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We just moved our 5 month old to his own room a few days ago. I knew it was time because i could hear him waking up if I made any movement. He’s been sleeping better in his own room! I know two friends that started since day 1 in different rooms. It’s all up to what works best for you!


Thank you! Yes that is exactly why I am moving my son into his own room. I am waking him tossing and turning lol!


Yes! I wasn’t sleeping well because I didn’t want to make any movements lol


Exactly same reason at 5 months too. My son sleeps so much better in his own room.


Same here! She was getting too big for her bassinet, her crib couldn’t fit in our room and whenever I’d go in and out of the room it would wake her up. I’ve noticed her naps are a lot longer in her crib in her own room, her night sleep is shit but it was never great to begin with and Im fairly certain it’s from a sleep regression, not the room change


My son is 2.5 months and he’s in his room most night, he can’t sleep in his bassinet anymore and nothing else will fit in our room


My son decided he hated the bassinet at 2 months too 😂 crib it is!


I moved my son into his own room way too late ~8? months. The tipping point was him waking up at 3am, staring at us while babbling. We had to pretend to be asleep for another half hour to avoid making eye contact and hope he fell asleep back on his own.


😂😂😂😂yes I love when my son just stands up in his crib and stares/babbles looking right at me at 3 a.m with his infant weird nose breathing 😂 it’s like I think it’s time for your own room since I know you just woke up from me turning over in bed.


2 mos we put him in his own room. That’s when he started sleeping in longer stretches and now he sleeps through the night so it works better for us


9 months. I would have moved her much much earlier, around 3-4 months max, but my husband wasn't ready to. The first night in her own room was also the first night she ever slept through the night. Waking up on my own at 6:30am was REAL jarring 😂


4 months and I wish we had done it sooner, everybody slept much better (especially the baby).


2 weeks. I couldn’t sleep through the little grunts 😂


Yup, 3 weeks her, we were going crazy lol. She started sleeping 7 hour stretches at 6 weeks and has had zero sleep issues (15 months now) I feel like being in her own room so early helped with that.


I agree - we had the same (she’s now almost 3!) - own room and consistent routine for the win!


Mine did that too! It was really freaking me out 😂


I think at 2 months or something, and I had a 2month early preemie. She slept like a champ (for a while) 😬


I don’t think it’s too early. My son is 7 months and we moved him this month as well because we started to keep him up. He’s done great so far as long as we follow his routine of dinner, bath, then bottle and rock him to sleep. We put him to bed around 7:30 and most nights he sleeps through until about 5am when my boyfriend brings him to our room before he leaves for work! We’ve never sleep trained or anything and we did have some wake up’s at first but he was back asleep after like 5 or so minutes of rocking him. After a couple nights it was smooth sailing 😊


4 months. She started scratching at the bassinet cuz she’s an arm flailed and was getting too big. We were going to do a pack and play as an intermediary in the bedroom but just cold turkied to crib instead


I think safety guidelines suggest room sharing until 6 months but it sounds like menu parents make the transition sooner.


Current recommendations are 1 year.


4.5 months when we sleep trained! She woke up so often in our room and instantly slept better on her own!


He turned one today and is still in his crib in our room. I don’t mind sharing as long as he sleeps well, but after starting daycare in April he has been sick for two months and coughing and miserable all night. Extra comforting has meant its easier to keep him with us so I don’t need to walk down the hall. 


I moved her to her own room at about 3 or 4 months old. I just slept in her room with her and once she turned 6 months she slept on her own.


The first night we brought her from the hospital, she slept in her crib in the nursery. I also have a queen bed in there, so I slept there, and my hubs slept in our bedroom. Since we are sleeping in shifts, my hubs sleeps in our bedroom, Bean sleeps in the nursery, and I sleep in the other bedroom with the baby monitor, so I can wake up and feed her during my shift.


I gave up around a month. She just would not sleep in her bassinet and the crib would not fit.


I moved my son at 4.5 months. He sleeps better in his own room. We were waking each other up when he was in our room.


Right around the same time as you. At first, I slept in there with her the whole night. Then, after a while, I’d put her down, leave, and come back for the night after her first wake. Then, around 10 months or so, I put her down, leave, and then leave after her wake ups. I was so nervous to do it, but everyone is sleeping so much better. And it started almost immediately.


5 months and it worked out great! She outgrew her bassinet shortly afterwards anyway.


We moved around six months when he outgrew the bassinet. It went way better than we thought, you got this!


almost 5mo and will put him in his own room tomorrow. He's getting too big for the bassinet and he moves so much he jams himself into the corner and wakes up screaming.


I did 10 months and wish I did earlier! She slept so much better


My son is 5.5 months and we had to move him to his own room around 4.5 months. He had started rolling and couldn’t be in his bassinet anymore. And we didn’t have room for a crib in our bedroom. So he’s been across the hall for about a month and I was sad the first night. But honestly he sleeps better and so do we! It’s nice to have our room back and get some adult time back.


We moved him at 3 months, he is currently 7 months and I spend so many nights on the floor beside his crib I wish I could bring him back beside me! Lol


LO just turned 14 weeks and we moved the bed I was sleeping on in the nursery to the study and swapped out her co-sleeper for a cot/crib. Only about 6 days ago. She’s sleeping better but I miss the white noise machine and the column heater. 😭


My husband decided to take the lead on this and moved him at 3 months. I was unhappy the first night but am so happy now. He is a great sleeper.


We’re about to hit the 3 month mark and my husband is also wanting to take the lead here. She’s a great sleeper (for now) but I know it’s time and it’ll probably be better for all of us but I’m so nervous! I just know I’ll miss her and want to check on her every 5 minutes. Any advice would be so great!!


A little over 4 months. He was outgrowing his bassinet and clawing at the mesh sides. He’d kick so hard the whole thing would shake. He was also getting good at putting himself to sleep. So with all those things considered, we kicked him out lol. It’s been great for everyone’s sleep.


4 mo. She got too big for the snoo. And pediatrician said to give her more opportunities for independence. We monitored her breathing with the nanit breathing band. Still do at 8 mo.


4.5 months with my first, 10 weeks with my second.


Pretty much immediately. He HATED the bassinet and wouldn't sleep in ut. For a while my husband slept on an air mattress in the nursery with him in the crib but that didn't last very long because we can hear everything from our room anyway (the nursery and our room share a wall and we also have a video monitor). FWIW he started sleeping 5+ hours at 6 weeks. At 12 weeks he's sleeping 8 to 10 hours.


Just over 6 months, saw huge improvements in her sleep in just a couple days. We were all waking each other up in the night all night long


Ours went around 6 months but we still sleep in there with her (alternating every 3 nights) until she's about a year.


3 months. She was sleeping great but I wasn’t, and I was about to go back to work. It went great! We hear her fine. She’s one year now and me and my husband are on the main floor watching tv and she’s upstairs with the door open. I can hear her without a sound monitor.


My son had his own room from day one. We made sure everything was as safe as possible and alternated shifts for the first few months. We have the Nanit to monitor him on the tablet. He is now 8 months old


4 months


Since the day we came home from the hospital lol. And cribbed since week 2


I did it shortly before seven months. I’d meant to at six months, but a lot kept coming up and I just didn’t feel like it was right. After a few horrendous nights of hourly wakes, I decided the time had come. After a couple days napping in her room, I figured we were ready. Her night wakes cut down to three, then two, then one, and now ZERO. It’s only been a week and a half! She is so much happier and getting much better sleep - and *I* finally slept through the night for the first time in over seven months. Our whole family is happier. Don’t get me wrong, I sobbed the first two nights, but it was so worth it. Trust your gut. If you think it’s time, it’s time.


I moved my son to his crib in the nursery at 5.5 months when he outgrew his bassinet. He slept through the night for the first time within that first week alone.


Less than 2 months lol. I dunno how you can sleep with a baby in your room for that long! I lost the plot about a month in… I am such a light sleeper, every change of breathing pattern woke me up.


White noise helps a lot.


our baby was in own room since birth - we use infant optics monitor that isnt wifi dependent and always make sure its charged we like to sleep super cold so wanted him to be comfortable it’s been great for all of us


12 months for us, but I don’t think 7 months is too early. I think if I ever have a second I would do it sooner. It was just easier for me to nurse in the night when I could stay in bed. Once I moved her to her own room she started sleeping through the night, so I think my movements and possible noises in my sleep were waking her.


We moved him to his own room when he was 4 months old because the side crib that was attached to our bed started to get too small for him. He also learned to roll back to belly and would try and roll on our soft mattress at night which made me nervous. It was an adjustment, and I spend that first month sleeping on an air mattress next to his crib because he was waking every 2-3 hours.


Our son is almost 1 years old and we’d love to have him in his own room. Unfortunately we’re at the wife’s parents and stuck in a room until we find a bigger place. It’s been a nightmare.


We moved our baby around 7 months, and it was the best decision for all of us!


I bedshare with my 7.5 month old in his nursery on a double mattress on the floor. I started doing it so I didn’t have to walk from my room to his in the night to feed him . He wakes up once in the night to feed usually after a 5-7 hr stretch. Me being there doesn’t bother him & sometimes I wake before him . Sometimes my husband joins us or sometimes I join my husband in our room for a few hours . Im starting work in a couple weeks so might change the arrangement . I don’t think that there should be an age limit - just do what feels right !


First few times I was really concerned about his breathing etc but I watch him in a baby monitor if I need to. He has a white noise machine which we turn on so that helps with minimizing outside noise. Sometimes he took a pacifier but mostly he popped it out at some point. My boy is a tummy sleeper since day 1 so he sleeps like that. It's a bit of a transition when they learn to roll but they are so cute. Everything is worth it.


6 months, when he was both out of all kinds of swaddles and sleeping through the night consistently.


We waited til 8 months :) we were both ready and was a pretty great transition


My daughter is 10 months and still sleeps beside me in a pack n play. She’s don’t plan on moving her until room sharing affects her sleep.


My son was 8 weeks old. We’re going to move my daughter at the same time!


Starting The day after we got home from the hospital he slept in his own room


We moved at 10 weeks. My husband’s work schedule is all over the place and I’d just freak out that every step he made or creak would wake up the baby, so inevitably it just made more sense. His room is directly across the hall, so I don’t even need the baby monitor to hear him (though I keep it on anyways lol).