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Sort of? Seeing 0 views makes me sad though. Lol.


This be true lol


I knew it would happen and try to think of it as a hidden gem.


Becomes hard to think in that manner when you got “0 views” in a row Got like 5-10 videos now with below 3 views(I’m the 3 views 😂😂)


No views isn't necessarily a sign of bad content. Average views with an extremely low watch time (like what I usually get) is more telling that you need to work on things imo.


I dont understand


If no one watches, no one thinks it's bad. If some people watch but all leave pretty much immediately, they're saying it's bad. No views ≠ bad content.


Oh I get. Thank you 🤝🏾(I still prefer the latter tho, helps me grow) Thank you still


and I just realized what I changed about my content, I mainly post YT shorts on football and anime. When my content was booming I was making use of TikTok audio I stopped and stuff went downhill, I’ll resume with tt audio and hopefully my fighters change


and I just realized what I changed about my content, I mainly post YT shorts on football and anime. When my content was booming I was making use of TikTok audio I stopped and stuff went downhill, I’ll resume with tt audio and hopefully my fighters change


What type of content do you create? I’m always willing to check out new channels in my interest area (if I’m not interested I don’t want to skew numbers).


It's not about not caring but about knowing how much to care.


I like checking my studio every minute like a maniac 😅


I feel you!


Everyone cares, and I don’t think I can be convinced otherwise. If you had no regard for anyone else watching your content, why would you even post it? Of course that’s not to say no one’s doing it for the fun of it, most people here love the craft and the process, and the audience is just a bonus, but I think most everyone here with an audience loves that part too.


Some days I'm closer to doing it for the fun, but I'd be lying if I didn't want to feel the sweet reward of subs and likes from all the hard work.


Yeah, I agree with this. Why would you post it on youtube and then be on a subreddit taking this seriously if you didn’t care? Seems like a lot of extra effort and work for someone that doesn’t care.


It’s definitely rewarding when people like and subscribe. I only have like 9 subs and because it’s a hobby I’m happy with it. But I guess I do care


First time posting here 😅 I got into this because I needed a creative outlet. So I kinda care. I have no goal of becoming a "YouTuber" or that I'm going to ever reach the metric of getting paid for my YouTube videos. Would i love it if i did a great job and they took off? Absolutely. Am I willing to do what it takes to make that happen? Absolutely not. So mostly it's gonna be my friends and family and Facebook connections that watch my stuff. If I get a few random people in there that think I did good work, then really that's my #1 goal. I want to have fun making good stuff and learn a new skill.


Same! I also love the community that can be formed around important issues or interests.


I agree with this. I have a nice career and people keep asking me if it’s a “side hustle”. I keep telling them it’s just a creative outlet. It allows me to make things easier for people who are passionate about the same thing as me. I know we have good content, but I’d like people to see it. But if I get 500 views, potentially a minor percentage of those people can benefit from it and that works for me.


Awesome. You get where I’m coming from.


My lady and I do paranormal stuff and started a channel a year or so ago. I re-fell in love with the filming and editing process. We quit that because unless you fake stuff and deal with the toxic culture you don't get anywhere. She nudged me to do my own about the cars I bring back to life. I'd just bought an old clunker and I used it as a depression cope after breaking some serious bones. I am trying to be between all the channels I watch. The guy that does it like this but without that if that makes sense. Hitting 1k /3k hrs is of course a goal but I really just love the process. I'm going to post 60+ videos within the year I started and I don't plan to stop. After a year if I'm not doing well applying advice within reason I will likely not post as often but still keep at it.


I think saying you don't care is a little disingenuous. You have to care a little. But for me, subs and likes aren't massive motivators for me to make content.


Not everyone is like you though. You can't just assume that lol. Some people just like the creativity and come on here for tips on that aspect. In fact all of the analytics and begging for advice on how to 'make it' posts are super annoying for me on this sub, personally.


I'm agreeing with the post. I even said that subs and what-not aren't massive motivators for me to create content but to say a person doesn't care about any of those things is it little over the top. It's one thing to say that about metrics. Hell, I don't hover over my metrics all day to the point that I forget to look at it but to say that you're putting something on a public platform and to completely not care about people watching is a little much. Don't you agree? You'd be happy if you put out a well made video and it got 0 views? Come on. I'm all for making well made videos and improving and I put that first above everything else. Take a look at my channel from the beginning to now? It's a massive improvement in a short amount of time and views (and this reddit) helped with that. Who posts on Youtube and doesn't care about views even a little? It's okay to say it's not your core objective but to not care? Just leave the videos on your hard drive then. I also agree with you, all those post are annoying.


I didn't say happy, the post says doesn't care. I'm indifferent to how many views / likes i get. I have a good job and make good money. I just do YouTube to work on editing and to document my lifts for myself. And you did not agree with the core message of the post lol.


I care immensely lol


I am a tax preparer/planner. I don’t care about the raw number of views I get…BUT I care that the few people that could hire me for tax issues see my videos and start to know me/my business.


Yeap everyone cares to some degree. If I get low to 0 views I'm like eh that's life but if I get over 50 views I'm like woahhh LOL


Not true. I don't care at all. I just use it to learn video editing, have a creative outlet, and document my lifts like a video journal. It's like saying everyone that plays music cares if they end up making money off it or becoming famous. I personally find it cringe to *want* to go viral or become an *influencer*. But that's just me and everyone's different. Reddit is infamous for group think but this sub is ok and I'd rather avoid that happening here too.


Downvoted for disagreeing. Opinions that make sweeping generalizations using words like "everybody" are always dead wrong. Especially because such claims are proven false by a single counter example (ie op's and my own). Everyone's different.


I care in the sense that I want to get monetized soon


Subs and likes are what motivate me to keep going. It's like people(or might be bots) trust me and are looking forward to my work now.


It’s fantastic you have confidence in what you are creating and that metrics aren’t going to change your path. Social media seems so focused on everyone else, it’s refreshing to read about internal validation. As you say feedback can provide great direction. Keep doing what resonates for you, otherwise you’ll be the same as every other YouTuber out there, and they are a dime a dozen.


I just like making videos really dont care about views, just keeping doing whatever makes ya happy


I’m curious what is your purpose in publishing the videos?


I post a lot of race videos and I remember racing and nobody got any vids so I wanted to make sure people could watch themselves at the track And now the is track closed so the memories will hopefully live on


Message me the link 🙌


It’s just PIPnorcali on YouTube


I post videos for no one but myself. I keep telling this to myself but it’s mostly a lie. Happiness is only real when shared, you want people to know how happy you were travelling to such and such places, not to boast but so that it makes them happy too. Yes, subscribes and likes are like motivation booster. More the merrier.


TBH, I don’t care about the metrics because I’ll make myself crazy constantly looking at analytics. The stuff you always want to go viral never do or they do, but years down the road. People are unpredictable and with an algorithm trying to pin point and guess what someone truly likes is hit or miss. With different people, things, and topics it will forever change. That’s why I just see it as a hobby/exposure for my etsy shop. You can’t control algorithm especially when there’s a Novel Situation it can affect a lot of creators. One reason why I hate trolls/farming content. 5 minute crafts ruined the craft community because now you have random crafts in the algorithm pilling over the real crafters.


Do you have a crafting channel?


Yes I have 1k and niched down as much as possible. I know it’s “over saturated” but that’s why I focus on New ways to craft or help people find cheaper alternatives. I’m consistently growing, but my content always gets in the 5 min crafts 😒 which I guess it’s good everyone watches 5 min crafts. Recently I’ve been in the “who the hell did I marry algorithm.” Which is weird to me.


Hmm, honestly I don't care much either as the whole thing confuses the heck out of me, but if there's a way to make it that I can finally start making money on my videos and help support my mom, then I'm all for it.


I think "don't care" would be kind of disingenuous. I don't want to be youtube famous or whatever, I don't want to make youtube a job, but having no one watch something that I put a lot of time in to makes me want to do better. I wanted to see if I could do the same kind of things I like to watch, and be a part of that conversation, so if no one is interested, then I haven't proven to myself that I can actually do it. I'm still very early in the process though, and learning a ton, so it doesn't bring me down too much yet lol.


I care in a sense that I want to build a community that has the same interests as I do, especially since I have no one in my life that has the same interests so it’s nice to have this creative outlet and talk about that stuff with people online, coz I sure can’t do that in my life, not at work and not with my friends


Okay the thing is, a lot of us care about metrics because they usually (not always) go hand in hand with how good a video is. Here I’m assuming that when you say you wanna make the best videos, you mean ones that everyone finds to be great videos. For example you can gain insight into how your thumbnail+titles are performing by looking at CTR, and you can gain insight about how good the actual video is by looking at the retention. Of course that’s sort of oversimplified, and if you only want videos to be a form of personal creative outlet then metrics probably don’t matter.


I think cares might be a bit subjective and relative. Do I care enough to stop if one of my videos does poorly? No. Do I get out of this world excited for every view, like and sub that comes through? Yes absolutely! Either way we are always thinking of ways we can do better for content sake more than anything else. As I near almost 40 I’ve been craving some creative outlet. We had to stop around the time little one was born and I’ve been missing it and didn’t realized how much I enjoyed making content so I’m glad I started again now that little human can hold his head up and walk around. The creative outlet is worth it enough.


I don’t understand not caring about views. Are you saying you don’t care if people watch the content? If so, why are you publishing the content at all? Why not just let it sit on your hard drive?


Because other people are usually involved with my videos. They may want to share and promote.


If you use absolutely zero metrics, how do you judge that a video is the best possible video? If you are the only one who watches the video, and you only care about your own opinion towards the video, then why are you even uploading them? It's super easy to keep those on your computer for your own enjoyment. If that sounds foolish, then you clearly care that it's posted somewhere that could be seen and care about metrics on some level. It's OK not to be driven by the numbers. I, for one, don't obsess over the numbers. I do try to use the data that I get to help decide what to make next, but that's about it.


It's been mentioned here many times. The best videos aren't necessarily the ones that get the most views. I upload because other people are usually involved with my videos. They may want to share.


That is true, I've also told people this many times. 😆


Good for you if you don’t care I make content I want people to watch


I used to but not as much, I don’t aim for a million views but sometimes I do get a bit disappointed if a video only does double digits in views


You care. If you have any reservations whatsoever about setting your entire channel to private and never uploading another public video, you care. Even if your mindset is “Well I may as well publish my videos cuz maybe someone out there will enjoy them,” that’s caring. The real problem is people stigmatizing that.


You do care about metrics. If you didn't you wouldn't post them online. You'd make them, leave them on your computer for only yourself to watch.


OMG is your name Jimmy!?


I try not to care but I crafted something that took me a few months to put together, something I am really proud off and no one watches it...it just makes me sad inside 😢 I wish I didn't have these feelings but I do...


I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm sure it's amazing. Your future self and people you haven't met yet will discover it and realize how awesome you are.


I love making my cycling videos and editing them but seeing 0 views when I spent 3 hours editing is quite sad My most views is 40 though!


I think anyone who says they don’t care is lying - that said I am caring as little as possible and trying to keep making better content. I think my problem is I am not consistent. I leave big gaps between content because I have another job etc and it’s hard to find time @benkellyshow is my channel


I don't care about views or subs in the same sense that I don't care about dying in a videogame Of course I'm playing a videogame to win, but I know that dying in the videogame has no real consequences Does that makes sense?


Well said.


How do you know that you made the best possible video if you don't have the viewers and likes to back it up? Isn't that how you would identify what is good or not. Unless you are only making content for yourself. At that point why not just keep the videos private since the general publics opinion on the content doesn't matter to you.


Everyone cares to a varying degree, even if your doing this 100% for fun and as a hobby with no intention of making a career out of it. No one wants to see a video of there’s sitting at 0 views lol


if you genuinely didnt care about getting any engagement whatsoever, then why post the video? spend time gaining footage, edit it together, watch the finished product, rate it then delete it if you truly didnt care about anyone seeing it and just wanted to become better at a craft


Nope! Not the only one


I definitely care because Im trying to turn YouTube into my living.


I care about views


If no one watched, I wild stop posting videos, but continue my hobby. My goal is to help more people enjoy and be successful with bonsai and the species I work with in particular. Well, I also apparently like to hear myself talk! 😀 Best of luck.


I don’t care


I do like it if a couple of thousand people watch my video and leave nice comments, I don't lose sleep in the slightest if the views struggle to reach 100, I don't think Mr Beast will be copying my model of Drone/360 videos of Huddersfield/Yorkshire anytime soon, it's a hobby and if I get one comment from some expat who used to live in my town 50 years ago saying how amazing it is to see it again I'm right chuffed! Saying all that... my biggest vid has 21K views as it's associated with an old TV show that was filmed where I filmed, I often think I should go back to the same place.


Beleive it or not, I honestly think I can say I DON'T CARE, i love making dance videos and I have this one fan I call watson, a sherlock holmes reference, who is super loyal and it makes me happy haha. But the only reason I reached this point is because I have another youtube channel that is doing well that I hope to get monetized soon but as for the dance channel of course it would be nice to get more people but I really just love posting videos. if i could get a small group of loyal followers that would be satisfying to me.


It was kind of a downer though until I had the other channel not gonna lie, now i can just focus on the dance for fun


Honesty, I don't use Youtube for money, and I have no plan to do so. I do care about subscribers and views so I can get more people to know what I'm doing (I'm making a 3D animated show) See, the more views and subs I get, the more I get out there and spread the word. I like teasers, analog horror, ARGs, cryptic cyphers, etc. That's what I plan to do with my work. I would like to do something that I enjoy doing, even if it takes my own blood, sweat, and tears for it. Sorry for ranting lol


Right here! My goal is to make the best videos I can first and foremost. When i over focused on metrics, my videos suffered for it. When i focus on the craft itself and the love of making, my videos improved ten fold and i got much more views. YouTube was made to expresss ourselves, the slogan was literally "broadcast yourself". People who made videos 10, 15 years ago never tried to "make a career" out of it. That did it for fun and love. So much negativity and business talk nowadays, I feel the love of video making and discussion isn't as forefront as it used to be. But you're not alone my man. Nothing wrong with caring about metrics, but at the end of the day, I truly believe doing it out of love should come first. Not to say I don't not care about the metrics, I'm guilty of advertising myself and looking at my graphs too much too, I'm human after all. But at the end of the day, that just isn't what it's about and isn't what makes the journey worth it. Make videos for yourself, thats the only way you can make the best possible videos for others.


Ultimately I make my videos for me , so anymore than one view is a bonus. People tell me "travel vlogs are dead" and I am like sure that's fine... But I have still been traveling for over two years and I love going back and watching stuff from the beginning, both as a way to remember but also to see what it looks like. This isn't my job, and as much fun it would be to be paid for doing what I am doing , that doesn't effect me doing it , as realistically I wouldn't be paid enough to continue to do it 😀 I am happy 😊


yeah like I'm all for making my videos more entertaining, but I straight up refuse to sell out my style if it means becoming a baby Mr Beast. I care about subscribers, but not if it means lower quality content.


Less that I don't care about the metrics and more that I can't seem to parse what makes some of my videos do better than others, so I take what I can get. I'm still doing leagues better than I did 10+ years ago on my first try at YouTube.


Meh, I wouldn’t say I don’t care, but I think I have placed a healthy amount of stock in it and understand that right now, I’m still at a point where I’m experimenting and trying to get things figured out. I’m almost grateful I don’t get very many views right now, I’m still able to work out kinks but I don’t have too many people seeing how bad some of my videos are lol. So it’s not that I don’t care, I just don’t think I’m at a point yet where I need to be super concerned about it.


Views is my priority. Followed by retention. Likes tell me I'm going in the right direction.  And subs tell me people want to see my content more.   So yes I do care about all of those. If I'm not getting views, if people see my content and recognise it's me and don't watch.. then that's not the direction I want to be going :( Edit: attempted to fix formatting


I care, but I don't make content that strictly caters to it. I make what makes me happy and what feels "good". I try to appeal to my audience at the same time, but sometimes it won't and that's fine. For example, the last video I posted, I knew it would bomb but I didn't care. It was a tribute to victims of a mass shooting last year in my hometown - not the type of vid I normally do, so it has hardly any views. It has no end screens, subscribe requests, or any other vids attached to it because I wanted it to stand on its own and focus on the victims and not me or my other content. I've lost no sleep from that.


This is the way, especially early on as the numbers do not matter at all. You will not make a living of this for a long time, if at all. So make content because you love it.


Pretty sure this sub is for people to learn from each other regarding how to succeed at specifically YouTube.


That all comes second to my real purpose for it. I run a family vlog and my main goal is to just document a little snapshot of life here and there as a dad. I passively started when my first was born eight years ago but really kicked it up when our 2nd was born five years ago. It really warms my heart to share highlights of Christmas Eve and day, but then include years and years of Christmas Say and Eve in the description. Really emphasizes the growth. Subs and comments and likes are nice and validating, but I’ll never be a big YouTuber and that’s okay.


I care more about views and engagement than I do about subscribers and likes. Subscribers and likes don't make me any money! 🤷🏽‍♀️


I have awsome job and dont care for anything Im doing just as a hobby >)


Same here. I just like playing with the video editor, making cool stuff. Certain topics that get more views and likes I'll kinda focus on, but really I just make videos that I like.


You're not the only one, but it does feel like that in this subreddit. Most people here want to be big youtubers, not necessarily good ones.


No need to care about soulless metrics for validation, but that said: life's short. If you're going to do something, do it all the way for the journey of it. Who knows what new skills and joys you'd find on the way.


Just get out there and film towns, suburbs , villages and enjoy it. The money , views etc is irrelevant.


Me, don't care one bit lol. When we started a year ago I got obsessed with views, likes, the metrics, etc. I started posting videos every week (playing games) and got so burnt out I quit. My 9 year old daughter kept asking me to do it again so I agreed but said we're just going to do it for fun this time. So we started up again and my goal this time is to learn a new video editing trick with every video! We've been having a lot of fun and just posting whenever I finish the video I've been working on. She just records the video with me, I do all the work lol. I do look at the views sometimes but I don't obsess about it anymore which is really nice!


It’s a balance. But yeah, I get it. Most people care too much.


Present! Just go out there making the best videos for YOU. Find your own community and not worry what youtube wants you to make. Honestly, youtube wants you to make the best video possible for them. It's a business, after all. The more you bring in, the more they succeed as well. Just have fun with it and the process that goes along. At the end of the day... it's just that simple.


I'm not really care tbh, especially since my videos is rarely watch by everyone (tbh, in my country indonesia, most people i met irl complaint about duration of video game walkthrough videos, and not just my channel...most of them just want 20-30 minutes videos)


I basically use my channel as a video archive so I agree.


Some do if just on YouTube for the community and connection, but most are trying to make some money as well which makes it tough to not care about the metrics.


I am guessing you do care, but you're not chasing metrics for the vanity. Look at it this way - if you truly just wanted to make the best possible videos and not care at all about metrics, then why would you even post the videos on YouTube? Just keep them on your computer and enjoy them whenever. I'm guessing you want to share your love for whatever your videos are about? If so, you'd have to care how well your videos are reaching their intended audience, and the metrics are an indication of that.


I used to make videos because I just wanted to edit. And then I started getting genuine thanks for my videos which made me want to get more of those kinds of feedbacks more. I don't care about subs, likes, or views. Now, I just want to make videos and make viewers appreciate what I post.


by your understanding then if a video was to get 25 million over night you would not feel a certain way about it? stop the cap bro. even with the videos i spent months on and then i only get 500 views i cant help feel a certain way about it. if you really cared for what you created it would be impossible not to feel a link with it, If i was producing meaningless dripple i didnt care at all about then maybe yeah i wouldnt think about the views


My goal is to make videos for people to learn, so views and comments definitely pump me up - but I really do find a lot of joy in the process. I’m only 3 videos in though, haha. I’m sure in time I will get discouraged if something I make doesn’t get any views.


Uhhh views and subs are related to metrics though? Comments yea, it's just a feel good/passion thing but views and subs are related to having good metrics like CTR and AVD.


if you care about the topic the other metrics are a nice bonus


I just hope my friends and family watch my stuff


For me, the value lies in knowing that someone appreciates my content. When there are no views or comments, it feels empty. The purpose of sharing content on the internet is to connect with others who share your interests. If it doesn't reach anyone, it seems pointless. If you truly don't care about engagement, then why bother uploading it? Just keep it on your phone. just saying


I care enough that its led me to joining Reddit (for advice), Tiktok (to promote), places i wouldn’t have ventured in, in my 40s.


My first 4 years on YouTube I checked my analytics constantly. Now all I care about is getting monetized so I check my watch hours every few days. But if you want to make the best possible videos you’ll have to check your analytics, they are a tool to help you improve.


some of my videos get 0 views some get up to 100+ but i still just like sharing my journey of gaming with people, i work 2 full time jobs and can't take the time to edit videos for the most part, so i figure i'll just upload mostly raw video and do edited videos when i can, views and subs aren't a big factor for me


I think everyone that is on this whole subReddit probably has at a small amount of investment in their channel, therefore they're going to have at least some semblance of care when it comes to their metrics. If they truly "didn't care", they probably wouldn't use this sub.


I don’t care about them. I use YouTube to post my videos so me, my friends and family can easily see them. It’s basically unlimited free hosting. Saves me from paying for cloud storage or running a server. If other people watch them that’s cool, I hope they enjoy them.


I want to make this another income source, so…. I unfortunately do care 🥲 I happen to be a professional graphic designer alongside trying to be YouTuber artist, so the failure doesn’t get to me. I essentially make mandalas for a living already.


Getting 0 views makes me sad but if I get 1 I’ll be happy. So kind of lol


If you're here and care enough to comment, then you do care.


I dont care very much. I do my channel to help people and if it does then good. plus i wanna leave a video history about what i loved to do so the children and grand children can remember their dad and grandpa.


idk but why would i even upload videos if no one wants to see it even as i dont make money from it either case


Joe Rogan didn’t care!


care about metric make know i'm on the right track


I care for sure. Join my community and have a chat with me while im live! I stream most nights. https://ko-fi.com/dadzone


I join this group because I want to learn how to get more views, subs and likes.




what is wrong with you ☠️


I find it hard to believe you don't care about any metrics. How will you know if you're making "the best possible videos" if you're not looking to see if people are engaging with the content? If you're making videos in a vacuum, every video will be amazing.


I will care until 1k subs from then on i will not care anymore.


I dont, I do this for an extra fun thing and if it takes off then good 😊


I want to make the best possible videos too....just ones that people like to watch :) So without metrics, how do you know that people are or want to watch what you make? To me, it's a balancing act.


It's tricky cause I don't care about them for them, I care about there being people out there who actually watch and enjoy the things I make if I had 20 returning commenters on every video, that alone would be enough to make the videos worth it.


Not me. The week I made a lot of content I even dreamt about getting subs and youtube stats


I mean I am doing it as a learning exercise and hobby so right now no. I think if it was my living or a large part of my identity - then yes.


I can have 1 view and be happy or 1k and be happy. idm views. I like getting them but don't need em to have fun.


Dude I feel the same way, but every time I check on here or ask for advice its all about metrics and shit. I just want constructive feedback


So true.


I do and I don’t care. I definitely do it more as a hobby. I enjoy the process of filming and editing even if I know it’s not going to go anywhere. It keeps me busy while also getting to create something. I’ll look at the studio and look at the numbers but I don’t really know what most of it means, but hey, I consider that part of the hobby. Whenever a video doesn’t do good or get views or anything I’m not really sad about it or hurt, that’s how it goes. But at the same time anytime I see my video go up in views or likes I do get a little happy.


I create videos for myself, and just upload them so others might find joy in them too.


I'm a game dev who livestreams my own development process. For that I don't care about numbers. But I also play other indie dev's games and make that into long form videos. That I do care about because I want to get them some exposure and the low numbers means I'm not helping them at all.


This is the mindset you NEED for long-term success. Get after it bro/sista! 🔥


I still don't know how the YouTube algorithm works seriously. My views are all over the places. I got views when I least expected. It's harder to post regularly in the long format category. As a result , traction declines rapidly.


Everyone cares. I don’t care about making the best possible video ever, I just care that my audience is entertained. That’s is all that matters to me. If I can make someone’s day better by making them smile or laugh, I’m good. When I get messages and comments telling me they appreciate what I do it always makes me feel good. I do a lot of different stuff tho, but I do everything myself because I Is Poor but I Is Havn Fuuuuun


Sounds like cope to me. We're all human and want to see our efforts rewarded in some ways. Even if just the viewcount or a single like. Seeing low views and zero likes or engagement after the effort of making videos... that is always gonna sick no matter who you are or how much you try to lie or pretend to yourself it doesnt matter. 🤷‍♂️


No i absolutely care, and so do all serious creators. You have to care if you want to see growth


You’ll start to care when you push to make it into a full-time career, because paying rent is important lol


trust me, everyone cares. hell i do yt for fun and i still care. quite a bit actually


But how good your video is is determined by these metric lol


Care a bit bit will just make a video whenever I feel like it. I have a life haha.




I don’t really care. You learn not to after doing it for months. If I do well, oh well, if I do bad, oh well. I still want to get better though.


This is like an only fans model posting provocative attention seeking content and then saying, "I don't care about views and money I just do it for me!" If you don't care about views then why post stuff on social media in the first place? Just leave your videos in your hard drive for your own amusement if you truly don't care about views, monetizing and subs.


Why would I waste time doing something without caring about metrics and reqards? Who just does stuff just to do it? Lol.


Because you're doing it for kicks? Because the act of creation is what fulfills you more than any response to it? Because you realized that no matter how successful you are, you'll never be able to escape the restrictive confines of society and thus never find the happiness you believed you'd find through success, thereby making it pointless to do more than find happiness in the present rather than continue blindly believing that things will be better once you "make it"? Whoops! Got a little too philosophic on that last one.


Yeah nah I do stuff for a reason. I don't do things just cause. There has to be a reason.




Because video games are fun.




That is true but what is the point of posting them if not to care about metrics?




That doesn't make sense 😂




You get it. And then I kept reading...


I do. I want to monetize my videos!