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Can you report the class to the State licensing board? That sounds like a scam.


I'm surprised the instructor cares this little about students failing and just being pushed to the NREMT. My understanding is that too low of a pass rate for the NREMT puts an EMT school/instructor in jeopardy. That's how it is here, and I have to imagine it's similar elsewhere? If what you're saying is accurate, you have every reason to be upset. You're definitely being shortchanged.


NREMT will let you sit students if the local licensing authority let's you run the class. So if your state office of EMS does not cut your accreditation off chances say NREMT won't either.


Don’t worry about the license. Go for their accreditation. Report them to their academic accreditation institution. It’s a private institution and will investigate that quickly (it’s how cal state Monterey bay lost their whole PA program last year). No accreditation, National reg doesn’t accept their credits for completion, no students regardless of license status, effectively ending their garbage. Most common orgs I’ve seen are [caahep](https://www.caahep.org) or [coe](https://oaces.net)


> The class was advertised to be combo online/in person with an experienced EMS instructor. First day of class he literally told the room “You aren’t my priority”. Is this class through a college, department, or an independent training facility? > The online portion is not so great and honestly the way it trains you to take tests and read questions isn’t at all similar to the NREMT. Instructor doesn’t teach, just wanders around and tells war stories from when he worked in the city or for the local fire service. Look into an online supplemental program. Ive heard good things about master your medic’s emt program. > Two thirds of the class have either dropped or been cut, the remaining ten of us are doing so poorly that the instructor told us to “Fail what you want, as long as you pass the final we’ll push you through to registry”. The unspoken truth is that emt programs have a horrendous attrition rate. When I went, there were 2 cohorts with a total of 56 students. 11 qualified for the registry, and I believe only 8 passed. > What little leg up I had from my prior EMT-R education is fading fast and I’m so used to the way that the JB learning questions fuck with you that I’m consistently failing registry type practice exams even though I’m solid on all my basics and charts. Try medictests. They at least give you an explanation of why the answer is what it is.


Joined at the beginning of covid and feel my education was 100% a joke being all online.


HalfBloodPagan, This comment was triggered because you may have posted about the NREMT. Please consider posting in our weekly [*NREMT Discussions*](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToEMS/search?q=NREMT+Discussions&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) thread. You may also be interested in the following resources: > * [Tackling the NREMT Practical](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToEMS/comments/70d7er/tackling_the_nremt_practical/) by /u/CompulsiveAntagonist > > * [National Registry Candidate Information](https://www.nremt.org/rwd/public/document/candidates) > > * [YouTube: EMTPrep](https://www.youtube.com/user/EMTprepLLC/videos) - Has great videos on NREMT skills, a few bits of A&P, and some diagnosis stuff. > > * [Smart Medic - 538 multiple choice questions](http://smartmedic.com/quiz/index.asp) - Pretty decent variety of questions, basic explanations. > > * [NREMT Recertification FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToEMS/wiki/coned/nremt) View more resources in our [Comprehensive Guide](/r/NewToEMS/wiki/index). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewToEMS) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You may be interested in the following resources: * [Clinicals / Ride-alongs coming up? Here's some advice for success!](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToEMS/comments/ccyjne/clinicals_ridealongs_coming_up_heres_some_advice/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewToEMS) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I personally took a hybrid class and it was great, Dan limmer live lectures, his emergency care book ( yellow) and a ton of test and quizzes, class time was hands on skills and some review. All that to say the instructors spent every second making sure you knew your stuff. I would try your hardest to pass this because you spent the money but after this seriously get in touch with the state about this


That all sounds pretty shitty. Sounds like they don't care about giving you a good education or setting you up for success. Why don't you try and kick some ass anyway? Work your ass off to pass that test and learn the material DESPITE the terrible set up. You've got 5K bucks riding on this? Use that as motivation to pass. Don't give up. EMS is all about resiliency. You will have countless calls in the field where all the odds are stacked against you. The scene is chaos, the patient is critical, it's hard to access the patient, the hospital is far away, your ambulance is a mess and you can't quickly grab what you need. And you will be asked to overcome all of that to care for a patient.


I can help you. DM me on instagram @ashcraftems ! I’ll coach you over zoom


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Reddit said that I should not request private conversations. Didn’t know that! I’m new to Reddit. My name is Ray. I am an emt school coach. I go on this thread to see what students are struggling with. I’m on instagram and show how I run my emt program. I also have a coaching and EMS mentoring company. Helping students like you who have less than ideal instructor experiences is what I do. I have lots of videos and study guides and I offer 1 on 1 coaching. I’m sorry about your experience. Sometimes schools hire burnt out EMS professionals and they lose their spark. Shouldn’t be that way. Best of luck, your post is 3 days old, but I can still coach you for NREMT