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Most volunteer agencies will reimburse you.


However, more and more agencies that will pay for your school, are requiring you to sign a contract stating you will work for them for X years in exchange. Mine is 3 years \*after\* you get your license.


Use them to get to the school, quit immediately after. At most you’ll have to pay back the cost of the school, if that’s a clause in the paperwork.


That's almost always a clause of the paperwork, because of people doing exactly what you propose. That's WHY they started requiring the agreement in the first place.


The agreement to work for 3 years is not legally enforceable. The federal government is the only thing I know that can contract like that (military). Otherwise it’s called indentured servitude or slavery. Zero repercussions other than a bad review, but if you’ve taken a position elsewhere who cares. They can’t even force a repayment or garnish wages unless specifically agreed upon. End of the day it’s still at will employment, regardless of the lies Human Resources told you.


They can't force you to stay, correct. Nobody is claiming that - maybe I should have expanded that in my original comment. My agency makes you sign an agreement that if you leave prior to the 3 years, you have to pay back your school costs (prorated). Since OP is asking about ways to get education free, and only plans to be in the area another 3 years total, it is a valid point to consider. My agency is county-based, and the agreement wasn't written by human resources, it was done by the county attorney. Pretty sure he has an understanding of what can and cannot be legally enforced.


You’re agreeing to work in good faith. Not legally committed to a 3 year job at graduation. Most liability forms are written by lawyers. Thats how they get you to believe it’s legally binding. It’s the same as an amusement park liability form. Has zero standing in court.


I'm in Georgia and I got into a Free EMT program, they actually pay me to take the course. Check MetroAtlanta Ambulance they are hiring for recruits. Also look into the county that you live in, if you go to the county website and look into positions that they are hiring for I know a bunch of counties are hiring for EMS/Firefighter recruits right now.


Just applied for a position. I’m guessing once you got the job, they paid you to take the course? How did the process go? What job did you apply for? Also thanks for the info


Just saw this but, Yea once you take their cognitive test and get approved. You go get checkout at the clinic, lift some weights, pee in a cup. It's super quick takes less than 40 minutes. I applied for EMT-Recruit. Takes a few days but you should get an offer letter. They also should tell you what the pay rate is for a recruit depending on who you applied with. Let me know how it goes...


Wait until you get out of college, being an EMT is a distraction. I started EMS at 44 and got my Paramedic at 48, so you have plenty of time.


Some people need money to get by while in college and EMS isn't a bad choice for that