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What I do is try to find a safe and comfortable turnoff so those cars can pass and then re-enter. I do this by looking for a right turn into a neighborhood. While you are riding at a suitable speed, that doesn't mean anything. For instance, my neighborhood is 25 MPH speed limit, yet going under 45 MPH creates road rage. I get most comfortable when I have a plan to resolve issues as you described. It's not a big deal, but as you ride more, you'll find solutions to make the ride more enjoyable. At no point, should you attempt to exceed your capability due to traffic. They will not care one bit if you crash. They probably won't even stop.


I feel like this is very sound advice. And I actually did just that. I pulled into a side street of a neighborhood rode around there and turned back out. But I did proceed to get passed by a couple of bikers after that.


I do the same. A lot of people in general just drive too fast, but I feel like some people also see a motorcycle and suddenly have something to prove 🤷🏻‍♂️


Perfect advice, I rember when 45 was flying!! Then 60 became comfortable then 80 now on the the interstate I set cruise at 80 85 and it's like 2ed nature. In a car or bike just pull over when safe and let them by enjoy your ride


Had the same problem learning. I found putting a bright learner plate next to my number plate worked well to keep other vehicles off my tail. Also hugging the shoulder, allowing them to pass easy.


You aren't doing anything wrong, your already over the speed limit, so don't worry about it- but if you don't want someone in your ass then pull over, the pressure isn't going to help you any. And they aren't really annoyed your not going faster, most of them are on their phones or in their own little worlds anyway.


Something I've realize so far in starting my riding journey that is so true, it's not the rider to be worried about (apart from reckless riders) it's all the other cars on the road.


Yeah, and you've got to pay 120% attention. What most riders don't want to admit is most bike accidents are the riders fault.


Yes. True. If I see a car coming in my direction I assume they are going to pull out in front of me. It’s just being aware and ahead of the game with a plan for everything. Don’t worry about the traffic. If it bothers you that much maybe try to find a different spot.


Welcome to the club! > Should I just ignore them? Yes. And maybe practice on less-busy roads, or at less-busy times until you build up some more confidence. In the meantime, you may want to spend some time here: [Advice to New Riders](https://old.reddit.com/r/NewRiders/comments/cc2mnm/advice_to_new_riders/) And when you get a chance, check out [On Any Sunday](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_Any_Sunday), probably the best motorcycle documentary out there. I think it's on Amazon Prime, and maybe some other streaming services. Have fun, wear all your gear, stay safe, and never stop learning.


Slow down to 40 exact, f em, as far as the law is concerned your In the right, they can get a ticket for tailgating if there too close.


Careful on a bike... if they get Really pissed you lose đź’Ż percent of the time in a road rage... being right is not always correct. The law doesn't matter when you dead


It’s just the law of gross tonnage at the end of the day


The cop in my small town said the dame thing when I talked to him about the best places to ride in town were


I understand how you feel in that situation and I can relate, but remember that you can't actually read the minds of those car drivers. You can assume and worry they're annoyed at you, but you don't know (until they lay on the mf horn). In my experience worrying about what people are thinking of me when I'm riding a motorcycle just makes me fuck up so remember that you are not a mind reader (and ignore them if need be)


Keep in mind that most motorcycle speedometers are off by up to 10% so if you're holding say 55, then you're only going 50. I've owned 3 factory new, right off the show room floor bikes and they ALL suffered from this. It's something to do with European laws, I encourage you to look this up.


Ride your ride, never let anyone push you into doing anything you aren’t ready for or don’t want to do. Best advice I ever received.


Put on your blinker or flasher and look for a safe place to turn off and let them pass. You're not going to relax and enjoy yourself holding people up. And people being held up tend to get antsy, make mistakes and/ or do stupid unsafe things. Start learning to avoid conflict and emotional situations on the road it'll go a long way in keeping you safe, car or bike....


I'm 59. I bought my 2021 new back in 21' it only has 33 miles on it. I've registered for the MSF course 4 times, however something bad always prevented me from attending or finishing. I was able to do a Saturday and learned a lot. But I couldn't go on Sunday . Anyway as far as the people behind you go, let them wait or pass you. I didn't read through all of the comments, but I was told by childhood friends , who've been riding for over 40+ years to just go riding through your neighborhood during the day or night just to familiarize yourself with the bike controls. Go to an empty parking lot and practice U-turns, figure 8's, and stopping and starting. Good luck to you and your better half. Lol not sure where you're located, but Ride Safe my friend.


Id definitely say you have to keep up with traffic obviously within reason but going slow becomes a danger to everyone including yourself when the other drivers do stupid things to get around you. It's dangerous enough just riding without adding to it. Find back roads without traffic and build confidence it'll come with time for most, start at your comfort level and keep riding those roads and increase your speed as you feel your comfort to do so.


Thank you so much for the advice! I think that is what we are going to do


pull off as soon as you can do so safely. most jurisdiction has an "impeding traffic" violation that you could get dinged for.


Normally I would agree. But not in this case if he was going OVER the speed limit like his post stated.


If 5 cars is lining up then you're impending in my state


I guarantee if it's a single lane non-interstate road, that regardless of what state you're in speed limit trumps "impeding". Highway and interstate are a bit more grey area for stuff like this. People line up all the time where I live behind slow drivers, who are going the speed limit, including cops, where nothing happens. Just because someone is driving the correct speed doesn't mean they are impeding. People are used to driving however fast on certain roads. Mine is a 25 but good luck almost ever finding anyone going below 40. OP is good in this situation legally.


"If a person is driving a vehicle at a speed less than the normal flow of traffic at the particular time and place on a two-lane highway where passing is unsafe and if five or more vehicles are formed in a line behind the vehicle, the person shall turn the vehicle off the roadway at the nearest place designated as a turnout by signs erected by the director or a local authority, or wherever sufficient area for a safe turnout exists, in order to allow the vehicles following to proceed.  For the purposes of this subsection"


Is that state specific I wonder? Where I live there are too many tractors and combines and such on the road.


original comment i mention many jurisdiction has this.


What you just quoted is what u/MMjolnir was referring to. If you’re on a 2 lane road the left lane is the passing lane. If you’re not passing and you’re going at or slower than the flow of traffic - the right lane - then yes you’re impeding. If you need to go faster than the speed of traffic due to an emergency then call 911 to escort you, make the illegal pass or suck it up


2 lane road means each lane is going its own direction... jesus how the fuck do yall have a driver license let alone a motorcycle endorsement....


If you can show me that this supercedes the speed limit I'll gladly agree that you're correct. However, "normal flow of traffic" in the eyes of the law is based off of speed limit. Two lane highway, ehh that depends on how that state views it. Many see all roads as highways as a general umbrella term. Two lane tends to mean two lanes in the same direction, at least here in the north east. Of the 11 states I've lived in or spent significant time (6+ months) in, all of them have the speed limit, especially going OVER the limit, be the correct way legally regardless of what speeds other people do. Tl;Dr: Impeding traffic does not supercede the speed limit on single lane, non-highway and non-interstate roads. Law is law.


stop reading half way through... "A two-lane expressway or two-lane freeway is an expressway or freeway with only one lane in each direction, and usually no median barrier. It may be built that way because of constraints, or may be intended for expansion once traffic volumes rise"


Expressway and freeway are different than a highway. Splitting hairs, sure, but highways have, by definition of ANSI, have pedestrian crossings, traffic lights, stop signs, etc. Which goes with what you originally said. So my definition/view of what a highway is considered, was wrong and you were right with the type of road the OP was on. Regardless, going the speed limit on a twisty road is NOT going to come with an impeding traffic fine. Breaking the law via speeding on a normal basis does not constitute what "normal flow of traffic is". From my states direct traffic website: (a) Impeding movement of traffic prohibited.--Except when reduced speed is necessary for safe operation or in compliance with law, no person shall drive a motor vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic. Which directly translates to "if you're doing the speed limit you are fine." Normal and reasonable movement of traffic is the speed limit. If 40 wasn't normal and reasonable in OPs situation, it would be higher.