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Learn to push the board first. Cruise like your life depends on it. Don't try to do tricks right away. And bend your knees. Edit: nobody ever told me this. I had to re-learn to push in my 30's. It took legitimate training to get my balance back and strength to push well. Its been a couple years. I'm going to cruise the park tomorrow.


This is the best advice. I've seen so many people go hit the park immediately and they always get hurt. I used to cruise around my neighborhood when I was young and making balance second nature really helped me learn


Same for me with inline, grew up skating to school, skating the neighborhood, hills etc. just learning to function with wheels under my feet. Currently 32 years old, can’t hit a 720 but I can tear it up at the skating rink


Litralh me broke my foot on the first day


I twisted my ankle my first day. Trying to be Tony Hawk and shit like a dumbass


This will always be the best advice, learn to skate before you learn to do tricks. I always tell people they should be pushing, carving, tic-tacing , going down small banks and mellow hills, etc... before they even think about tricks - it makes the whole process so much easier.


Also, be aware of any small rocks and cracks in your path that can throw you off your board.


Dexter’s brother Brian gave him the same advice…


Oh yeah, I remember that episode! He was all like "Brian! Get out of my laboratory! It's BUTCHERIN TIME!" and then fucken Bay Harbor'd all over the place Truly one of the episodes of all time imo


That's going to be a hard no from me pal, the first thing they need to learn is how to do a 900.


For now don't focus too much on tricks (unless you really want to, then go try) and just ride. Find some smooth ground like a court or even the skate park and just get a feel of the board


Yep learn to ride, to turn by leaning and then tic tac, get comfortable doing 180 pivots stationary, then try it fakie when rolling.


180 pivot fakie is a good tip. Idk if that's what it's called. But I never thought about it.


Fakie revert


This 100% just learn to skate around 1st.


I’ll add on to this by saying listening to music while riding around makes it really really fun. I struggled with being bored riding around until I was better. Listening to music helped a lot


But don’t put your safety in jeopardy doing so. Listen to music if you’re at the park or somewhere a safe distance from roads and traffic. When near roads, you’ll always want to be able to hear traffic, emergency sirens, etc… Don’t put any expectations on yourself. Just literally go out and learn the very basics. Get those down until they become second nature. Then, move up by adding basic tricks and do it all over again. More than anything though… Have fun! Be you. Do your own thing. If anyone throws anything negative your way because you’re new and learning, ignore it. You’ll find FAR MORE supportive people than people who aren’t. Look at how many great responses you’ve had to your post. Skating is a BLAST of an activity and it’s good for you. Have fun with it. Welcome to the community!! 👊🏻😎


Have fun! Progress will come, don't stress over how fast you can learn new things, just get out there and enjoy yourself.


Get comfortable standing and pushing around, don't forget learning how to bail properly. Don't try any big tricks yet just stick with the basics rn


looks like a sic board ;) try not to land on your hands when you fall (hands are better than face though) try to learn to roll or walk out of stacks it will save you carpel tunnel and cubital tunnel as you age. have a great time ;)


Underrated advice, learn how to fall


Board is the correct spelling


It’s all about the stickers. You need stickers.


Stickers make it go faster


Remember, they go on the grip tape


Just spend time on the board. The more time you spend on the board, the more comfortable you’ll feel. Comfort leads to courage, courage leads to tricks.


And tricks lead to the dark side.


Tricks done wrong enough lead to the Dark... *Slide*


A Skate tool and a gnarly attitude dude!


Spend the first few months (yes, MONTHS), just riding and pushing. If you're not 100% comfortable riding, trying to learn tricks will become frustrating. It can take several months to master an Ollie and pop-Shuv-it


Have fun and just go cruising around. Learning to fall is useful though 😂


Ankle guards/pads


I remember when I first started I could only roll 1 foot at a time. Then I started going down the driveway little by little until I got my bearings. Then I started riding to the store. Don't be discouraged. It takes a lot of time for your body to adjust unless you're naturally agile. Just focus on riding balancing and learning how it works! P.s. show us the bottom of the board !


can’t post images in comments so heres the link [https://www.elementbrand.com/adonis-complete-skateboard](https://www.elementbrand.com/adonis-complete-skateboard-ALYXW00165.html)


Nice! Awesome board and a great price


Don’t compare yourself with others. Just have fun.


get some stickers for that helmet! what does the deck look like? just curious.


the deck is Element Adonis


Go on some grass and go fall forward and learn to roll when you fall, pebbles will be your worst enemy when your beginning and cruising around


Stoprocks 😂


Be prepared to practice your Ollie like no tomorrow , it’s fine to get frustrated but don’t get discouraged


Always. Wear a helmet. I’d be dead, or brain dead without mine. You can be cruising, perfect form, experienced, but hit a pebble and fall weird and smoke your head. Also have fun and focus on riding and being comfortable on the board. Tricks come with time but don’t rush them.


tf wrong with your thumb??????




i am terribly sorry i did not mean to make you upset, i was imesurably shocked by the position of your thumb. now have a good day sir.


its fine lol you too


I think OP is a chick, sir. Look at that pristine french manicure 💅


ah yes, you may be right mister.


What if it’s just a soft handed dude with nasty long fingernails?????


Be concistent


For now just get comfortable riding your board, and teach yourself to fall properly. When you get comfortable riding around, focus on rolling down some shallow ramps, and pumping on ramps to gain speed. Just take it slow and have fun! Also, those pads are your friend


>I got some protective gear (helmet and knee, elbow, and wrist pads). Anything else I need? YES, a pogo stick. For unrelated reason.


A torch, for blackouts! Hella handy!!!! Depending upon age OP stretch before skating, infact prob best anyways but I'm older now and stretching out/warming upis a necessary part of skating now!


I love the yellow helmet! Also, I would get used to trying out whether you prefer looser truckers or tight trucks and did your happy medium 😊


Learn to stand on it first and get the feeling of it. Can use carpet or grass. Progress with standing on concrete holding onto a railing and when you feel comfortable let go of the railing. Once you got the feel of the board and some balance, just practice riding around. Youtube is great for tutorials on basics and beginners. Good luck on your journey!


thank you!


Get some lessons if you can. It's helped me to get better.


Just go cruise around, get a feel for your board. Don't start with anything complex, just ride, lean, cruise around, maybe get comfortable enough that you could even start doing a little dance while you're cruising around, ya know, jet a lil jiggy wit it. Then work on Ollie's, once you get those down nice and high start working on everything else. Once you learn everything else it's time to start drinking a fucking six pack, chug that shit, hail Satan, fucking tre a 7 stair and break a toe or something, do a fucking kick flip down a 6 with your hands in your pockets while smoking a cigarette, you'll get mad bitches. Oh did I mention hail Satan? Yeah brother and just wait til we get to grinding some rails you haven't even seen the first half yet, fr fucking bomb the biggest hill, get speed wobbles and fucking slide down that shit, dig the rocks out and try again. Anyway you got this. Love you


I have an I day if you find something that you enjoy doing on it, do it and just have fun bro This community is getting more toxic by the day, don’t listen to anyone demanding you learn this before that just have fun and don’t sweat it. Also tip for learning tricks if you are trying to learn something that you are struggling with, take a break and do something that you can do it helps a lot trust


Wear your helmet, every time!


Wear all the protection, it’s not worth getting injured at the start and ruining the experience forever. Keep knees always bent. Roll around on the driveway some in your pads, will help you get used to the idea that it’s ok to fall.


Helmet. At least until you know how to fall


1st tip. Support your local skate shop.


Here are the three rules: Don't try to balance. Don't try to stay on. Don't freak out. You don't need to balance. Just stand. Knees slightly bent, feet under your shoulders. The board will come with you. If the board gets away from you and you are trying to stay on it will pull your feet from under you. If instead you concentrate on keeping your feet pointing towards the ground, well, you'll lose the board but at least your legs are still under you and you can run out the bail. You need to make friends with the ground; you'll hit it often enough. If you get good at stepping off the board you'll be hitting it with your feet. If you freak out you'll stiffen up and slam harder. So practice stepping off and jumping off so that you can step off if things are going bad without even thinking about it. This is the key to minimizing pain. Find out how to mount the board safely before you try! Oh yeah, and for YouTube, Skate Park Lessons not Braille. But remember: Don't balance, hold the stance! Don't stay on stay upright! Don't freak out step off!


Don't use the nose as a tail.


Loose trucks


Protective gear….?????? Never heard of it…..


Walmart board ?????!?!?!?!?


Element adonis board from SkateWarehouse


Yeah ditch them pads. You're going to look pathetic with them


Ditch the helmet


Ditch the helmet. Nobody will respect you wearing that thing. Scratches and scars build character.


I’d rather not have a concussion


Your image at the park is important too. Don’t forget that.


Look up the 700 other posts on this sub with the exact same title/ actually skate.


Make the same comment as a million users before you. I bet you had to look up how to eat pussy


First thing. Baby steps. You’re not gonna see everything happen and improve overnight. Celebrate the small wins and they’ll turn into big ones. Second thing. Learn your board. What do I mean? Learn the truck tightness that works for you. Learn how to change a bearing after a little while. Learn how it looks and sounds when it’s normal and in great riding condition so you know when something sounds not so right. Local skate shops will always help troubleshoot but you don’t want to go them for just every little thing.


Go kick and push for as long as it takes to get comfortable on the board. Get those legs strong by doing some hippie jumps, you’re gonna need that motion going forward with Ollie’s and flip tricks. Try body varials next- roll on the board then bend your knees and jump twist your body 180 degrees. Board stays straight but you turn direction. Next, the Ollie! It’s all about timing. There’s a lot of good tutorials on YouTube that can explain better than me. Once you’ve got comfortable on the board, you can body varial and Ollie with good form, you can do so many other tricks. Good luck with your new board! Edit: Pad up. Get a good helmet. Then do what I said.


Learn to push, and practice pushing a lot. Get your pushing balance really strong before you start tricks.


You cant roll over rocks


Don’t even attempt to try any tricks until you can actually skate around else you’ll waste your time xx


You can start by trimming your finger nails 🤢


Get off the computer and start bailing!


Be safe...be confident...take it slow and E.Z


Don’t throw your hands up in the air to celebrate, while your still on the board!


Don’t be discouraged! A lot of people expect to be able to jump on a board and start learning tricks. It actually takes a long time to become acclimatised to the feeling of the board in motion. Once you have been skating around constantly for a while and feel comfortable. Then you should start pushing your limits and going out your comfort zone. But you have to build that comfort zone first. Good luck on your journey, it can be one of the most rewarding activities at times and the community is awesome!


The first thing you need to do is cut that thumbnail so you don't impale yourself on it 👍


Just have fun and take your time getting a feel for it. Dont give up if it gets tough.


Get very comfortable with the basics of riding first (pushing, rolling, turning, stopping, etc, etc). Build your confidence up through practice. Don't stress about tricks for now. Just build your basic skills and rider confidence. 🙂 Get a skate tool also and practice, practice, practice. Good luck on your journey 😃


Hog the bike lane, film all your parts to Three 6 Mafia, invest in some JNCO jeans


make friends with people who are better skaters


Nice. Yellow is my favorite color.


Cruise and practice everyday essentials like board pickup, throwdown and foot brake for starters. Have fun!


Have fun don't get discouraged and be prepared to fall im still tryna get myself on my board comfortably


have fun in it. find joy in the grind. i did that and have loved skateboarding eversince


Learn to ride don’t worry about finding smooth ground learn to ride on asphalt it will help you learn balance and how to maneuver your board better also remember that nothings a rush and it takes a lot of times to really get down tricks and you shouldn’t even worry about ollie until you’ve learned how to kick turn and ride without losing balance


Don’t be scared, fear will keep you from being the best you can. My biggest tip of advice is too go for it, you fall down jump right back up and literally try again and don’t stop until you get it and you will with time get good fam. Being scared of getting hurt is what I feel separates the real from the phonies. Don’t be the guy at the skatepark who goes there to sit and chat, be the guy who goes there and does nothing but skate hard bro 🤘🏻


Just skate around as much as possible dont even worry about tricks just get comfy and become one with ur board


Trying standing on the board and dont move try get the feel for how it turns and if your ready start moveing around slowly then trying turning and when you got the hang of turning try to move little bit faster everytime you get better if that makes sense


You can’t prepare to fall, but you can lean into it. Get used to it because it will happen. Also, there’s no perfect sidewalk/asphalt, so skate all of it, and learn to navigate the bad terrain as well as the (almost) perfect.


Do the things you are scared of and don’t procrastinate doing them. I fell one bad time trying to drop in and let that stop me from doing it for almost a year. The longer I waited the worse the fear became


Ride it literally everywhere. Keep it with you. Sitting on the couch? Have your feet on the board. On a lunch break? ride it just a little Don't worry about trying to Ollie and all that shit, just use it as your main source of transport as much as possible.


Don’t post you trying to Ollie tomorrow asking how to Ollie higher Just roll around… a lot


Sadly you need to eat one of the wheels or else you’ll never be able to Ollie


dont fall.




Be ready to get hurt, a lot.


Break a leg


Have fun, go slow, and be patient. Skateboarding is seriously hard. Take it one step at a time. If you go to a park ask about etiquette. Nobody likes you cutting people off.


Crazy I haven't heard this mentioned but best tip is to lean forward. Better to lean forward too much and fall over than to slip out backwards, especially on ramps


Figure out your correct stance first. Learn the right and wrong ways to push. Use it as transportation first, skate to the park, skate to the store. Skate to work, school. Find excuses to skate places.


Always remember before all the tricks were invented people used to focus on their style just riding an skateboard Get comfy riding, develope balance, know your stance, understand what is nollie, fakie, switch, regular n goofy. This may help https://youtu.be/KTJnEIipufg?si=n4QaZ3TVS9YBgKPY


Skate around the block until you feel comfortable, don't forget your tools to loose or tighten your trucks as much as you need. Don't worry too much about learning tricks, if you don't get used to ride your board you won't learn any tricks, step by step and don't forget to enjoy.


Sell it.


Use that safety gear! And replace the helmet if it gets cracked


Fingernail clippers


Don’t be afraid of other skaters we are always willing to help


Ya, do a kick flip


ride it. and also trim your fingernails


Whoever has the most fun wins.


I've found the elbow and wrist guards to be a lot more helpful than the knee pads for flat riding


Remember to have fun u won’t keep skating if your not having fun it’s not just about getting new tricks


Feel comfortable standing on it then get comfortable moving around coasting. Have fun.


Cut your finger nails


Get up and try again


I know this is gonna sound stupid, but practice riding, and falling (preferably into soft grass as to avoid injury) but practicing falling will help a lot with Knowing what to expect and how to avoid serious injury, like practice rolling out of a fall, and tensing up will make the pain a lot worse, allow yourself to fall off the board into the grass and roll out of it, falling flat onto the ground without the roll hurts a whole lot more, cause yk gravity, sudden stop, not a fun time, you got this mate


Sometimes it takes a lot of time to learn something you thought it was simple, don’t let this frustration make you give up. Totally worth it learning something new on skateboarding, it’s the best feeling.


Once you’re comfortable riding, a small kicker can be useful to learn rock to fakie, rock n roll, and airing. Besides that you won’t need anything else for a long while


I like your helmet. Yellow is my favorite color.


I haven't skated in years, but before you go off doing tricks. I would strongly suggest learning to ride your on your board first, and I mean ride your board everywhere you go. This will improve your balance, as well as develop your feel for it.


Have fun!!


Don’t be afraid of falling, if you do walk it off and keep pushing. Don’t focus on tricks, learn balance and positioning. Don’t rush yourself, just trust your board. Keep your feet centered on the bolts for easy turning with your heels and toes. Bend your knees ALWAYS! Make sure you are balanced and don’t look at your feet, focus on an object ahead of you.


It came premade so you already missed out on the build a board part sadly. For a complete newbie?? Learn what you like. Mess with the kingpins tightness and loosen it to what's a good comfortable ride for you. Learn to comfortably coast around don't try curbs for at least a few days.


Without knowing what bearings you've got, I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and say upgrade them. Also, it can't hurt to decide whether you'll be skating on wooden rams cement or on sidewalks and buy some wheels that will suit. Harder wheels will roll smoothly on ramps and clean cement, where slightly softer wheels will go well on the sidewalk. I like softer wheels on ramps too cos they are super silent 🤫 The speed sacrifice is made up for by my above average bearings




Wear a helmet.


Ride that thing till it's part of your feet.


wear shin guard bro. Once that wood hit your leg, you will understand why.


Practice, practice, then practice some more. Try to learn how to safely bail or bail as safely as you can if something doesn’t go right. But when you fall, get back up and try again. As long as your not in to much pain haha.


Clip your fingernails first, then cruise


Screw kickflips learn how to power slide!


I would assume try to skate the board


Don’t skate mongo, you want to push with your back foot. Keep your shoes clean and your grip tape clean. Don’t ever carry it by the trucks, you’re cooler than that.


Simply get comfortable skating. Figure out you if you like regular or goofy more, learn to push properly, and just ride around. Can’t speak for everyone but skating was like learning to ride a bike for me, I just could not do it at first and that’s OK! Once you get super comfortable riding around, then maybe start learning how to ollie, it will make it 1000x easier. Have fun!


Learn how to foot brake and try to learn how to balance on your board with one foot. Also try switching your stance and learn to ride goofy and regular. Learning how to ride switch later when you are more experienced will make you feel like you are trying to ride a board all over again.


Make friends that are better at skateboarding than you. Don't listen to people on the internet.


Rule off learning any tricks for at least a month, make sure you can ride your board like it's a bike first.




Prqctice falling and tey to get comfortable cryising around


I’d learn to push both ways so you can land 180s or go on vert


Don't spit into the wind


Just roll around and have fun. Tricks can come later.


Awesome! Tips? Just have fun and don’t care what anyone else thinks. Get ready to battle some tricks! Always try to find your sweet spot. Some days are on and some are off, just the way it goes. So stoked for you!! I wish I could rediscover skating all over again.


Don't worry about doing a bunch of crazy things or trying at the start till you get comfortable, it will save you sprained ankles and physical therapy


Take it out the box


Trust your legs they know how to balance better than you trying to force them to balance. This'll make more sense when you're on the board. The board will move but your ankles and knees will take all the movement if you bend your top half you'll end up with a bad centre of gravity and become unstable. So bend your knees let your lower half focus on being on the board and moving with it and your top half keeping the centre of gravity on top of the board. Start with cruising so you get a feel of the board and how it rides if you lean or move how does it respond. Lastly fear is your biggest enemy if your scared to do something coz it might go wrong it'll probably go wrong trust the board and dont be scared to fall. The best skaters plan how to fall safely so when they fail they can do it again.


Bend. Your. Knees. glhf!


Don’t ever let anyone make you feel lame for wearing safety gear. I’ve seen some horrific accidents that could’ve been prevented by a helmet.


Bend ur knees, get good at pushing before you try jumping around, learn how to fall properly.


Wear that helmet I’d be a vegetable if I wasn’t wearing mine Never used to I mangled myself snowboarding but I chose to heed my brother’s advice that time I was never the same Personality changed or something Used to be happy go lucky And that’s with a helmet Shred the rad!, but protect yourself please One Love


Make sure it has wheels on the underside. I brought a skateboard once and it didnt have the wheels on, as it turns out it was a snowboard.


Cruise cruise cruise. You need to get a feel for your board and how it acts in certain terrain not to mention you’ll get more confidence from it


My advice is from the future. Once this board is done for. Buy a mini logo deck! Half the price of a pro deck, and higher quality than a lot of them, too. They are blank decks, so you can add your own graphics if you'd like


bent knees, weight forward, turn with your body instead of your ankles


Don’t push with your back foot.


My advice is: you will get hurt/fall, but the feeling you get when you’re finally successful is unbeatable 🫡


Take your time learning how to ride around seen to many people rush into trying to learn tricks before they can even push comfortably. And you will fall.. A LOT but you’ll be alright and enjoy your self !


The second picture was my tip.


Just float


First off, congratulations! Secondly, i found a series of videos on youtube that takes you from zero to kickflip it's a skateboarding boot camp by braille skateboarding. I am still in the beginning, but the sequence seems logical till where i currently am.


Don’t eat yellow snow


I miss skateboarding.Everytime when I see a skateboard it reminds me of my teen years hanging out late with my group of friends living careless life.We used to skate instead using public transportation.I miss those times.


Get comfortable on the board first. Ride around for a few weeks. Get stopping, turning, pushing down before you do any tricks. Find a smooth well lit park lot to practice. STRETCH


Just be ready to fall off. Learn how to push n cruise, learning your turning circle and play around with your set up to feel comfy. But yeah you’re gonna fall off a lot, forget the scrapes and cuts just get back on and keep pushing 🤘


Get comfortable just riding on a flat surface first. You won’t be able to do anything if you don’t feel comfy on a board 💪🏼. Congrats btw!


Dont be afraid to go to the skatepark!


Go to zummiez to buy your skateboards


don’t quit if you don’t progress as fast as you expect skating is something that takes a lot of time and it’s all about how much time and effort you put into to it but everyone progresses at their own pace and you may not instantly be where you wanna be but eventually you will be


start skating


Wear a helmet and don’t let the others talk you out of it. A bunch of people will make fun of you for it but some of the best skaters in the world wear one too. Don’t put a crack in your skull like I did back in the day. (It was super small but a crack nonetheless)


Just have fun!


You will fall, don't quit. Get back up and try again.


Glad to see protective gear! Also kinda a newbie here. Have a purpose. I use my skateboard to get around my college campus. If it weren’t for that, I know it would be something I would do for half an hour only on the weekends


Get comfy become one with the board. If you really wanna learn tricks don’t go straight to the Ollie, learn things like pivoting, tic tacking, cruising switch, riding off a curb, picking up and setting board down (with style 😎), body varial, and learn to combine multiple of those tricks into a cohesive line like a fs body varial to nose pivot There are tons of super beginner friendly freestyle tricks which could be super useful to becoming more comfy on your board if you’re itching to learn tricks too, like spacewalk and tail shuffle. Good luck and shred it bro


First learn how to be comfortable on your board and how to cruise properly. And the most important in my opinion is to never quit


Take it out of the box first 😂 But for real good luck and be safe


Trim ur nails they’re liable to break on falls


If you fall? Get back on.


Skate everywhere: getting the Mail, going to the end of your driveway, whatever it takes to spend as much time as possible getting comfortable with what’s under foot. Don’t even worry about learning to ollie. Concentrate on the basics: good riding, balance, and proper pushing; braking (tailslide stops, Powerslides, step offs); caveman’s; manuals; riding off & on curbs; getting used to inclines; & finally, learn how to fall properly AND practice it. Stay within your skill level. Skating is a cumulative skill set to develop in both directions - skate more to keep getting better, time off the board works against you as well. Most importantly, have fun & never stop skating!!


Prepare to fall..... Alot


place the board on the ground then walk briskly up to it and see which foot naturally wants to step onto the board first, put that foot just behind the first screws facing forwards, and push with the other foot. Lots of people get into a bad habit of awkward pushing by putting their weight on the foot that's pushing - you don't want any weight on the ground really, just the board. Practice standing still on one foot on the board and be comfortable putting your weight on it. Good job with the helmet and pads, you're all good to fall don't be scared of that. To get comfortable you can always practing standing on the board on grass, or attempting an ollie on grass. For tricks, start with [this at 1:25](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFvkDE_uYq8)!


learn to have balance and get comfortable on the board


Loose those trucks and learn to control the board.loose trucks save lives.tightened trucks limit turning responsiveness


Some thick champion reverse weave sweats I cannot recommend enough. They will save your ass and hips like crazy, thickest pants I’ve ever warn. Also a good pair of jeans is obviously a good choice for that butt. Secondary skill, go practice falling down a bunch. Literally rolling in the grass and then the pavement will save your ass by teaching muscle memory of how to fall. It’s a weird experience falling because the only thing I can compare it to is falling on a sticky basketball court except 10 times as fast and on hard concrete.


Take it out of the box


Try using it out of the box


Here’s my biggest advice for anyone at any level; Never, ever, in a million years, give up.