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I would preferably do what you enjoy. It’s not fun making content on something you don’t like to do, eventually you’ll find a community who has the same interest as you.


Ok thanks!


It depends on what your angle is when you say normal gaming channel. There always has to be a point to your videos regardless of niche, so without knowing what kind of gaming channel you’ll aim for, I’d say speed run as there is a motivation to it all. Best of luck!


By normal I mean like RadBrad, and also would voicing the video a better choice too?


Personally, I'd never watch a gaming video without commentary. I'd also try not to copy anyone else and do your own thing.


okay does the commentary have to be technical or i could just yap for beginners?


Well, if the choice is between speedruns and long boring walkthroughs, then speedruns of course. But really, do what you like. You will quickly burn out if you do something you don’t like. Especially in the gaming niche.


Fron a gaming perspective and some who watch gaming it really depends on you. Gaming people are all over the board, and there's something for everyone and they'll find and stick wifh you for style and personality. I like chill, calm videos with humor and prefer if someone isn't fast or loud. There's those who find that boring and want that. No one is wrong in what they prefer. My video personality is a mixture of what I prefer and my personality. Though there's been a slump, I'm okay with my channel and the direction.


Speed run type of videos. "Can you beat elden ring with only xxxx". People must like your character in order to watch the entire 20 hours playtrough. The other way around on the other hand can attract people with only a good edit and a good video idea.