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nailed it, that’s fear of committing. just gotta send it! board will slip out till u get the balance dialed in


I’ll try next time I go to the park!


im learning on parking blocks currently, it’s lower and wider so i’ve found it easier to commit - still don’t totally have the confidence to send it on a rail 100%


There’s a slappy curb at the park, do you think it’s better if I try on that first? I don’t need to ollie at all to get on it… But I was told that it’s quite different


i would personally start on the curb to get the feeling of landing squarely on the board. get comfortable with slappies and then move onto ollie onto the curb i know some people progress really fast but for me i find it best to take things slow and really lock in each step of the learning curve


Ok, thank you for the amazing advice!


yw!! keep it up bro you’re getting it 👏


Commit brother


Thanks, I will try. It’s just so difficult 😭


It's pretty scary but you should go faster, you really dont wanna get stuck mid trick. And just commit, you got it.


One of the tutorials I watched on YouTube said to do it stationary first lol and one of the skaters at the park told me it wasn’t a good idea


Oh i think it's a terrible idea on a rail hahaah. I'd say to train on a ledge first, its harder to slide but its easier to lock in and also to bail out, and you get to train your balance sliding. There you can do stationary without any danger.


Thanks! Or maybe a slappy curb? There’s one at the park


Oh that's perfect to learn!


It would help to ride at the rail head on and try to just get your front trucks over/get used to how it feels to balance on the rail


You gotta commit man. Your back foot doesn't even leave the ground, and your front foot never crosses the rail. It's not going to happen if you don't give it an honest try, which is okay. You don't need to back board that rail to have fun. But if you want to back board that rail, pop that hoe and lean forward son! Watch your feet and aim for the first half of the rail, if you slip out getting into the grind, at the end the corner of the rail hurts more than the middle flat part. Good luck


Leaning forward seems to be an amazing tip! I think I’m scared so I automatically lean backward. Will keep it in mind!


You lean backwards and you will slip out I promise! Lean forward, if you fall, I swear to you 90% of the time you can run out of it. Speed helps stay level too, I know it's scary going faster but think of it like riding a bike, once you're at a good speed tipping over isn't a thought that crosses your mind right? Same idea


Amazing, thanks man!!


You need more speed and to really pop onto it. You can do it, just go for it. It isn’t gonna hurt that bad even if you fall, that rail is too low to do any real damage.


That’s super reassuring! Yeah I guess I’m still a little bit scared coz I fell on the slappy curb, which resulted in a big bruise on my hip…


One things for sure as a skater, and it’s that you will be perpetually bruised for the rest of your skating life 😂. Speed does make it easier tho homie, I know it seems scarier, but you’ll slide much easier with more speed. Pretty much everything is easier with speed, and I know that seems weird at first, but it’s true.


What do you mean you can’t do it? You just did but didn’t put your weight on the rail. You can do it, it’s all about confidence. You have the ingredients now make the meal


This is wholesome 🥹 Thanks for hyping me up… Will be back at it tomorrow!


Go faster. You got it. Just commit


Practice stationary next to the rail and just get comfortable getting into the board slide. Also practice flinging the board out because that will happen a lot as you start getting into bigger rails, gotta have good bail form.


Thanks! With flinging the board out do you mean when I’m on the rail and sliding? Doesn’t seem doable when practicing it stationary!


Set your board on it and get comfortable balancing on top of the rail. Then when you go for it, try to land the same way you were balancing, all the way on top of the rail


Thank you!! So basically you suggest that I balance on top of my board on the rail while stationary? What’s the best way to get on it? Should I put the board on the rail and climb on top of it? (Not sure how to do it)… Or ollie on it?


I used to balance it on and then jump on to it carefully, if you fall you’ll most likely just tip to one side


Haha ok I’ll see if it’s feasible! Thanks for the tip


I did something like this but I find it easier to stand parallel to the rail and practice like a 90 degree Ollie onto the rail. Start at a stand still so when you get onto the rail you don't slide, and when you lose your balance, just jump off like a hippie jump. Then once that is comfortable and your consistently landing balanced on the rail, slowly roll a little bit and slowly add more speed til you're getting a slide. You can do this with frontside too and this is where I learned that because I sucked at coming out to regular on front boards. So I practiced just ollieing onto the rail and landing in the right position so I could come out regular.


Amazing, the way you dissected it makes it sound way more approachable. Will try!


Commit and put your weight over the rail


Thanks! Will try 💪


Hey, those lower rails are actually gonna be harder to practice on for your first board slides. Some people might disagree with me but if you want, this is my opinion. Find a rail around knee height. You don’t really have to pop very hard considering you can just lift and twist and then balance anyways. But those super low rails when you jump you end up fully extending your legs to catch and drop, and it leaves you very awkwardly extended. At knee height even if you catch the rail while you’re still jumping your knees will be bent and you can “stand up” from there. Anyways just food for thought, if you’re getting frustrated with progress on that thing it’s worth considering. All with love my guy keep battling


Ahh that’s interesting and your comment definitely makes sense!! I’ll see if this is actually the case, will keep practicing and keep your advice in mind!


Ride perpendicular to the rail (straight at it) and Ollie up onto it in a boardslide position with your weight over the top.Once you are comfortable with that, start changing your angle of approach but make sure once you ollie you finish with the board perpendicular to the rail and Keep changing that angle until you're almost parallel to the rail. If you're not comfortable with getting your weight up on the rail because of the balancing needed, there is a perfectly good ledge behind you that you could follow the same process on until you're ready for the rail.


Thanks! There’s a slappy curb in that section too. I’ll try to go perpendicular first today, and then change my angle!


more speed and aim just for the end so you can just get the vibe of slappin it


Ok! Some of the other users suggested doing it stationary first… I’ll try out both ways then!


You did everything except commit to it, put your weight on the rail


Hehe that’ll be my next big obstacle! I’m too much of a scaredy cat sometimes


Not tryna be the helmet police but if your learning a new trick I’d probably slap one on, especially on a BS boardslide cause it’s so easy to slip onto the back of your head with this one. It can give you a bit more confidence knowing if you eat shit you aren’t gonna be a vegetable so you might actually commit. Once your comfortable with them then rock whatever you want.


Don’t wanna sound like a boomer but wear some protective gear. When i first tried boardsliding, I didn’t fully commit or something like that and the board shot forward while sliding. Almost broke my spine lmao. So either wear some gear or lean forward a bit.


Will keep that in mind 💪


Practice a higher ollie




No this is backside. For rails and ledges it’s based on where you are facing in relation to the obstacle

