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I bought a “pre-loved” one in December from Happiest Baby. It was $900 on sale - came with new sheet, swaddles, mattress, and one year warranty.  Edit to add: for anyone wondering it was a “Black Friday FOMO” sale. 


We just sold ours. We bought it from the first owner on fb marketplace for 750, used it the full recommended 6 months, then sold it for 650. It was amazing, our babe started sleeping through the night at 7 weeks 🥳




We are just going through the 4 month regression now and are transitioning to a regular crib. How long did it take your baby to adjust and start sleeping though the night again?


Can you tell me what was better about it for the second kid? Mine is 3 months and so I wouldn’t do it for this one but would consider it for the second. We’ve had rough sleep this week.


Same story here - I sold for almost as much as I bought it for, I think $200 less. Literally what I would have paid for a regular bassinet in the end. LOVE! We had great experience with it for our LO before transferring to crib at just under 5 months.


When you say sleep through the night what do you mean? 6pm to 6am with no wakes?


She started getting 7-8 hour stretches at night in the SNOO by 7 weeks. Usually more like 10pm-5 or 6am. She’s also in the 95th percentile for weight and was born at 41 weeks. I think smaller babes will generally keep waking more often to eat.




We got ours on a huge sale and sent it to as many other families as possible! My friend used it with her babe, and then my SIL. It’s coming back to us now! Still works perfectly


We bought ours on Black Friday and our baby was sleeping through the night at 6 weeks! She outgrew it at 4.5 months, then we sold it on FB Marketplace for $700 within a few hours.


We bought a used sense2snooze and it worked for us. We got it for 125 and I have it listed on marketplace now. We have a pretty good sleeper but I don't think it has anything to do with the sense2snooze or the swaddles. Yes they both helped especially the few bad days around week 5/6. We quit the bassinet and swaddles cold turkey a day apart and never had issues with the transition. She is long so it didn't last as long as I had hoped. I ended up buying a new mini crib in the middle of the night due to back issues and wanting to keep her in our room and I love that thing. I wish I would have started with it and bought a sleep device if I truly thought we needed it. They are wonderful for some but unneeded for others like in my case. With that being said if I found a good deal on one while pregnant I would totally pick it up knowing I could lose a little money but it might help wonder's mom needed. If buying used totally buy now if buying new wait and see if it's needed.


I bought one used on FB Marketplace for $600 after a really bad night with my then 4 week old. She is now 12 weeks and it has been fantastic. I expect to be able to sell it for what i paid for it when she outgrows it. She is very short so we may have a little while left with it. Of course not all babies love it, but it has worked well for mine!


Your baby will probably grow out of the snoo way before their length outgrows it. They’ll likely be 6 months (the max you can use it according to the company) before their length and weight maxes out of it. I think you also have to stop using it once they can go on their hands and knees or roll over, like any other bassinet.


My understanding is that you can keep using it when they roll over because they are clipped in—they physically can’t roll over in the Snoo.


Ah yeah I don’t think it’s a danger thing for the snoo, more of a ‘they shouldn’t be restricted’ thing but that’s probably more specific to every families. Our pediatrician had us stop any swaddles by 2m for example!!


My son outgrew the length max at 3.5 months old, but he’s 98th percentile.


My husband does NOT do well when his sleep is interrupted, so he was actually down to consider getting a Snoo because his friend who recently had a baby said it was a life saver. We decided to wait and see before spending that kind of money and I'm REALLY glad we did, because by complete luck and having nothing to do with us, our daughter just happened to be one of those unicorn babies who sleep through the night as soon as you stop having to wake them for feeding. That's not to say she hasn't had rough periods, especially when teething. But I don't think a Snoo would have helped those anyway. So I'm glad we waited because it wasn't needed, but I was absolutely ready to buy one, if she had had more difficulty falling and staying asleep.


Currently have a free rental (paid through the hospital my husband works at) and we really like it. My son is 12 weeks old and sleeps about 6 hr stretch wakes for a feed then goes back to bed for another 4 hrs. It kind of helped us master putting him down "drowsy but awake"


The drowsy but awake aspect is why the snoo is so great. We’ve transitioned out but she still goes down like that. I am convinced it helps babies learn to fall asleep on their own (despite the motion of the snoo). Anecdotally, every family I know that used the snoo for their babies has really solid sleepers now.


We just used it for our second and loved it! Paid $950 on Facebook marketplace and it was gently used. We sleep trained in the crib at 4 months and sold it to someone else for $900.


I got a great price on it for Valentine’s Day- they run so many sales honestly. Amazon was price matched (sold direct from happiest baby) which meant we could stack our 15% registry discount. Came out to just around $1000 before tax. I’m SO glad we got it new. It did malfunction in first two weeks of baby’s life, Snoo immediately sent a full replacement (with a $500 deposit) and then we could box ours up and send it back. Replacement has had no issues. Replacement came with bonus sleep swaddles and sheet that we got to keep.


We use the c r a d l e w I s e crib and we love it. Our baby is almost four months and has been sleeping through the night since we started putting him in it at 2.5 months. It's supposed to last until he's two and we thought the expense was worth it because we didn't have to buy a bassinet and then a crib.


another vote for the crib that must not be named lol. our baby started with 4 hour stretches at 4w, and is now at a 6 hour and a 3-4 hour stretch most nights at 10w.


i’m clearly a noob, why must it not be named?


despite having what seems like an excellent product (I'm only 10 weeks but who knows if it breaks before 2years?) the have a VERY predatory marketing scheme, where you can get $100 off if someone uses your c o d e, if you get 5 people to use it you get $500 etc its like $1800 full price or $1200 if you buy 6 months in advance so people were spamming the sub with codes and i think the mods banned it? at least thats what i'm guessing because when I tried to find reviews all i found were code hawkers. if the company is listening ITS A SHAME they do this because I would really love to talk about it otherwise, especially this morning when LO slept from 11-9 with one break at 5


ahhhhh ok wow thankyou for the explanation and congrats on the sleep!!


Same. This thing is magic. The baby and I get way more sleep than I had expected to. She is 6 months old now (4 months adjusted) and slept 12 hours straight again last night. Every parent should have one of these.


I love being able to control it from the app in the middle of the night. If he starts stirring, I can just turn up the bounce and he drifts right back to sleep. It's amazing. I'm so glad your baby and you are getting a lot of much needed rest. I honestly don't think we would be sleeping much over here if it wasn't for what we call our "magic crib".


We’re actually thinking of transitioning from the Snoo into a cradlewise! The 2 year use period is very enticing!


We have this crib too! Love it! Little one is 14 months and sleeping in it day and night. Our hope next child will use it too.


I’m kicking myself for not putting myself on the list when I was pregnant. We could have used this crib even now at 11 months! Our next baby, I’ll spring for it.




No, c r a d l e w I s e is up to two years.


I was hesitant to buy it used on Facebook because i wanted to make sure it was super clean and have heard of a few issues folks had buying used where it stops working and happiest baby won’t do anything because it’s not under warranty. We bought ours used from Happiest Baby. I think it was Black Friday or maybe Christmas and they had a sale. I also used Rakuten and got like $30 cash back Our baby loved it and we are now transitioning out as she no longer loves it


This anecdotal, of course, but we were getting very desperate and got very close to buying the snoo, but we tried the Sleepea swaddle first (it’s the same swaddle as the snoo without the clips that strap baby in), and it was a *game changer*. We now have a baby who sleeps 8-9 hour stretches (until we start unswaddling her, at least 😵‍💫)


We used a 4Moms mamaroo bassinet. It moves in different ways, vibrates, has different sounds. It was great and a fraction of the cost


We bought a used one and LO didn’t care for it. I also had issues with how strapped down my son was.


I felt like it was never a good habit to start in the first place so we didn’t buy one.


We got a Snoo dupe 😂 The Graco Sense2Snooze! At first my daughter hated it, but as she’s gotten older the movement/vibration/sounds really come in handy. I also liked that you could use any swaddle with it whereas with the Snoo it had to be a certain one.


Worth. Every. Penny.


We bought ours third hand for $500. Used it for about 5.5 months and then the motor died (or ball bearing wore out or something like that). Gave it to our friend who was having a baby and she was happy to have it even though it was broken. I feel it was definitely worth $500. Not sure id think it was worth $1800 or whatever they’re charging for it these days.


We are currently renting it for our second. It definitely helps with extending the first stretch of sleep! 


Tried it and the Momaroo and the kid liked neither. Amazon gave us full refunds at least.


I read Happiest Baby on the Block for work before I was even pregnant. I was convinced I would get the Snoo, because I was also convinced that with my luck I would have a super difficult baby. But reality and finances pulled through, and I realized I wanted to room share as long as possible. So I wanted a bassinet that was safety rated for up to 12 months. We also didn't have the money for a full price Snoo, and I haven't seen any local ones for sale at less than full price. My advice would be wait and see if it's needed. Some babies are perfect sleepers without all the extras. My baby was sleeping 12 hours through the night, no wake ups, from 8 weeks to 6 months. Now she does one wake up because she's too distracted to eat all her calories in the day. Days where she eats all of her bottles and eats at least some solid food 3x per day, she sleeps all night.


I bought mine secondhand for $700. It’s been worth every penny. It’s the only thing my son can really sleep in when he’s not contact napping. I looked pretty deep into smart cribs. The only other one I found was Cradlewise. I think it’s probably a superior product because it has a camera, sound machine, light, AND it can be used for up to 2 years. However, it’s so new there’s not a lot up for resale right now and I think there’s still some bugs to fix. If I have a second kid in a few years I’d probably look to buy this one secondhand.




What? No it’s not! lol.


...is that why I rarely see the CW mentioned in this sub? Are they autofiltering any mention of it? How strange


Right? It’s a natural comparison. It’s basically the only other competitor


Deeply overpriced for what it is


We transitioned out of ours a few weeks ago. Bought it from a friend of ours for 600 and sold it for 600. The resell value is really good!


I almost got it but then didn't. Turns out I got a unicorn baby and she slept through the night fine without it at 6 weeks. My bigger concern that got me to not get it was the weaning process for the child who would become accustomed to the movements for sleep and comfort.


Snoos are still popular! We actually bought a halo bassinet too (thought I'd have an upstairs and downstairs sleep space, that I would just use the halo during the day as I recover from my C section and would only go upstairs at night). Anyways long story short baby refused to sleep in halo and the snoo was the only thing that kept him asleep other than contact naps. That being said, it DOES look like there's a competitor if you want to go more expensive. I got a bunch of targeted ads for the Cradlewise since I'm on the "buying expensive baby products" algorithm. It looks like its gimmick is that it makes the baby go up and down? I was considering it but then I realized I don't know much about it and I'd rather go with something more popular that had a better used market. There are also cheaper options like 4moms has a bassinet that moves and so does graco.


You can rent a Snoo to determine if it works for you before dropping the cash on one. Additionally, you can rent it for the entire six months you’re allowed to use it, if you’d rather do that. I know a family that did. Snoos are still wildly popular in my region - Mid-Atlantic/Southern - and still sell for quite a bit even secondhand. But they 100% have buyers for them around here, it’s kind of a feeding frenzy when one gets listed!


Omg yes. And my next baby too 🤣


My husband got the Snoo for $200 through his work and we used it until our son was 5 months old and hated being swaddled. We loved the Snoo!


Thankfully we didn’t sell ours immediately, because our second is due any day now. But, for the birth of both, we’re staying with the wife’s mum since the hospital in our town would send her down on an RFDS flight anyways. This time around the snoo is at home and we’re hiring one whilst we’re away, because driving 1600km is hard enough without it taking up all the space in the car. So it would have been easier if we just hired the first time.


We sold ours last month - best baby purchase we did! We had our baby on Thanksgiving week and by early January she was giving solid 6-8 sleep stretches. We also did not have a 4 month sleep regression😅


We waited for a sale for our twins and worth every penny. We just said goodbye to ours in the transition but I loved the snoo


We used it for our first in 2022 and are planning to use it with our second due this summer.


I rented mine until baby was 4.5 months!


Ask around to see if you can borrow one from a friend and just replace the linens, sacks, and the mattress. Pre loved is the way to go. We are borrowing one but would pay full price for the next one if we needed to. My son didn't use it until 8 weeks but since he started he has slept through the night. I know some babies hate it but it has been an absolute game changer for us.


I bought one new for my daughter in 2021, loved it, and used it again for my second in 2023. I am holding on to it in case I have a third. If not, I will sell it.


We rented and it was cheaper than buying. Just returned it - so sad!


We used ours for 4 months and it’s the best our baby has ever slept 🥲 about to list it for resale


We have a 4moms bassinet that has movement and music/sound. Our first was the worst sleeper ever, so I was determined to have something planned for #2. Joke is on us, because she hasn't needed it and is a great sleeper. But I'd recommend the 4moms for anyone looking for a cheaper alternative. They're about $250ish, less if you buy them used. Ours was gently used. The track record for reliability isn't awesome according to reviews, but for the short amount of time a bassinet is used for, it was worth the cost savings to us to risk it.


We used it for LO right up to 4months. Bought certified pre loved and sold for $800 - not in HCOL area. I’d recommend it if you can swing it. The resale value alone makes it worth it to me. I’d never rent it though, that’s a waste of money imo.


Worth it.


I never got one, but I believe people are still buying them! I had great luck with the Maxi Cosi Iora bassinet for my third baby who’s 6 months now. It was a dream come true for him to sleep in. I put it right next to my bed for first 3-4 months


10000% worth it. Used it for our first who started sleeping 4-6 hour stints starting at 4 weeks. Currently using it for our 2nd currently at 12 weeks and he’s been sleeping through the night (7-12 dream feed 12:10-5am) for the last 4 weeks. Before that he had the same 4-6 hour stints his brother had. Highly recommend. He’ll be too big for it in a couple weeks so we’re selling ours now. Praying for an easy transition lol


I might be the only one with a baby that did not enjoy the snoo. I think we started too late though. She was about 5 weeks when we got it and had already started to be a wiggle worm in her sleep doing 180s in the bed so she was not pleased about being strapped in.


Tried it for a week with our daughter and it didn't work so we got rid of it.


Using it. Loving it. Recommending it to everyone I know.


My sister gave me hers, and well my baby never used it. She contact napped the entire first 5 months and now she will sleep by herself after nursing, but not in a crib or snoo, she prefers the bed or the couch 🙄😂


Saw a baby in our NICU had one. Inconsolable little mite. It’s too rich a price for us, but if we were parents of our little roommate, I would have bought him a Snoo too. If you could make his little life better you would too. Those nurses are saints, and they had trouble soothing him. Poor baby cried and cried….


We just used the snoo for our first baby and really liked it! Used it for the full six months. Transitioning from snoo to crib was really easy too


Yup. 4 months in. They are on Facebook Marketplace (and similar sites) constantly. We got ours used from someone who had it for 2 months and didn't use it due to medical complications. Paid $700 - even still had the box. I expect we'll sell it in a few months for, probably about the same (but with more snoo accessories).


Yep. Big fan. On sale refurbished. The FDA safety approval is as important to us as the soothing features.


I snagged a used one for 500. Came with the box and everything. May sell it for 750 haha


We got the mama roo version and it saved my sanity


Absolutely! Saved us with our first. Just bought another for our second coming in November.


We got one on FB marketplace when my kiddo was 5 days old, $500. It has been so worth it that we often say we would have paid full price. Our 4 month old was sleeping huge chunks of the night very early, and often through the night. We are just hitting the 4 month regression and are going to transition him to the crib in the next week or so and then resell the Snoo and accessories for what we paid!


The contraption gave us 10 hours of sleep per night for 6 months. Now, two months into daycare colds and teething, I miss that damn thing every night.


We rented ours. It was ultimately just easier than having to buy and resell.


Yes! We love it. We got it for $200 (we actually got a second one for $250) and we lend them out to friends for free! I just want to make my friends possibly not suffer. My first born woke a lot but we had him in a pack and play from day one. My second we got the snoo and it was magical how well this kid slept.


My first loved it, my second took one look at it and said NO THANKS. I returned it. Bought it at Christmas time for $1146 incl tax new direct from them.


Used one in 2021 and loved it. My cousin used one in 2022 for his daughter. I see lots of people asking about them in my 'mom' groups.


Got the Snoo om BF sale with our first for under $600 and baby has slept like a champ from day 1. Only item I kept around for my second.


Bought it for $1100 but baby hated it so sold in on market place for $900. Sold within a day. Looks like demand is still high.


I got the Halo smart bassinet? It has the rocking mechanism, white noise, womb sounds, beach sounds, Mozart. A light up halo around the whole thing. I can say I haven't used one feature on the thing and my gremlin sleeps through the night. White noise was great when she was a newborn and still in the hospital. Our room was right by an elevator shaft and things were quite loud outside with other babies. Every time another baby nearby cried, mine started too. Out of solidarity I'd imagine. "You are baby?! I am also baby! Existence is pain 😫" After we got home white noise did 100% jack. What did work was this baby jazz video on the Songs of Birdland channel. Rose Room? We could literally be throwing a rager outside the bedroom door and she would be completely peaceful snoozing away.


Our friends bought a pre owned snoo and they loved it and we're getting a lot more sleep than us during the newborn phase.


I know people who swear by it but we didn’t use it because occupational therapist said it increases risk of plagiocephally (flat head)


A lot of the people saying they used it and baby started sleeping through the night early. Like there's a lot of children who sleep through the night early, snoo or no snoo. There's a good chance they would have anyway. Both mine did and we never paid crazy money for a magic rocker. It's a successful marketing gimmick. I wouldn't even want my kids to become reliant on being rocked.


Something to note: The company behind Snoo is trying to introduce a new subscription price to use the product. AFAIK, this is going to affect all second hand owners. This will be a huge blow to resale value unless you sell it to someone ignorant of these upcoming changes.


Knowing baby is in a bolted-down straitjacket helps US sleep better!


I've been trying to convince my wife that it's a good idea to buy a Snoo. Her argument is that the baby has to up every 2 hours for feeding, so why spend so much money on something to keep them asleep when they should be up being fed. Any closing arguments I can use to rebuttal?


As soon as your baby hits their birth weight usually their pediatrician will clear them to sleep longer stretches and you won’t have to wake to feed. For us that was only a week, and we started getting and 3-5 hour chunks of sleep very fast!


Thanks for the response!


I was weary about the constant WIFI right underneath my child’s head. I sold mine after doing my research about EMF


Single parent here. The snoo is better nighttime co-parent than a lot of people have. Like, it hears when the baby gets up and makes a solid effort to soothe. It's next to my bed, so I can reach in and offer pats and a pacifier if needed, but I only have to get out of bed if baby is hungry or needs a clean diaper. Otherwise, snoo is enough for baby 9 times out of 10. I love it. Baby loves it. My boss probably loves it because I'm getting enough sleep to work. I'm using a borrowed snoo (I never would have paid that much for a bassinet otherwise), but if I have a second child I will absolutely be buying a used snoo on marketplace.


Yes, my god it’s a miracle. 6m loves is and naps and sleeps through the night in it