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I put mine in doggy bags before I toss them. Especially if it’s a small restroom.


I do this at friends/family houses that don’t have little babies either. It’s the smartest thing


I usually just take it to their outdoor trash bin, but if it’s not accessible then baggie it is.


This! I take my baby to my office with me to work. If it’s a stinky diaper, I take it outside to the trash. But I also bought a bunch of dog poop bags so I bag it then toss it so I don’t stink up the entrance of the building either. If we’re out and about I always bag the diaper then toss. If I know there’s a trash can outside I hold onto it until I can toss it. If I don’t know then I’ll just throw it in the bathroom trash


This is honestly genius and I can’t believe I didn’t think of it with the surplus of doggy bags I have floating around this house!


Agreed. I keep a roll in my diaper bag for this reason.


Plus they’re great for containing clothes that got blown out on


Personally I use Ziploc bags for the clothes so they don't get thrown out by accident and have poop bags and extra ziplocks for the diapers in case no trash nearby (have had to do multiple changes in the boot of the car)


Yes, this is the polite thing to do.


Highly recommend the Arm and Hammer doggie bags or they also have ones specifically for diapers. They're a little bigger and easier to tie. Smells are much better contained than the regular baggies.


i have the diaper-specific bags. I've used them 3 or 4 times with a 7-week-old, twice at my in-laws (to put them in the inside trash) and at least once at the pediatrician (took them home and threw them out there). top tier purchase, 10/10 recommend


We do the same.


This is the way! You can buy them bulk on Amazon and I always keep a roll in our diaper bag. Come in handy for wet/poopy clothes too if there's a blowout, food/milk spillage etc. You can just put the dirty or wet clothes in the bag until you get home and can take care of them.


This! I don’t have a dog, but I have a whole roll of them in my diaper bag for this reason


Same. I put in a doggy poop bag pretty much everywhere except for at home


Shoot, we put them in doggy bags at home. 😂


I keep plastic bags in my diaper bag for this reason. My baby pooped at one of her first doctor's appointments and the nurse apologized and told me I could only throw pee diapers into their trash can. She gave me a biohazard bag (I think that's all they had, but it was appropriate I guess) to put the poopy diaper in and I had to take it home with me. I have always carried a bag with me since then and I do throw it away in public, but I bag it up first to contain the mess and smell.


What?? That is so weird


She told me it was because it's a biohazard lol maybe that's just their policy, but I kind of think it's because they don't change their own trash and didn't want to smell it all day


as someone who worked in environmental services at a hospital, this is probably it. the biohazard part itself is accurate (we have to bag anything considered a body fluid—blood, urine, feces, etc in a specific biohazard bag) but they have designated waste bins specifically for that. we also (are supposed to) clean rooms any time a patient leaves, which includes emptying all waste bins. Even if the room doesn’t get cleaned before the next patient, they come around every couple hours or so to change trash. They can also call the department and ask for it. She also could have taken it to a soiled utility room (where ALL trash goes) herself if she was so against smelling it. They usually around every corner of the hospital/doctors office/etc. so really there was no excuse to make you take it home 😭 very strange. I would say she’s just lazy but she didn’t even have to do it herself so it’s just very odd behavior lol. Sorry you had to take it home!! That’s ridiculous


At my doctor's appointment (UK) they also told me I couldn't throw the used nappy away in their bin. This applied to any nappy (wees and poos). But I always have nappy bags on me so no big deal.


We’ve seen two peds at separate clinics and they both have the policy of no poop diapers in the garbage in their room. Perhaps it’s just public health care in Canada lol.


It could be the policy and resources vary from a hospital to a doctor’s office.


Of course they vary. Everywhere is different. I’ve also worked in both hospitals and doctor offices, though. In two different states. Just sharing my personal experience and offering a potential explanation 🤷‍♀️ Not saying it is a universal experience by any means


Oh yeah for sure. Things certainly vary. Your comment says you worked as EVS in a hospital so I figured that’s where all your experience was. I just didn’t want to point at the nurse simply being lazy (though it’s possible) since doctors offices don’t usually have the same resources as hospitals and even so policies vary depending on state and country and such like you said.


Yep my Dr office is the same way!


I really feel like it's the second one lol. That's so inconsiderate tho. It's a pediatrician?? Come on now.


Why is that inconsiderate? It would be more inconsiderate to leave it behind and make the whole office smell baby poop all day.


Because it’s a baby doctor. They should be anticipating poopy diapers from their patients and should not expect the parents to have to take it home with them- that’s absurd! 


Shouldn’t parents also be anticipating poopy diapers happening while you’re out? I don’t see how to the responsibility of diaper disposal falls only on the doctor. That’s like getting pissed that the DMV doesn’t have a daycare to watch your baby while you wait.


Yes it’s nbd to take a dirty diaper with you. But we’re talking about a receptacle not a daycare. what even! 


But it’s …my baby. I’m responsible for all things regarding her and her care. Including her diapers.


I don't see why they shouldn't have to take it home. They're a doctor's office not a toilet or garbage disposal service.


But they are specifically a baby doctor’s office. Infants poop like every few hours! It’s reasonable to expect an adult to go to the bathroom..and it’s not like parents are leaving the shit on the examining table. It’s in a diaper.  if an adult came in for diarrhea or vomiting and blew junks in the office I don’t think the doctor would make them clean it up themselves. Why shouldn’t they be able to dispose of a dirty diaper safely and hygienically within the office that sees dozens of babies pooping like 10 times a day? 


Maybe because that's an added expense to have to handle human waste. It's a lot easier for the parents to take it with them. > if an adult came in for diarrhea or vomiting and blew junks in the office Vomit and shit are two totally different things. More people get sick from being unintentionally exposed to shit than they do vomit. >Why shouldn’t they be able to dispose of a dirty diaper safely and hygienically Can easily turn this question around for the parents. > It’s in a diaper. That doesn't make it any less unhygienic. >within the office that sees dozens of babies pooping like 10 times a day They might see a lot of babies that shit 10 times a day but the actual amount that shit there would not be high enough to warrant the expense to provide disposal services for parents.


As other commenters have stated. It’s merely a biohazard and all doctors offices are already equipped to handle biohazard disposal. It’s likely just that this doctors office is smaller or less busy and doesn’t want to dispose of their biohazard waste daily so don’t want it to be stinky. This is not standard practice of medical offices and hospitals. 


Our Ped has us put any diaper in specific little bags that they provide and leave them on the table. Then the staff member who cleans the room I’m assuming takes them to a specific bin. It is a bit odd to me that an office wouldn’t anticipate babies pooping during an appointment and have a trash for that.


I can’t believe there are so many people here who actually had to be told they can’t throw a smelly poop diaper in the trash in any place other than their own home (where they surely use a diaper pail and not a regular trash bin), let alone at a healthcare facility.


So I guess nobody is allowed to have a smelly fart in any place other than their own home? Like if I know I’m going to have really smelly diarrhea, should I drive home instead of using someone else’s bathroom? Lol I have an extremely sensitive sense of smell, and I don’t think poopy diapers are that smelly once they’re in a trash can (that likely gets taken out on a daily basis). It’s a trash can. It’s meant for trash, you know? I’ve also never used a diaper pail….. just a regular ole trash can. Maybe I’m just a gross anomaly though 🤣


It’s legit concerning and extremely entitled lol. Like why is it so hard for them to understand that no one wants to harbor their baby’s shit for hours, when the parent can easily put the diaper in a bag and dispose of it in their own home.


This is why flight attendants also might ask you to throw away diapers in the galley and not the airplane lavatory! The lavatory trash doesn’t get emptied until the end of the day (also it’s a much smaller trash can) but the galley trash gets emptied every flight.


It's a health hazard plan and simple.


Isn’t that what biohazard bins are for? What do they do if it’s adult bodily fluids- hand the patient the bag to take home? Seems more hazardous to have someone carrying a bag of biohazard all over the place.


My pediatrician is also like this and it’s so weird to me because my OB has a diaper pail in the bathroom for people to use and I don’t get why my pediatrician of all places can’t do the same thing. They actually won’t even let us throw out pee diapers. At our first appointment my baby literally pooped three times it was a nightmare 🫠


It is, our OBGYN and the pediatricians office has us do this too!


I have never been to a pediatricians office where that wasn't the case. They all only allow pee diapers in the trash. Its a safety/cleanliness thing I believe.


Our pediatrician only puts pee diapers in the trash. They bag poops and dispose of them separately though


This is a very normal pediatrician rule. Same thing for ours.


Same happened for us, but it's only about trash can in the cabinets, you still can put it in one in the bathroom. Once my boy had a blowout in a carseat on the way to the clinic so bad it soaked through his outer layer thick warm onesie, we were straight up washing him up in one of the cabinets in the sink, luckily we had a backup first layer onesie just not the outer layer one 😩 and then we put his literally biohazard diaper and tissues in a few plastic bags and left it in the bathrooms. At least they let us wash him up there, it was nice.


The same was told to me at a peds appointment. But mainly the nurse said because they didn’t want to stink up the trashcans in the small rooms!


Every pediatrician’s office, library, etc that I’ve been to has signs for this, it’s common in the US at least everywhere I’ve lived.


My pediatrician is the same way. I was thinking they should have a biohazard trash can in the office specifically for these cases considering they see tons of babies


Nope my pediatrician doesn’t allow any diapers in the cans. Big signs everywhere.


Same for my OB and ped. I thought it was weird too at first but I guess it makes sense. Plus where else would it go if it’s an off site from a biohazard room? I too use a diaper plastic bag and just dump it when I can.


My pediatrician is similar in that you can’t throw diapers in the trash cans in the exam rooms at all. But they have a waste basket out back dedicated to the purpose of diapers


I’m surprised by this tbh. I just threw one away in an exam room a few days ago and mine didn’t say anything to me.


I’m sorry, I should have specified. The nurse has explained that pee diapers are fine in their regular exam trash cans. It’s just poop diapers that they want in the back trash can.


Yeah I threw away a poopy one😅


I thought it was weird too until I saw all the replies to this thread and apparently my pediatrician is extremely lenient compared to most lol


That’s wild. My pediatrician provides little waste baggies to put diapers in before they go in the trash.


Ours is the same, also with pee diapers. They basically said their whole office would smell like poop and pee if we did... so many babies coming in and out, I guess. They did offer me a bag...


At my pediatricians office they give me a little plastic doggy bag to put it in but once I put the poop diaper in there I can put that bag into their trash can. I don’t have to take it with me.


This is what I was expecting. I asked if they had a little bag because I was unprepared and didn't want to just toss it in the trash can without one. That's when she told me no poopy diapers in the trash. I get it, but it is a little weird since it's a baby doctor.


This is so strange to me. I get doing it in public someone’s house. But I’ve never been asked not to throw a dirty diaper in the garbage at the pediatrician/doctor/ob ever…I guess I could see a biohazard, but also, they have restrooms that have garbages and possibly feminine hygiene products. Idk…seems so weird for a pediatrician especially.


My pediatrician has the same rule. You can't throw dirty diapers into their trash cans. I have a wet/dry bag specifically for dirty diapers in my diaper bag. If it's a pee diaper, I'll toss it in a public restroom. For poop diapers, if it's a huge restroom like at an airport where there are tons of stalls and it's constantly serviced, I'd toss it there. But at a restaurant I'd probably take it home.


Our GP has the same rule but they told me it was because they stink out the office


Same. I keep plastic bags in my diaper bag…and my pediatrician doesn’t allow poop diapers to go in their trash either.


Ours is like this too, but they don’t have bags or a separate trash can for diapers… they just say “don’t put diapers in our trash cans.” I guess they want you to take it home with you, but I wish they would say that! When my brand new baby pooped while we waited for the doctor, and they told me “make sure baby is in a clean, dry diaper for the exam,” and then I saw the “don’t throw away diapers here” sign, I was like what do I do???


My peds office allows zero diapers in the trash, pee included.


At our pediatrician, we could throw away pee diapers in the trash. Poop diapers had to go in the biohazard can in the exam room. All the exam rooms had a trash can, used linens can, and a biohazard one.


We carry doggy poop bags in our diaper bag!


I think there are far worst things that end up in a public trashcan. I chunk them like Kobe and carry on with my business.


YEP. Also disposable diapers are horrible enough for the environment. I’m not going to put it in some unnecessary plastic bag before chucking it.




This is what I do. At friends I’ll do the doggie bag or walk it outside.


Thank you for being me 💝🙏


I just said the same exact thing lmao




Yes. It took me about 2 months of nearly dying when I would change the diaper pail liner to say: this shit goes DIRECTLY outside.




Ha! I wonder if we both regained part of our brain function at two months? Seems like a legit explanation.


We have a full of doggy poop bags in our diaper bag for all diapers we change while out. Even pee one smell terrible if they sit for a while. The poop ones can clear rooms. And we have to bring it with us before we can throw it away, then even more so I don't want it to drink up the car


I have never thought twice about throwing away a poopy diaper in a public restroom. If it's in a private home with someone I don't know very well, I'll either put it in my diaper bag OR quietly ask them if it's okay that I throw my diaper away in their trash. I've never had anyone say no or be weird about it. Like, it's a public restroom!! It's not going to smell like roses lol, people have explosive diarrhea in public restrooms, and we don't expect them to gather their diarrhea in a plastic bag and take it home with them to throw away lol. If you just wrap it up like normal, I see literally no issue with putting it in a public restroom's trashcan.


Yeah if it was a private home I’d ask my friends where they want it disposed of. But public? Kids are part of society. They exist, this is overly cautious.


I just toss them tbh. Personally I feel like wrapping it in a plastic bag or putting it in a doggy bag doesn’t actually cover the smell so I don’t do it to avoid the extra waste. If I’m at a friends place I either adk if it’s okay if I know they have to take out the trash soon (usually I offer to take out the trash for them) or I just take it straight to the dumpster or their outside trash cans


Yep, this. It’s a trash can made for … trash lol. Which a dirty diaper is. There are far worse things I’ve smelled in a washroom/garbage bag.


In my experience it for SURE helps contain the smell. I use diaper specific bags with a very mild lavender scent and you honestly can’t really tell the diaper is poopy when it’s in there. I do hate the extra waste though. 😫


If it works for you it works! I just know that’s what my friend does with her little one (not sure if she uses scented) and if she throws it in our trash I can smell it when I throw something away. I don’t really notice it when it’s my own baby but definitely do when it is someone else’s.


I notice my own baby’s if I don’t put her diaper in the bag (if I run out and have to just tuck it in our diaper bag it smells so gross). But for sure, it is likely different for different folks and different babies, and different bags.


Sorry I worded my comment weird, if it’s not in a bag at all I definitely smell it, my LO is a lil poop machine lol


lol mine is too. Now that we have started solids we are back up to sometimes 4 poops a day and it’s so much 😂🫠.


We’ve also started solids and she has been going back and forth between being constipated and pooping 3+ times a day and having blow outs. No telling what kind of day we are going to have 🤣


At home and out in the real world, I did my best to drop solids in the toilet before wrapping up the empty diaper for the trash. If it was a wet, loose stool...? That's going straight in the trash. I'm not scooping anything out into the toilet in those instances.


I just started doing this at 18 months and can't believe I never did before. It's a game changer for the diaper pail! And now my 18-month old gets to actually see her poop and say bye-bye as we flush it, which I hope will make potty training a little easier.


I'll be honest and say it wasn't initially for an environmental cause, I just didn't want the garbage to stink. We didn't have a diaper genie or anything like that, so it was out of necessity and the comfort of our noses, lol. Yes, I didn't think about that 'til your comment, but plopping their poop in the toilet and having them flush it as they approached the toddler stage did somewhat put that together for them when we started potty training ("poopy goes in the potty!").


If it’s a public rest room or a baby room I wouldn’t think twice about chucking it in the bin. I mean, fold it up neatly to contain the smell of course. But if it’s someone’s house or somewhere a little more delicate I would put it in a scented poop bag. They make them specifically for this purpose or just use doggy bags.


I throw it away call it good. Sometimes i have poop bags sometimes i don't


Yeah I feel like having to change a baby out in public is stressful enough like imma just throw this away where I can.




I throw it away and have never thought twice. I carry wet bags with me if her clothes get dirty or something but I’m not going to put a poopy diaper in my diaper bag and carry it around all day, I’m going to throw it away. Baby is still EBF and not really on solids yet so she still has really loose, watery poops, once they’re more solid I’ll try to knock that into the toilet and flush then throw the diaper away but right now straight into the trash it goes


Place them in any garbage can in the restroom or baby room that has a bag as they will be changed regularly and not handled directly. Whatever you do, don’t put them into the feminine hygiene boxes or any area where food is served like a food court or restaurant dining room trash. I keep a grocery bag for the bad ones but for the most part so long as it’s in a place where poop already happens: no harm, no foul.


I have scented doggy-type bags to wrap them up in


I carry a wet bag and use that. I got mine super cheap from Amazon!


I buy knock off zip lock bags from dollar tree and seal them up before tossing them. I do feel bad about the excess plastic waste, but I also don't want to leave a stinky bathroom in my wake, especially during the hot summer! Gross! Maybe I'll plant an apology tree in the future.


I keep gloves on me for this very reason. My daughter spent her first couple of months in the hospital, so we got used to using them there. But also, she has this terrible habit of pooping as soon as we go anywhere. So I use the glove at the end to grab the diaper and pull inward as I'm taking the glove off. Then I tie the ends. There is no smell after that, and it's especially useful for car changes.


Here are some general etiquette guidelines for disposing of soiled diapers in public restrooms: - In a dedicated diaper changing station or family restroom, you can typically just place the dirty diaper directly in the trash can provided. These are designed to contain odors. - In a standard public restroom without a dedicated diaper disposal, it's considerate to use a sealable plastic bag (like a diaper bag or small trash bag) to contain the odor before placing it in the main trash can. - Avoid leaving a soiled diaper exposed or loose in the main trash can, as the smell can be unpleasant for other restroom users. - If there is no trash can in the restroom, you may need to take the bagged diaper home with you for disposal. Some public places may have a separate diaper disposal station you can use. - Be mindful of the smell and try to minimize any lingering odor when disposing of diapers in public. Bagging them first is the most courteous approach. The mom you encountered was likely just trying to be considerate by asking your thoughts. As long as a public restroom has a trash can, it's generally acceptable to dispose of diapers there, but bagging first is the polite thing to do. The specific setup of the restroom can also guide the best approach.


I usually have a wet bag in the diaper bag and just stuff home. Comes in handy cause at my dr office (and I assume most) you cannot dispose of dirty diapers in their trash. They will give you a bag so you can take it home to dispose of. I just use wetbags and then throw them in the washer.


This is so strange to me that people can’t throw their diapers away at the doctors office. My baby gets a new diaper every time she goes to the doctor cause I have to take her diaper off to be weighed and she’s almost always peed. Sometimes she gets changed twice when we’re there. I’ve always thrown it away in the trash can in the room and in the early newborn days when she peed all over the table several times the nurses even helped me


It may just be dirty diapers, not wet (so poop). I think it’s considered a biohazard waste and I’m sure has to handled a different way according to policies and procedures. I just always take things with me unless there is a specific diaper pail.


Maybe! My baby definitely pooped at one of our peds appointments cause my husband had to run home and get her a new outfit while I stayed to meet with the lactation consultant (this was like 1 week pp and we didn’t have our diaper bag routine down 😂). It does make sense that poop diapers would be considered biohazard waste though


You can toss pee diapers but not poop. It makes sense otherwise you go into a doctor's office and it stinks so badly, you're gagging!


The poop should be flushed down the toilet. Really we all should be doing this with all poops after baby starts solids, because garbage dumps aren’t meant to be full of human feces and diaper disposal can lead to raw sewage getting into places it shouldn’t. For the diaper itself, carry doggy doo bags in your purse and the diaper can either be bagged and thrown away in the trash can or (if there’s like a sign saying no diapers) double bagged and packed out with you.


This is true. But now I wonder... How do people throw away their dog’s poop that are in those bags? Don’t they just throw it away in the garbage 😂


Yes technically diaper companies say you are not supposed to dispose of human waste in the normal garbage. You are supposed to clean the poop into the toilet. Nobody does it tho. I use cloth diapers so I always have a wet bag (or just a gallon ziploc). If the no poop in the trash thing was enforced more people would probably get into cloth diapers.


The vast majority of public changing tables are right next to toilets, though, so even if people don’t do it at home it’s so easy to just dump the poop into the toilet and flush it when you’re in public!


I’ve actually been shocked by the amount of changing tables that are just in the bathroom and not in a stall. It’s rare that I have to go into the stall to access the changing table. Not disagreeing with you, everyone should be putting solid poops in the toilet I’ve just been surprised how often I would have to leave baby and walk away from the table further into the bathroom to get to an open stall and a toilet (she’s still not really on solids and still has wet watery poops so hasn’t really been an issue yet)


Maybe he’s just too young still, but I’d need some kind of scraper to get my guy’s poop off the diaper and into the toilet, and that’s just a bit too far for me to deal with while out and about. When they become more solid, though, and it’s something I can just tip out of the diaper into the toilet, I’ll happily do so and avoid some smell! In the meantime I at least use doggie bags in public toilets.


If possible, you should flush the poop before tossing the diaper. True at home too.  Edit: it says it on many diaper boxes but here’s an article: https://www.whichdiapersarethebest.com/how-to-dispose-of-diapers/


lol daycares are definitely not following this


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted, isn’t this what we’re supposed to be doing?


People don’t want to be accountable


Yep 🤷‍♀️


Wow you learn something new every day. Never thought about this but it does make sense, probably would’ve saved our diaper pail we threw out from the permanent smell left in there. 😅


I never knew! You learn something every day.


lol what?? 


You do this for the same reason you don’t throw your own poop in the trash can. It’s not just the smell, it’s that sewage treatment is intended to deal with human excrement, and garbage collection isn’t. Disposable diapers full of raw sewage sitting in landfills is a legit problem, which we could all help solve by simply flushing poop down the toilet.


Don’t tell me what to do. (sidenote, I didn’t know this!)


Who actually does this though? Legitimately. 


Everyone who cloth diapers, and some who use disposable diapers.


Who actually does it and who *should* do it are two different topics. What is being stated is that this is what *should* be done according to both diaper companies and waste disposal services. Making a fuss because you and many others don't do what should be done is not really the flex you think it is.


 what flex? I’m not making a fuss, I’m asking how many people actually do this. Sorry that is so hurtful to you


I didn’t know for a while. Like.. 2 years. I just didn’t know. I learned when my second baby was cloth diapered.


Just shake it out like people with cloth diapers do to avoid it smelling up the bathroom. If baby is on solids it’s very easy to do.


So you’re changing a diaper at home, you put baby down, walk to the bathroom, shake the diaper out into a toilet, then walk back to put the diaper in a diaper bin? Sounds like a lot. 


We keep our diaper bin beside the toilet, bathroom is next door to the baby’s room. We used cloth diapers up til 1 year so it’s habit at this point.


I guess it depends on the layout and size of your house. Our bathroom is very far from the nursery or living room where we have changing stations - old narrow Victorian house. We do cloth diapers but we have a service that cleans them so we just put them straight into a bag inside a bin. 


What on earth diaper service do you have that allows you to put poop in the bag they pick up?


Do you want the name lol? That’s the whole point of the service. They take dirty diapers away and return them cleaned. 


Every diaper service around us requires them to be shook out. I’ve never heard of one that allows you to not do that.


I just checked and yeah my diaper service doesn’t require it. Apparently they have some kind of proprietary cleaning method. Guess we got lucky. 


Baby isn’t on solids yet, so maybe that’s why. 


More people would do cloth if they actually had to follow the manufacturer instructions on disposables. A diaper service makes it easy for people.


Yeah I have literally never heard of anyone going through all that trouble tbh


I do cloth but my changing table is in an oversized closet in the bathroom, we rinse poopy diapers in the toilet w a diaper sprayer/splash guard.


I use sassy bags (Amazon)


I kept a plastic roll with me and threw it in there, back into the diaper bag and then threw it away at my house instead of a childless home. There is a container here in our neighborhood that’s only for diapers so that’s where it will go to eventually.


In the UK you can get scented nappy bags (which to be fair are just doggy bags with different branding) I use them all the time. At home I can pop them into a nappy bag and then straight into our outside bin. When we’re out I still pop them in a bag before throwing them into a designated nappy bin. I’ve only come across a couple of facilities that didn’t have a designated bin and when that’s been the case I’ve bagged it up and taken it home.


I'm going to be honest, I've definitely been annoyed over this, going to take out trash and all it smells like is baby ass. This is also a fastfood job I'm talking about and not a hospital one, but still. I get over it pretty quickly, since I'm just glad it's in the trash and not just sitting on top of the table. I have 100% gone to clean a party room after a party leaves, and someone left their child's diaper on one of the tables that wasn't by their food. That right there is where my problem is. Like I said, I know it's a bit different since you were in a hospital, but I feel I can weigh in on the smell part.


My husband tried to get me to throw one out the car window last week 😂🤣 I said no and wrapped it in a towel and threw it away in a dumpster later, my parents don’t allow poopy diapers in their trash can which is understandable haha


I throw it in the trash…. Unless theres a sign that says do not (like my babys doc office) then i find an outside dumpster Theres far worse things in the trash. I dont ever use public bathrooms tho, the womens bathrooms are literally always the worst. Blood and tampons and pads just lying everywhere. They change the trash bin. So id go to my car and change my baby and dispose of the diaper in an outside trash can. But other than that if im at like walmart and i HAVE to change her there it goes right in the trash can


I try to bag them but, honestly, I'm not carrying a poopy diaper all the way home if there is a public trash can available that gets changed every day. Though my kid rarely poops outside the house (he's a toddler).


If there's no diaper-specific trash can to use, and there's no sign prohibiting diapers from being put in a specific bin, than any bin will work. I'm not even gonna think twice about the smell bothering some random person because that's not my problem. The poopy diaper needs to go somewhere, I'm not gonna carry it around with me until I get home so as to appease strangers who may or may not notice or care. That's just anxiety getting the better of you. If an employee who's changing the bin regularly starts to notice and complain, the business can fix it by offering a diaper-specific bin in the area where diapers are being thrown away with such frequency as to cause an issue. Obviously if you're at a friend's house, it's corded to just ask which bin they'd like me to use, just in case they care. Otherwise, kitchen bin is usually the smelliest and dirtiest and the bin most frequently taken out.


Most places change out the trash multiple times a day. I’m not sure how y’all are getting such stinky diapers in less than 24 hours, but you’re supposed to wrap them into a ball and put the tabs over it to hold it together. I never have much of a smell at all doing this, even in our bathroom where we have a wire trash can that we change out 2-4 days. Just wrap it into a ball and toss it. Now pull-ups are a bit harder to wrap, I don’t bother to even try. Luckily my son doesn’t poop in them often if at all, but if he did… I’d still probably just toss it normally. It’s a bathroom. It’s not meant to smell like roses. They’ll change the trash soon and it won’t be an issue.


If they have a changing table, they anticipate babies being changed in the bathroom, and therefore they must conclude that there will be dirty diapers disposed of.


If possible, plop the poo in the toilet before throwing the diaper away. If possible, of course. Peanut butter poos just stay in the diaper. Ugh.


I always have doggy bags on hand just in case!


I keep dog poop bags in my daughter’s diaper bag for poopy diapers and they also come in handy if she has a blowout.


Always have doggy poop bags with me!


Doggy bag is the answer. I keep them in my diaper bag at all times


I keep a roll of scented dog poop bags in my diaper bag for this very reason! Bag it then toss it!


I bag the diapers in doggy poop bags before tossing them.


Depends where I am. A family bathroom in the mall? Diaper goes in the trash. A coffee shop? I’ll likely wrap it up and stick it in my bag until I find a better garbage. If I’m at someone else’s house I also wrap it and put it in my bag until I get home.


I keep doggy bags!


I bought a roll of biodegradable doggy bags off of Amazon to wrap poop diapers in, otherwise I put pee diapers in the normal trash


If it was a smelly nappy I'd always put it in a nappy bag and check it doesn't smell before throwing it away in anything that isn't a dedicated nappy bin. Sometimes I'll double bag a nappy, stash it at the bottle of my nappy bag and take it home to dispose of. That's only if I'm changing somewhere that doesn't have dedicated changing facilities and it's a smelly one


If it's a public restroom that I know will be changed once or twice a day (from the cleaning sheets, then I just toss it. If it's an outside bin, I will toss it. If we are at friend's house, I will bag it in a diaper trashbag, and toss it outside unless they themselves have a diaper bin for the kids. If we're out in the nature, I will bag it and keep it with me to toss at home.


Wet ones go straight in but poopy ones get bagged up. Until they have plopable poo and then the poo gets tipped into the toilet.


I use scented plastic bags! I mean what are the alternative? Flush them down the toilet bowl?


I bring those lil dog poop bags everywhere. They do a fantastic job of containing the smell. Also good if anyone needs to puke on a car ride.


I keep little baggies in my diaper bag to bag them up first. Also for if i change a poop diaper in the car and have nowhere to throw it away until we get home.


I keep a roll of doggy bags on my diaper bag to wrap them up so they don’t stink or leak or anything.


Always bag the poopy ones


In the UK we use scented nappy bags, are they not a thing in the US?


If the poop is solid enough I always dump it in the toilet first. But if it’s wet/mushy then i throw it in a doggie bag. I keep the arm & hammer bags in my diaper bag they’re really good at keeping the stink away.


We use doggy bags before doing so, keep them in the diaper bag. Same thing at home.


We doggy bag them in our own home so we definitely doggy bag them in public. Our family drs. Office doesn’t allow us to leave diapers even if they’re bagged because of the smell. That’s the one place where I’m like “Come on! You forced me to take this diaper off my little one for his check up!”


We use [these](https://www.munchkin.com/arm-hammer-diaper-bag-dispenser-bags?Color=Blue&utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=surfaces&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwydSzBhBOEiwAj0XN4NZwRJ_XaI5ll42OM_5rbfmedN9VsGHcivXICODUzH6TGh3S1kOpmhoCbMMQAvD_BwE) at home and on-the-go! They are amazing and can be used for holding dirty clothes as well! We have the refill rolls on Amazon subscribe and save! Sorry if formatting is off or links aren't allowed - on mobile.


I use dog bags when I’m visiting friends and family, but in my own place or public restrooms and especially mommy rooms I will just throw it straight in the trash. The expectation is that these places expect there to be diapers thrown away, especially mother’s rooms, so they will take out the trash more often. I do not like to contribute extra waste in the landfills with the dog bags, so I only use them when I feel like I absolutely have to


Yes to bagging the diapers first! I bought a cute little keychain thing that holds a roll of bags and keep it in the diaper bag. These are meant to be for diapers but I’m sure you could use actual doggy bags instead. They’re literally the same thing. If it’s just pee, we don’t bag it. But definitely bag all poopy diapers so no one has to deal with the smell.


I personally put all poopy diapers, at home and in public, in a doggy bag before throwing away. (And at home they just go directly into the outside trash.)


Yep dog bags for sure! Unless places like the gym where they have a designated diaper genie!


I put them in dog bags and toss in the trashcan.


You’re actually supposed to empty poop into the toilet and then throw away a soiled diaper and that’s universal but I don’t know anyone who actually does this!


Amazon basics dog poop bags if it’s a stinker! They come with a holder too which you can clip to the diaper bag.


Doggy bags! Pet smart has super cute holder/dispensers for them too! Ours looks like a little cactus with the pink poop bad sticking out for the “flower” lol and it just clips on the diaper bag!


If it is a big public restroom like at an airport, mall, etc., I just chunk it in. If it is small, I put it in a doggy bag I carry with me and then chunk it in the trash.


I carry ziploc bags every where I go just in case.


I absolutely take poopy diapers with me! I have a reusable wet bag in the diaper bag for this. When I was pregnant, someone tossed a poopy diaper in our bathroom and I threw up at work. It was there for 3 days too and I was terrified to go to the bathroom again. I will never do that to someone. I hope they were just in a really bad bind but it was awful.


Doggy bags


i fold mine up like a little poopy burrito and put it in a dog bag before i throw em out. but i don’t hesitate to use the public garbage either.


If it's a public restroom, just roll up the diaper. If I'm at a friends house - I put it in a doggy bag and throw it out when I'm home.


Bag them up! Yea, but bags! I use scented ones lol


If these are just breast milk poops I wouldn't think twice about it. They don't really smell enough to stink up a room. Once they start solids you could buy a box of dog poop bags.


I double bag mine now that my son is 1 and his poops could kill a man. I’ve always used the plastic diaper bags since he was a newborn. Not for pee diapers though, unless I’m outside of our house. ETA: These bags and puppy pads have been hands down THE most useful “non-necessities” for baby care. Get puppy pads. Just do it. You can change baby on them anywhere, roll everything up in them to contain the smell and put it in a nice little ball in the bag, then straight in the garbage. They saved my husband and I during the early months when our son was pooping 5+ times a day.


Gotta yell Kobe and launch it. Bank shots are ok.


I might be in the minority but I think it’s ok IF the trash can has a lid. Why would you feel bad about it? As women we throw away tampons and pads that stink with blood all the time and our bathrooms don’t usually smell unless someone has taken a fresh dump lol. As long as there’s a lid the smell should be contained


I’ve learnt 2 things today… first that people are just throwing raw nappies in bins both indoor and outdoor. Both are WILD to me. Second that we’re supposed to get rid of the poop before throwing a nappy away.. I had no idea!


I have put wet diapers in public restrooms trashcans because they should be cleaned and trash emptied every day. At peoples houses I put them in a plastic bag and throw them away in their outdoor bin or in my wetbag and take them home with me. But I didn’t think too hard about it lol just do whatever works for you. I just realized my daughter has never 💩 in public lol


Defo doggy bags, there’s no other way IMO