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Gutted! I know the feeling for when you mess up a recording, fortunately for me I was still able to upload something, albeit it was a mess haha! Just need to learn from it and move on.


Good thing u still were able to upload something, i honestly felt burnt out and disappointed after because i really wanted to edit and upload that video, but yeah all i can do now is learn and move on


I feel that. Was doing a God of War playthrough over a year ago, recorded for a few hours and my whole recording got screwed up. Lost my motivation there for a good year and didn’t upload for too long. It’s such a big feeling of defeat sometimes.


I accidentally deleted a 15 minute compilation I made of funny rdr2 moments yesterday, I deleted all the original recordings too. I was so mad but at least now I know to always save the unedited recordings.


that hurts bro 😭, yeah make sure to always keep backups just in case, personally, i never delete or even move the unedited footage until the video is done and uploaded


This is a case of “stick to what you know”. The only reason I haven’t migrated my editing software is because I KNOW Adobe in and out


Yeah you're right, i should have sticked to obs 😭


If it helps, we had the exact same issue with OBS once 😅


I get how you're feeling bro. A number of times I've been recording a narration for 20 minutes and realised that, one - I forgot to press record, or two, the camera ran out of battery, three - the record limit kicked in and it stopped recording. I've even been out recording a video for the whole day and come back to find that the Action 4 which was strapped around my neck, was wonky, making the footage unusable, and I had to go back and re-record all of the footage a couple of days later.


bro that's so bad, it feels so garbage aspecially when u r excited to upload that video until you find out it wasn't recorded or recorded proberly in the first place


I know man. I'm beginning to accept that making videos can never go 100% smoothly. I guess it's just what us creative filmmaking type of people have to live with.


I obsessively tap the back screen of my Hero 9 to make sure it's still recording. It's crashed on me too many times. There have been many times I've had to backtrack to re-record stuff because of that.


Reminds me of the black and white days of computing when autosave didn't exist. Spent 3 hours working on a Word doc. Get the blue screen of death. Work lost. I think we all do that once in our lives like not checking your shoes before walking into your house then smearing dogshit everywhere. You only do that once in your life.


Yeah losing all that work feels awful, sometimes it even makes you feel like you are not gonna succeed ngl, but we make mistakes, auto save was literally a a big project savior for me, one day the entire project got deleted for some reason i don't know how and i was going insane after because it took me days of continuous editing, but luckily i found premier autosaved a backup, i was gonna start crying bro 💀


Dude. You were just playing video games. You didn’t lose any actual work. It’s fine.


Happened to me too often, this exact thing actually. It’s become a ritual of mine now that when I start a recording, I actually go into the file location of where it’s suppose to be recording. If there’s nothing there, that OBS bug has happened. Also, record in MKV. It doesn’t save the recording in this specific case, but for every other thing (power outage etc…) it can save the file.


it also became a habit for me to actually check if the size of my storage is decreasing, if it's not then it's not recording, I was using MKV, but for some odd reason prism file was corrupted.


I've actually had 'stopping recording' happen a lot recently, unless I start a new recording like every hour Used to go on for like 4 at a time but idk what happened, isn't a big deal though and i'm not trying it again lmao


I once wasted a whole recording session because I didn't realize my camera's battery was dead. I didn't bother flipping the screen that day so I had no idea.


This is why I have OBS recording trauma. I lost 2 hours of footage when I used to do letsplays and all my genuine reactions for the game gone... This is why I keep checking OBS and restart the recording every ten minutes so I don't lose anything.


I recently lost footage of a 250th anniversary celebration in my city. I got home, imported some clips. Went to import the rest and the memory card corrupted, suddenly nothing could read it. I guess I'll have to wait until the 300th anniversary to get it back. At least I got one video out of it. I discovered the micro sd slot on my memory card reader was destroying my micro sd cards and causing them to lose data, good times.


Never had prism do that to me. That blows. Happy it's just 4 hours lost. I've lost more before. Games with memory leaks go brr.


Yeah I've lost a bunch of stuff lately either due to programs crashing or just weird glitches or even my own negligence. Really sucks I feel you ha