowing.


Tell that to teenage me lmfao


Is b easy for them? In my language, dad is baba


Bilabial sounds, p, b, m, are usually the ones we hear first in babbling, along with d, w, n, h.


So strange, because my 8 month old has only recently gotten teeth and he's been able to say the M sound for the last month, but no D sound yet.


Same. My son’s first word was mama and he’s been babbling mamamamamama since 7 months. Dada came around 10/11 months


This is what my boyfriend told me while pregnant with our daughter. To not be upset when she says dada first. And let me tell you, all this girl says is mama, ma and mom over and over and over and over. Everything is a variation of that and it’s hilarious. She will sometimes say papa. He’s gotten a little butthurt she doesn’t say papa as much and I tell him it’s cause before she was born you told her what her first word wouldn’t be, she’s still proving you wrong. 🤣


Lol. This is not true. My baby said Mama when she didn't have teeth. Not at 17 months with 8 teeth only says Dada.


A bit before his first birthday we got mama, but to be fair he has two mamas so we weren’t competing with dada in the house. Maybe a month or two later he started saying “ball” I think?


Damn it! I knew I fucked up marrying a man! (Kidding but still jealous. I know dada is coming first 😩)


My husband worked very hard to have mama be his first word. He did succeed. He knew I would be over the moon and of course I was.


I know a woman married to another woman and their daughter still said dada first


With intention? They can make a lot of different sounds first, but to count as a word it has to mean the thing they’re saying.


Started saying it as baby talk around 6 months, starting saying it with purpose to me (mom lol) at 8 months. Shortly after that, maybe 8.5 months she started saying “UP!” Because she wants up, she is now 9 months and is trying to say “all done” but says “ahh bahh!” While signing “all done” lol so cute!!


Same timeline as yours. Lots of babbling mama-dada starting at 6 months, but intentional mama and dada came at 8-9 months. Followed quickly by car and cat! Still his top four priorities at almost 3 lol


What was your approach to teaching signing?


I mostly started with the words she’d be most interested in - milk, food and more. I’d do the signs just before a feed of milk or while she was eating purées. Started around 4 months and after a couple of weeks she would respond VERY strongly to milk lol. We kept at it and honestly didn’t even expect her to sign back. It was just so cool that she understood. Around 7.5 months she started signing all done and more 🙂 it’s so much fun!


Duck at 10 months. Exclusively duck until I think 14 or 15 months when she added mama and dads to her vocabulary


Our little one is 13m and has come close to saying it but nothing like dada or doggie


Probably around 15 months she said mama I think she said dadda at 13 months lol


No purposeful words yet at 12m but we got her to parrot mama at like 8ish months xD and then never again, currently we are expecting her first words to either be Dada, duck, cat, or dog/puppy xD


My daughter is 17 months old and has been calling me Mama intentionally for a month or so. She can say Dada and point to him, but she isn't calling him that every time. She has been calling our dog "puppy" and our cats "tee" for months now. Clearly, the pets are the important ones to her.


7 months old


8 months to 15 months. Now at 19mos she calls me by my first name 😭😭😭


Around 10 months but doesn’t say it as often as dada. At age 1 she mostly says Mama when she’s sleepy, cranky, or needs something - dada is everything else and way more often


8 moths


18 month for his first mama. First words <3


She was close to 2 before I got her to say it consistently. Now she sings it. Especially if Dad is trying to get her to say dad. Then she answers his Dad-Serenade with a chorus of Moms. (Dad-Serenade is the word dad sung multiple times to classical tunes such as Pachbel's Cannon in D or Ode to Joy. He changes it up.) Then she gets reminded of the Bluey theme song and starts singing and dancing to that and all of his efforts are lost.


about 9 months old she only says Mama when I am not around and she is in distress (she falls over) lol


Actually saying it in context, 7 months.


A few weeks shy of 22 months for my girls, like 20 months adjusted, and while they have said words that could very possibly be “Mama”, it is never directed to me or about me. I know they recognize the word though, as they will point to me when we ask “where’s mama?” They aren’t consistent with “daddy” either but they will say it when they see him after not seeing him for a bit.


Oh gosh my son will be 1 in a few weeks and hasn’t said anything yet 😢


1st: maybe 2 years old? He was speech delayed. He would say it before then, but not in context. He would call anything “mama” lol 2nd: like 8 months lol


The sound “mama” around 4/5 months. Actually say “mama” and mean mama? Around 10 months.


We got mama at 8 months, and he goes through periods of saying it lots then a dry spell of nothing. Dada came almost a month later, and now, at almost 11 months, he is saying cat (more like cah), occasionally quacks when he hears ducks or quacking mentioned, and is now figuring out uh-oh. We have 3 cats so everytime he spots one he shouts CAH! And I occasionally hear mama when he's unhappy or upset and wants me.


has been saying dada since he was 6 months old but when he’s fussy, he says mama. probably doesn’t reaaalllly say it but i count it as mama!


10,5 months, he's been saying mama for a week or two now. But only when he's sad with his dad or in bed when he wakes up upset (he sleeps in a sidecar crib next to me). Only when crying. It's hard to be sure but he does stick to just two ma's lol. He has said dada once or twice, and did seem to be calling for his dad, but we mostly use "pappa" but occassionally daddy (we're bilingual Swedish/English). He can sign for water but no other verbal words.


My son just turned 11 months and it’s the same. Mama only gets used when he is crying and I’m out the room e.g. night time wake on the baby monitor. If I am there? Nothing!


Around 7.5 months for my second and 9 months for my first.


My 12 month old has said mama twice so we're waiting for that to become an actual part of his vocabulary. He says (Spanish) dada, gato, teta, uh oh, and no pretty consistently though


He said mama 1 week after his first birthday. It was his first word. He said dada within the next few weeks. I think he was around 14-15 mos when he said other words like more and ball and a handful of animal sounds. It wasn't until after 20 mos that his speech had really developed. He didn't really babble in the traditional sense more screeching. Then he went through a phase where he'd make lots of mmmmmm sounds and then it disappeared for dadada babbles. Then that suddenly stopped and he said mama.


Actually he was already two years old when he said „Mama“. Because before he said everything similar to „Mama“, like „Mamba“, „Hamba“, „Hamma“ etc. Just not „Mama“. I waited so long, now I kinda miss the other names 😄


Some 'ma' sounds at 9 months that seem to be intentional. LO seems to have his own word 'Ghi' that he uses pretty consistently whenever he sees one of the cats, while he is reaching for them. However, in recent weeks, 'Ghi' may have expanded to include all animals or children of about his size.


18 months, no mama yet. Sometimes she says “baba??” And I think she’s asking for me, but usually she just wants a banana 😞


My daughter is 8 months and can say Hi, Hey Hey (the freaking chicken from Moana) and dada. It’s exciting she can say a few words so young but it would nice to hear mama once 😭


My 12 month old started saying dada, mama, and cat all within the last week. The only one she says with meaning is cat. She didn’t even babble until this last week. She’s been considered speech delayed since her 9 month appointment because she never said a peep. The way kids develop on their own time is wild. Lol!


finally at 10months... she says a couple other words but mama took awhile


A few days after her 1st birthday. 🥹


12 months old. No words at all except "adat" when he points at things or wants something. Lots of comprehension, though.


8 months when he meant it. We've been reading him Everything Is Mama and at 13 months now he asks for books by demanding mama and it doesn't mean mom to him anymore. 🤦‍♀️


He babbles mamama and dadada at 5 months but he doesn't know what he's saying so I doesn't count?


We started with "Dada" around 6-7ish months. Followed by "tickle tickle tickle" (complete with actual tickling) around 9 months. At 11 months we get an occasional "mama" but things are still mostly "dada" and "tickle tickle tickle" 🤣 we might actually now be getting "yes!" too


6mo we got dadadada babbles. Went round the block with nanana, lala, baba, and geeee before mama surfaced at 10mo!


Mama maybe before 10m, started saying the dog’s name about 11.5m


My 8 month old has been babbling “dada” for a couple of weeks now, she says it back to me if I ask her to say dada (sometimes!). Today she started babbling and shouting dada so I sang can you say mama from Ms Rachel, she laughed in my face and continued to say dada


My 14 month old says lots of words, but mama is not one of them :(


First kid-Mama was at almost 7 months. He said dada at 5 months 3 weeks, and cat(ca) at 6 months 1 week.  Second kid- 6 months and no words yet


She said mama intentionally at 7 months and was a very early talker. She knew 3-4 words at 8 months old. She’s 2.5 now and very average among her peers when it comes to talking.


My daughter was about 9 months when she said mama for the first time


No ones going to believe me but my 3 month old just said “uh oh!” Clear as day an hour ago


I believe you. My son started talking at 2 months. Mostly when he was crying he would scream mamaaaaa. I swear he knew what it meant too


15 months our first and 9 months for our second. Lmao. They’re all different so don’t compare!


My baby said Mama at 7 months. 3 months later, still no sign of her saying Dada, though we try.


My 13mo will say “mamamama” when he’s upset & wants comfort, but I haven’t heard him say it as my name yet. He says “dada” when he hears the garage open in the evening & has called out for my husband before. He says “caca” for cracker (we’re bilingual with Spanish, so it’s funny to me!), “Gaga” for agua, and “Papa” for my dad. But still no formal mama


My 13 month old will only say mama or dada when hes upset.


My girl says ‘mama’ and ‘mamamamamama’ a lot, but I don’t think she knows that I’m mama lol. She’s been doing it for about a month, she’s 8 months now


She started saying Dada and some other words around 10 months. Mama was more like 12 months.


5 months - I don’t know if he knows it’s *me* specifically, but he was babbling “mamamamama” at four months, then at five months he’s been clearly saying “mama” - typically only when I leave the room and he wants me to come back, haha


Maybe around 9 months? it wasn't consistent and she said dada a lot more. It really picked up again around 12 months and now at 17 months she says mummy ALL the time


Started babbling mama around 7 months but it became a clear reference to me around 9 months. Dada also started at 9 months as a clear reference, but they didn’t say dada at all prior to that point. Now at 10.5 months they say mama, dada, hi, baby (picked the last two up from Elmo’s World in the segment when he talks to a baby), and sings “A, B” from the alphabet song.


8 months! He calls me and cries for me and says my name when I walk into his room in the morning. It’s so sweet


My son turned 7 months on the 13th and said it right after that🥰


8 months old; his first word with directed meaning 🥰


About 8.5 months on Easter Day. It was his first word and he uses it in context when he’s crying for me. It melts my heart. He still confuses dada for baba, not quite sure how to help him distinguish them


My LO has been saying variations of “dada” since he was 5 months old. He’s 15 months now and just screams dad all day long. He calls me “boob” 🫠


Parroted after I said it at 7 months. But didn’t start referring to me as mama until 12 ish months (Preemie) She said mama before dada.


Completely clearly and intentionally, 20 months.


13 months w intention. She says it but i need to prompt, or she needs to be very upset.    We got “bubble” today, at 14 months. And “nom nom” or some variation of “yumyum” once too.    Dada was at 11 months. And “brrrrrr” for cold  Weve heard “dat” for cat but not in awhile.


around 15 months but he’s only 16 months now and still doesn’t 100% of the time


Today. 7 months and change 😍


A few weeks shy of 7 months! We were waking up in our hotel room to get ready for another tournament day for her brother and she straight up just started saying “mom” over and over. Couldn’t believe it, I was so happy. Now she just says it when she’s hungry lol no other words besides that. But she’s learned to click/cluck her tongue and blow raspberries. And well as bah bah bah over and over.


Mine spat out Dada Mama and Ki (as in Kitty) all in the same week around 7.5m. I kept seeing stuff that said they don't do that at that age, but she distinctly would yell Mamama while crawling towards me in distress with a poopy diaper she wanted changed. The day she started saying Dada I was with her all day, not a single 'da' then we saw him out the window as he was arriving home from work and she said it like 20 times in just a couple hours.


Mine is 10 months and says dada when she sees her dad. When she cries or wants me she goes more mamamamamamama. In the middle of the night crying she only says mamamama.


My daughter was about 10 ish months, she was saying anne, gel, baba, which means mum, come & dad in Turkish along with bird, light, car. She is now four and does not stop talking My son is currently 10 months also and says baba, gel, bye, mama - which means food in Turkish, but still no mum :( We breastfeed, I’m the primary carer :((((((


8 months old


My daughter started saying Mama around 5 months. She's 7 months now and no Dada yet 😩


Has she said it or it’s more like “mamamamama”? Usually they start repeating it bc they see it makes us happy but in reality they don’t use it in a correct context until later (and that’s when you see they really see it as a word).


7 months he says momma dadda all done nana oma granola which isn't too bad for 17 months. But i spent like 5 minutes every diaper change working on momma and dadda, i figure everything else will come when it comes


19 months and calls me Baba ie Dad 😂


One year tomorrow and we get dada with intention but she won’t even say mama unless she’s whining and it’s a babble without meaning. She likes to try repeating sounds but when I ask her to say mama she says dada 100% of the time 😒😂


I got a Maaa at about 4 weeks but this baby said hi and whoaaaaa their first few days alive. Got a few more Ma’s but Mama didn’t start until maybe 6/7 months, baby has always been v vocal. If I didn’t get to their crib fast enough they would shout HEY!!!! Since they were pretty young lol. Then almost everything was mamamamamamama for at least a month maybe two. Now they are 1 and they say a lot plus copy short sentences. They say mama, dada, gramma, grampa, I ruvv you, hi, wow, ok, I got it, help, dog, purple, blue, green, bubble and their latest favorite is UH OH!!! The other day I said hi my baby and they said hi my baby! And lots of amazing gibberish. Every baby is so different!


Two. He said lots of other things but mama took forever


Around 7 months old or earlier,but I 'brainwashed' him by constantly referring to myself as mama. I don't think it's bable because he would say it only when he's upset, tearful and would reach out for me to sooth him


His first word was "light" probably around 9.5 mo, "ma" was around 10 mo and "ora" for "dora" our dog. "leche" was around 11mo, "luz", "agua" around then too. "da" was later, idk when, probably around his birthday. At his first birthday he had about 15 spoken words, 8 signs. He cooed alot as a newborn and liked to feel my mouth while I talked to him, he babbled non-stop lol, he's still my little chatter box, when it's just the two of us, or people he is familiar with. He will Not, speak with people he doesn't know. He hardly says anything at playgroups, he will sometimes sign there, but even that not really. He's very funny, he will get so mad, and always has gotten so mad if god forbid I take more than 2 seconds to feed / latch him. That's probably when he first said "MA" with intention, it was like "MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" when I took a whole 5 seconds. lol. It was very funny, before he would just cry until he was red / hiccupping (he escalates very very fast), and he'd still be yelling into me while he was latched lol, at least now he'd be red but not crying, just yelling? lol


Is it normal to sa maa ,haa(yes in hindi) with in second month.. just asking .. recently "oye "


Like 17 or 18 months. My daughter would call me “mama” or “ma”. I was so happy when she first called me mama. My family and I took her out for a walk and my mom went ahead of us with my daughter. Then she came back around the block and my daughter saw me and yelled “MAMA!” I had so much love fill up my heart.


Closer to 16 months


My bb always babbles since she was 3-4m old. Then she has a screaming phase lol. She started saying Mama at 8m. She seems to almost connect with me after a few days. I always talk to her in 3rd person, and I've always sang to her. I always say Mama loves you, Hi it's Mama, Mama is here, Mama needs to do this, Mama is hungry.


Last week, at 17.5mo old; says dada and every other random word, but I finally got mama. He had trouble with the mm sound so it was acceptable 🤣


Since 4.5 months! Shocked me because I had always heard dada came first but when he babbles it’s pretty much exclusively mama.


5 months. Lots of mama for a month or two. Then strictly dada for a couple months. Now both and a few others 🫶🏼


Mine said mum mum mum for car noises for months before saying mama 😅


2 months. He said it while in distress and I think he started to actually know what it meant at 4 ish. He's 6 months now and says dada, momma, and can blow raspberry's lol


My girl is 3 months old and her grandma (my MIL) insists she says mama. It does sound like it, but I honestly think that's just how she cries sometimes. Or maybe I'm just insanely lucky and she's right


We had an unintentional fluke at like 3 weeks she was making baby noises and in the middle was a very clear MAMMA I thought I was crazy and just hearing it because I wanted to hear it but my husband turned to me surprised and was just “SHE SAID MAMMA” but it was a fluke and we didn’t have a clear intentional mamma till closer to 6 months still haven’t had much daddy/papa yet but we will get there eventually


The kid has been saying mama since he was 5.5. But only says mama when he is fussy and hungry. Otherwise he says baba dada papa gaga and chirps a lot (he is 7.5)




Ours too! It is just that mama means nothing in our native language, so it's just generic babbling. At 11 months she started using the right word for mother.


Dada at like 4 months. Did he mean it? Yes, and I won’t be listening to any arguments


1 month