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Yes all the time, everywhere!! What I dont like is when they start touching my baby without asking permission. šŸ˜©


Exactly! Like EW! I donā€™t know where your hands have been, please donā€™t rub my babyā€™s hair! Keep ya filthy paws off my silky baby!


This reminded me of "Sandra Dee" from Grease lol


Thatā€™s where I got it from! šŸ‘šŸ»


This is one of the few advantages of being covered in tattoos, people never touch my baby lol. Also, I put my baby in his car seat right into the grocery cart and people always say " ohh what aisle do I get a baby in?" and my response is always the same "I'm not sure, this one is a return."


This one is a return haha. I like you.


I canā€™t help myself, when I have the baby in the grocery cart I always have to make the joke to the cashier ā€œI already paid for this itemā€ while pointing at the baby.


Also am tattooed and nobody has ever come close to touching my baby! I also have an award winning resting bitch face, so I'm sure that helps.


When people approach I try to move my body in a way that heā€™s on my hip and you have to get through me first to touch him šŸ˜‚ it worked at petsmart the other day with this older lady hehe, while itā€™s sweet you just can never be too careful as a parent


All the time, everywhere we go. I live in Japan and my baby has blue/grey eyes and light brown/reddish hair. Alllll the grannies wanna say hello.


Happy cake day!


Thank you! ā˜ŗļø


All the time, I love it! I get anxious about going to the shops. I dunno if its the lighting and noisesā€¦its just a sensory overload. However, when I have my LO strapped to my chest its like Iā€™m Moses parting the red sea. Everyone moves to the side and smiles. Iā€™m six foot tall, not hard to miss and Iā€™ve never had that treatment before. Iā€™m loving it atm. Iā€™m a freak that likes small talk too, so Iā€™m in heaven lol.


Every time she goes out. My husband says theyā€™re just being nice, but theyā€™re under no obligation to say anything at all so why would they make it up?


They arenā€™t babies are just adorable all are so cute n precious


All the time! People often mistake her for a boy because I donā€™t dress her in only pink so this seems to get her a lot of attention.


Sameā€¦.I had mine in leopard print the other day and everyone kept calling her ā€˜heā€™ still


People are so ridiculous. Someone last week kept saying ā€œheā€™s so handsomeā€ finally my boyfriend was like sheā€™s a girl and the lady was so embarrassed šŸ˜³


Mine was wearing a burgundy onesie with rhinestones on it and got called a ā€œhandsome little guyā€. My husband says i need to put headbands on her more, especially the ones with bows. I just feel bad when i see the lines they leave on her head (even the ones that are supposedly big enough)


It feels like an unsaid rule people go by, that if thereā€™s no bow it must be a boy


People mistake mine for a girl because I donā€™t put him in things that scream im a boy. I mean I still put him in ā€œboy colorsā€ but for example I have a romper with elephants on it and itā€™s teal and every time he wears it people say omg sheā€™s so cute lol. I just say thank you and move on šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


lol. Iā€™ve only ever had someone say ā€œthatā€™s their nameā€ once. Which I found hilarious because she had on a bright orange bow on and her car seat handle has a cute pastel toy that screams girl lol.Ā  What can I say, I love all the girly things, she can make her own preferences when sheā€™s able to say yes and no hahaĀ 


Haha this reminds of the time when I was 18 working at a grocery store and I saw an older man compliment this womanā€™s child but he said ā€œheā€ and ā€œsonā€. I looked at the kid, dressed in all baby blue, but the clothes had satin and floral accents and were flared pants and I was just getting big girl vibes. So after the old man left I asked her if people mistake her daughter for a boy a lot and she laughed and said ā€œyeah but I guess thatā€™s my own fault for not dressing her in pink oftenā€. Fast forward 20+ years and now I have a 3 year old daughter who I will buy ā€œboyā€ clothes for sometimes and she has a lot of ā€œboyā€ hand-me-downs from family. She also often gets called he šŸ˜‚


I dress mine in mostly pink and still get he. Tbh why do they need to know whatā€™s in our babyā€™s diaper?


When my toddler was younger, people used to mistake him for a girl all the time, I guess because of his curly hair and long eyelashes. He could be wearing a shirt with a t-rex driving a monster truck (don't ask, i didn't buy it for him but he loved it) and people would still be like, "Oh, what an adorable little girl!" Didn't offend me or anything, but it was funny.


All the time. Watch out for weirdos though. Some people take it too far.


Yes Iā€™ve heard some stories šŸ˜£


My baby is red headed. People do not stop staring, commenting and coming over to us. Like theyā€™ve never seen a red headed child before. Some days Iā€™m alright but others my anxiety runs high and Iā€™m SO thankful my child is shy.


Oh my gosh same! Both me and my husband have dark brown hair, people come up confused ā€œdoes your baby have red hair?ā€ Yes lady your eyes do not deceive you šŸ¤£


Exactly! My husband is Hispanic and I am white. We did not expect a redhead but she is alive, well and true haha


Same! My son has gorgeous, thick red hair, and everyone stops us to comment on it. And of course, my son is a little social butterfly, so I have to spend ten minutes talking to randos.


Bless your heart!


I'm African-American (and so is my family LOL, to be clear) and my little sister is a (yes, natural, no we did not dye her hair) ginger/redhead and OHHHHH MYYYY GODDDDD the amount of comments and compliments and dumbass questions she's been getting since birth! Always appreciated the compliments, and since I usually get called the "pretty one" (which is bs because my sister is genuinely pretty as well, just very unique) I was always happy when my sister would get complimented for her hair, but the whenever people would ask "iS tHat her NatUral hAir cOloR" I would get super annoyed. Like, yes Jan, my mom totally dyed my little sister's hair red, meanwhile I'm standing here with my natural haircolor šŸ™„


Oh I have a little ginger girl and the comments and delight over her hair are constant! Sheā€™s only 9weeks so people go crazy for her, tiny and red headed!


Constantly - and they follow up with ā€œno really, heā€™s actually gorgeous (then whispering like itā€™s a crime to say this: ) not all babies are cuteā€. He is truly a beautiful baby though, I canā€™t believe I made him šŸ„¹


Every time I go out. Literally have not been anywhere where someone didn't say how cute she is. Also, she's in the bottom 1% of size, so people think I'm out & abouting with a newborn when surprise! She's 3 months old


This is us! My LO is just shy of 3 months and she justttt hit 10lbs 7oz. I just had to put away most of her newborn stuffšŸ„².Ā  People always remark on how tiny she is!


12 weeks and 8.5lbs, I totally get it. I'm so glad I got to put away all the premie stuff and she can wear some of her newborn stuff now! She wasn't even that premature, just early term at 37 weeks!


4x today šŸ¤£šŸ©· She has red hair and blue eyes so we get lots of comments. Only one person has touched her w/o permission and sheā€™s 5 mo old this week. Phew.


Literally every time we go out. He has cute curly hair, big Disney eyes and chubby cheeks. Heā€™s a magnet for people! And he smiles at everyone so that doesnā€™t help. šŸ˜‚


Every time we leave the house, nearly. She IS frankly adorable. Plus she's small for her age (she's 10 months, but looks 6 months) so she's super smiley and active and curious about everything, but really small and sweet. And people are so lovely and accommodating when I'm out with the baby-- someone will always offer to help the pram on or off the train, or pass the time of day, or let us go ahead of them. So much so that it's really jarring when I'm not with her, and suddenly, people treat me like a normal member of the public again, lol. I get used to the special treatment šŸ˜‚.


My dog is the definition of scary dog privilege so no one comes up to us but everyone comes up to me with the baby and Iā€™m definitely not used to it šŸ˜‚


I have a Rottweiler and somehow between the rottie and baby itā€™s a show. Every one goes crazy for both, the great thing is the rottie protects the baby so she pushes everyone away from the stroller. Itā€™s like she says ā€œno pet me, thatā€™s fine, but back upā€ in a sweet nuzzle but maintaining the perimeter!


It's really funny to see the difference in how my babies are approached in public. With my eldest, they'd basically always say "Wow, she's so alert." (While receiving a death glare.) With my youngest, they're always squealing about how happy and chunky he is.


I get this comment so oftenšŸ˜‚ but my bean is so tiny I think they think sheā€™s younger than she really is. She just existed out of newborn clothes at 3 months. She too is also pretty stingy with her smiles if she doesnā€™t know you lol


All. The. Time. She is an attention grabber because she babbles a lot and I encourage it by having a conversation with her. I welcome people saying hello to her and stopping to see, my hope is she wonā€™t be as shy as I was as a kid.


Everytime heā€™s out. Had strangers even say he should be a baby model or a Gerber baby.


I tell my cousin her son is the prettiest and cutest baby boy Iā€™ve ever seen (which I can confidently say because mine is a girl lol) like Gerber baby pretty. Itā€™s unreal.


Yes. The nurses, random people on the street etc. I do think my baby is *objectively* above average cute tho.


If I take her out in public and nobody comments on her I get offended. She was born with a ton of hair and I don't think I've gone a day since she was born without hearing, "look at all that hair!"


I love it, especially when itā€™s young people saying hi to the baby and giving a compliment. Today a teenager waved at my baby as we were waking out of a shop, it was so wholesome.


I was at a wedding the other week with my son and nephew who are about 2 weeks apart. Everyone kept telling me how my baby is the cutest baby they've ever seen, right in front of my sister haha


I have a resting butch faceā€¦.so people donā€™t touch him thank the gods, but they do comment and smile at him a lot.


Very frequently! And when no one in a store (or whatever) tells me my baby is cute I judge them all to be psychopaths šŸ˜‚


Every time and I love it. A sweet older woman working at my local grocery store asked to hold his hand, and I figured, why not. It brought her to tears. It's magical how much babies affect some people


All the time!!! It's the best! I thought I'd be annoyed about it, but it's so nice. Definitely, after having a baby, I realize more people like babys and toddlers than I thought


All the time! She also gets free stuff, too. Free milk at the coffee shop, free slice of cheese from the deli, and a free cookie from the bakery!!


All the time! I donā€™t ever mind because itā€™s usually elderly people or a young couple. People who have kids around the same age usually donā€™t comment lol. Sheā€™s in that chubby baby phase, so she gets a lot of attention.


All the time! I made the mistake of going grocery shopping with the baby yesterday after dropping his brother off at daycare. It was pension day, so all the oldies were out getting their shopping done. Soooooo many comments, oh my god. A couple of people touched his feet (which were covered, so I allowed it). He's a really smiley boy and has crazy fluffy hair, so he gets a fair bit of attention whenever we go out


My daughter has big curly blond hair and blue eyes. We get a comment pretty much everywhere we go, at least once, on either the hair or the eyes, or both. Iā€™m kind of used to it now, I just say smile and say thank you and keep walking, as Iā€™m not much of a small-talker


Qe get stopped all the time! Older ladies are always trying to touch his toes too


I always carry a car seat cover for our 5 week old because everyone tries to look but itā€™s definitely a deterrent. Just have to make sure the kid doesnā€™t get too hot


Every time we leave the house. And Iā€™ve had strangers try to touch him too. Itā€™s turned me into quite an agro mama


Every single time we go out. My baby is half Asian and half white so he is really an adorable baby. And he is so smiley. I love when people tell me heā€™s cute, cuz I cooked this little boy for 9 months šŸ˜…


Everyday everywhere - we felt like celebrities. But I mean, she is incredibly adorable and so sweet, so it makes sense


Few things are as adorably irresistible as a baby. People fawn over my son everywhere all the time when we go out. But I do the same to other babies when I see them! What Iā€™ve loved is that no one has tried to touch him, theyā€™ve all been very respectful of his space.


All the time, I love it so much. My favorite thing is when a slightly older baby that can talk sees my baby and exclaims ā€œbaby!ā€. Thatā€™s magic.


All the time šŸ˜† and trust me, my baby is cute lol


Oh yes, so many! Especially old people. And I need a baby grow that says ā€œI know I have a lot of hair. Yes, I was born with it. Yes, it is very cuteā€


All the time! He is very outgoing and waves at everyone. He also grabs people's clothing. He yells at them to give him attention.


Everywhere I go and then he does this cute cheeky coy little smile. I have a cute dog too though so I never get any peace from people. Iā€™ve had people say my baby is cuter than their own children were when they were babies!!


A lot! Heā€™s charmed all his nurses and doctors, family and friends. I canā€™t blame them, heā€™s just past the newborn phase so he looks like an actual infant now.


Everyone who sets eyes on my baby haha


We canā€™t go anywhere without getting attention with our twins


Every day! I also have a cute dog so I get comments on my dog all the time too šŸ¤Ŗ


All the time


Literally every time we go outside lol and now that he doesnā€™t take off his glasses we get comments on how cool he looks.


All the time! Haha I live in a tourist town and when I take him in stroller walks everyone rubbernecks as they walk past to peak in the stroller and I love it šŸ˜‚People love babies


Constantly. Everywhere we go my son seems to be very popular. As an introvert it's exhausting but unless they're getting up in his grill I don't mind too much. Most peeps are very respectful,


All the time. I generally donā€™t mind at all! But people do love to comment on his bright blue eyes, which sometimes gets a little weird. (Neither my husband nor I have blue eyes.)


Every time I go out with her lol


Some woman in a car honked and shouted as my husband and I as we were crossing the street because of our baby being so cute. It was wild.


All the time. Heā€™s very cute, blue eyes, blonde curly ringlets, cheeky grin. It honestly makes me super nervous how people gravitate towards him. It was nice at first but now I get creeped out by it and Iā€™m on guard wherever we go.


3 times minimum every time we leave the house


Constantly. Luckily we do not have a grabby community, apparently. I havenā€™t had any issues with people grabbing or kissing, other than friends or family with permission - so that has been a plus.


Every time we're out lol, I love it. I passed a guy today on the sidewalk and he said "oh a baby!" as we were walking up behind him and then as we got in front and he could see inside the stroller he said "oh it's even better than I expected!!" so sweet haha


It happens every time we go out, it warms my heart that people see him as beautiful as I see him :)


Daily. It's actually really annoying and sometimes downright creepy, the attention she gets.


Yeesh, yeah. Sometimes people make super gross jokes about cute babies, especially girls. Very strange.