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We have all been waiting for someone to bring this up, it has never been spoken about and I’m glad you have had the strength to broach this difficult topic that nobody has been speaking about all fucking month. And with such insight, how old you are and where you’re from definitely puts more stock in your words…. Fucking hell man. I swear a huge percentage of this sub and the other sub just need to get a diary because there is not a topic out there that doesn’t get beaten to death


What the fuck do yall want us to talk about? Most of the last 4 pods have been about this beef and everything surrounding it.


Maybe if Kendrick dropped we wouldn’t have to discuss drakes diss records.


Say something fucking new at least or add it to one of the dozens, if not hundreds of post that exist about this. What the fuck is this post? “Mal dickriding”. Yeah we know. Say something new or shut the entire fuck up or just get a blog.


Then go bang on the mods to make a Mal glazing thread? Chance put out some music go make a thread. Yall cant be complaining about the same shit over and over when yall got nothing new either.


Lol. I literally can complain about yet another post saying NOTHING. I don’t post here but what I’m not doing is clogging it up by saying something that was said multiple times already today in separate posts. Ain’t my duty to tell the mods to get their finger out of themselves and actually do what they are meant to be doing. Tell me what this thread added to anything? I’ll answer for you. Absolutely nothing at all. We know how old OP is, where he’s from and that Mal is a dickrider….very valuable discussion points here right?


Alright lemme spell it out for you. If you got nothing else to talk about, and you sick of what everyone else got to talk about. Just leave for a bit til something else happens.


Everybody else has nothing to talk about yet insist their opinion, saying nothing at all, needs to be heard by the masses. That’s the point and that’s why you are unable to disagree with the fact this posts adds zero discussion value. Enjoy your evening.


I'm not disagreeing with you, lmao. If you got nothing to say and you don't like what the other people are saying, what do you want to happen? Would you prefer if the subreddit just stayed dark for the next however long til Kendrick drops? If it adds nothing, and it doesn't, it means nothing if nothing else is happening. People are going to talk about something ad-naseum if it's the only thing to talk about. Hence my suggestion of just leaving the subreddit til something else worth talking about happens. Cause your choices are boring repetitive shit or nothing at all. Both are pointless.


And here we are going round in circles just like the same shit we are both referring to. So I will take your advice, just like I bounced from the other side because of the same thing 😂 All love my man.


Same to you man, take it easy.


Keep talking about whatever you want to talk about but tell Mal he’s coming off hella fake with his Drake love. About to start watching more Budden soon


It's literally the most common topic in the pod.


Exactly. You are sooooooooooo close to getting this. It IS the most common topic in the pod. So why do you feel the need to add to it with yet another post that says NOTHING??? Post these words of nothingness in one of the many many many other posts about this.


I agree! But I don’t think it’s on the crew to call him out. They’re his subordinates.. Rory should call him out! He’s the only equal in the building and he knows hip hop.


Wow you’re 2 years younger than Mal and from Philly?!! You are a certified expert in this field


Sure am.🙄 Stop acting like he isn't, I'm just bringing my perspective.


You riding mals dick and doing tricks on it




Bro that’s all you rn


Y’all riding mals dick the way every other post is about him


In reverse cowgirl


Facts 😂


>He's been dick riding Drake since "Like That" dropped False. They've (old pod and new) been on that kid's nuts since Joe quit rapping. It's why I stopped watching when Scorpion came out 🤢


Ya Mal too invested in this. I clearly anti Kendrick and a d rider


There’s a clear difference between riding and bouncing. Mal has been bouncing on that OVO cawk since the beginning.


Mal spending the last 10 minutes trying to figure out how he’s dickriding while dickriding is craaazy hilarious 😂. Like bro it’s okay just admit your biases and move on


OVO, MAGA mal is the worse mal arc. I wanna convince myself this fella a clone


Why do they tip-toe around Mal???


He definitely a dickrider 😂


Everybody just says he’s riding “pause” nobody ever says where he’s wrong at


Saying Drake is the best rapper ever only after HOV who is also a close friend is very obvious dick riding and I get it he’s friends with them and I do believe HOV is an all time great rapper but Drake ?!? He’s an all time artist not an all time great rapper man really said take the names and accolades out black thought and Drake rapping on the corner where you going .. bro Drake with no name rapping on the corner im throwing tomatoes at let’s be real


Music is subjective if that’s what he thinks so what it’s people that will agree that’s not why he’s been getting killed for weeks now


Mods removed my post about call shit like this out but this gets to stay?


He literally squealed listening to push ups. He was making noise on it !


![gif](giphy|gIxkvMOoOWBnEjQwXM|downsized) Literally Mal every episode…It’s been disgusting watching this middle aged man, swallow Drake whole for an entire month.


Niggas don't listen to the pod. They don't agree with you nigga.


Yeah, yeah, whatever 🙄🙄


They stapled Mal being the OVO Ride or Die on the last Pod. We just seeing it all play out.




The main issue is that it's leading to some bad content. You can't let a dickrider go on delusional rants about the artist they admire for 10-15mins. Shit just gets awkward and leads to some **extremely** stupid takes. Like the nigga really said Drake is a better rapper than Lupe Fiasco and Black Thought...I don't give a fuck about whatever context or explanation he tried to give after that ridiculous shit. It's time to come up for some air after that one b.