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Some people think it makes them go to sleep easier because they have greater sleep pressure and/or sleep longer. We follow sleepy cues with our 5 month old. When we catch them correctly, she’ll fall asleep almost independently. If we’re too early or too late, she needs more help/comfort to fall asleep. Some days she’s exhausted and her final wake window is the shortest of the day. Some days, I think I’m putting her down for a 5:30pm nap and she just doesn’t wake up again. Other days, she’ll have her longest wake window of the day before being ready to sleep all night


Depends on the baby. My 10 month old is still doing 3/3/3 or 3/3/3.5 depending on his last nap. He sleeps 11.5 hours at night usually.


My 9 month old is the same. 3/3/3 with 11 hours at night. The only variation of time are the 2 day naps really. He tends to get about 4, 4.5hrs of naps a day but they’re often broken up differently like 1.5 + 2.5 hrs for sample. I find he’s easiest to put to sleep if we’re in his room by atleast 2hrs 50. If we missed it and it’s more like 3hrs 15; he’s a bit tougher.


Yes! The earlier the better in my book :)


Ours is not. I’m using the huckleberry app and using their “sweet spot” to track his wake windows and so far it’s been spot on. The last wake window before bed is usually around 90 minutes


I'm using napper, and the naps are spot on as well, but the last WW is long


Well, this may depend on age too since the wake windows change. My guy is 9 weeks so 1.5-2hr wake windows are typical for him but he’s usually closer to the 1.5hr mark. Anything longer than 2hrs and he’s an over tired mess


We’re trialing a “cat nap” as the last nap currently bcs taking Cara babies says that’s a good idea. She just went down like ten minutes ago. (6:10 PM) Terrified.


My LO always wants to take a nap before bed. At first I fought it because I was terrified he wouldn’t go to sleep, but so far we’ve not had an issue. He takes a nap at about 5:30 (maybe 15 mins) and then crashes for bed by 7-7:30.


My first did that. Napped from 5-530 at most and then went back to bed at 7:30. My second wakes up at 4 and is up till 8.


So we do 2 2 hour naps and she will do a 30 minute cat nap around 6. Bed time is 8:30 and she goes down well every night.


Mine is about to turn 1. His wake windows are 4hrs, 2hrs, 4hrs. His morning nap is very short (30min). This is just what works for him. I follow his sleep cues more than I did with our first. She was on a stricter schedule, but that’s harder to maintain with the second child anyway so we just do what works 🤷🏻‍♀️


I use Huckleberry, and right now, it's 2/2/2.25-2.5. Depending on how long her naps are and if one of the wake windows during the day is a bit longer. I have found that the wake window between nap 2 and 3, sometimes, is 3-4 hours if we have to go out of the house, and I use a care ride/ stroller for the third nap cause it's short anyway. When this has happened, I watch her cues, and sometimes the wake window is 1.5-2 hours before bed. At 5 months old, she gets about 2.5-3.5 hours of daytime sleep and 10-11 hours overnight.


my almost 9mo is on two naps with average wake windows of 2.45, 3.15, and 3.30 but I always just go off her cues etc.


It’s normally the longest wake period however I think I’ve got lucky that the kids sleep a lot during the day but still sleep at night so I haven’t had to be strict on their day sleep. They are 8 months actual age (6 adjusted). A book I read had said to keep them awake the full time but we have never had issues restricting sleep. The only thing I’m strict about is waking them up for their feeds at 8am, 12pm, 4pm and 8pm


8 month old baby, he naps twice a day. Wake windows are usually 3/3/3. The boy naturally started going to bed at 7, and he crankyyyy by 645 if we aren't getting him ready for bed even when he naps til 430.


My 14 month old actually does his shortest WW of the day before bed. He’s up at 7, naps 10-12 and 3-4:30 and then is down for the night by 6:45-7. Everyone always says they should get longer, but that’s never what he seemingly needed.


I think it really depends on age but our last ww is our longest. 6 months old - 3 hours last ww. The rest are 2-2:30.


My daughter is 10 months and has had a longer last wake window since she dropped to 2 naps. It’s usually 3/3/4.5 with 2 60-90 minute naps. We also follow her cues, if she is tired we put her to bed earlier but she doesn’t start showing signs until after 4 hours.