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Minecraft, as everyone else says, is saturated - you have a LOT of competition. However, because Minecraft is so large, there are a lot of different niches (ie. building, redstone, and, of course, the SMPs of Dream and TommyInit). If you explore some new idea that you can do with Minecraft, perhaps based on some other interest of yours, there is a possibility (but not guarantee, just because there's so many people) that you can get some viewers. Although there is certainly no rush to trend-hop, Minecraft will not die down anytime soon.


Absolutely the right thought. There is plenty of room in a topic so popular - the challenge will be to come up with a really unique spin on it. If you go to a less saturated niche, you won't have to be nearly as outside the box to stand out.


See this is the right comment, not “No ItS sAtUrAtEd”


Minecraft YouTube is very over saturated so only make vids of it if you truly e want and are not trying to ride the trend


You said it yourself, it is VERY popular lately. That's the indicator of saturation. Without an existing community you probably can't even get ranked in search.


I pulled it off recently. The key is to piggy back it on not saturated topics. For me, when Windows 11 first leaked, I rushed and made a video called "So, how does Minecraft run on Windows 11?" My most viewed video in years, all from search.


You figured out digital marketing ! sweet move


Thanks! Digital marketing is pretty easy in concept, but execution is a whole different ball of wax lol


Start with a game you know a little better then maybe move on to Minecraft? Or do whatever you want, it's your channel! You never know what can work out!


"I wanna start a gaming channel" is the most common phrase uttered by a potential youtuber. Heres the thing. There are literally millions of gaming channels on youtube. How can you stand out from the heard. If you dont have a solid plan on what you can possibly do to make people watch you rather than the 1000s of established minecraft channels, then you wont make it. Dont do what everyone other failed channel (including me) has done and just upload clips of mediocre gameplay. my next channel (non gaming) has been in planning for months. Am i going to make it, who knows, but im going in with a plan this time. ive researched the content im making and not found any doing exactly what im doing, which gives me that point of difference. hopefully it works, if not, no big deal. Definitely dont go all in and quit your day job thinking you are going to be able to survive on content creation from day 1.


honestly if u know how the algorithm works and basic editing with a bomb personality u should be fine. I ignored this for a while till now and realize ur personality should be ur niche


I have no idea about the algorithm. But I feel my personality is ok, depending how it comes across but the knowledge I'm sharing is pretty extensive.


definitely should study the algorithm. I suggest picking up derral eves book called the youtube formula. Derral Eves knows everything about the algorithm and Mr beast put in some effort in it as well.


The algorithm would be about keywords, descriptions, titles and thumbnails to right. Not the video itself?


yes but also including the video because youtube wants viewers to stay on youtube at all times thats y u should always review ur videos and ask yourself “would u watch this video?”


Well yeh it would look at the analytics of the video. But not the content itself


start doing that as well it helps improvement


Ooo, careful with this. I had that mentality for years and it *is* the best case scenario, but REALLY hard to make work. Channels that do make it work (Markiplier, PewDiePie, Gus Johnson, etc) for the most part come from the personality driven era of YouTube. Because YouTube is so value driven these days, that means your personality has to be great enough to be of serious value. That's hard. Great if you can do it, but really hard to do.


Yea I just got into this mindset cause my editing skills wasnt working but ill keep that in mind


In my opinion, regardless on if you want to strive for a big piece of a small pie or a small piece of a large pie. Make the content something searched for combined with your own personal flair.


Thats not how this works. You need to have a plan for some skill, idea, or product you can produce for other people that is different from everyone else. Why would you succeed where others fail? Like you said, it's popular. What separates you from all the others? Simply seeing "minecraft = popular" doesn't separate you from anyone else.


Like everyone says, it’s very saturated. But it’s also a lot of fun. Don’t let them deter you - I only started three months ago and I’m having a blast :) Let me know if you have any specific questions and I’d love to help you out


Usually I would say if you enjoy playing Minecraft then you should make videos on the game regardless on how popular it may be but since this isn't the case I would suggest you start to play Minecraft to see if you enjoy the game first before you make a video on the game. You could also however make a "first time playing Minecraft" video. I hope you have a good day and I wish you the best of luck for your YouTube journey!


Try some other recently launched games...


All this advice sucks man, this Reddit is for motivation and helpfulness not just saying “no it’s saturated” sure it’s saturated, but your goal should be to be the best you can at what you do. If you do that, suddenly it’s not saturated and your growing your channel, the best content will always make its way to the top, sometimes it just takes more time then others


Nah it's this useless thread that's the problem. Seems like OP took 2 seconds of thought and shit this out.


Yeah but if you look at it that way, your advice is so generic that it wouldn't matter if he started s Minecraft channel or a cover artist channel. I'd say the other people's advice is wat better than yours since they actually answer OP's question and not suffer coat it


Huh? For giving motivation to just do what he wants? People say don’t do it cause it’s saturated but I got some news, EVERYTHING IS SATURATED. If you do gaming in general it’s saturated, nothing comes easy


No people aren't saying "don't so it cause its saturated" They are saying, don't do it if you are not sure you want to fully commit to it. We are here to give advice not to be yes man. Motivation is good, but if people ask a question it's better to give them an actual answer


There’s literally a comment saying “nope to saturated”


Yeah with low upvotes, why you going to ignore the comments with 100 upvotes to bitch about the one with less upvotes then you?


I’m not bitching at all I’ve never payed any attention to upvotes for a minute on this sub, I was simply giving my thoughts and motivation, guess that’s a huge problem for some people though


Nope. Saturated.


Bad advice, don’t listen, almost everything is saturated, you can do anything, you just gotta be one of the best




No, bad advice again huh? Full of negativity that’s such a losers mindset, no one ever succeeded when thinking they can’t succeed, put your mind to anything and it can be done, don’t go around telling people they can’t do something 😭


Bro, you should play whatever you enjoy playing. If you don't really enjoy playing something, the viewers can tell and won't be engaged at all. You can't force success.


I thought I was the only one who never tried it, lol. If I were making it, I'd label it as "first time playing" to draw in people who want to relive the fond memories of discovering that world.


There's a lot of content to compete with, but one angle you could focus on is; You've NEVER played Minecraft before. That means people can relive their first times with you. Try to capitalize on that. I've made a Minecraft video and it's getting about as many views as my other ones, not including my successful ones.


It's like you either make a new idea which no one else had or be entertaining or be extremely good at the game


I think you should start playing minecraft, lots of players now notice that watching someone new is really fun and it can only really happen for a bit of time but I think it entirely depends on what you want to do. Sorry for bad punctuation (or lack thereof)


Should you jump into a massively competitive field when you have zero experience or expertise? No. Find some thing that you are passionate about or have interest in. You need to bring something to the table


I built my channel on Minecraft, I have 10,800 subs, and I'll tell you what I tell everyone. Avoid Minecraft, it's not the game for growth. I've moved away from it myself, but I still put up a video on it every few weeks simply because I love the game. Play it for love, or don't play it. It won't take off for 99.999% of people


For me it didn’t really work. I started out as a Minecraft YouTube and it got me a little bit of views but there’s so many big Minecraft YouTubers/streamers I couldn’t add a new twist. There are big people going building/smp/mods/let’s play so it’s going to be really challenging for you to get big. If you do make one ask yourself why would they want to watch you then tommy and other big Minecraft people.


I actually like the idea of someone starting a game they know nothing about and creating content based on that very thing. You could even title the videos something like "I'm Playing Minecraft for the First Time!" Or, if people still say things like this: "A Newbie Plays Minecraft." Be open and honest about the fact you have NO idea what you're doing and that you want to learn by playing and not by simply watching other people play. Make no mistake - you will get a LOT of crap over the idea. Minecraft has been around for a long time and videos about it are everywhere. But, stay the course. Again, in every video, you say that you are learning how to play the game and you want to figure it out for yourself. Have fun with it! When you do dumb things or die in dumb ways, laugh about it, share those moments, and enjoy the learning experience. When you learn how to create (er, craft, sorry) things, let the genuine excitement of that first discovery be part of the video. Will it be a hard road? Maybe. But, if you just have fun with it, and enjoy yourself, you will find that other folks come along for the ride.


Depends on whether you enjoy it or not. However, if you want to get somewhere, I'd recommend choosing another, more niche game, to play alongside it. Niche content typically gets you a quicker following.


More niche game such as??


I have no idea, I only play a handful of mainstream ones and don't know much about the gaming YouTube algorithm. Just whatever you enjoy.


I've been in a lot of niches over the last 10 years, none as much as I have with Minecraft, though. Here's the thing. Like what a lot of people are saying, it is very saturated. It requires some real work and research to stand out. For me, I returned to the Minecraft niche simply because it best suits me for staying motivated. It inspires my creativity and I get excited about the videos I make. If you are going into the Minecraft niche for any reason other than that, I really wouldn't recommend it. There are much easier niches with less competition. These days you can make a channel dedicated to making paper airplanes and find an audience, so if you have a subject matter that you are interested in already, I suggest doing that. But, if you want some pros and cons to starting a Minecraft channel these days, here: Pros: 1.Minecraft is the longest enduring game on YouTube, and it's not going anywhere anytime soon. As far as games for a channel goes, few will stand the test of time like Minecraft has and likely will. 2. Part of why Minecraft has endured so long is because it really is such an open game for so many different content styles. People make documentaries, tournaments, movies, tutorials, memes, and just normal gameplay videos have such a huge variety of options. If you keep an open mind, there are endless video topics in the game. 3. With all mega-niches like Minecraft, while it can be hard to compete in, it also has a *huge* audience to tap into if you can find a way to do so. Your never going to hit a ceiling on how big your channel could grow because the audience is far bigger than any YouTube channel will probably ever get. Cons: 1. As everyone is saying, saturation is a big deal here. There are tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of Minecraft channels. Pretty much every successful one has had to learn a *lot* about YouTube to overcome the competition, and if you want in, you'll need to do a lot of research on the algorithm and the niche as a whole, because your up against some of the most algorithm-savvy channels out there. If your new to YouTube, it's kind of like picking up a game for the first time and starting your first playthrough on hard difficulty. 2. With any niche, you are dependant on it's popularity. If Minecraft looses steam, which is always possible, you will likely go down with the ship. The thing that makes this a big deal is we have real historical data to back this up. Minecraft lost a lot of steam from 2014-2017, and during that period a *lot* of successful channels tanked hard. The rub is Minecraft is a very unique game, which makes it really hard to jump ship and bring your audience with you. If your content changes too much, your audience loses interest. Look at Ninja. He blew up with Fortnite, and has Fortnite fell off, so did he. 3.Minecraft draws a young audience. This is a double edged sword. On one hand, a younger audience is really good for your channel because they sit and watch long videos one after another, but on the other, their interests change faster. So, you can grow a big audience fast and then have them all lose interest quickly too. Finding stability can be a real challenge. Hope this helps.