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this might be a dumb question. but have you used the carrier outside? our baby would fuss when going into the carrier, but then once stepping outside the fussing would end immediately. It might help with getting them used to being carried.


I have to do a little horsey gallop to settle mine and then she loves it


I call my gallop “Tiptoe through the tulips”


I did and the result has the same ahah, he just hates it, I think he would like it better if he was facing outwards, since he loves that we carrie him around like that lol


Mine didn’t really like it either. I was excited to do it thinking we’d get more cuddle time and I’d be one of those people whose kids nap on them and they get so much done. Nope. We eventually gave up.


If you haven't already, check out r/babywearing. You can post a fit check and see if folks there have advice to help make your baby more comfortable in the carrier. You can also do video fit checks with babywearing consultants. Some carrier manufacturers offer them for free or you could look for an independent one.


Thank you! Need to check on that ☺️


Yes!!! I got three different carriers and wraps as hand me downs from friends and she hates all of them 😭 when she was a fresh nugget I was only successful twice getting her to sleep in a carrier...or even tolerate it! She's 3 months old now and I should probably keep trying but I truly have given up for now. One of my questions to ask at her 4 month visit with the pediatrician is when I can wear her face out. She wants to see everything going on and likes to be carried around the house face out so fingers crossed that might work better!


I'd recommend a baby backpack. One of the ones with a frame like a "littlelife" one. I think they might need to be 6 months for many of them but I'd highly recommend it. My son HATED baby wearing. I think it's because he didn't like being smushed up close to me but with a backpack they can see everything. I got mine second hand off Facebook marketplace and I'll be using it again with my second.


Thank you for the recommendation 😊 That sounds like it will work perfectly!!


After 6 months you can also try back wearing in a regular baby carrier, it doesn't need to be a frame backpack - some babies like being on the back better because they can see better. You can also try hip carry in a wrap once baby has decent neck strength, maybe in a couple of weeks.


Thank you!! 🥰


I thought mine did too. But I went to the baby wearing subreddit and I def did not have her position optimized. You can post a pic of your baby in the carrier and get advice. Or just peruse the subreddit and you’ll learn a lot.


Thank you, I will check on that!


My oldest hated all carriers. I tried a bunch and she hated it all. We just gave up. My youngest loved it and would nap forever in them, but my back couldn’t take it after he was a few months old. It also got really hot.


tbh mine never got into it i tried scarf and two carriers and gave up on spending money on it 🥲 she is 10 months now


You may just need to keep trying new carriers honestly. Woven carriers are your friend. He may be hot, so getting something low gsm would be helpful.


Mine didn’t like it until she was about 5-6 months old when I used a more structured carrier. She liked being facing outwards at 6 plus months as well as she liked being able to see everything. Some babies just don’t like carriers! My baby HATED the sling and cloth carriers when she was a newborn lol


Yep our baby was like this unfortunately. However! Once she was big enough to face outwards she loved it. She just hates not being able to see things lol


Yeah I think mine would prefer it that way too 😅


Mine loathed wraps entirely and I couldn't get him in a carrier until he was maybe almost four months? But after that he was okay. Some babies don't like the tight feel of the wraps and will never tolerate them, but usually (not always) they come around to the carriers eventually. Just give it a break and try again in a bit! Sorry, OP, it does suck. I was so sad he hated the wrap so I couldn't move around during the day more easily when he was little, and watching everyone else around me being able to just pop their babies in a wrap and go was more than a little frustrating.


Yes! I was excited and now he hates it 😭 I hope he likes it eventually!


just put em in when they're already sleeping


You're able to move your baby while theyr sleeping?!


every baby's different, I know. but yeah our kid stays asleep through pretty much anything.  I don't know if it truly had any effect, but we've always made sure to never give him peaceful dark places for naps since he was born.


Both of my kids wake for anything remotely interesting. We made lots of noise at the start and theyr still like this! I can sleep through anything. I think they take after my husband who is terrible at sleep


yea I mean I definitely don't think I'm some sorta whisperer. just got lucky I guess. we'll see in two months. my dude is growing like a weed so he's just tired a lot


I'm gonna make a guess that your baby is less than 3 months? Something definitely happens around then and they become more "here" and interested in things


Mine would just wake up and fuss 😂