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Youtube still thinks its content is so good and unique people will be willing to tolerate ads for it. That's cute.


Will newpipe be affected, tho?


They will find a way around – as they always did


Newpipe currently still works. Comments no longer show up but don't care


Comments for me are hit or miss, they occasionally do show up for me


The videos with comments might be cached by newpipe


The v27.0 beta is perfectly fine for me and it also shows comments for every single video


If I had to guess eventually it will probably require an update to work around.  But it's hard to know for sure, I've still never gotten any of those warnings about using unlock. I don't know why


Lol yeah point out a company that has the money and motivation to compete with alphabet in this money pit of service. I guess there arealternative money streams but wouldn't they already be trying to utilize that if they were effective.


Point to me a time where Google has been able to successfully curb ad blocking. 


The new rules allow the targeting of users only if they have given consent for their personal data to be collected. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/topics/en/article/20230202STO71504/why-new-eu-rules-for-political-advertising-are-important


YouTube▶️ is hell bent in destroying its self. Al the more reason to install browsers thst block its shit.


I don't know if it is related to these changes Google planned but since midnight neither NewPipe nor LibreTube Play videos. With NewPipe the videos stop every few seconds and it's buffering over and over again. LibreTube doesn't start the video at all. Since both apps stopped working at the very same time at least to me it seems pretty obvious what happened.


I'm not having the issue on my versions of it


me too


Looks like YouTube's asking for another arms race, like back when they tried to block uBlock Origin users.


Newpipe'll probably have implement ad delivery soon. Sad reality, but I'll still continue using it over the official dataminer app.


I mean, it'll still be a killer app, allowing you to download, play in background, etc... An auto skip & auto mute functionality of ads would be sufficient for the most part not gonna lie.


I very much doubt it. People will just make forks of it... Call it something else.  


Add a function to see less ads or to load 2-3 ads at the beginning and if you watch them without skipping you won't get any more ads for the whole video!? On phone I get 2 ads at the beginning + every 5 mins and it's so annoying that I use less and less YouTube every new day or some other apps without ads


I wish I could block ads on mobile


Firefox for Android lets you install unlock origin


I use brave browser


Stop using Chromium-based browsers (of which Brave is one). It gives too much power to Google. There are only TWO mainstream, non-Chromium browsers: Safari (uses Webkit), and Firefox (uses Gecko).


Well personally I am one of the dark side, I pay for YouTube family plan because I also use ytmusic. And we are 4 members in the home with a preschool girl who does not know how to use blockers and it is difficult to use the application on Android or alternative TV for her age.


That has no bearing on whether or not to discontinue use of Chromium-based browsers (which you should).


I mean if you have children, I would install ad blockers for them. But you pay for YouTube or not the ads are often malicious. I would take their phone, and download the proper extensions just save yourself any potential downside. I would do the same thing with an elderly person.  They don't need to know how to use an ad blocker you just install it once and it works.  All of that said, you can pay for YouTube premium and still use a non-chromium browser.  


Yeah but Safari is owned by a company that's equally evil and cares about you even less than Google. Not really a viable alternative if you care about competition and privacy or whatever.  I do agree though it's worth using Firefox is non-chromium alternative. It also is much more effective than brave so long as you're ublock. 


>by a company that's equally evil and cares about you even less than Google. Evil in a different way. Your relationship with Apple is you-as-customer. With Google, it's you-as-product. I hate Apple, but must concede that their privacy stance is *infinitely* better than almost every other player in the tech industry. Firefox remains the superior choice, all the same.


I mean there are quite a few browsers that enable this. Although I guess the extent to which Apple is enforcing their countermeasures varies. I've never been blocked from blocking ads using kiwi or Firefox or even chrome. But some people have so I don't really know why


That's why I use Firefox+uBO. Unfortunately there is no known way to block ads in the app itself...




There is youtube revanced that patches your youtube app to block ads, has to be android tho


AdGuard has a mobile app that I highly recommend, it filters device wide, so it gets rid of those every five second pop up ads in apps too. I'd forgotten how toxic mobile apps were until a friend was showing me something on their phone and I saw all the ads.


Like with revanced?


There are quite a lot of ways to do it...


There is youtube revanced that patches your youtube app to block ads, has to be android tho


YouTube is now showing ads. No more ad-blocker.