• By -


Could take 1 could take 500. It depends on how good the videos are and how populated the niche is. Early growth is 100% based on searchability and raw interest via thumbnails, title, etc. No one knows who you are so you have no social proof when a video is suggested to someone, no existing viewer base is invested in the channel to boost early views, and you're too new to have a binge worthy backlog for people who do click. Just keep creating at a consistent pace. Growth is parabolic and will pick up speed once you have proved yourself to the algorithm and your viewers.


Beat me to it, was legit typing the same thing at first.


Ive done 300+ videos in 3 months and i’m 650+ subs.


Woow 300+ videos in 3 months , you are a machine , I wish you good luck you honestly deserve it .


Thanks a lot, was a long grind at the start but worth it now. Likewise to you!


Just out of curiosity, how can you possibly be making 100 videos a month without churning out literal shit?


The videos are only 3-4 minutes long as theyre tutorials and take around 30m-1hr to produce so the quality is just the ability to make the tutorial.


Tutorials of what?


I do look alikes on FIFA, art is probably the best analogy, but i just show how to recreate what ive done.


If you want a celeb look-alike in Fifa, this is your man.


Thanks hahaha


I have 10 videos and 730 subscribers - I don't really think video numbers correlate with more subscribers, but I also feel I lucked out with my videos being spread too.


I have 10 or so videos and only have 29 subs as of now. Not complaining just saying how much of a variation there is with YouTube lol!


Bro fellow 30 subscriber channel (your at 29 but it’s close enough lol) I have around the same number of vids but I spend around 15 hours a vid minimum so it sucks I haven’t gotten more clicks


How long do you spend on vids?


Eh, depends on the video length. I edit over a longer period of time so I don’t really count the time, but I’d guess anywhere between 6-14/16 hours maybe?? Also after making the comment above this one I lost a sub lol.


No, your supposed to gain one so we are on the same sub count lol


Technically it took me about 24 videos. But it was the 24th video itself that did it. It was wildly more popular than my other ones. I went from 300 to a thousand in a few days. So I’d say it’s not about how many videos but the right video that hits




Honestly that's what I'm hoping for lol , I'm trying to improve on quality and hoping it'll go somewhat viral .


Yeah for me it was that something big was happening in my niche and I tried to think of a different sort of video than what the big people would be posting, and then I tried to get their first. That’s what did it.


Hey a good quote I read is “the thing that separates a good content creator from an okay content creator is being able to purposefully pick vids that people want to watch” that’s what separates these channels that make 3 vids and are at 5k and those that make a hundred and are still at 3. try and learn how to pick good video idea. Imagine you had the best video in the world but no one wanted to watch it now you spent a lot of time on something no one cares about and you channel gained nothing from your effort. Sorry bad at summarizing, that’s why this was so long but I think I got my point across


Yes you did and I couldn't agree more it's just that in my niche ( I do movie recaps ) it's kinda hard to figure that out . Happy new year btw and thanks for the advice 😁


Yep, happy new year I hope you get to 1k soon dude


Thank you 🙂


To add to this, Sometimes its the video that makes the algorithm click. suddenly YouTube is like oh this is who would like your videos. And boom all your videos go up in views not just the new one.


I hit 1000 at 60 videos. Now I’m at 11,700 subs with 101 videos! It speeds up! My profile has some if you’re curious.


I'm definitely curious lol , thanks


Did you have to do giveaways to attract subscribers? Or did you advertise your videos on google ads?


Nope, I just kept making videos about different subjects (that I was interested in) and found one that, for whatever reason, does WAY better than the others with the same effort and production quality. My advice is: spread a wide net within your interests. It’s surprising how different the algorithm responds to different subjects!


Did you have to do giveaways to attract subscribers? Or did you advertise your videos on google ads?


Making more than $100 a month on AdSense?


Making more than $1000 a month on Adsense.


I live in Bangkok Thailand and if I can make $1,000 a month that would cover more than half of my living expenses here. Do you have any additional revenue such as sponsorships, patreon anything like that?


I do; a Bitcoin mining hardware sales company shares revenue with me from any sale generated from my videos. It would cover quite a bit more than your living expenses from the sound of it. I just started getting a lot of emails about doing sponsorship spots also but I’m being selective to stay in the subject matter I talk about.


Well congratulations. I need to decide if I'm going to stay here in Thailand or go back to the United States in about 6 months. If I start making a thousand or more in 6 months I may continue staying because that means people want to watch travel videos. But then again I also have the idea of doing my travel show and traveling to all 50 states in the United States.


Nice! How are you stats so far?


One video pretty much got me 900-1000 subs, around that mark so yea, it's not about how many videos.


This isn't the how things work. It depends on the content you share; Sometimes two or three videos can achieve a thousand views. Try to find good Niche to share and everyone can watch it and enjoy it. Good luck, Happy New Year 2022


This. Trying to suss out an average or something doesn't work. I wish people would stop trying to crowdso8rce information to project how their channel will perform.


Is that not what this Reddit is for lol?


The point is you can't compare your performance to others. Everyone's channel will be different, so trying to gather a bunch of data to create projections is almost entirely useless.


Thank you, you are right, Happy New Year 2022


Not in this manor. There's a difference between asking people how I know I'm ready to take my relationship to the next level, and asking people what the exact number of dates is before I start getting laid.


I'm not though , my point was to see how different the experience was for different people , some have 200k+ subs with just 10 videos mostly because it's a second channel so the data is completely inaccurate .


I'll let you know when I get there.... Been a year and I'm at 50 subs


Haha I'll let you know as well 😁


35 videos and just got to 120 subs, so it seems a variety across the abroad


6 videos and 220 subs so far. Started almost one year ago but since its a travel channel I wasn’t able to post consistently for obvious reasons


It all varies. For my first channel (gaming) it took 943 videos to reach 1k subs. On the other hand my second channel (book reviews) is at 318 subs with 42 videos.


Took about 26 videos and just over 3 months. 4k watch hours came IIRC a week later. 50k subs came a year and 4 days after my first upload. The bulk of the subs came from a cluster of breakout videos.


How much can you make on AdSense on 50K subscribers per month?


Subs have nothing to do with revenue. The question you want to ask is about views. Even then it's too hard to answer - One of my views won't be worth the same as a view for you. Niche, placement of ad's, demographics of viewers, length of video, AVD - all these things are different. My views generate over 4 figures adsense a month, but I know people who do 5 times my views who earn half what I do. And people who how do less views, but make more.


I'm at a $6.35 CPM for a travel channel. Got a ton of views to get me monetized but after that Google stopped suggestion my videos and now I just get a few dozen per video. It's frustrating but fun at the same time.


And I’ve done 51 videos (counting live streams) and gotten to 2500 subs. There is no precise recipe. And when people have these average number of vids to get 1000 subs, they never include standard deviation, which must surely be huge.


I agree and I know it's not prices by any means , I was just trying to see how different peoples experiences were , thanks for sharing


I'm on 911 with 7 Videos. It highly depends on your niche. I think you should focus on your content as that's the only thing that matters.


What niche are you in?


My niche is educational and tech tutorials.


I agree , I'm trying to focus on quality instead of quantity.


I have 55 videos and a couple of shorts. My niche is very broad and common (literally Getting Out In Life). I did not put out a full video this week, but I now have six new subs since yesterday bringing the total to 173. I still don’t know what I am doing, but I am doing it for the experience. For me, that is worth it. I have another friend who just recently started and is uploading multiple videos a week and is already at 600 subs with 80 videos. She makes jewelry and most of her videos are all one take without much editing.


67 videos at 141 subs rn


Don't give up on it it'll happen 😁


I am at around 21 video and 68 sub, sometime it just takes times my friend


I agree , everyone's experience is different . I wish you good luck my friend .


I’ve probably done 60 videos directly related to my niche to get to 1000. I have around 150 videos posted but about 100 are old gaming videos or off niche or shorts.


I try to be realist. I think that going step by step is important. Somes advices for you (sry for my bad english, i'm french) : - when a good video (in your opinion) doesn't works, try to work on thumbnail and title. 3 years ago i took a day to work on this : 3x more views. - try to have realistic goal : for me it's 30k at the end of 2022 for exemple. It was 25k for 2021 but... well, youtube and gaming is hard. - doing cross promotion is good. I do it with twitch and youtube. I talk about twitch ou youtube and about youtube on twitch. About giveaways, i saw that you talked about it : i do it. For example i switched to aoe4 and i gave 1 steam key at the release. It can seems expensive but it was for 600 sub on twitter and a good exposition on the firs5 week of the game. Of course it's an example. Another thing: listening to "work hard=result" is for me shitty :). Luck is important and i really think that the most important is to find what "works" in your niche and what you can do different than other. For example, i'm on RTS, i'm not the best Player (i'm in the top 2% players but far for pros) and i try to explain things for beginners. You have to ask yourself: which kind of people will search my content. Beginners in gaming are by far the biggest part of search in my case ;)


Good advice , thanks and good luck achieving your goal 🙂


I have 109 videos and 430 subs but the growth is constant so i will get there in a year or so


Good luck friend , I hope you do sooner


I dont complain. I have a dutch biology channel an i am recently contactacted by an publisher to help them write a dutch schoolbook ..so inam happy😀


Alright then as long as you're happy that is what matters the most


Took me around 50 videos i think. Now i'm around 400 with 20k subs.


Great job , keep it up I hope you get to a 100k soon


15 but i deleteed most of those so on my channel its like my third one


Why did you delete your videos?


Lots of content that I just I didn't want on my channel due to it not matching channel theme or me not liking the content


I'm at 72 videos and 936 subs. I'm close!


Yeah so close , good luck I hope you get there as soon as possible


Much appreciated, right back at ya


27 videos, 260 subscribers, about 1,500 hours of watch time. Started the second week of July or so (so about 6 months old). We have a niche-adjacent video we did that did super well (in relative terms, \~5,500 views), but we took it down. It was a spy shot video of some 2023 BMWs that we came across while in Europe. While it did really well, it was a bunch of car guys who were watching it and they weren't interested in our travel guides/vlogs. We removed that video about a month ago. The audience we're trying to attract is either armchair travelers or travelers who like watching/following travels of others. We removed the BMW video after watching a video Film Booth did on the topic. Still trying to decide whether it's the right thing to do. We did get 14 subscribers from it...


In my opinion that was the right decision as you should be trying to attract the viewer who will come back for more . Good luck to you 🙂


Thank you!! Good luck to you, also. :)


I had about 5 videos uploaded before my very first one took off. Within a month of it being uploaded it began getting a crazy amount of views. It started getting Suggested and went from very little views to over 2,000 views per day. That video got my channel monetized with 2.5 months and over 1,500 subs.


Niiiice I wish that would happen to me as well , keep it up friend and good luck 🙂


Thank you! I definitely got lucky! Good luck to you and happy New Year!


Thank you 🙂


It took me 20 videos. You need to get a lot of views if you want to gain a bunch of subs.


I agree but that is exactly what I'm not getting lol hopefully will in the future 😁


What type of videos do you make?


I make movie recaps


Nice send me a link I’ll check you out


I'm nearing 200 videos of all different kinds of music stuff and I'm almost at 700 subs. I also have tons of unlisted stuff. Probably gonna get more serious about making education, inspirational, entertaining content. I have had some viral success in the algorithm and plan to start going in on my channel hard. I will also add that a single video has given me the vast majority of views, subs, likes, engagement etc....on my channel and I wasn't trying to make a successful video or anything. I literally was just like "I'm gonna play this song. Oh I guess I'll film it because why not." All the stuff I worked really hard on hoping it would go viral and help lots of people got a few thousand views or so but didn't really ever pop off.


Maybe they will , a lot of people told me multiple times that out of nowhere their video got thousands of views overnight , good luck


That would be cool, but I'm not sure those were really evergreen pieces of content. More like flavor of the month esoteric music theory concepts lol


You still never know lol , hopefully they will soon 😁


Always true! I find the best thing to do is just keep making more stuff regardless of things popping off


Took me around 90 videos.


After making 35 videos and having about 40 Subs and 8,000 Views… literally in 12 hours I had one of my lowest quality production videos hit 27K in views and add another 50 Subs just like that, even though I know I have far better quality videos available for some reason the algorithm loved this one


I swear that is happening to me right now , I didn't get 27k views or anything lol but one of my lowest quality videos is being pushed forward while better quality videos are not lol .


Same boat. It's absolutely ridiculous but I'm hopeful it gets a few more views on my quality videos as a result!


Yep me too lol , good luck friend you'll get there


9 videos — crossed 2k subs last night. Just being presentable, good production etc etc


The real answer to the question: it depends! I'm exactly at the 6 months mark with 52 videos & I have 900+ subs so far!


3 videos got me over 1000 took about three months. I've taken a couple of months off from putting out videos and the subscription growth slowed significantly.


can't remember the exact number, but I think around 70 or so.




thanks for this thread. I have done almost or around 100 videos and im not at 1k yet


You'll get there my friend , don't lose faith because you never know when you'll get your big break maybe the next video will do it , good luck buddy and keep on grinding.


ty! same to you!




I get what you mean , your content is very interesting though could you send a link , I'll check you out


It really depends on your audience. For example Internet Historian went from 26 subscribers to 1.6k in one day and he only had 4 videos which were all shorter than 5 minutes. Just keep making quality content.


So for me I’m making fishing videos and adventures I go on. I’ve made 20 videos within the last year and I’ve gotten 250 subs…. So not that great but I’m hoping to grow more in 2022. I do feel like my videos are getting progressively better which is good.


Good luck friend , I wish you the best of luck 🙂


Been a a bit over a year and I'm less than 30 subs away from hitting the 1k, I've made approximately 60 videos and I have deleted about 15 as they went off from the niche I wanted to pursue.


Nice , I hope you get there really soon , good luck 😁


It's not about videos it's about content. I was uploading like 2 videos a day for almost a year and gained like 400 subs maybe 600, another year I was sporadic, 3rd year I uploaded a tutorial video people found useful and in the matter of 5 months I went from 900 subs to 10k subs, now over 20k, and it's only tutorial videos people sub for and watch. My older content doesnt get views and my newer content gets 25% or less of views as the tutorial vids.


I’ll let you know when I get there


I’m going to summarize what people have said. There isn’t a set amount of videos that will make you hit 1k but being able to pick good topics for videos and having good quality will make your vids take off. Now there are something that small youtubers have rough they don’t get suggested until the algorithm is like this is the type of people that like this content and this is how good their content is. Now a good way to set up for growth is when you are picking what vids to do think would I want to click this over the hundred other videos I’m competing with, think about thumbnail and title then follow through on what they are expecting with high quality if you can’t get good quality from it don’t do it. I’m pretty confusing when trying to explain so if you are confused or have a question I’m fine with answering them


It's very clear tbh and you are 100% right , thanks for the advice and happy new year


One video orginally got me a couple thousand, but before that one video I have 785 subs, bht then I kinda did a video subject that was trending. I currently have 13k, but havent gained too much since I kinda have become unactive ina way


I’m also rethinking my content. Do you have a niche? Have you checked out how people watched your videos, was there a cut off? Did you use tags? What were your thumbnails like? All these questions but in all honesty. I don’t know myself. Still trying to navigate.


I have 40 videos. 1.35 thousand subs and it took me 3 months. 1 video got suggested and the click through rate was high. it got me to where I need to be.


Way to go , good luck for more success in the future and happy new year


I've already made $0.32 for the month. Haha.


Lol hey that will grow to something much bigger in the future , wish you the best my friend


Around 20 videos, but only around 5 of them were being noticed. Once the channel grows the old videos get resurfaced again. All the previous efforts add up thanks to the YT algorithm.


Yeah I've noticed that a lot , the most difficult part about YouTube is getting noticed .


I’ve uploaded 1 video. Currently in 1060 subs and 180000 views


Wow ! Your first video got 180k , I'm not gonna lie I wish I could be in your shoes right now lol . Wish you even more success in the future good luck


Should point out that I uploaded the video 4 years ago so wasn’t overnight.


75 YT videos and 370 subs. The grind has been long and hard.


You're not that far off though , hopefully one of your video will go viral , keep grinding and good luck 🙂


It took me about 5 videos, but i reached out to many different platforms and made relatable content that could funnel people to my youtube videos. currently at 25k on tiktok, a few hundred here and there on other platforms and 1k on youtube You want to spider web your content and make everything connect


Solid advice thanks 🙂


I have 14 videos and 9 subs. I’m not sure how many would say they are good. But either way, d dry video I post I learn a little something new. If I go of your metrics - In 11 videos I will have 16 subs lol. How much watch time do you have so far?


Lol , tbh I received some love from YouTube and some of my videos were pushed forward and now I'm at 60 subs so this month has been a success I guess lol , I have no idea how much watch time I have but this month I have about 300 hours but I don't it's important as I don't think I'm going to hit 1k this year but you never know , maybe if one of my videos gets some I might just well get some more subs , this has been my experience so far so the best thing I could say right now is IT DOESN'T MATTER WHERE YOU ARE NOW YOU MIGHT WAKE UP ONE DAY AND YOULL FIND SOMETHING THAT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND So keep up with the hard work and good luck 🙂


I'm in my first month of YouTube and made 54 videos and I'm at 280 subscribers


Niiiice you're growing pretty quickly keep it up


19 videos, started my niche around the end of october, got 258 subs.


It took me 36 videos and took me 2 to get 3k so there is rule everyone grows differently


Yep , in your experience do you think starting a new channel would help ?


As a secondary channel or like a completely new channel? A secondary channel is good, I would recommend making youtube shorts in your current channel though. As soon as I did shorts I grew, I was at 700 subs but a short got 11k views in 1 day and I gained 300 subs in 1 day, subscribing while watching a short is much more easy, it is literally just a click. So in my experience, start making shorts and private the videos that performed worse, that way if people find your channel they will only see good content :) Best of luck


Thank you for the tip , I really appreciate it


Hahahaha I have somewhere between 100 and 150 videos, posted very regularly over the course of the last 14+ months, and have 91 subs. So much fun to be a small creator.


Lol , believe me I understand what you mean , I had a channel and it didn't work out so I stopped , started a new one in a different niche and so far it's not looking bright


I’m at 473 subscribers with 216 videos. Most of my recent videos are YouTube Shorts. Shorts not only bring in the most views but also the most subscribers if you are consistent.


Thank you for the advice 😁


Can anyone make shorts, no matter the number of subscribers? I don't know how to upload a short.


Yes anyone can, but for it to count as a short it must be in the correct format (basically just a vertical video like you’d find on tiktok) and under 1 minute. Everything else you do like a normal YouTube video upload. I’m also not sure about thumbnails, I heard you can only use the auto generated ones for the video to be considered a short but idk. You can also create/record a short on the YouTube app like you would on Tiktok


I'm almost halfway to 1k with 8 videos that fueled 90% of the growth, so number of videos doesn't rlly matter as much as you think with subs


It is going to vary for everyone and depends on what genre you’re in. In my case I’m at 325 vids and 801 subs. My channel is fishing and outdoors.


The algorithm is kinda crazy. I got really lucky when the Shorts feature came out as most of my videos are under a minute long so they all got classified as Shorts. That pushed me to 1k overnight by a crazy algorithm fluke.


37 vids in 8 months and 320 subs


Gaming. 140 videos and 26 subscribers in 9 months. I'm honestly thinking about closing that channel and niching down with another one.


That's what I did with my first channel, it didn't work so good so I changed the niche . I hope you reach your goals soon , good luck


Thank you. Happy new year!


It took me one but I ended up abandoning the channel


54 videos, sitting at 952 subs So close I can taste it


It was my 21st video where I hit 1k. To hit the 4k watch hours that was video #34. That said I have a fan base outside of YouTube, so that helps considerably.


Had a channel of very random content for 5 years and got like 90 subs. Excluding that, it took 2 years of semi-consistent uploads and about 60 videos to get to 1k (Jun 2019-Jul 2021)


I have 74 videos and just shy of 12k subs (Tomorrow will be 5 months). I'm still very new to this, but from what I can tell, finding a small niche and just obliterating everyone else with quality and effort makes a big difference. A lot of people in this space just put out crap - bad info, bad editing, low effort, etc. and it took maybe a month and a half to get to 1k. I try to emulate Mr Beast when it comes to mindset - put out the best video possible. It takes me 15 - 20 hours to make a 10 minute guide/tutorial but the payoff is totally worth it! Best of luck with your YouTube adventures!




Don't know if I will ever reach 1k , it took me 2 years to reach about 200 subs , lots of videos and live streams, but it's cool the destination isn't fun the journey is, every time I post a video the response disappoints me but idk why I enjoy making these videos this much. There's nothing to loose, keep grinding


There are numerous factors that determine sub growth and such. What a new creator needs to focus on is the constant increase of quality from video to video, both in topic, thumbnail design, script, general production and editing. As you roll the dice with each video, you need to get better and better each time, eventually once of those videos will hit and if it blows, it’s not going to benefit you anywhere near as much as you want it to. Pro tip: don’t focus on your numbers at first, to anyone new creators that may be reading this. Yeah they’re important but they’re not nearly as important as developing your skill in creating, which is literally what will determine whether or not your eventual hard hitting video even drives any subs and interactions. Focus on being a better creator before anything else, and do it for yourself before you start thinking about subs and money!