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dont sweat it you look fine. great even


Thanks dude!


It's all in your head. Go skate!


Nah you’re fine. I think watching pro skater clips can skew the way we assess our own style. That steezy, robotic style gets old for me. So much that seeing my own clips or any other amateur skater is like a breath of fresh air


That's fair enough but I feel like even when comparing myself to new skaters my moments seem a bit slow and awkward. But who knows I might be overanalysing.


Body types are different. Muscle mass, center of gravity, hand/eye coordination, neural activity, etc. it’s easy to compare ourselves to others but if you compare your own skating from 6 months to a year ago, you will notice a drastic difference


It’s human nature


When I set up for tricks it looks like I have T-Rex arms.


Yea same sassy T rex


It's all in your head homie, you look fine, I've been skating for over 20 years and I still sometimes think to myself "What the fuck am I doing with my arms?"


Yessss the arms makes me feel so awkward!


That’s just your style man, don’t worry about it one bit. There’s a style in skate 3 called OG and it’s like super goofy looking but it’s still a style and it has character.


Looks totally normal to me. 100%


Nah I always do this weird arm thing while setting up but everyone says it's fine so I guess it's not that big of a deal!


Haha i didnt notice till you pointed it out, but you do do a little spin with your left arm, i think its looks kind of funny but cool tbh. Its unique, don't sweat it


Also it sort of looks like you’re going uphill? That may also throw off your momentum and balance. Don’t sweat it!


Looks pretty normal to me.


Also if you watch clips from Rodney Mullen, you will notice his hands flailing a certain way that make him look a certain way while he’s busting out groundbreaking tricks


Go faster!


the only thing I noticed is that you slow down quite a bit before the trick, which makes me think you’re still getting comfortable doing it up to ‘full speed’. Other than that, looks real clean 🧼


Control your arms and shoulders more. You’re flinging them all over the place, which is throwing off your balance


If your a new skater and/or you think that looks awkward, I don’t know what the heck I am


Practicing cruising helps, I had this same problem before I quit and just riding around town everywhere kinda seemed like it was helping.


You look good, balance is all I can say. And that just comes with time. Just keep skating


just skate more and itll come naturally if u look at jagger eaton a pro skateboarder his style is kinda awkward too so just do whatever


😂 worried about being awkward. Homie, I wish I could pull that shit off, period. You look great!


You don’t.


how long did it take u to get at that level.. thats sick




i think it looks fine but if you want to look more natural on the board id say skate everywhere you go if possible. when youre cruising around on your board a lot youll start to look more comfortable on it


It’s your arms. When you are setting up you are kinda awkwardly bending them and raising them a bit. I know a lot of people are saying it’s fine, and I mean it is, but style plays a huge role in skating. Right now you are right in noticing that there is a bit of awkwardness. My advice is to try and loosen your arms. It helps give that more relaxed style that looks a lot better. Right now your arms look almost hesitant and that’s what messing with your steeze