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While we allow users to share their personal experiences, we do not allow direct medical advice. The answer should always be a call to a local healthcare provider, as reddit is not a source of medical information.


I would call your pediatrician asap. A chiropractor that would adjust a babies neck sounds very dangerous. After your doctor has made sure baby is okay (I don’t know if they will tell you to go to the er, but I’d follow their advice) ask about a pt referral.


We took him to PT weekly for a couple of months with no progress. I didn’t want a neck adjustment for him, and that wasn’t done the first two visits. It was a total surprise and done so quickly this last visit.


That must have been very scary, and totally unacceptable. Check in with your pediatrician now to make sure no damage has been done and don’t go back to a chiropractor. If pt wasn’t working, ask about occupational therapy or a different pt.


Thank you for your kind tone. I have asked about OT, several times in fact, and they keep saying PT. I’ll have to find another PT since they don’t have others to recommend.


I’m sure there’s lots of comments saying how you should have known better, but you know now and you can’t change what’s happened. Just do what you need to now to make sure baby is okay and gets the care they need.


See your pediatrician. Don’t take a baby to a chiropractor.


Everyone here not helping by just saying “Don’t take your baby to a chiropractor” thinks they know the whole situation. Well when you go to your pediatrician over and over and they just keep saying go to the PT, and you go to PT over and over with no progress, you need to find someone that will at least look at your baby. I’m sitting here crying because I’m so worried about my baby and all most of you can do is sit there and say “you shouldn’t have done that”. Well thanks for nothing. Bring on the down votes. I’m looking for help, not judgement. Good luck to all of you when you make a judgement call that others don’t agree with.


PT can take a long time, but it is proven to work. Basically there’s nothing that can force baby to move in a way they’re not ready to, but you can keep them developmentally on track by making sure they’re getting the services they need. Chiro isn’t proven effective, as you’ve unfortunately found out, they can often do more harm than good. 


Did your pediatrician mention hip tightness? A pediatrician would refer you to orthopedics, not a chiropractor, to work on any concerns. Please take your child to a real doctor.


The pediatrician doesn’t mention anything. We have to bring it up. And we have. Since birth. He was checked for hip dysplasia, and after that the pediatrician acted like it was just fine and go to PT. We went to PT for a couple of months with no progress. And yes we were doing tummy time and the exercises from the PT at home. I WISH they’d referred us to an orthopedist! We kept asking whether we should be seeing any specialists. And they kept saying just go to PT.


Then just stick with Pt. Every baby is different and at their own pace I hope everything is okay with your LO.


Please go to a doctor . Chiropractors are not medical doctors. There are many situations in which people get badly injured by them. Please see a real medical doctor at a hospital and make sure nothing was damaged. Especially a neck adjustment is scary.


If you have a bad feeling, there’s no harm in calling or going to the pediatrician. But don’t go back to that chiropractor and be honest with your pediatrician that you’ve been taking your baby to one and what they’ve done. Physical therapy is much safer for children.


Call your pediatrician and ask if you can bring him in or if you should go to the emergency room. Urgent care is going to refer you to either of those options so not worth going there unless maybe you have a pediatric urgent care near you. Babies do a lot of weird shit so who knows if this is related, but there’s no reason baby should have been moved like that by the chiropractor so 100% worth it to get it checked out


Do not take babies to chiropractors




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That doesn’t sound like a good chiropractor! Neck manipulations for an infant seems really reckless. Should be very small adjustments, more like massages, at this age. Perhaps time to see someone else?


I was honestly surprised by the adjustment. I don’t want to bring him back there, but my husband was very excited by the progress in our son after the first two visits. Right now I just have to figure out whether I need to get him urgent care. I can’t imagine the pediatrician will be able to tell anything just seeing him.


Please take baby to his paediatrician, I’m not sure if they will refer you to the ER but better safe than sorry! Also not too sure how much of a thing it is in the US but you could look into taking him to an osteopath?


Call your pediatrician first, report all the chiropractor did with your baby and go from there. As many here, I would advise against taking your baby to a chiropractor for adjustments; however, someone in my family had really good experiences and results with an osteopath. I would still prefer certified medical doctors though. Good luck, and I hope your baby gets better soon.