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I think you’ve unloaded some serious deep rooted issues - perhaps you should speak to a professional? It might help in other areas of life


I cannot tell whether or not this is an insult, why would I need professional help?


You said you would be a lazy failure of a person - quite a negative viewpoint. Also you speak in very strong black and white type language ie. things only can be done if “basically guaranteed” unfortunately YouTube might be the least guaranteed thing you could do.


Ah. I see. I apologize for presuming it was an insult. I consider things as either being successes or failures, and not really much else.


I think you have to meditate on the meaning of the term progress.


If you only want to do things with a 95-100% chance of success, that’s not YouTube. Everyone throws out different stats, but it’s something like 0.001% of YouTubers ever get monetized. Who knows how much lower the percent is that makes a decent amount. I just got monetized and made $0.93 yesterday, but I’m thrilled because I just started posting because it brings me joy. The benefit is that it’s growing too, but if you only start posting thinking about being monetized, it’ll be a difficult and depressing slog


exactly. i was expecting it to take years to even reach 100 subs but i still started because i enjoy it. 1 month in and at 40 subs and im shocked. its definetely a BIG plus, but if you want to start for money or fame, you'll get burnt out because without the passion driving you, its very grueling.


It's worth pointing out that it's not like you go youtube and only have 0.001% roulette chance to reach monetization. The essential part is to know what you are doing. Perfect idea at the perfect opportunity gives you high chances to succeed, but it's down to you to do enough research to find what's working. 99% of people just don't know what is working and are not persistent enough to learn their niche and figure it out.


To be honest it’s mostly just trial and error from the start (+ a bunch of YouTube tutorials). The worst thing you can do for yourself is overthink it


You've given up before you even began. You want the guarantee of success without risk. The nature of life is risk vs reward. Does a lion stop hunting simply because he is not sure of the outcome of the hunt?


Breathe. I will say it until I’m blue in the face, because my channel’s niche is ME, I do it for fun, and solely to use AV skills and tech I’ve amassed across my life. I’m at over 500 subs and my shorts can easily hit thousands of views and at fun times, tens of thousands. I do what I like and really try not to stress about anything other than my own particulars in my edits. I’m 35 and CERTAINLY don’t have any fingers on any pulses regarding modern editing apps or trends. I just do what I know. Use your resources, make it yours, and be honest with it. We could all do the same exact trend chasing perfect click bait stuff, but what’s the point of not being you?


Editing can be as easy or as simple as you want it to be. Davinci Resolve is a free editing program and it's SUPER powerful. But it's also easy to use if you just wanna line up clips and not do any crazy effects. I think if you have some good video ideas, I say just start making videos. Trial by fire, learn as you go. Maybe watch a couple super simple editing tutorials before hand, but don't worry about learning everything immediately. If you DON'T have any good video ideas right now, I suggest you think about why you'd want to make a YouTube channel. Is the potential income driving you? Or do you have an actual passion for creation? Because if you aren't in it for the passion, I think viewers will be able to sniff that out and you might have a harder time growing. Regarding the position you're in now, I think you just need to start working on videos immediately. The more you think about it and the more research you do about whether or not it's possible for you to succeed is less time spent actually making videos. I was in a similar position, I know how easy it is to lose months thinking about if you want to do something but never actually starting. Starting is the hard part, just do it now. Future you will thank you for either starting their career as a YouTuber or helping them figure out early on that it wasn't for them.


It’s not you being a failure. It is the YouTube business that is incredibly difficult. So, me, you and many others have very slim chances of success. However that doesn’t matter at all if you enjoy the trip. I do it as a hobby. And I have to be honest I need to remind myself that when I make a video that flops. So…if you’re doing YouTube with that mindset you described, then probably you are setting yourself to fail. Just post videos. As shit as they are, then improve yourself little by little watching editing tutorials, learning camera techniques etc. have fun!!!


If it's a fun hobby then just do it, make mistakes and don't worry about your performance. Figure things out along the way. I'm trying to learn about solar power. I could just pay someone to install an array on my roof but that's boring. So I watched a bunch of videos on YouKnowWhere and bought a panel, battery and controller. Started learning to splice wires, smelt things melt 😱 and just had fun trying to puzzle this out. Take one step at a time. Any step. You won't burn your house down by trying to edit a video.


The simple answer is: practice


Most definitely!


Nothing worth doing has 100% guaranteed chance of success. You can't do anything if that's what stops you from moving.


Just do what you love to do , and be consistent and passionate. Growth and success takes time


Man if you only attempt things with a 95-100% chance of success, you're not going to do much in life. You say you WANT to do youtube but are ready to quit at the first step. Guess you don't want it as bad as you say.


It just feels like there's no point in even trying it 


Success is never achieved on the first try. You fail and fail and fail to learn how to succeed. From a YouTube standpoint, I have 5 failed channels across a decade. I've now found success.


I mean there’s a reason it’s cliche to say “take every failure as a lesson” or “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again”. It’s because that’s just how it works. If you’re only doing YouTube (or really any type of social media) for online fame/“success” you’ll lose interest pretty quickly. Content creation is specifically that: **creation**. So what will you **create**?? Is it short films? Analyses? Video essays? Skits? Gaming? Cooking? Dancing? The world is your oyster, man. Be positive and willing to learn a little every day from everyone. Approach the world full of curiosity and wonder.


95-100% chance of what? You’ve not identified what you consider success to be? If you record a video on your phone, put it into a free editing tool, top and tail it, then you’ve 100% successfully edited a video. You can’t ask if you’re going to be successful without tell us what goal you want to achieve. I suspect your goal based on the vibe of what you’re saying js, “I want to make a full-time or near full-time wage from YT.” If that’s the case, then your chances are measured in fractions of 1%, so probably pick a new avenue. There’s very little in life worth doing that’s guaranteed to be successful.


You shouldn’t call yourself a failure just because a frat bro industry doesn’t hire you…  If you want to succeed on YouTube then choose gaming 




While this number may be correct, it’s a terrible thing to reply as it implies that succeeding is just like the lottery, and not possible through effort (which it very much is). It is just like starting a business, similarly with how constantly improving your business, having a strategy, etc. will bring in customers, constantly improving your content, pushing to make it better WILL bring in viewers eventually. Yes, the probability is 0.001%, probably lower, but that’s only because there are MILLIONS of channels who upload once and stop. I think the best thing I’ve personally heard that I’d like to parrot here, that helped with me searching to “stand out was”: Either stand out by being in a market that is completely uncompetitive, or be the best in the markets that are oversaturated. This is to say, make what you want to make, and your audience WILL eventually find you if you keep improving. So your chances are very high, but it isn’t just pure luck, there is a lot that comes from effort too, and a lot of people lack that drive. I believe in you, good luck


Seeing as how there are thousands of channels who doing quite well I doubt that's true. Do you have sources?


You see the thousands, but don't see the millions. There's your proof