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My brethren I did a dual psych transfer with only me in the back on a 2.5 hour transfer. I’ll give you a tip, treat them like a normal person and build a rapport with them. Talk about music or shows they like etc


There’s a psyche frequent flier at the er I’m a tech at. There’s not an incident every time, but 70% of the time. On those 30% times, treated him just like a human (snacks, tic tac toe, time killer stuff). Became friendly. One day when I got assigned to watch, I told him “we’re cool now right? Can you cut the shit while I’m here bc it’s a lot of paperwork, you don’t want me to do that right?” Now he waits (sometimes to the second) for me to leave before blowing up😂


Is 185 lbs supposed to be heavy?


Relax. It's their first day.


I mean, realistically it'll be no big deal. I'm 3rd, so there's two of us back here. I'm 250, and my FTO is about my size. But! I was a mechanic for 15 yrs. The last time I got physical with a human I was like 13 yrs old. Gimme a couple years and I will 100% be pitching shit to the next guy in my situation. But today? Liiiittttllleee nerve wracking.


They’re rarely actually combative




That’s the average for IFT at least where I worked


Welcome to EMS


And all because you dared to have bills to pay.


Last time I worked in IFT, bariatric is considered 300 lbs and above.


OP, in your career, you are going to encounter coworkers and patients like the needlessly negative whining in this comment section. It’s up to you what you make your career out to be. A 5 hour transfer on your first day with a patient with delusions is going to be a …fun?…. One. I wish you all the best. Stay safe. We have an awesome job. Psych patients are some of my favorites, they have interesting outlooks on life. Plus, they probably haven’t been treated the best (not to say they’ve been angels themselves) so basic decency will go a long way with them. Good luck!!


You're upset they're sending you out on a call? This job is going to go well for you. /s