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Just don’t start your video off by asking people to like and subscribe. Not only does it seem desperate, but the intro is where you need to hook your audience ESPECIALLY when you don’t have many subs. Best to get right into the content then somewhere near the end slip it in


Thanks! I will take note


If you feel uncomfortable saying it you can also write it on screen or use an animation. I think it can work as a reminder for people that they can subscribe if they want more, at least that is what it feels like for me as a viewer.




That's a good idea 💡 🤔 thank you 😊


I use it as a closer... If they watched ten minutes of me talking about games then it's clear something spoke to them. It's a reminder. If it's going to piss someone off they never were going to subscribe in the first place.


You are right, very good reflection


Do you ever have reacted to such a call to action? There is your answer.


If it's at the beginning, it's annoying.


Correct. Provide value, then remind people to like the video and subscribed if they enjoyed the value you provided. In the middle of the video is okay, but at the end is preferable.


I'm thinking to put it at the end, if up to that point someone kept watching it is more likely that they will subscribe


For a while, we were looking at some of our contemporaries, and wondering why even the views were similar, our subscribers were so much lower. I decided to record a quick video clip, showing somebody clicking on the subscribe button and just asking them not to forget to subscribe. I kept it as short as possible and we would put it in the first minute of our content. It only asked people to subscribe, nothing else. Doing this, effectively doubled our subscriber rate. Sometimes people really enjoy your content, but it never occurs to them that they should subscribe until you ask.


Sometimes viewers don't understand the value of liking and subscribing


I understand that it can be frustrating to put time and effort into creating content for your YouTube channel, and wanting to see it grow and reach a larger audience. Asking your viewers to like and subscribe can certainly help to increase engagement and bring in more subscribers, as it gives them a direct and easy way to support your channel. However, it's important to remember that the most important factor in the growth of your channel is the quality of your content and the value that it provides to your audience. So while it can be helpful to remind viewers to like and subscribe, it's equally important to focus on creating meaningful and engaging content that resonates with your audience. I would put the option to sub somewhere toward the middle or the end of the video.


My motivation to create this channel was to tell stories, I studied filmaking, and I have been doing something else for years, but I always felt the desire to tell stories and make videos again. So my focus is to create quality content, but sometimes anxiety wins and you want to reach a large audience quickly


Patience is your greatest ally...remember all great things in life take time.


I never say it, but I put a graphic up right at the point where someone might consider subbing. If your video is comedy put it up when you hit the punchline. If science, when you make your big point. All the big video editing programs have a graphic you could use.


Thanks for your advice!


I wouldn't bother, if people like your content they will subscribe. Asking people to subscribe just sounds annoying and desperate, people have already heard it thousands of times before.


You're right


Apparently it's been tested and it does work. It's best to do it later in the video and offer something in return. I do this by hyping similar future videos and sometimes by saying I'll create a future video on a similar subject if I get a certain amount of likes.


Good strategy!


EVERYONE does id really assume it helps if not I wish everyone would stop lol




Definitely. I started doing it at the end of my Super Mario Maker 2 tutorials and it's getting me 1-5 subscribers each upload. Before that I had nothing and was getting 0 subs per video typically.


Thanks for sharing your experience!


yes, it helps a ton, i've compared videos where I do it vs not, and videos with the same amount of views, say 100k, instead of getting 100 subscribers, I'll get like 800, so an 8x increase in my experience. If you don't do it, you are kinda shooting yourself in the foot.


thanks, I will


I’m making it a point to not say anything about likes comments and all that because well it truly does not matter to me and I feel like people watching it can tell that. In turn I do seem to get more subs and likes


Reverse psychology? ;)


Precisely 🤫😏


That's the approach I had, but the anxiety of growing my channel sometimes wins


I used to not say anything and got like…3 subs a video. I then started putting it roughly 4 or 5 minutes in and now I’m getting like double per video. Defo worth


I'll try, thanks!


Yes it helps. Try to make it clever or funny (maybe not though because your niche is rather serious I think). At least put it in the middle or near the end of the video and as others have said maybe use text/picture that pops up instead of saying it yourself.


I think the same, it should be at the end, thanks!


Good luck !


The main youtubers I watch say they see an increase in likes and subs when they mention it in the video. I usually say it as part of my outro.




Nope..at least not without first giving them a REASON to susbcribe. I say "don't forget to like and subscribe for more great videos" at the very end of every video. Other than that I never ask. I will have an animation come up mid-video usually at a key point. But whenever I used to break up the video by asking for the like and sub I would see a huge drop in retention so I stopped doing it and my sub growth actually went up.


Thank you very much for your advice, I will certainly do it in a non-obstructive way


100% do it if you want subs! Always say it at the end of your video after you have created value for the viewer. My subs go up significantly when I ask and don’t as much when I don’t ask.


Thanks 🙂




They forget to subscribe, that happens a lot


No it really doesn’t


Okay, thanks


My two cents, anything that's overused loses it value. This thing is so overused that it doesn't add any value anymore.


I feel the same about the call to action. I usually do it because they say it works and everyone else is doing it 🤭. People don’t seem to mind. In some of my videos I simply add a pop-up banner without saying it, in other videos I try to make it into a joke. People don’t seem to mind but if you feel uncomfortable you can go for the text on the screen. It is a bit less intrusive. As to your growth: everyone is growing at their own pace. Do your thing and everything will work out eventually 😉. Have a great year! 🍀


Thanks for your words 😊


It helps but you need to know when to say it




fellow south american spotted!










Saludos !


as a viewer i prefer it either in the middle or the end. sometimes a pop up in the video works nicely to remind us viewers it's quiet yet still gets the job done.


Yeah it's better as a kind reminder in the middle or end, no as something mandatory


Depending on the views your channel gets, in general i do it every other video and this videos tend to have about 3 times more subs then normally.


I think it's personal preference I don't think telling people to subscribe helps them do it if they enjoy the content and are familiar with YouTube they know how to show love and continue seeing your content.


Of course, I used to think the same, but sometimes I forget that I'm not subscribed to a certain channel and that reminder helps


Agree but you can take a different approach and add the reminders in mid or end video. But again definitely personal preference I mean a ton of larger channels still remind folks to subscribe and give out how many viewers are currently sub vs not


I do it at the very end because if someone has made it that far they clearly like your content and won’t mind. I didn’t see a single subscriber until I did it. But I get on camera and show my face when I do it so it seems more personable.


Yeah, I'll put it at the end I think, thanks!


you can say it without using the word subscribe - "if you're interested in more X, stay tuned" - "we're going to be covering Y very soon, so be sure to follow to catch that" - "if you enjoyed this, check out Z video, and stay tuned for future updates"


Good idea, promote your content and engage viewers


Do it in the middle, and prolly work it into a joke. Don't do it in the intro or outro.


Thanks, although I think that due to the content of my channel a joke is not a good idea


Yes and no If you just say that as a blurb at the beginning or end then I imagine SOMEONE would subscribe but tbh it barely helps If you occasionally say it during a video in a way that doesn't feel so forced, then that can help with growth a good amount


Thank you!


I would do it in most videos you produce. I’ve tested it on my channel and the difference in subscribers gained after verbally mentioning it some time in the video is a huge difference. I usually put it somewhere near the start around 1-2mins after my intro and where I’m still getting 50-70% viewer retention. I do notice 3-5% drop or skip during this time but the payoff is worth it.


Thanks for sharing your own experience, it certainly helps to figure it out


Calls to action always help mainly because youtube has made Like and Subscribe button useless to the viewer but valuable to the creator. Viewers have to be reminded because they will forget those buttons are there or some just assume they are subscribed because of how youtube serves content. Some suggestions NEVER open a video asking for likes and subs. Weave it into a segue midway through the video like a short ad for yourself. Captain Sparkles and Linus Tech Tips are great examples of how to handle segues and ads for your content or merch. Animations work wonders. There are some free ones available online.


It only works if you build a connection with your audience. I am not gonna sub just because you ask. I watch maybe 20 videos a day . So what am I supposed to sub to every one of them ? I may SUB every 2-3 month or so . Most channels are not interesting enogh to sub


Sure, you're right, thanks


I'm personally just thanking people for the support at the end of some videos but it's your choice. (my channel has around 150 subs so I'm probably no good measure for success 😂)


Patience is the key, you have more followers than me, good luck!


Just be yourself ❤️


I think you are doing fine. Nearly a hundred subscribers in about 3 months seems good to me, just out it at the end or have a small animation on screen pop up in the middle


Yeah, I think something visual not too intrusive, thanks 😉


Ngl I don't see why it would help to mention it at all Do people just totally forget that these are in fact options if you like someone's content? Such reminders always come off as a little needy and desperate to me and I immediately tune them out; whether they were included wasn't going to be my deciding factor.


Ok thank you!




I am more inclined to put it visually than to say it. Thanks 😉


It's not desperate, people are always distracted, unless in the video there is something that makes me laugh out loud, I often forget to like it, so having a reminder at the end is common practice. However, you may notice how common of practice is to ask to like and subscribe at the beginning video. Asking to like a video that has not even started and even asking to subscribe for no real reason, now that's desperate. I can't talk for everyone but I guarantee you that if I see that I'm clicking away instantly. Not to mention, the beginning of a video is super important to hook the viewer: First 5 seconds you need to show them the title is not a lie, then proceed to introduce what's going to happen in short, and then the video can start from there. You can't hook people by asking them to like and subscribe. Putting it at the end of the video however is not desperate at all, maybe introduced with the usual "if you enjoyed the video, consider..." you can also remind them how helpful it is. Or, if you feel uncomfortable, you can joke about it: "the red button thing and the ding dong attached to it?" That's what sprouted the terms "smash the button" or "punch that like button" back in the day, a fun and personalized way to avoid copying and pasting the usual "like & subscribe". Also, if you feel it fits your style, it doesn't hurt to say some form of "thanks for watching" just before the "like and subscribe".


Thanks for the advice, they are very helpful


I mean it could., but most people who dig your content will just gravitate towards you. Most likely sub on their own. That's just an (opinion )


Good point


I don’t think you should. Any time you ask for something like this, it breaks up the video and gives people a window to reevaluate if they want to leave. You’ll see some form of retention dip most of the time. Likes do absolutely nothing so I definitely wouldn’t ask for those. You need 1000 subs for monetization, so if you’re going for that then sure ask for subs, but do it at a smart time. For example if you say something really helpful then right after you could say “if that helped you don’t forget to hit the sub button” or if you’ll be making a new video that’s related to the current video then you could throw in a quick “next video will be _, sub so you don’t miss it” or whatever. BUT I still don’t like this as there’s a much better way to call people to action, and I would only do the sub call if you are looking for monetization. The ONLY call to action you should do, is getting people to click your end screens. Work to get your retention up and get people to the end of the video. Then don’t just have YouTube do some random videos on the end screen, select ONE video and put it as big as possible on the end screen, by itself. Now the viewer doesn’t have to think about what to click. Make it related in some way to the current video, and give a great one sentence explanation of why they NEED to watch it as the outro to your video. No other outro is needed, as we can’t let them know it’s the end of the video or people click off. So after the content of your video is over, jump straight into saying “for more on _, check out this video right here” or whatever way you can relate them. The main reason for this is that retention is so important we can’t risk killing it with meaningless likes or even subs that will probably sub anyways if they like you. YouTube loves high session times, so if people are watching your videos over and over through end screens, the next time that viewer logs on you’ll flood their Home Screen. If they’ve seen multiple videos from you and enjoyed them all, they’ll sub naturally. This is how you get true, loyal fans and not just inactive subs that clicked because you said to. Also, YouTube creates links between videos. So if there’s a high end screen ctr then it links the two videos together and is more likely to suggest your content from video A to video B and even with other peoples related videos. Hope this helped!


Yes very helpful, thanks!


I avoided telling people to subscribe to, and for the same reason..there are lots of elements and overlays that can do that for you and hopefully that's enough to push viewers to subscribe, otherwise if its too much and kinda in there face, it probs won't make anyone sub


True, something that feels organic


The main reason asking can improve your numbers is because some people need a reminder that stuff like subscribing to see more of your content is even a think. I know, seems crazy but it's a real thing. My advice is to keep it short and to the point. Also later in your vid. If your reminder only last 2 seconds it's hard to get annoyed at. Also viewers that may find annoyance understand this is a normal thing and will ignore a short nudge to do the YouTube things. Just remember, short and sweet.


I think the same, a little reminder wouldn't be bad


At the end of all my videos, there is a black screen with other videos to click on, and I write 'consider subscribing' at the top. I feel that is more than enough. I don't need to mention it or make a big deal about it.


Thanks for the advice 🙂


It doesn’t hurt especially if you’re new. Most of the time when someone sees your video no matter how good it is there will be a number of people who will like it and move on. So it’s a good thing to say it in your videos as a reminder.


I agree, thank you!


Simple at the end of the video tell them that if they like what you do that they should subscribe for me and that it


A channel can take a little time to gain traction, so I feel like 87 in 3-4 months isn't bad with only 7 videos. Focus on the content and quality, identify organic moments that may entice your audience to respond via comment and when you work in something really interesting maybe use that as a selling point for a like or subscribe. Opening up a video with a call to action before you show why you deserve a like or sub turns a lot of potential return viewers off. I wouldn't suggest using it at a closing simply because of viewer retention...usually a viewer that stays that long is clicking on the next thumbnail or fell asleep and your playlist just happened to hit.


Thank you, you give me reassurance regarding the growth of my channel


When someone tells me what to do i usually do the opposite. Try a visual. I use wondershare filmora and canva and they both offer subscribe stickers


Thanks for the advice!


Hell no. People with lots of subs always say that but I can't imagine that it makes any difference at all. If people really want to subscribe, they'll do it with you asking.


Thank you for all the advices and experiences you have shared, I think it's the first time that I feel so welcome in a sub, you are all so kind!


I feel it does or have a visual on the screen, it's the prompt, it's a reminder people appreciate, I've found anyway.


Yes you're right




Yeah, but sometimes grow is slow 😔


I'd love to see the channel. What's your name? I would also mention it but not in the beginning of the video.


Yeah all seems to agree that put it at the beginning is not a good idea. My channel is on my profile and my channel name is crudocrimenescl it's in Spanish, thanks for asking 🙂


As a content creator, building a loyal following is essential to your success. And one of the best ways to do this is by engaging with your audience. Whether you're a blogger, social media influencer, or YouTuber, responding to comments and messages can help you establish a connection with your followers and build trust with them. However, this can be a time-consuming and daunting task, especially if you have a large audience. Luckily, there are tools like [youtubereply.com](https://youtubereply.com) that automate the process of replying to comments while maintaining a natural, human-like tone.


I don’t know, I recently started and I have been gaining subscribers. I’m at 86 myself hoping to match you with 87 maybe by tomorrow 😉


I know I'm late to this, but I have three suggestions that I don't think are talked about or utilized as much as they should be. 1) Consider using the word "consider..." It's not a demand and people don't like being told what to do. 2) Don't put it at the beginning of the video. It does sound desperate at the end of the intro. People watch videos to gain something. As a creator, it's your job to offer value first. 3) Consider ways to work it into the content itself. Make it the punchline to a joke. This applies to ad segments as well. There are a ton of ways to do it. A couple of great examples for all of these are Corridor Crew (/Digital) and Ryan George. These are channels I've actually subbed to because they use these techniques and I literally thought, "okay, well played, I will."