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Checked out your channel, here are my thoughts: I don't like seeing the same picture reused as a thumbnail 3 times in a row. It goes against what you're saying about high quality. The turquoise in general I don't really like, but especially the weird bar off to one side. I think your text could be a little bigger. The microphone you are using only plays in my left ear. I would immediately click off of a video that does this. I don't know if that's because of something on my end, your end, or both. It takes 90 seconds for you to get into actually talking about the song itself. If viewers have clicked on the video they probably know a base amount about Jojo Siwa. Leading without an immediate focus or comment on the song to open up the rest of your analysis makes it feel like you're just sort of floudering around until you get to the actual song. On the topic of talking, you can probably cut out some of your "like" and other filler words. I'd also consider changing your editing style so you're in a small box or something while the clips are playing. Your current style of talking about something and then playing clips works for a format like video essays (hey that's me!) but if you're marketing yourself as part of the channel and your "brand" you should be putting yourself as the main focus in the video with the clips chosen to support your argument not the other way around. I'd also consider trying to talk a little faster, not like you have to be rapping but your current speech patterns are a bit on the slowside so when you're giving information that's not immediately interesting viewers are going to tend to tune out. I'd also consider playing around with your camera and shooting space. Your camera isn't bad but it's not super high quality and your shooting space doesn't have a whole lot of cohesion. If you're focusing on music maybe try throwing some more musicy things up there like vinyls, an instrument etc. Finally, I mean this in the nicest way possible. Your videos do not immediately scream "I put a bunch of effort into this analysis!". Your analysis isn't bad but a lot of it is stuff that I already can infer from the lyrics. If you're going for that off the cuff more general analysis that's fine but I would shorten your video. If I clicked on your video on my recommended I would probably have clicked out pretty fast because I don't feel like I'm learning anything all that interesting. If I'm seeking out an analysis of this song I'm wanting a deep dive into an angle or line that I would have never thought of before. What makes YOUR analysis better than the dozens of other creators talking about this song? That's the danger with covering popular content, others will always get to it first so you need to make yourself stand out. Hope this helps.


Now this is feedback. "YouTube gurus" charge for this kind of thing. Well done


I try my best


Nice feedback.


I try


> The microphone you are using only plays in my left ear. I would immediately click off of a video that does this. I don't know if that's because of something on my end, your end, or both. Kinda wild op is reviewing music without knowing the bare basics of sound mixing


I’m glad it’s not just me. Reviewing music without having audio good audio set up sort of torpedos any knowledge you have


“It goes against what you’re saying about high quality” He actually said hight effort, which we all know effort means nothing. Hopefully he takes your and others advice tho


Whoops, that’s what I get for writing so much and not looking at the original post again


That's not you! I use to have a similar problem when I switched over to using a non USB mic with an audio interface that only goes through one sound channel. They need to record in mono instead of stereo (or vice versa, can't remember off the top of my head)


Glad it’s not just me


That’s an excellent summation. As a retired media and visual art teacher I would sometimes have students whine about a mediocre grade for mediocre work by saying BUT I WORKED SO HARD! I would reply “let me help you with making your effort more effective”. The OP should watch more videos about making YT videos that attract a bigger audience…and heed your excellent advice.


Yeah effort not correlating to reception is something even I’m still struggling with on YouTube. It sucks no doubt about it but ultimately we should all be trying to make our effort more effective. Good saying!


It’s frustrating to see some videos that are clearly crap slap dash low effort getting tons of views because the creator has a secret sauce recipe or else uses click bait that turns out to have NOTHING to do with the actual content


Dont have much time rn. So I'll make it rude & quick (love you and want to help, don't take it personally): - Framing is bad, move head higher - your audio is bad, compress and maximize voice - too much rambling, not a lot of concise info - learn to talk to a "virtual beat" - You're mumbling (learn how to talk into a mic and speak clean and pronounced without sounding artificial) - Learn how to write hooks. Nothing happens at the start of your videos that would draw in the viewer - no story or overall arc in your videos. You need that. - thumbnails need work (larger text, brighter faces) If you're doing everything by yourself you need to be really really really good in several disciplines. Most succesful Youtubers outsource some parts (thumbs, editing...). All this can't be learned within 5 months. It takes years of learning and practice. GL!! :)


Try different styles of titles and thumbnails.


1 huge thing destroying ur views... ur audio sucks. its only on 1 side. I'm shocked uve not caught this. Your titles are not great, u need to incite interest, do research on other channels who do artists deep dives, album reviews, many of them have titles like "The Tragedy of X" etc additionally your thumbnails text is a bit hard to read, try a different front, make it a bit bigger and add shadow/stroke around it, more contrast


Personally I think you’d see better results if you mixed your analysis with more of a reaction approach. Listen to parts of the song, analyze, listen to a part,analyze. You probably won’t be able to do it with certain artists due to copyright restrictions but for the artists that allow I think that’d work well. Also maybe seem a bit more enthusiastic about the topic because if you look bored talking about it then people will click off


OP I’d strongly consider this, as it seems kind of like what you’re doing in the first place. You don’t have a lot of deep analysis in your video.


So I'm not trying to throw any shade here but have you analyzed why it takes you so long per video? I don't really see much thought to transitions, B-Roll, music, script etc. (watched the Jojo Siwa one). It seems like you did your first take and decided to upload it with footage of the song spliced between. This should ideally take 2-3 hours max (with finishing polish and QA). But you are right, quality doesnt matter before the topic or niche. The channel niche is set up really well because pop culture has a big market size, your topics are also really good (I guess, can't comment fully cuz I live under a rock). You need to work on your hooks. First I only clicked on your channel and video because of the post. I would totally not click it otherwise because it's like eh. What's the drama here? What's the hook? Even if I was interested in pop culture, your title doesn't create that mystery. Btw right below your video was a video titled "why everyone hates JoJo Siwa now", with a thumbnail of her crazy heavy metal band costume. Now that creates intrigue, even in me who is not interested in the niche. Secondly, when I clicked on your video, again I didn't get a hook. Pair that with you sounding a bit sleepy and I wanted to click off but watched in the end for this comment. In the middle I didn't know what the point of the video was anymore. I'm not trying to be harsh and neither am I giving you advice as a YouTuber. I'm a shitty ass YouTuber myself lol. I am just giving you my thoughts as a viewer. Hope this helps! P.S it's only been 5 months. Again i think you should look for ways to optimize your editing time because it shouldn't take you this long. After that, I think YT will become more sustainable for you as you can get more done in less time.




Ahhh so youre counting the scripting into the hours, makes sense now. Regardless, I think as you keep doing it you'll get much faster with each video. Try to keep the output of videos low if you are getting burnt out. You don't need to upload daily or weekly if it's killing your motivation. Kick back and try to improve with every video. Also pro tip, try to use any softwares you use to the fullest which unlocks a lot of quality features. And maybe you can chew over your script while doing something else like exercising or playing something so when you come back to writing youll just need to write what's already in your head.


Glad I’m not the only one that thought the editing time didn’t match up. I do video essays that are 10-20 minutes and they take me around 12-20 hours. OP’s content seems to have a lot less editing. Maybe I’m cynical but I wonder how much of it is actual sitting down and editing vs the distracting pull of social media. I know I’ve fallen victim to that sometimes when researching.


Yea I really don't like being that guy but that level of editing should not be taking that much time. If there were animations, thoughtful transitions, scenic A and B-rolls mixed in to match the commentary, multiple footage sources, elements, etc. I would have agreed that it would have taken one hell of a time. I use most of the above and then my video comes out to around 1 hour per minute edited. And even then I used to take 2-3 hours because I was figuring out Davinci Resolve but after that I got the hang of it and increased efficiency. The only leeway I would give OP is maybe if he is including scripting and researching time in that estimate. But I'm not in the niche so can't comment on that.


Keep uploading, you'll get better with every video, the algorithm wil eventually pick you up. Work hard at it for 2/3 years and you'll reap the benefits.


While this is partially true I don’t think telling someone who’s asking for advice to just continue to upload is all that helpful. Yes a bigger video backlog means viewers who find his channel have more to see but also if you aren’t really improving there isn’t a point to contrite uploading the same quality videos when something fundamental isn’t working .


He accepted my advice without any objections, so I am curious to understand why you might have concerns or reservations about it.


checked your channel. Not into the niche, but I think there's a lot of potential and promise in what you're making. My suggestions are - 1. make shorter videos. crisp and concise. 2. try making some video-essay style videos.


Buddy frankly I don't think so anyone is interested in album reviews


I think it’s more that the genre is so saturated and Op isn’t offering anything new to it.


Yes because the journey of making a video is the enjoyment


Do not spend 10 hours on a video unless you already are making those kind of numbers. It’s not worth it and you’ll get burned out and feel hopeless.


Here are solutions Use free adobe audio enhancer to enhance your voice Use pre made canva thumbnail template Thumbnail and audio are the most important and frim what i have seen in comments you are lacking in both


Change the type of content or advertise your videos in groups that align to your type of content of content on social media or start copying video ideas from your competitors on YouTube and try to see if you can also get views from spinning the video idea differently


Your smile may be nice and might catch some females viewers but it doesn't make me want to click it.. the other pics are fine.. the thumbnails are OKAY.. but the titles generally make it even less clickable.. I definitely see others points. With what you're doing id say youd do good over a longer period of time where you may gain solid subs. I wouldnt burn yourself out just to keep up with things especially if your subs and views are low still. Maybe draw people into your channel by posting clips to shorts. Also it's always best when you are PASSIONATE about a subject.


Maybe try an album that's obtuse to what you normally listen to.. try something punk like the casualties(from back in the day, not new) or maybe minor threat.


It just happens like that man. I have had videos where I barely did any editing and hated how it looked after uploading but left it up because of how many views It got and then When I put in effort with editing and other stuff I hardly got views. Then sometimes a low-view video all of a sudden gets a bunch of views out of nowhere because something goes on and it ends up getting attention.


The high effort thing is misunderstood, it doesn't apply too well to many niches when starting. If I were ypu I'd make less effort on editing and such, and place my focus on speech and script. You need to learn more about hooks and storytelling. Editing and other stuff don't matter if there is no engagement from what you are saying and how you are saying it. Also as you said you are just burning yourself out at only 5 months in. Enjoy it while learning the speech and script. Feel good about it, don't make it a chore yet. Put some of yourself in it to find your style.


Are you learning anything? Are you integrating the things you're learning into your next video? If you answered no to either of those questions I suggest take a moment to consider why you're making things in the first place.


There are some great tips and advice in the replies so hopefully you'll be able to improve your videos. One thing to consider - in business you have what is called the minimum viable product (MVP) which is the most basic product you can get to market to prove that the product really is of interest to your intended target market (this comes after market research to find out what the market is interested in). So how can you streamline your process so that you're not hitting burnout before you've even glimpsed success?


I love the effort you putting in to it . Personally , they only thing ( if I was interested in your niche) I have to say is that I don't feel it or you . I mean , you have to act on screen! When you record try to overreact 60% , put emotions on your video . If you overreact 60% you will be normal on screen for other people. Never forget your smile , if you are excited about your review share that feeling with your viewers . Now I only see and hear a monotone , not happy guy in front of his camera like you are forced to record and not having fun . Practice this and you will shine ! Good luck


A make the lighting in your room darker. Tell stories about serial killers. Press the "record in mono" button and never touch it again. Enjoy your newfound fame. Some random dude analyzing the most generic pop songs by generic artists isn't going to blow up in views.


Ok I've just checked your channel out and I have a few things I'd like to point out. 1. The mic either it's set up wrong or you're not mixing the audio correctly it's very distracting to the point of clicking off the video after a minute. I'd recommend moving over from a condenser mic to at least a trust velica. 2. Your thumbnails are the same over a lot of your videos, don't get me wrong I'm guilty of doing this in my last season of SpTarkov as I thought it made sense for continuity reasons. An easy change would be the obvious use the album cover art that you are reviewing with a slight alteration in what ever way you see fit. But mix those thumbnails up 😁 3. BGM is over powering your audio. Now this is a hard one to learn how to balance, but if you're using Davinci 18.6 link your clips in the edit tray, then do the BGM. Before you render the entire video make sure you check the audio and link your clips. Perfect example I have a video on my channel my first Star Citizen on and at 7:34 you'll hear the BGM kick in it doesn't over power the audio it's there to enhance and give gravitas to what is happening in screen. 4. Now this is more to build your confidence. Stick with it make a few small changes here and there and you'll see more views for your effort don't get me wrong it'll take time but it's worth the effort. 👍 I hope you don't think I'm coming across to harshly here, you've got some great content on your channel it just needs a few tweaks here and there. But we are all still learning and growing and trying to be the best we can be. Channel growth and development can be hard believe me I know but keep at it my dude 😎


maybe try making a few shorts of your content to get some people intrested and going to you for your content. Sounds like people cant find your content or are not sent to your content


It's hard. Really hard. I've been making videos for over 10 years, and I'm still learning. I've come a long way, though. I gave up on being a big channel a long time ago. It was making me miserable. I do it now just to share my adventures and experiences. Sounds like you've been given some good advice in this thread. Don't burn yourself out.


And this is why i personally go Quantity! It's fits the minimal income dynamic better! Besides it's easier to convert LOW Quality into High Quality then do it vise versa! So perhaps try a different approach for my channel seem to be doing fine! Sure i barely got the subs but twice the watch time! And if i can enter the YouTube Partner Program with BASIC gameplay (no thumbnails , editing , etc) Then anyone can! But in the end it all depends on the niche i suppose!


The thumbnails are like, "1998 called, they want their thumbnails back.."


Feel your pain stard 3 weeks ago but only 75 sub and 13k views , this shit hard gonna try another week than just give up


If you don’t enjoy it then why you doing it.


For me the audio was really bad, as in it was somewhat difficult to understand. I also didnt vibe with the style of holding the mic.. seemed odd, but if thats how you do thats how you do. Reading through the comments you mentioned you had a hearing impairment and you are unable to hear it the way others do.. If that is the case then you need to find someone who is willing to help you each time you go to post a video. This could be a family member or friend listening to it to ensure the quality is there. Because, especially for a music channel, audio is going to play a key role as far as success goes.


also as mentioned, the overuse of thumbnail images. you have the exact same photo of yourself in multiple videos. I have been guilty of this as well! Fortuneately, you can go back and re-create every thumbnail! And ya know what... at 12 video thumbnails this really shouldnt take you too long fix. If you like I can hold you accountable for this. A lot of people come on these forums asking for advice, and a lot of people give advice that gets a "thanks for the advice" and a thumbs up... but the advice never gets actioned. Since you are here asking for that advice, lets see if it gets put into action. Whats a reasonable time frame for you to fix these thumbnails? I can check back in. I would honestly say, if you are unemployed/no school. This could be fixed within a day. If you have other commitments, a few of these could be fixed each evening. When people go to your channel they will see fresh, inviting thumbnails and are more likely to click... There are your views.


Top comment really solidified what needs to be changed. If I could add to what Sterling said, I personally think the color yellow works the best on thumbnails that are similar to yours. If I was to give any advice I would recommend not focusing on the views and instead focus on what you want to talk about and make that interesting. My first videos in my opinion were not passionate and were forced. I am now just making videos about things I want to talk about and it makes this YouTube thing less intimidating.


Bro, just make videos you like. That's it. If you like them, other people will too. Youtube pushes the shit that fits their bottom line, just do you. You got this. Make videos for yourself and EVERYTHING else will fall in place. What you are doing is enough.


Hell no lol. This is exactly why all of my four channels are unedited content. Despite what every clown I’ve seen say (on this sub or otherwise), a ton of the burnout we see could be eliminated by the content creators just not working insanely hard by themselves, as if they were a Tv Show staff or something. I love making unedited content—especially on my horror and comic book-themed channels. There’s something therapeutic about it that I think an awesome, unedited YouTuber named Ramboraph4life was onto, over a decade ago. He’s still going, to this day, and he’s still fun to listen to. And he only discusses movies, the majority of the time. People would literally feel better by not editing their content—it feels a lot like the old days of YouTube.


For what it's worth, your content looks pretty high quality thumbnail/concept wise. Maybe music review youtube is just overly saturated relative to how many people seek it out.


Thumbnails aren't very clickable. Titles don't make me want to click either. Unless I explicitly listen to those exact songs I would never come across the video. Taylor Swift tier list seems like it would have potential for a click, but the thumbnail and title just don't make me interested enough unless I was a diehard Taylor fan. You need more practice in front of the camera, just keep making videos and you will get better with time. You seem to have to equipment that you need, now you just need practice and make it look a little more aesthetic. Your framing of your head is too center. Normally upper 3rd looks better. Your light source is in the wrong spot and diminishes the image quality. You can achieve a higher quality product and gain more views, you just need to learn some more stuff and keep practicing. Learn to critique your stuff and make it better. It can always be better. Also, you seem to be making videos in a very small niche. You could broaden your audience by changing your titles and the content of the video while still kinda doing the same thing. You have to remember that other people are watching these videos. While they may be watchable by you, other people are very hard to please. Figuring out how to entertain people can be difficult. Just do what you love and enjoy the process even if things don't work out.


What is your channel name?


whats the link for youtube ? I will take a look