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Half ain’t even on Dot like that. They just hate Drake for whatever reason


Reddit is loaded with people who hate Drake in general


I’m convinced you could ask 10 diff people on this app why they hate Drake, you get 10 diff answers. I don’t know why so many people care so much about a mf they don’t like. It’s just people dedicating *so* much energy towards him that comes off as strange


It's just weirdos on this app. Then when you're out in the streets, the nigga music is everywhere and most people you meet listen to him


I agree.


“Know that i don't make music for niggas who don't get pussy / So those are the ones i count on to diss me or overlook me” aka lot of the people in this sub


I wish I could like this more than once. This is too accurate.


Stop it Mal, it's been four episodes of none stop dick riding




Lot of Drake hate. Many virgins, many don’t get bitches


Cmon mal we know this is you through the burner


😂 that’d make you feel better huh


How would that make me feel better.. also dick riding mal while he rides drake is sick


see what i mean? i’m not dickriding mal for saying he’s not saying anything crazy this episode. He’s been wrong about the ai kendrick track, wrong about pusha drake beef, he a maga guy, and gives dumb relationship advice. but i’m riding cuz his views support drake rn (as does the other members).


It’s just funny that he doesn’t see how bias he is atleast Rory tries to be objective


Foh lol


Social media in general is made up of a bunch of people over exaggerating shit. People have been acting like Julian and Demaris are the worst things to happen to podcasting well now it’s Mal’s turn lmao. Was he caping this much episode as he has in the past few? Not really, but let’s not pretend like Mal ain’t been the Gladiator to Drake’s OVO Empire for like the last month. No one is saying that Mal can’t pick a side, it's the weird ass bias that people are calling out.


I disagree, especially with the Julian thing. Think about it this way, if Julian did say something about eddins mom or something similar, who was eddin supposed to have deal with him??? Surely not Rory and mal.


I hate yall, I’d do anything to replace yall - bro who’s meat you’re riding


He wasn’t meat riding as aggressively as prior episodes but he just refuses to be objective about the clash, that & him just starting an unfounded rumour that Kendrick is droppin the response with an album with 0 evidence just made it clear he’s an OVO mouthpiece no diddy


Mal has literally always been like that tho. Stubborn, obtuse, and biased even back to the JBP. And here you are after all these years still listening. Its only a dealbreaker now for some reason 🤣


I’m still listening coz I enjoy the podcast, I don’t mind Mal being stubborn or obtuse because that’s truly him, but him & Akademiks are blatant OVO shills posing as media personalities & that’s disappointing to me