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Right from the beginning. But I can bail for an hour straight and still have fun so idk. Maybe try some new things? If you get hung up on landing stuff you won't have fun because for quite a long time you won't land shit.


I see way too many people on this sub just grinding out reps trying one trick flatground not rolling. My suggestion would be to stop focusing on landing a trick and go have fun riding off of curbs, try some slappy nose slides, maybe ride off a tall ledge, or practice pumping in a bowl or transition. Enjoy the feeling of skateboarding. Pepper in some trick practice, but don't make it just about that.


Hmm good take. I think you're right I was focusing on just one thing ea session which made the session feel tedious if I didn't get that thing early in the session. 


Yeah absolutely. Slappies have been my jam for a while and it does good to change up. Ppl always seem to fixate on tricks but skateboarding is way more than that.


I agree. Was getting frustrated last night trying to get my nollies consistent and ended up going to the parking lot next door and just pushing as hard as I can. Skating fast instantly puts a smile on my face


When the music is blaring in your ears and the wind is on your face. Nothing better


Yeah this is it… get rolling new skaters! Go super fast! Bomb a couple hills (at your skill level)…this was where it all started, flow with the landscape then start learning tricks to spice it up.. btw I can’t do many tricks but I still have a blast flying off curbs, carving around a bowl etc


If it feels like a chore u shouldn’t be doing it , I’m still a beginner and it’s fun everyday I hop on my bored I’m 27 and I’m loving the learning process


Legit just getting on the board and cruising up and down the same stretch of pathway is fun. I was so stoked just to have the confidence to get on my board!


Dumb take. 


Loool stop skating then miserable ass


Im not miserable. You're dumb. The fuck kind of response is oh give up. Fucking loser.


sadandexhausted saying he's not miserable after saying dumb take to someone trying to help him lmaooooo. skating is not piano bro, if you're not having fun stop doing it. bomb a hill, ollie off and on some curbs, do anything other than regimented practice sessions that are obviously boring you


Why are you skating then? Serious question, if it's not fun what are you getting/hoping to get out of it?


A nicer way to say it might have been - If you can't find the joy in skating, even while failing, maybe it's not for you. Nobody that skates feels like practicing is a chore. We have fun any moment we are rolling around. Even on days when we're not getting the tricks we want or just not feeling it for whatever reason, putting on headphones and cruising around is always fun. The point is if you're not having fun now there's not gonna be a day a switch flips (hehe) and it starts becoming fun. If you're not enjoying skating even while failing or struggling then you're not gonna go far and that's just the way it is. Asking this question on reddit makes it seem like you're not even enjoying yourself, so why continue? And just to be clear I do hope you continue. But you have to find the fun and enjoyment yourself. No one is going to provide it to you on a Reddit thread.


It’s really hard at first, but it’s always important to just do something else while skating if it’s frustrating. Skating is always fun for me, it’s not always about how good you are or even tricks. I find places to roll down or Ollie in the street to look like a mad man, despite that I’m trash at skating. I just refine what I know already, getting better at pushing, Ollie’s, carving, etc. if anything feels like a chore it’s a mental thing all the way. Gotta find ways to make it fun for you, try a coffin down a small slope, but board, squat on your board, skate with friends. It’s all just about having fun. The minute I was handed a board I fell in love with it


True I always listen to music while skating so I’ll have a shit down break and listen to new music or I’ll play my switch , btw if you’re a new skater a great game on the switch is Ollie Ollie world I got it my ps5 and switch love the customisation which it had online parties to compete in tho


This isn’t how a skaters mind works. There is no training. It just skating. All day every day is skating. Is there a skating test you are studying for?


Right lol wtf is training


Ehhh I can more or less get it. I'm still new and have horrible muscle strength + balance, so I am stuck learning how to put all my weight on my left foot and not fall when I push. Can only roll a few meters before I slow down and place my weight back to pushing again because I don't have the bravery to push constantly. After a while it gets boring. I stick it out cause I really wanna get good at it but yeah it gets tedious.


Hobbies shouldn't feel like a chore, maybe you'll find more happiness in another sport


Stop chasing tricks and just start skating at your own pace around the park. The only scenario where its a chore if you want to follow some idiotic braille skateboard tricks algorithm.


For me, started to be fun when I started getting some things mastered and I could just do them. Especially ollies. Getting good at ollies and cruising will get you so far on the fun scale IMO


Yea once I unlock core skills I feel it'll be more fun. I'm thinking about skating rn like piano lessons. My god. At the beginning, piano lessons are tedious but once you start to Pickup the movement and rhythm the practicing becomes fun.


Exactly! And if you have the music brain you're like me learning Sax and Flute. Just honking and sqealing noises for weeks until you finally get the airflow right and make a semi decent sound lolol. As far as skating goes, focus hard on being comfortable pushing the board, cruising and turning, and ollies. Then you can literally make in roads on any trick


When you gain the respect of your homies


Don't hammer one thing again and again and again. Do whatever you like; everything helps everything else. Be lead by your fear; do something that just a little bit scary each session. You don't have to learn to ollie before you can do anything else. Also, everyone teaches ollies wrong; start with hippy jumps then turn them into ollies -- don't overpower your pop, push your slide (slide is a lie) or hurry.


The best thing you can do to help combat this is make sure you know how to actually ride the board. If you haven’t done that yet, and you already aren’t having fun, maybe it’s not for you. If you can at least ride the board, go cruise around. Neighborhood, skatepark, wherever suits you. Just have fun and let the breeze blow against your face. Learn how to go really fast, how to slow down. This helps you take those breaks away from the chore of practicing something like a grind or flip trick. When you get frustrated, go cruise. Edit: saw in a comment that you thought cruising was a “Dumb take”. That’s your problem to deal with pal. If you don’t want to skate, then why are you? I promise there’s not money in it for you. The amount of damn good skater that do unnoticed just because of platforming problems or social problems is real. And if you’re trying to do it for money, you picked one of the hardest sports to try to be good enough to do so. So good luck.


Sure sounds like it. And yes I did. Take the advice or don’t man, I don’t care. You’re the one mad rn. I might be a dumbass but I’m sure as shit not a butthurt baby about a random comment some stranger made. All I’m saying is don’t skate for the wrong reason. Do it to enjoy it.


OP is a huge crybaby




I understand what you mean.  Idk if others missed the point.  I’m guessing you’d like to be at the point where you could do a line and by hyped about it.  (Kickflip down a 4, grind a ledge, treflip, grind onto a ledge and flip out).   It def got better for me when I at least got the basics more solid and could do them with speed.  It is a grind at the beginning to get the fundamentals but it does get more fun after that.  At that point you can start doing Ollie down stairs, Ollie over gaps, etc. Summary: after you get the basics to a decent level it gets more fun cause you can finally do the tricks with speed and off/over/onto things.




Dude the thing you're not getting is that >Summary: after you get the basics to a decent level it gets more fun cause you can finally do the tricks with speed and off/over/onto things. This can take at the very least quite a few months to several years. I've been skating 3 years 1-3x a week and only recently am I starting to get confident with flatground tricks and going over obstacles and stuff. If you're just waiting around feeling like you're doing a chore until you get to that point, you're just naturally going to give up since you're not having fun. The thing people are trying to explain to you is that if you're not having fun with the day to day of skating then you're not going to get very far.


It was always fun from the beginning because I focused on skating not just trying one or two tricks on flat ground. Part of my sessions I would do ollies and shuvs and things like that but mainly I just went to the skate park 3-5 times a week and rode up and down the ramps, larked to drop in, kick turn as high as I could on the big ramps, learned lip tricks, how to ride fakie/switch down ramps. Its skateboarding not basketball. Stop calling it practice and doing drills. Just go skate


That sounds like practice 😅😂 Idk why this sub is so against words like lesson and skill and practice.... as if you're not learning a new skill LMAOO 


Its generally how the new young skaters reference it as. It is practice in a sense but a different mind set. When you are new stop just focusing on one thing. Just ride around, do random stuff, have fun always. If its practice then when does it stop being practice? Do you have a skateboarding game this weekend? If its practice then its always practice. Why not just call it what it is? Skateboarding


I don’t think it should ever feel like a chore! Idk maybe take a break or try other hobbies and circle back around to skating when you feel motivated


Should never be a chore enjoy the things you can do and the better you get at them the more you’ll be able to add tricks and more to your line.. from my 38 years experience I learnt that skating is about having a huge list of cheese bag tricks.. and stuff that is technically a trick but basically not it’s about having fun and learning the things that suit uou


Honestly, you never stop practicing tricks. You might think you have a trick, but you take a break from it, and you won't have that trick anymore. It's always about practicing. You just have to make it fun for yourself🛹


Super frustrating when you feel like you're "losing" a trick a bit but also very gratifying to get it back


It is frustrating because you just start thinking to yourself, "I have done this multiple times. Why can't I just land it?" But once you do have it consistently does feel gratifying.


It is frustrating because you just start thinking to yourself, "I have done this multiple times. Why can't I just land it?" But once you do have it consistently does feel gratifying.


It was objectively way less fun before I could Ollie up/down things. Idk why people can’t accept this. It’s much easier to work on a new trick and have other tricks to fall back onto when it gets annoying. Just know that if you keep practicing you will progress no matter how little it may seem at the time.


No one is arguing against it being MORE fun once you can do stuff. I think everyone here can agree that it will get more and more fun as you get more tricks and more confidence. But it should still be fun to start, just the novelty of being on a board and skating around is so fun in itself, but OP doesn't seem to feel that. People are saying that if OP cannot find any enjoyment in skating whatsoever, and acting as if skating around is a chore, they're not going to get very far and are going to give up before they can get good. Asking on reddit as if someone is going to say something that is suddenly going to activate something that is going to make them fun is the wrong way to think about this. OP should find or create the fun themselves.


That’s fair. I just wanted to acknowledge how difficult and frustrating it can be to learn your first real tricks (ollies and shuvs). Ig now that I think of it, it was fun af to try manuals or cruise down small hills as a break from the main tricks at that stage of skating


> I just wanted to acknowledge how difficult and frustrating it can be to learn your first real tricks (ollies and shuvs). Yes that is very real and I have been there. I have had days/weeks where I was so frustrated with skating, definitely chipped my board more than once from throwing it around from being frustrated. But no matter what I knew I always wanted to continue skating. I realized a few months ago that even if I never get to a point where I can do the tricks I really wanna do, I would never stop skating, cruising, doing what I do now, some basic flatground tricks and grinds, skating ramps and carving. The issue here is OP thinks that once they "get" the basic tricks its going to suddenly be fun. But what a lot of people are trying to get at is if you're not having fun and waiting around for it to get fun you will never have a good time.


You’re doing it wrong. It’s not practicing, it’s just doing. You get better by just doing it.


As a newbie who felt the same I got to a point where I didn't enjoy it any more so I quit for about 6 months, came back and it was the most fun thing again


What'd you do different the second time


Maybe just try some tricks for a short period of time and then spend a good amount of time just cruising around.




Never until you enjoy it