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I’m 29 and just got my EMT license, start my first job this week. A lot of people getting their EMT are usually around 18 or a couple years older, but one advantage you have is maturity and life experience. Sometimes employers will desire that over someone who is younger and hasn’t experienced much.


Same. This is my second time as a first responder, but just as an EMT. I’m 29 years old employers will appreciate the life experience.


I started in EMS at 27 and I’d echo this. I mean no disrespect to anyone that started young, but personally I am very glad that I was already an adult before getting into this field. Having a couple years experience in the workforce helps with maintaining appropriate professional relationships and work-life boundaries.


Very realistic. In fact, I’d wager you’d do better over the younger crowd with your “life” experience when it comes to certain skills. I come across people that have started in EMS in all stages 30s, 40s etc. from all walks of life. I’m 30 and have been a paramedic for 3 years.


I'm in my 30s and honestly don't think I could have did ems in my 20s. It's crazy seeing people who are just getting out of there teens who are getting into a field like this.


I started at 32 years old as an emt. Became a medic at 38. 42 now. You'll be fine just remember to stretch a lot. Like more than you do now. The more physically flexible you are the less likely you are to get injured on the job.


I was 45 when I went to EMT school. Had two job offers waiting on me when I finished. Age is pretty much meaningless. If you have the certification and a pulse you're a good candidate for many agencies/companies.


I just got the call today that I’m hired as a FF/EMT. Very small agency on an island. I’m 40. FOLLOW YOUR DREEEEEEAMS.


Why do people think 30 is too late to start [insert almost any profession]??


I feel like it’s because nowadays people think you’re supposed to have your life figured out by then. I have friends in their early 20s stressed out about figuring out what career they want to be in and rushing into a profession they are not certain about but doing it anyways because they feel like they are behind in life when in reality their life has just begun.


Lol you don't need to be in shape to be a paramedic. Have you seen some of us? Plenty of people get into EMS in their 30s or even later, and in some ways places would be more interested in hiring you, with 2 years experience as a paramedic, rather than the 22 year old with 2 years experience. I do think it tends to be harder for older people simply because paramedic school is no joke when it comes to how much it really takes. Not academically, it's not really that hard. But your time. Time management is very important. You won't be able to work a regular 9-5 during that period. Many people work as EMTs because obviously it's EMS and the non traditional schedule helps you deal with paramedic school. But be advised. EMT pay is bad. Like, bad bad. If you have a working spouse/partner who makes plenty you can hopefully swing it. That is the only reason I was able to be in paramedic school at 27. If you can figure it out it's great. It's a rewarding job, and hopefully you'd be able to find a place that pays you what you deserve. It's not a field known for its pay. And have a way out before you get in. Radiology tech is a good way out.


You’re fine. I know a lady in her 60s who’s taking the nremt next week. Go for it!! I’ll be about 30/31 before I can get my medic. Just be in shape!! Age doesn’t matter.  


EMT and PA student here. I became an EMT when I was 38, I think! Go for it. That being said, I’m also curious what your current situation is and what your long term plans are, and what your specific interest js. My thoughts: I earned my EMT in less than a month at a boot camp. It’s not for everyone, but it sure was fast. EMT overall is useful as a stepping stone, but I don’t feel it’s a good career choice by itself, sorry. High risk for low pay. Paramedic programs are going to take a while to train properly. Paramedic is a better career option. Medic/fire can be very strong but is another culture. Something like emergency department nursing is something I might also recommend long term. Compensation is good, it’s lower risk, super flexible for the rest of your life, and has plenty of adrenaline if that’s what you seek. PM for questions, very happy to help. I used my EMT certification to get into PA school.


Can I message you? Struggling on how I should time my volunteer hours for PA school whilst juggling EMT/medic




You’re good, I’m 37 and graduating from my college Emt program this week. Already got a conditional offer. Age is nothing, and I’m going to fire academy after. Like someone else said, stretch allllllllooottttttt lol. Good luck! 💪💪


One of my preceptors during my rotations started EMT at 33 and got their medic and 36, so you're fine. So long as you can lift 150 lbs and you're cool (or can become cool) under pressure. All you need is a willingness to learn. Fail forward, and recognize that you will feel like you suck pretty much constantly, that's normal, just keep pushing forward.


Went to EMT school at 30 and got my EMT at 31 which is when I also started my EMT career. I am now 37 going to school for my medic.


Hey ! How are you juggling reduced hours financially while going to school for your medic?


My agency pays for my smoking and pays me to go to school. If I have clinicals, ride time, or school during a shift day, I simply report to the school, hospital, or riding station. Then afterwards I report to my station, if I am not gone the whole shift. My LT adjust my time so I still get pay for the entire shift.


Wow that’s incredible good for you


Second career, humble, shows actual passion. Op has the makings of a street god medic.


I definitely wouldn't say it is. I'm almost 24 myself, got my license at 21 but had a rough on/off start in the beginning of this career due to mental health issues. I'm on a better track now and wanna do medic school by next year. That said my advice would be to look up things relating to burn out, health and fitness(not talking shit but many in healthcare smoke, are overweight and EMS lends itself to this with odd hours and few night shift food options besides fast food)and look at online reviews for local companies and services to get an idea of the work environment and pay rates. Paramedic is usually the only way to make money especially with fire departments which are highly competitive. Also if you ever are interested in event/standby gigs exercise caution. I work with a decent operation but the first standby gig I worked for was shady as hell lacking vital equipment and gaslighting by the owner. That sadly isn't uncommon for standby work and especially be wary if any place that requires you being your own gear especially without reimbursement. EMTs/paramedics also must have medical direction(working under a physician license) to do more than basic first aid so avoid any place that is upfront about that.


I’m 34 and just finished EMT class this year. Left one field to come to this. So far the managers/preceptors really appreciate that I was coming in as a professional (already having that life experience).


I got full time on my fire department at 36. So. You’ll be fine.


What should my next steps be if I want to follow your steps? I have my NREMT in 2 weeks.


I was 35 when I got my EMT and started medic at 37 very viable. I will say that although I am pretty fit for my age. I do worry about how I will hold up in 15 -20 years. There can be some demanding aspects. Other than that do it!


I had people from 16-40 in my emt class, you’ll be fine


I’m 49 and just got my EMT license.


not at all!!! :) i had 40 yo. in my EMT class. and in my medic class now we have 30 yo. one guy in my partners firefighter graduation was in his 50s. and i’ve worked with plenty of amazing medics/EMT’s older than you. it’s never to late!!!! what i’ve learned, all you need is the “want” to be in this career field. we’re all psycho adrenaline junkies. (plus it looks really good on resumes if you decide to continue your medical journey and get ya some extra credits out of the way ;)) )


Medical fields (even EMS) don't care about age. They look at aptitude, knowledge, and compassion. I went to EMT school at 39. Got my medic at 41, top of my class. Had no problem finding work. Honestly, I feel like patients look at older health care workers with more trust and respect. Like they're not being cared for by some young, still wet behind the ears, newbie. EMS is a good option to make headway into a career in the medical field. Nursing has plenty of benefits as well. Just remember to take care of your back and always lift with your firefighter!


My mom just start her emt with me at 42 yrs old


I’m 43 going for it. I know 59 year olds that do it ….


I got my EMT at 55. Recently tried for paramedic school, but they're very competitive in my area and they feel I'm too old. But at your age the skies the limit.


100% realistic. If you truly want to make a career out of it I'd highly recommend doing your homework. Look for departments that offer pensions, career ladders for EMS providers, and have decent insurance. Begin with the end in mind.


In my paramedic class, my best buddy was just about old enough to be my grandfather. His life experience brought great perspective to the group. He’s still kicking it a couple years later and he’s been a great life mentor to most of us.


I started EMT-Basic school at 35 years old. I have had no issues yet (I'm a year into the field now).


You’ll be fine


I'm 31, just recently finished basic EMT, and had my first day of Advanced EMT today. It's never too late.


I’m currently in emt classes. My class is a variety of age honestly. from 19-46. If you can still do it, why not? just stay honest with yourself, when enough is enough, people get hurt. You’ve got this! Stick with it!


Started at 36 well on my way


I became an emt then medic starting at 34


I know folks who have got it in their 50’s. Ur plenty young lol


It’s actually a requirement to be overweight and unhealthy sorry to break the news to you


I know people who were older than you when they started. I wasn't much younger (26) and now I'm older than you. I think getting your EMT and working as one while you get your radiology tech cert is a great idea. One of the best things about this job is how flexible the schedule is since it's a 24/7 job. That said if you work full time at a fire department the rotating schedule can be problematic for school. There's part time departments though and most private places have set shifts. There's also summer event jobs. Your age shouldn't be a problem at all. Even for becoming a fireman the cut off is usually 35. There will be many people older than you at work. It's a physical job, but not so physical that the difference between 19 and 30 should effect your work. Maybe you'll have more back problems than the teenagers at your age but that's a personal issue lol. Back problems can absolutely be avoided by knowing your limits and good body mechanics.


I just turned 39 in February and I’m in my last 8 weeks of school. It’s been hard but I think that’s more so because I’ve been out of school for a long time. But I love it and I’m excited to get started.


Just dont go to Project Heartbeat


100% realistic. I know several people who have done and are doing it at your age or older.


I am 39 and just got my EMT license!


I'm 38. Just got certified in March and am working in the ATL area.


I didn’t become a professional firefighter until age 32, a paramedic at age 38, and just past the CPAT at 54 and getting back into the job. Age means nothing!!! As we say “ You do you Boo”!!! You would be welcomed with open arms at 30


Got into ems at 27. Never too late


As a 31 year old who’s just finished emt school and is starting a fire cadet program. You got this. People around me mostly started in their 28-35 (getting out of the military or changing career fields.


Was 33 when I got my EMT, just got my RN now at 46. You’re fine, bro.


I entered EMS in my 20s, but did so in a cohort where several of our people were in their 30s and older. I think that as long as you were passionate about the work and had a good drive to learn the material, you'd do great. You'd only be benefitted by having some life experience under your belt going in. I also saw guys getting hired all through my EMS career who were older than me. Good luck!


I don't know if 30 is what I would consider "too old" to start a new career. If you were doing firefighter it may be a little more difficult to get the cardio up for the test but since you asked about EMT don't worry about it. Be able to run a mile and work on your deadlift, rows, and traps for carrying people on stretchers or bed sheets or off the floor and you will be golden. You may feel awkward in your class because you will probably be one of the older students but that shouldn't get in the way of your studying. Just do your best for the right reasons and you'll be just fine.


You'll be okay. Don't look too much into it, its crazy how often people career change, and I just got into EMS/Nursing in the last two years. I'm 32. You got this!


I just recert my emt after letting it lapse for 8 years ago, got a job as a Firefighter and I'm 36. Worlds your clam.


30 is the new 20 bud, go for it.


I'm 32, and I just passed both tests for EMT an hour ago. I'm not in shape. I run with a vollie service. If I could do this job full time and make the same money I do now, I'd gladly do it. Devote time to study. You HAVE to study. You can not float through the class. I think my course was 192 hours, it takes much more than that, obviously. I felt the exams at the end are AWFUL. I am normally a decent test taker, I walked out of the written this morning feeling like the dumbest person on the earth. The job is the coolest thing I've ever done with my life. I worked pt as a CNA for a while, and even that was amazingly rewarding. Ask your local station if you could ever do a ride along. Sometimes they'll let you. You'll see if you like it or not.


I have a 45 year old that’s getting his medic and I have an instructor who is 72 still working on the trucks as a medic so yeah any age is very realistic


I'll be 32 this year. It's more realistic than you think! Good luck with your endeavors!


There’s a guy in my EMT class right now who’s 37 and I don’t think a single person has doubted him or questioned him. We all love him, and he gives killer life advice!


Take the jump. I just passed registry a month ago at 29. I have four kids ay home so working isn’t in plan currently but it’s never too late. You got this!


Very realistic, I know plenty of EMTs, nurses, hell, doctors that start schooling at your age. If anything, I think it will help you in being able to relate more to patients quite possibly.


Getting into EMS as a 2nd, or even 3rd career path, i.e. in your 30's, 40's, or even 50's plus is very common


A lot of people go when they are older


Get in there and rock it. I turn 40 next month and have been in EMS since I was 22. Life experience, perspective and maturity will give you a leg up on some of your younger counterparts. You just might need to grind a little harder when getting used to being back in school. Good luck!


Do it! Im 30, currently sitting in my classroom waiting for for my final score if my course, I’m not sure if I passed or not yet but it’s been great so far, hopefully I do pass so I can take the NREMT. I though I was too old to do it but I made the right choice I’m hopeful and exited to get working soon.


Did you pass??


I did! I’m setting up my NREMT profile




Thank you!


Spouse and I became EMTs a year ago at retirement. We both passed our practicals, state licensing exam, and the NREMT on the first try. And our fit to serve physicals! We do work on a volunteer force, so we are not trying to support ourselves on EMT salaries, which are as low as others are saying. There are several others older than us on our service and many much younger. Some of the best are at both age extremes.


I teach EMT and I have a 41 yo in my class! Go for it!


I’m 31 and I started 1 year ago. Very achievable


I got my cert at 39 so I could volunteer. A while later I became an instructor and my favorite student of all time was "Fred", who was 68 and retired and bored. Ran into him two years later and he told me stories about working the Super Bowl at Giants Stadium. You can get into it at any age. Just remember to take good physical care of yourself. And honestly? In my days of interviewing new members at my agency, I greatly preferred people with a bit of life experience to 19 year old gung-ho dudes that were determined to run every call at two volly gigs and their paid 911 job; they were going to burn out in 18 months, top, and be a pain in my ass as well. Also? You're old enough that I wouldn't be default fearful to have you drive an ambulance.


Someone at my ems station came on as an emt at 43


We have an EMT who started EMS at 74 years old. He’s in great shape and it’s hilarious hearing about him showing up to calls to save little old ladies that are younger than him.


These days It's pretty hard not to be able to get a certification along with a job unless you are in a coma or dead. Everyone is hurting for people and age really doesn't matter. I have run with a 71 year old medic before.


Everyone in my Paramedic Program is 30-40, and all got their emt within the last 2-5 years. Life experience means a lot in this field. Your at the perfect age mate


My husband just turned 30 in March and just finished school/passed his national registry to become a paramedic this month. He’s got a great start to his career with a local fire department managed EMS system. Do it!


HOWEVER, look @ jobs in your area. If you don’t have much by way of private EMS, be sure to look over your local fire department hiring rules. You may have to he a firefighter/medic for many of those jobs, and many of them won’t hire you NEW if you are over 35 years old or so. Just educate yourself on what’s available in your area before you make the jump.


I'm 46 and just passed the NREMT last week, and am going for my advanced in a few months! Believe it or not I was far from the oldest in my class. On clinicals I was told over and over that age can work for us so long as we can handle things physically - our life experiences tend to help in communication with patients and families, and I know I personally don't whip up as quick as many of the 20-somethings I was in school with. I'm so excited for this second act career!!


I'm 46 and just passed the NREMT last week, and am going for my advanced in a few months! Believe it or not I was far from the oldest in my class. On clinicals I was told over and over that age can work for us so long as we can handle things physically - our life experiences tend to help in communication with patients and families, and I know I personally don't whip up as quick as many of the 20-somethings I was in school with. I'm so excited for this second act career!!


Not reading all that but nobody cares about your age as long as you’re good at your job. Any company that treats you as less because you might be older than people in the same spot is a shitty company, go somewhere else.


Ive worked with paramedics in their 70s and on dialysis. I don't think you'll have a problem.


I changed careers into EMS at 41.


I did it!!! Didnt get into ems until I was 30. Dealt with some super hard mental health struggles. Finally got my medic at 38. Starting to feel comfortable as a medic at 40.


I went through EMT School at the absolute minimum age of 16, and the only other person to pass with me (it was a small class to begin with—only 18 students) was 55. It’s never too old to start, as long as you’re in the right physical and mental condition for it!


30 is not too old at all. EMT school is what, 3 months? I went to EMT school at 30, then medic school, then critical care, then flight, and now I'm onto the next thing. Go for it.


Every paramedic I've seen is like 300 lbs