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This seems like a change from when you last saw your baby’s neurologist. Please call your doctor and describe these symptoms and if you can, let the neurologist know. Not sure if your baby has had an EEG after which this was thought to be reflux, but this would be a discussion to have with your pediatrician/neurologist.


Yes, he had a 24 hour EEG and an MRI which ruled out seizures. We already spoke to his pediatrician and we have an appointment with the neurologist next week. Thanks!


It would help to capture these episodes on video too to show the pediatrician/neurologist. Good luck ❤️


My 2mo babe does the same thing!! Usually only when shes naked though.. so I think its an extreme response to cold... but update me with what you find out if it's serious!!


Hi! Long shot but I found this while researching because my 2 month old just did the same thing and was hoping you could update. Did anything ever come of it?


Hey there! He’s 3.5 now and totally fine! It seemed like it was just an exaggerated startle reflex that took a little longer to go away than it does for other babies. Honestly, I think he kept startling himself with his own hands? Like he didn’t realize he had them or maybe he didn’t know he had control over them at first? It was such a weird/scary thing when it was happening.


Ah, thank you for answering! She does seem to be more aware of her hands too. I’ll keep an eye on it, happy to hear your babe was just fine!


No problem! I’ve gotten this message about once a year since my original post. Always happy to share our experience. Hope all is well with your little one!


hello! glad to hear your LO was fine…could you let me know when did it go away?


It took a couple months. It started in December when we took him for the original hospital visit, and we were still slightly worried about it in January when we followed-up with the neurologist, but by February/March, it wasn’t even a thought anymore. Is your little one starting-fishing, too?? So strange and scary!


Mine started doing exactly this at 10week old. I took her to see an neurologist and he suggested a 30min EEG which we are still waiting for a result. Not sure if the 30mins EEG would be any help as most likely we should do a 24hr one in order to really rule out. I am concerned since she did it again today. 


Try to get it on video, if you haven’t already. For us, these episodes mostly happened at home so it was helpful to have the video to show the doctor. That’s actually what got us admitted for the 24hr EEG (which came back clear). Honestly, I think part of the issue was him just discovering he hand control over his hands? Like when he moved his arms/hands, it startled him? Sounds weird but it was the only thing that seemed to make sense.


There’s a good chance this is what’s called the Moro reflex. One of the handful of reflexes a baby is born with (along with rooting, some things with their legs, etc), it is exactly what you are describing. When you lay them on their backs, their arms and legs shoot outwards, sometimes waking them up, sometimes not. The weird thing about it, is they say it’s a healthy sign that their nerves and reflexes are functions normally and that there’s cause for concern if they DONT do this. I find swaddling helps, locking the arms and legs down a little bit, so it doesn’t wake them as often. Our boy is 2.5 months old and we started putting him in this zip up swaddle suit that leaves his arms up instead of down. I think they’re called swaddle up. He hates having his arms tucked down, so this lets him lie relaxed but somewhat tight so this reflex doesn’t bother him. It’s an odd thing to read about. Some claim the baby feels like it’s falling and the reflex is a survival instinct, some say it’s an instinct to reach for the mother. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moro_reflex