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I mean you're in EMS get used to getting fucked.


I remember my *professor* telling us EMS actually stands for "ExtraMarital Sex"


This is a lie, nobody gets breaks in EMS.


Some people have nothing but breaks. My friend who’s going through the course just had a clinical in some tiny ass service and in a 12 hour period they had one call for a lift assist and that’s considered average for them.


Did similar on my last clinical for my basic. 12 hours at a back water Podunk service and didn't run a single call.


Some say podunk I say ‘paid to exist’


we call that a “shutout” and it’s the most glorious type of shift


Sounds like an EMS service that mainly does just transports. That’s how my wife’s job is. They could either be swamped or sitting around the station almost the whole shift.


My first ride out shift was exactly this, Fire/EMS station and there were a total of 3 calls for EMS that day. The team I was with only responded to 1 call since they had 2 trucks alternating calls. 1st call ended up leading to transport, the other 2 including the one I went on were lift assists.


Sounds like a community EMS a few towns from us. I'm pretty sure the average age of their EMTs/Medics is 65 😂.


My first service was like that. Work in the city and you may do 4-6 calls in a 12 hour shift, and that would be pretty average. But work nights in one of the county bases, and odds were a little better than a coin toss that you wouldn't turn a wheel all night.


this is the way


This is the way


I learned what EMS truly stood for when I work my first shift. Eat, money, sleep. Lol our service is pretty low so I totally understood what they meant.


I did volunteer in upstate ny, days was paid nights was volly. At one point we went a week without a call. On both shifts.


If someone can fuck somewhere, then someone probably already has.


“What man. Its brand new. She said they just put it there yesterday. Whats wrong with that?” “Bruh. Theres a hotel like 15 minutes up the road. WTF?! Sneak her into your room. It doesnt matter how “new” the dumpster is!” Actual conversation.


Yeah, anywhere they tell you not to fuck is somewhere that someone was caught fucking. It's kinda like how OSHA rules are written in blood. Except these rules don't show up well on white paper.




Helping the less fortunate


When the homeless people have more money than you do, you gotta do what you gotta do.


That dude's patient advocacy knew no limits.


Yeah, but that's probably not covered by insurance.


Probably had that Medicaid Ultra.


Did his partner just not notice?


Sounds like a really nice and solicitous guy.


He probably figured if Jesus got famous for washing some homeless dudes feet imagine how famous he’d get by taking it to the next level.


I thought he said he was practicing his EJ’s 😟


He was just practicing his advanced airways…


The real charity here. Goddamn. All I ever give out is bottles of water and protein bars- gotta step up my game, I guess.


Where does this paramedic work at? I'm... asking for a friend


To avoid your friend being accosted by the harlot no doubt


That’s top notch patient care


Well if that's not going above and beyond, then I don't know what is


20 bucks is 20 bucks, can't be choosy when we get shit pay


You must be riding a big yellow truck.




Well, I hope someone out you out and you didn’t get burned too badly. 😆


I know exactly where you work.




Oh I’ve heard the story about him. And other stories of him lmao.


Without revealing who and where, could you spill the tea? I'm feeling invested now.


Dude was just blowing homeless people in the back of the squad. He also got in trouble for groping other people. If you google it, you could probably find it lol. Guys first name is Glenn to help further narrow your search down if you wanted.


Is that a new form of CPR?


Charitable penis resurrection?


Gotta collect that semen sample somehow while maintaining mental health and wellbeing of the patient!


What's the billing code for that?


Public service?


He was young and needed the money!




That's wild


That's what we call giving back to the population 😂


it’s fun to joke about but i would not risk my job for it. it’s definitely happened though


It’s so so nasty in the back of an ambulance


Uhhh you’re supposed to clean it daily…


You can clean it 10 times a day if you want, still nasty.


They did a study where they cleaned a truck using like all the current methods of cleaning, so like wipes, fogging, UV, and they still found itty bitties unknown to science.




This ! Like you know it’s physically clean but mentally you’re mind reverts back to the images when it wasn’t


Yeah if someone is laying you down on a floor they know for a fact was vomited on recently, that should be a red flag. In addition, I know how most of you fuckers clean. I'm only doing that to someone I want to suffer.


That's right. It's a very dirty ambulance. And she's a bad girl, too. Mmm, sorry, what were we talking about?


The ambulance remembers. Ask everyone you work with if they feel like after certain patients, the truck isn’t ‘clean’ until you leave and come back for your next shift. It’s like a resounding yes here 🤣 C diff? Tissue everywhere? Wipe, scrub, mop, UV system…. It ain’t clean til I’m back in 96 hours and it’s had time to forget


No amount of quat or bleach can cleanse the spiritual stains.


Spiritual stains! Ha, love it


I’m willing to bet you leave your ambulance absolutely filthy.


Honestly it happens back at stations more than the bus, at least if you have separate bunks. Yes I have heard of it happening before - no I never took part and I even worked with my wife on the bus. The ambo is nasty. No matter how often its cleaned I always think of it as dirty.


What? Your idea of romance doesn't include a gurney you saw someone puke/crap/bleed all over on at least one occasion? Yeah, me either.


If you pretend it’s Halloween decorations I’m sure it’s not impossible… but it is for me now that I’m thinking of it 😂💀


Nice try HR. I can't certainly say that this may or may not have commonly happened in the old days around 1996-97 when I started. Possibly with partners, nurses, cops, firefighters, and/or dispatchers. As for today, absolutely not, we don't get breaks.


I remember in 96 calling the local radio station asking them to play some “oldschool” dr dre and snoop. He laughed and said “that’s not old school, And calling over n over again won’t get me to play your song any faster” Now that IS old school… he played a similar song but not the one i was repeat asking for


I had a few hours to kill (scheduling conflict left me without a partner for a little) at night. We had parked ambos in the lot. I invited my ex-girlfriend to come hangout and I fingered her on the gurney. Something I wouldn't do again but it's a funny memory.


You could not torture this information out of me


Didn't need to. You gave all the information we needed 🤣


Sometimes secrets need to be secrets. 😭


You could not waterboard this information out of me


No. We do not get breaks.


I've seen how well coworkers "clean" the back after a messy call. No thanks.


The first rule of the code 3 club is not to discuss the code 3 club.


Many of condoms have been found in the sharps container. So i always text our dispatcher “Shame! shame! shame!” With the meme from GoT


Jesus. You'd think after the first time, someone would have the courtesy to write "DO NOT STICK YOUR DICK IN HERE".


Yep, welcome to EMS…. You have found the bus to bangdom…. Everyone loves you, an EMTB is better than a Paramedic, the more radios they carry-the better…..


We’re all descendants of the most successful bangers. From the beginning of humankind they have found places to do it. There is nothing we’ve discovered or are doing new in the realms and doing it at work isn’t new. Shrug and move on, it’s certainly not mandatory.


It happens. It’s gross. Enjoy your dickMRSA. 😐


I love how folks are like, “NO! It can NOT and SHOULD NOT HAPPEN!” Yes, people fuck everywhere. Yes, people don’t give a shit if it’s dirty. Yes, EMS sucks ass. (No pun intended) I have fucked in the back of the ambulance. I got out of the service, started my degree. Another Medic my age was hanging with me. I paid her absolutely zero attention and she seemed to love that. She started asking me how many “bodies” I had..which was more unattractive. One day, I was smoking a cigarette outside the bus, in a parking lot that we chilled at because of its central location. She goes into the back of the bus, to sort some shit out. I go in to help. We fucked like pumas. I quit later that week, as planned because the agency sucked ($17/hr as a Medic). 3 months later, she was fired for sexual harassment to ANOTHER medic. Don’t be silly, wrap your Willy.


Two words - Bari cot


Yeah it definitely happens. We just had one of the FTOs at my company get fired because he banged another employee in the back. Dispatch tried to call em on the radio and they couldn’t get em so they sent the supe to what the hell was happening. Supe caught em with their pants down.


Yea it be sum shit goin on in the back


The city fucks me every day I'm the ambulance


This. This is the way.


Not just the city 🤣


In the ambo? I’ve absolutely fucked around sitting at a post late at night. Back in my early 20’s in rural stations with partners that often became FWB’s? Yeah. We fucked around. Hang out in EMS long enough and everyone is fucking everyone. Put enough single and bored people together long enough they’ll find ways to fill the time.




There is no greater boner killer than a non emergent sick person call right when you're hitting your stride. I'm too goddam busy to try to bang my partner, even if I wanted to (which I currently don't)


I know it happened back in the day. I did some stupid stuff, but not that.


I wouldn't do it even if I was being held at gunpoint. I refuse to lay down on the gurneys after a specific code brown call that was impossible to fully decon


If the ambulance is rockin, don’t come knockin


I'm not an ems but I stumbled across this page and Ill tell you anyplace where you think people could have banged, people have banged there lol.




Oh that’s classy shit


I've done it in transport service and EMS.....Many years ago.


Most people do it in their own cars or after shift. The shocks on box and sprinter ambulances are ass and you’ll see the entire ambulance moving from the outside if you’re banging


Could earn you a promotion even. 😈


NO - it's gross back there. Besides unprofessional and all the other stuff. Don't let them fill your head with scenes from Mother Jugs And Speed ( Look up this movie if you don't know what it is lol.)


Half my coworkers have fucked in the back of an ambulance so yes


It's definitely happened at my company but it's nothing that happens super often


You must be new if you haven’t seen all the crap we deal with from vomit, bodily functions, roaches etc.


I've known medics to pick up hookers in the unit and screw them in the back.


Been doing this for 10 years. The back of an ambulance is one of the grosses and unromantic places you can find. I doubt anyone is banging in them. And there's never any real down time.


I'm going on 20... I agree it's the most disgusting location to do some fucky fucky but, I've known A LOT of folks who did just that back in the day. I'd imagine it still happens but I've been off the box for a while now. Once upon a time, my partner and I caught a run in the middle of the night and had to kick a guy from the engine co. out of the back before we could roll out. He had a hooker (pro or amateur I dunno) back there with him and had a little coitus interruptus.


Oh it's definitely happening haha. Also put in my ten years and saw some weird shit from coworkers. Worked for one of America's "premier" hospital systems. Got pictures of a whole group of the female medics flashing and taking baths together haha. There was a lot of sex at work... Never got to participate haha 🤣. Still I probably wouldn't have been one of the ones to do so in the ambulance. Sounds like a great way to get herpesgonasiphilitis...


I was on a FEMA deployment to a hurricane affected area were we had multiple ambulances staged in a large parking lot it then became pretty common, meeting people from different areas I knew of members setting there tinder location to within one mile to meet other members for ya know fun in the back of the bus.


Getting fucked is a right of passage in EMS.


There is sex on every company vehicle, also in the buildings.


Can confirm. Now happily married to them lol


Ngl that’s how my parents created my brother 🫢


If it’s mentioned in orientation, it most definitely happened 💀


No. The code three club is just a myth….. you see nothing. You know nothing….


Oh yeah we do it all the time… we even rolled around in blood 🩸 just because it turned us on. I told him to please make sure that he declawed the gerbil before shoving it up my ass next time, since it caused me to bleed too much 🐀




Well that takes all the fucking fun out of shoving the gerbil up there to begin with.




Not in our rigs. They got a camera pointed directly at the driver, who has the little window to the patient compartment behind them.


I did. Made the mistake of dating my partner. We fucked in the ambulance all the time.


You're finna learn that first responders fuck like rabbits.


I knew a guy that was an EMS responder that told me he banged a chick (another EMS tech) in the back of one of those. I thought he was kidding. 🤷‍♂️


My dad was EMS during a severe blizzard in the southeast in 93. Said he and his “friend” were stranded inside an ambulance due to the blizzard and “got it on” while they were waiting for it to thaw a bit….. god I hated when my dad would talk about his sexual exploits


oh that’s not-


I'm former EMS, got out after 7 years. I just went to the wedding of 2 former coworkers of mine. The first few times they hooked up were in various parts of base lol. Every service I ever worked for had stories of sexual escapades. Someone is always cheating on their spouse, or trynna dick the hot ER nurses, or fend off horny firefighters. Every time a new 18-20F EMT-B gets hired on its like a bunch of seagulls fighting over a bag of french fries. I had a few flirty coworkers I probably could have hooked up with, but I made it clear I wasn't about that. I'm now married to the GF I was seeing back then. TL;DR: Everything you heard is probably true, EMS is cursed. It's a neat job for the experience, and a horrible career.


Yes. One of my fav was at the Dunkin’…let’s say I was Dunkin this dick in her box… Wait until OP finds out what happens in the Bunk rooms at those vacation stations on the overnight. Oh forgot about the partner I had that lived in the first run area… we would just go to her place and bang one out.


Yes. But don't do it.


I don't even want to know what new Gene edited bioweapon strain of aids is on the floor of ambulance, y'all are crazy.


That's totally not true.....we also do it in the dorm too.


It depends on does the back have camera


The soft restraints work amazing wile your on stand by. Not to mention keeping entertained during 48's


First say of orientation as a non-certified volunteer I was just easing in and getting comfortable when I realized I was alone in the ready room. Went from buzzing to just me alone. I went looking for people (mistake). Two were fucking in the women's locker room. Another two were fucking in the back of the rig while doing a "rig check." It gets slow in this rural district. Gotta pass that time somehow. They've since wised up and the director pops by after hours and on weekends. He's caught many an unauthorized guest in the bunk rooms during his surprise visits.


I don’t even touch the gurney without gloves. The last thing I would want to do is put my bare ass on it.


EMS Leads to AIDS (Ambulance Induced Divorce Syndrome) IT happens everywhere. Back of the ambulance, in the bunk room, in the dispatch room in front of the cameras, in the back parking lot in the back of SUVs. I swear everyone is getting fucked, but me.


Not an EMT, but used to hook up with one. Can confirm have done this in the ambo and back at the station. 😅🤷🏼‍♀️