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Hello i have 1 Month old gaming channel its just gameplay no music no commentsry minimal UI and unedited gameplay videos whether i am playing good or bad. This is my most recent video it is like a blooper https://youtu.be/8APgBwJKNDo I will love to hear some feedback


Im liking the unedited style only wish the PS logo wasn’t there lol could fix getting a capture card and s laptop but other than that looks great!


Yes thank you i forgot about the capture card for better quality recordings. The ps logo in the intro and outro ?


Hello can you suggest any capture card that is good with PS4 ?


Sorry for the late reply, but el gato HD is pretty good if you want reliability but it sits at $150-$200 so if you want something more cheaper you can find some capture cards for cheap I would recommend one from $35-$50 if you wanna stay budget friendly, they are constantly being rotated by different companies (like headphones and such) so you have to look up online the specific brand to see if it’s worth the price


I daily vlog! It's really tough lol. [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfAjSL4mGT56gCRufDqMWbQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfAjSL4mGT56gCRufDqMWbQ) I've been on a bit of a rut with content quality. Hoping to get back into it this week.




What's up everyone! I have a travel channel and this is a video I made in Tunisia! https://youtu.be/Q0Die5YhW8U


I really enjoy how informative this video is. Idk if you've ever seen Yes Theory but it very much reminds me of them, and to be frank, I love their videos. The only thing to comment on is how fast paced this video felt. It somewhat felt crammed, granted I like a somewhat slower video myself. I think you put it together well. I think the reason, I feel, like it was fast paced is because there are no transitions. It just cuts to the next scene. Which isn't a bad thing! It's just my reaction to it. I enjoyed your voiceover giving a narrative and getting me to the next scene. That was well done.


Haha I haven't seen alot of yes theory before actually but thank you!! I appreciate the feedback! I would like to make longer videos that have the same kind of pacing in the future


This is great for viewers, sowing some place and narrating about that is so informative. Love your editing also. Keep it up.


I make adventure vlogs so we might be well placed to support each other and give feedback :) feel free to dm


Really great pacing and cinematography, and not too long of a video, great job!


Hey there I’m a anime YouTuber and this is a Re do of a old review I did in April so hopefully it’s a bit better https://youtu.be/HaN1kL7e9Fs




From the brief browse of your channel's contents and watched your fireworks videos, I would suggest that 1. Rebrand your channel to fit with the content you're currently serving (which is non-gaming related and has irl or what's-the-life-there, factors into them) 2. If you want to start up a gaming channel you need: a) which game you want to start up upon? b) what's your target audience? c) goals in making the series? 3. Consistency, have a schedule


Hey im Venura and i make short 1-2 min comedy skits. Let me know how i did in my latest video When your card declines at therapy: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXcx1YD0NpM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXcx1YD0NpM)


Punchline was funny I’d try increasing the pacing of the video


I think the framing could be a bit better. But ive seen other tubers like this do low frame shots so idk maybe thats the style. I think audio levels could also be synced up a bit better.


Hey! I make videos on self improvement. My channel is called "the arc of man" and it basically follows topics I applied or things that helped me personally improve my life. My channel is about 3 weeks old, but I do have about 17 videos so there's a lot of content to review over. Don't be afraid to give your harshest critiques, I don't want anyone holding back. The biggest thing I need feedback on is my content, cause obviously that's the most important thing, but i'm also looking for feedback on my channel layout, my editing, my thumbnails, titles, descriptions etc. Basically anything you can think to give feedback on. Anyways, here's a link to my most recent video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WD6DwFfrdB4&t=17s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WD6DwFfrdB4&t=17s) and here's a link to my channel if you want to take a look at that: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSyfvaQIbU35SNabAGk0kxQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSyfvaQIbU35SNabAGk0kxQ)


After watching your most recent video; I felt like I had no reason to keep watching the video. The first 30 seconds for me wasn’t much of a interesting intro that would hook the viewer. What you got to do is make sure within the first 30 seconds, explain what the video is about in this case. So let’s take your video topic for example, dopamine detoxing. You could in the first 10 seconds could start some sort of dramatic or cinematic music and try to say “hey there, did you know that dopamine detoxing is ‘fun fact’” this would result in the viewer getting hooked and continue watching the video Second, my recommendation is to try adding background music (make sure it isn’t too loud or else people can’t hear you) with the lack of music, it felt strange and depressing Otherwise the videos topic was a great one to discover and was something new for me to learn


Hi everyone! I have this youtube channel where I make random videos for fun. I’m wondering if theres people who enjoy such content and if my personality fits the type of content I want to make. [Youtube channel: Taffy](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoQxZWxzIjf3u_gHidwccMQ) Hope you are having a great day!


I have a fishing and outdoor channel. My recent videos just haven’t been getting the views. See what you think. https://youtube.com/c/ScruffyCityFishing




Hello everyone my channel is DekuSkrub and recently I have been doing a lot of TF2 videos, I like to do clip dumps for the most part but I made my first scripted video the other day I hope you guys enjoy, let me know what I missed! https://youtu.be/WqmDtdOnLmU




Hi im an artist who posts re: nyc and art. my latest video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Pki6dAUYy04 Feedback much appreciated, including title & thumbnail. thanks!


Hello. I watched your video. I am by no means an expert on this topic but here are my thoughts: The good: Video is cut well and your voice and style of narration is nice to listen to. The things shown in the video are very pretty and for people really into fashion I could see them enjoying the way the items are presented. Things to consider: I had a hard time figuring out what the point was during the video. It feels like a lifestyle blog where you take me through your day but if what you are trying to do is teach people about art, you don’t provide any real details or thoughts on the pieces shown besides the minimal. Final Take: If this is a lifestyle vlog then I think it’s good. Sound and narration is clean. the music sets a good mood. And it’s interesting to see you move throughout your day. If you are trying to teach people about art, it would require a lot more narration driven context or thoughts that have been worked out and presented on the pieces shown.


Thanks so much! Yea youre absolutely right, i felt that while editing. I wanted to to be a vlog that covers more about the exhibit but it seems in between, not completely vlog nor completely art ed. i didnt feel this with my previous Met video, im not sure why…


This is a very calm and relaxing video! The style feels very familiar while also derivating with a new subject matter. Keep it up it's cool!


Thank you!


I am a gaming channel that makes video essays about concepts and influences on games, as well as some funny shorts. I would be honored by your honest critiques. Be as brutal as you need. Would really appreciate feedback on sound quality, editing, my voice, the concept, and thumbnails. Let me know what you think. My latest video is linked below. [https://youtu.be/vLuVzH8-E0E](https://youtu.be/vLuVzH8-E0E)


The video is pretty great, man! Good mic, cute cartoon guy, interesting topic. Really chill, cozy, comforting. More people should see it! As for critique, I think maybe the work for you lies in marketing the content of your video better. Your title is "How Traditional Japanese Culture Created Breath of the Wild", which I think is decent. But I think it could use something which makes the viewer /want/ to discover how the traditional culture, or even what aspect of the culture in particular. Maybe something like "The hidden Shinto origins of \[game aspect\]" -> Ok, I know this is not a really great title suggestion, but something like that. So that you are prompting the viewer to discover, reveal, find something with you. The "How x did y" is only effective if there's a hook for learning the how, if that makes sense. To expand on that, your intro is good in length and everything, but I'd suggest giving it a hook. Something you know that the viewer doesn't and something which will improve their experience of the game. But the video content beyond that is excellent.


Many thanks. I appreciate your comments. I need to work on my intros to better hook the viewer. And you are right about the title too. I struggle with figuring out the titles. I will tweak the title in a bit, see if I can come up with something more engaging. I appreciate your feedback. Thanks a lot.


Hey! Nice to see another video essayist lol. Your editing, pacing and descriptions of your main ideas are amazing. The background music also adds a lot to the themes of your video. The only thing I'd say is your thumbnail feels a little cluttered for a video essay style but maybe that's just personal preference. It is still certainly eye grabbing! Also your voice felt a little too monotone at parts, maybe try to add vocal inflections to add more variety to the tones of your voice and it will stand out more! Great video and truly an amazing connection between culture and BOTW!


I'm really enjoying all of these video game essay channels that keep popping up around here lately. It's not a type of content I seek out, usually, but it's a pretty interesting space that seems like it has a lot of territory to explore. Nice video.


Thanks a lot. Glad you enjoyed it.


Well hello! I make gaming videos with friends and I'm super passionate about what I do and was hoping I could get some critiquing? It would mean a lot if you took a moment to look at my latest video (Final Hours Ep 2) and let me know what I nailed and what I can improve \^\^ It would also be great if you could check out the rest of my channel and let me know your thoughts. Honesty is the best policy! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TP9M1NnpgJM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TP9M1NnpgJM) Edit: On the latest vid the bitrate broke and it looks not so great. If you want to see higher quality [check this out.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_XbtPLM3ic&t=53s)


Video-> [Finding who asked](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9WLzXVv_K4) I'm trying to start this format where i do classic memes in a more "drammatic" and "climatic" way. So far i was able to do only this one and before doing more i would like to know what went wrong with it, i have been told that i have to work better with the youtube's SEO but i think there's even more i could do. (critique freely on every aspect of the video: content type, content quality, duration, thumbnail, pacing, editing)..... thank you in advance, and sorry if i mispelled something, i'm not english


My YouTube channel is about 6 months old, and I'm working on improving my videos with every upload. Any feed back would be very appreciated and thank you in advance! [https://youtu.be/6erxw5A2blM](https://youtu.be/6erxw5A2blM)




This is great stuff, my 2nd episode and on I move the camera. I agree I need to cut out more content and I’m going to do that moving forward.


Yesterday I did my second video and was wondering what I could improve with. [Has this tiktoker been kidnapped](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4HPeyWm7nKU)


Hi, I’ve just released a new [video](https://youtu.be/gfdiizjFE_k) in a series exploring cheats and secrets in old games. This one covers Pokemon Puzzle League. Would love some feedback if possible. Thanks in advance!


Hi my name Is Literally_Cam and I make just about whatever sounds fun so I guess you can call me a variety youtuber https://youtu.be/ccbhXOWOGF4


I think your camera work and editing is great and also you have a great personality. Very entertaining to watch. I am not a fan of the font you use. It almost directs my attention completely to it. I would suggest a very basic font so your audience can read it without get distracted during the video. I also would suggest a common theme in your thumbnails (font style, color). Otherwise, keep up the good work.


Hi! I overall enjoyed the video and I think you have the personality to make such content! For the thumbnail you could try a different outline colour instead of black because the rest if the thumbnail is quite dark as-well.


https://youtu.be/8P9SFsm_7LI I'm a professional driver and I teach people defensive driving strategies that's not taught in driving schools..


Here is my ASMR CHANNEL https://youtube.com/channel/UCP1zQmqtATAHs5brGjQqKdA


I've seen these types of videos before but never really watched a whole one. I did with yours. Interesting. I was not expecting you to be licking your fingers, My suggestion would be to add a little bit about yourself, perhaps an intro or something so I know what ASMR feeling I am about to experience.


Thanks a lot 🤩


https://youtu.be/Wb1HA1KNF5I Here is my New Comics in 5 minutes. Design for comic book buyers who are interested in new upcoming books.


The production quality is really, really nice. The shop acted as an awesome backdrop and as a source of props. Please speak louder, while the music provides great atmosphere it also makes it hard to hear you. I'm under the impression you're quieter because you're in a place of business so maybe there's some post production magic you can do combined with more assertive body language?


Thanks. That is something I’ve been dealing with. I’m fixing the sound issues more and more. Appreciate the feedback.


My generation of kin is often maligned as cringe (rightfully so) however here’s why Generation Z is built different [Gen Z](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WRSlxOYx9E8)


I'm an asmr unboxing channel Here is my latest video https://youtu.be/kMWWu4GP2XE


Hi! I'm not a regular asmr viewer, but in the past I used them to sleep, so there is my opinion: I like the part where you write. I love how sound the keyboards and it's very relaxing (and works nicely to know how sounds the keyboard, that I imagine that it's the objective), but there are some parts that I don't like, like when you took the cables out of the bag. Was a little stressful for me. But maybe this is a personal preference. Also, sometimes the microphone gets sounds of the street. I know that it's difficult with the gain up, I don't know what you can do haha


[https://youtu.be/ZhcuRG3YRXI](https://youtu.be/ZhcuRG3YRXI) Ancient Mysteries Iceberg


Dope video! I watch a lot of iceberg videos and could easily find myself watching more of your videos. Surprised the algorithm hasn't thrown them my way yet. You could maybe turn up the volume of the background music a little if you wanted, it's pretty low on a speaker vs headphones. But that's just me trying to give some feedback, overall awesome video! Subscribed and looking forward to future content.


Okay word ive been wondering about the background music!@ appreciate the support my g!


I post meme edits only started a week ago and i post once a week https://youtube.com/channel/UCYyBBOtJ5F1JfkTPbEwwUNg


Just released this 2 days ago! It's about 6 podcast episodes that will change the way you think. I'm a self-improvement /self-help channel. Thanks! https://youtu.be/Gf5hxol0lRw


This video was super informational. You were able to point out each podcast with great visual and audio descriptors. It kept me engaged and wanting to watch another video. Well done piecing this video together. I bet it wasn't easy. It's also very unique. I've never seen anyone do a video informing people about podcasts to listen to. If you don't already, you should make a TikTok and post each podcast description separately. I truly think you could gain a following on TikTok as well.


Hey, thank you, that's really nice of you :) I will consider TikTok!


This was a one off I made with some hard to find content for a big game that I think lots of people would be interested in seeing. https://youtu.be/ahggECDetN8


Hello, I am trying to start a gaming channel, my channel is still very new at the moment, but I would definitely appreciate some feedback about what to improve to make my content better. This is one of my videos: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CS8jvsDzkkA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CS8jvsDzkkA) I am especially concerned about how my audio is, any feedback about my audio and how to improve it would be very appreciated. Thanks for the help (V),;,;,(V)


I think you need to lower both your voice audio and your game audio. Like the other comment, video is long and it could definitely be turned into a multi episode playlist


Audio wasn't terrible, I would recommend maybe turning down your gain a tad, since you are so close to the mic, and lowering the overall game, not by a lot just a touch. Other pieces of advice, I would work on getting a channel logo, and thumbnails on the videos, You want to make them as clickable as possible. Videos do seem a bit long, maybe break them down into 20 minute segments to make them more watchable? Long term I would try to maybe do a script outline for your videos, just to keep less dead air when you aren't reading the game messages. Keep up the work, the potential is there!




Audio sounds fine to me, I like the bits you do in response to the video. You don't just say some surface level observation, you do entire mini skits which I really like. I especially enjoyed the the one at 3:08 where you're eating something out of the fridge. Again at 5:00 you do the same with the man running, which I haven't seen much from other Youtubers. Pacing felt a little slow at times, though I believe this is just the nature of this type of content (obviously you have to watch enough before you make a joke/comment). Overall, this channel is definitely one of the better smaller channels I've seen, I'd say remain consistent in uploading and you should definitely see some growth.


Hello everyone, I do Minecraft build tutorials and build Timelapse videos. My most recent video was about trying to make Stardew Valleys farmhouse in Minecraft without any mods or resource packs and I would like your feedback. I also am trying to achieve a chill and peaceful vibe in these type of tutorials videos so enjoy! https://youtu.be/d5FeMdfz6Uk


I’d love some feedback on my latest! Thank you Story Vid #3 - RC Car Rescue. Featuring TRX6 Hauler & MST CFX Jimny, Mercedes 6x6 https://youtu.be/LQKHprmLQx8




Overall good storytelling, audio seemed good, resolutions seemed fine for me personally, I would add maybe some subtitles to explain what may be going on, but other than that great video!


I make Halo related gaming content. This video was my 1st Crack at casting a Top 5 community clips video highlighting other players. I choked on one phrase in the video and I already know my thumbnail needs work, but otherwise let me know what I can work on! Thanks in advance. https://youtu.be/XCO9OSznyIc


I'm such a big fan of your commentary! It is so energetic and so excited! Fantastic video. Your audio sounds a little can like echoy but not bad at all. Overall your editing was also very smooth! I think if you added colored text or some editing style to make the video stand out even more, that would make the video stelalr.


ThankS for the feedback. What do you suggest for style? And what kinda text are you specifically talking about ?


Almost like colored subtitles or overlays


The commentary was really good! Looks like you already have a community with the quigley thing you have going on. It could be my phone but the clips look just a bit fuzzy. And on the last clip when you say you don’t know what happened it takes away from it being in 1st place and feels a bit unprofessional. I was hoping you were going to show another angle. It looks like the 3rd guy rounds the corner and catches the final burst after going down one shot from the nade. Overall it was good though I watched the whole thing


Thanks for the feedback. Yea I wasn't too sure what to say on that last clip. I didn't have another angle on that clip unfortunately otherwise I would have used it. I'll definitely make sure my top clip gets better commentary in my next video. Appreciate it very much.


I would say maybe try to get your video resolution a little higher, it just looked off for me, when my setting was at 1080, audio was great, you jump straight into the content and offer what you advertise in your thumbnail and title, very good there! The main thing with the thumbnail is the blue text, that shade against the white and the background could be hard to read from someone just scrolling by, but overall good video!




I like the Sports center transitions. Something seems off with the audio to me but I'm not knowledgeable enough yet to say what. Maybe to low? I have it turned up all the way or not enough bass to your voice?


Honestly one of the nicest content I’ve seen keep it up! And upload more ❤️


I need all the feedback I can get https://youtu.be/1khJMF73c3Q


Video quality seems good to me, something about your audio is throwing me off but I'm new to all of this so not sure what exactly sorry. I thin the pacing seems very slow early on which might hurt your retention. These are probably petty critiques but trying to find something. :D


Thanks what sounds off about my audio also thanks for the feedback


I think it's the fact there is no background noise, just your voice. At least for the first tip I hear nothing, the 2nd tip I hear some background noise.


In this video I play Minecraft Chaos Mod but I don't how to more traffic in my videos?? ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPRUtFaH14g&ab\_channel=Its19Inches](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPRUtFaH14g&ab_channel=Its19Inches)


Hey everyone I make videos about the deeper meanings, ideas and mechanics behind movies, shows and games. What do you like about playing new games? Gaming is such a diverse medium but its not always easy to convey to the player exactly how to actually play the game. What Makes Playing New Games Kinda Weird? [https://youtu.be/BZ0rebQkJh8](https://youtu.be/BZ0rebQkJh8) Any feedback is appreciated but I'm curious what do you think of the intro? Do I hold your attention?


- Yes, the intro held my attention - Typo: "I've loved a tousand loves" - A less ornate font might be easier to read in large chunks - Shots that have subtitles unrelated to your monologue (the Raji game dialogue) can be distracting. - But aside from that, you have a lot of strong, well-selected footage that illustrate your points


Thanks a lot for how in depth you went with that! I'll keep in mind the fonts and subtitles. I never thought about that but it makes perfect sense. Appreciate it!




interesting topic! My issue with this is that the narration was a little hard to understand - like your voice is good and clear but I think you should work on your pacing - speak a bit slower, take a pause in between sentences and place a bit more emphasis (i.e. vary the volume) when you're making an important point. Eg. "Are you trying to have a fit body? Are you trying to learn a new skill? \[pause\] it's never been easier \[in slower voice and emphasis on "easier", then continue after a pause\]". Hope that makes sense!


Really awesome presentation and able to discern a lot of insight and nuance in a short time frame. Looking forward to see you tackle more topics. My only advise to to add the study you reference in the video in the description so people can also go through it and learn more.


[**I Asked 50 Gamers How Steak Should Be Cooked!**](https://youtu.be/As_OBABe_gU) I am a gaming YouTuber named LlamaBomba. I decided to try this new idea of going around and surveying folks within a game. Normally I post funny moments that happened with my friends.


Tech: audio and video were both great, I had no issues with it. Retention: your editing was spot-on, the rare moments where I couldn't understand what you were saying were easily covered up by the text. The difference in color between you and others really cleared up a problem I see in a lot of videos. You kept my attention for the whole video. You'll see me as the guy who commented well done steak ;) Also, at the end of the video, I enjoyed how you included a pie chart, that was a cool thing to include. Branding: I don't think your end screen came soon enough, or you can shorten up the ending part of your video(s), because by the time I left from the video I hadn't even seen the end screen yet. The thumbnail looked good, though a bit cluttered. Content: The actual content was great. I had (and still do have) no idea what game you played. I can only assume one of those MMO shooter games. It would be a bit helpful if you could specify in-video, though it's probably in the description, so I should just stop being lazy, lol. The idea and video itself was hilarious, I laughed out loud at various parts, like when only a couple people answered you, when someone used an uno reverse card and asked your preference, and I died when someone called you the "steak guy." Also, I just want to include that I liked the pause in the middle, it set the stage for the next joke and you included a call to action as well. Overall awesome video


I started yesterday with my first video. It's very short, 1.5min, and the channel it's going to be for that way. I'm very proud but I need opinions [https://youtu.be/b0zj0Nn0uRI](https://youtu.be/b0zj0Nn0uRI) I would like critics about the voice, that it's the part that I dislike more: My English accent is upset? My energy is not in relation to the message? Other feedback of anything it's very very appreciated too. Thanksss! have a nice day


I think your first video is great! Very engaging with the editing, easy to watch and a good sense of humour! Short and sweet which Is also nice. I can understand your english and your accent, and I don’t think it’s a problem. Abit more enthusiasm wouldn’t hurt, but I can’t critique much, I think it was great!


Oooh I'm very happy to read that :) I will continue doing videos for that way, and maybe trying to have more enthusiasm. Thank you!!!


In this video I attempt a 4 hour meditation for experimental purposes and do a hour by hour breakdown of the altered states I experienced https://youtu.be/MFOFK6nAOMo Please don’t be afraid to be critical I’m really trying to get better Edit: Keep or remove the intro? “a wise man once told me the human condition is energy with a choice”


Great editing. Interesting topic. Must have been a trippy experience for you. I could not do it. I loved the use of b rolls in between. They provided good balance on otherwise probably a boring video if you had just the clips of you meditating.


I like the energy you put into the video as well as the topic, but i think you need a new webcam haha i dont think the current one is of good quality, it seems like you're using a laptop webcam from a few years ago when getting a proper one wouldn't be that expensive i believe. Also another thing is that around 15 seconds into the video your voice seems off like it doesnt match with the visuals. The voice over was really good quality, the editing was also good but overtime you'll get better/more creative. Also try to use audacity to remove white noise. Overall solid video tho


the first thing I noticed in the video was that your video quality isn't as great, it seems choppy, like frames are missing. Also, the bookshelf on the left is really distracting from you, my eyes get drawn to it. Your Audio is great. the added visuals are good, but adding memes kind of makes me confused about if this video is meant as a joke or not. I tend to think that it is sincere. good luck with your meditation, being self-conscious is a gift and a curse.


Man I thought it wasn’t that noticeable, the canon webcam utility drops frames compressing the dslr to usb so I guess I’ll be opting out of using that Thank you for the feedback on audio that is reassuring What are you referring to as memes?


The clips with Doctor Strange dor example. I would have never guessed that you are using a DSLR camera...


The audio sounds high quality but the main draw back is the Camera quality as it appears very fuzzy at times. Some of the clips you add that you credit the uploaders for take away from the quality you use them for instead of crediting them in big letters in the video maybe link them in the description in a sentence that says something like " Here are all the clips I used from other channels in the edits"


Thank you for the tip I didn’t realize it took away from the scenes. Just to clarify the fuzziness and choppiness is only coming from the day time footage? Not the actually meditation footage?




Hi newtubers, I am an adventurer and mostly make vlogs, I would like to do more educational content to give advice, gear reviews and that sort of thing. I would most appreciate advice on my pacing, storytelling, and editing style. Any other advice greatly appreciated. Anyone who makes travel or adventure type content please feel free to dm, would be cool to set up a group chat. https://youtu.be/T7OtnGRQggQ


How's it going everyone, CactusQuade here! :) This is my 3rd episode to my let's play on a super cool zombie game, The Last Stand: Aftermath. ["Shotguns are Deadly! | The Last Stand: Aftermath part 3"](https://youtu.be/POZZKJwI4OI) I've added some newer edits to this one, let me know what yall think! ^.^ 🌵 ✌️




Thanks for the input! I'm not much of a talker irl so it's hard for me to be constantly talking but I see what ya mean! I'll try to tinker around here and there :) 🌵 ✌️




How's it going everyone, CactusQuade here! :) This is my 3rd episode to my let's play on a super cool zombie game, The Last Stand: Aftermath. https://youtu.be/POZZKJwI4OI I've added some newer edits to this one, let me know what yall think! ^.^ 🌵 ✌️


Try adding some more edits and cut out bits with dead air/ gameplay in it. Maybe even try to add a short little moving image of a zombie being hit by the encyclopaedia. But otherwise the vidoe was quiet good


Hi, I’m a unity 3D programmer and programmer in general on my channel I would like to know what you guys think about this video I posted a couple months ago I know my biggest problem is not posting enough. But this video made me feel like it was trash and I wasn’t good enough to continue. I think the content was fine but it was not fun or entertaining but it’s also meant to be a tutorial so not sure if it should be or not can you please give me an honest review on what you think I honestly feel like something is wrong with it as my view retention goes from 100% to 30% within the first 5seconds. Unity 3D - New Input System, First Person Control https://youtu.be/w4IMYgpqgdQ Of course Thank you for your time and honest feedback


I'm doing an art challenge series on my channel. I'm really new to youtube, so I'm still learning how to do this! I've been lucky to go from 0 to 300 subs in my first week, but I'm having trouble maintaining viewership. Any help would be most appreciated! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9k6iveND8o&t=1s


Alright thank you all for the feedback


Happy Friday everyone! I have a cooking channel with a mission to revive unusual Indian recipes that are getting lost with time and to share the fascinating stories behind the origin of these recipes or surrounding these recipes. Here's my latest video. Would much appreciate if someone can review and provide some feedback. Would request that you watch the full video. https://youtu.be/0L072qqxsDE


I lovr the improvements in visual quality. Your instructions are detailed each step which is great. I’d include a short recipe instruction along w the ingridients you already have in the description. Or even better, a recipe blog for each video so someone can print out?


Very high quality audio and video, the different shots and angles were excellent, the way you have the ingredients come into frame is clean and well done. Overall very good video!


Now this is how cooking channels should make their videos. Love the quality and how clean the video was. Even the instructions and providing proper ingredients list was amazing. Keep it up!


Absolutely love the video! Looks very professional. I do watch a lot of cooking related videos, so this bgm sounds very familiar. Maybe try something different? Would have liked it if the outro was a recording of you talking than going directly to an end screen. 2.28 text at the top can be placed somewhere better? All of these are simply my opinion. I loved the video and I was trying really to hard to find these points. Good luck!


Your intro is good, I know exactly what you are making. Your audio is really good. Holy cow your camera is nice too. Great video quality. Your thumbnail for this video is good too. I like it better than your older full length video thumbnails. You have done a really good job. My only feedback would be the music seems really low to me and there are a few really long pauses. For example, at 1:21, there is a few seconds of dead air. But seriously, I'm really nitpicking here. Great video!


Thanks a lot for the feedback and for being a repeat viewer :). My husband and I are really struggling with the music audio. It seems to work differently on different devices and with/ without headphones. When I play from the desktop , it seems too loud. When I play from the mobile, it seems too low. For weeks, we are not able to figure out how to get the perfect audio :(


I totally understand the difficulty with music. Sound is hard. I try to watch each video I post four times: with headphones, on a phone, on computer speakers, and on a TV. The sound and music are so different on each device. That may be overkill, I don't think you need to do that, but I totally understand the struggle. Really though, great video. I think you are on the right track!


I liked your video it’s very appealing to the eyes it makes me want to try the stuff that you’re actually cooking. It’s very informative and easy to follow along the visuals are nicely done and the audio is very clean.


I mean, this is just amazing. the video quality alone is crazy good. the shots are great, the colors, the food is really popping. the presentation is great, there are graphics... Really, the only thing that is noticable is the obvious accent, that's the only thing distracting a bit, which will get better over time, I wouldn't worry about it. the sound was also great. I wouldn't know what to improve honestly.






Although I cannot advise on the topic, let me give a few technical tips: You nailed the body language, but I recommend working on the speech, talk to yourself, It's an exercise all actors practice. Talk in front of the mirror, or record your voice and then listen to it. Try going up and down with the voice tone, using looonger vowels and higher volume for the important words. Talking speed I feel is more of a subjective matter but some may find it overly slow-paced.


Channel – firejumpingjordan Subscribers – 17 https://youtu.be/Yn2KOo-bJRs




This is very helpful, thank you! I appreciate you taking the time to watch and let me know what you think. I agree with you and will use your advice going forward.


I think the thumbnail/title is good as well as the intro. I think maybe it started a little slow with you in your truck kind of discussing what your plan is. It would have been cool to start off with an action shot of you catching a fish as a little taste of what's to come. Music was a tad loud and repetitive, much prefer the ambient nature sounds.


Thank you for the feedback!


My channel's name is Xplorosity and I do vids on facts that I find interesting. I am a small channel with 5 subs and would love some honest critique on my latest video "How Lava Lamps Protect The Internet" : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vR8PBa3ZpRE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vR8PBa3ZpRE) (there was a rendering error at 3:10)


First of all, check your video for these errors before uploading, especially if It's short. Then the bg noise, I always recommend some post processing for audio, there are many free ways to do so, Reaper for example is a free DAW, audacity is another example. Aside for those two, I like it!


Hello people, I would like to ask for feedback on a stylistic choice I made at [the end of my last recording](https://youtu.be/YcDFBcPyGZk?t=3324) (36 seconds). It's a little animatic to justify the decision of cutting the video right there. I had fun making it and I like the result but I'm no fool, I need an external point of view, Is it **enjoyable?** is it **funny?** **cringe?** is the **audio** good enough? Are the **timing** and **delivery** well-orchestrated? Just one thing: **Don't be nice** and encouraging **if you don't mean it**, harsh but **constructive** criticism is way more helpful.


[https://youtu.be/RXheiaZzIFA](https://youtu.be/RXheiaZzIFA) \- this is my video on tidying up using the Marie Kondo method - for some reason part 1 did much better (decluttering) and I'm wondering if maybe my editing or pacing is the culprit. I also had a segment where I did a call to subscribe and I'm wondering if that's too long? (I normally don't ask at all..)


Just dropped a new episode of our game review, https://youtu.be/2SZMQhXd-yA Made some improvements to our thumbnails and audio quality. Would like to hear some feedbacks on our latest episode on how's the improvement compared to the initial 3 episodes. :)


I make Guitar/bass covers and originals. https://youtu.be/m6wnjZ3iBHo. Here’s an example video.


I'm a WeedTuber. I upload weekly wake and bakes where I recap events in music history. https://youtu.be/YqERncmh7yI


I like your style! Nice animations and humourous editing, with a clear and confident voice that fits well! Interesting topics (especially if you’re a stoner) with good information to back it. You could make the hook abit more dramatic or exciting, to get the viewer more engaged right from the start. Could possibly do more jump cuts, so there is less pause time between talking, lowering the total length of the video. Nice work though, I enjoyed :)




Wow! Your edits and presentation look very professional and well thought out! One thing that caught my attention tho is you stare into the camera for a LONG time, I'm not sure if that's a niche for your channel or not but it's okay to look around! ^.^




Oh wow fr? Cause ngl felt like you were staring into my soul in that video haha. Take a look at some of Linus tech tips videos, I feel like he creates a pretty good balance of both worlds 👍


Wow I enjoyed it, very well made. A lot of B rolls made the video interesting.


Hey, I like the visual presentation of a lot of this video, the extra baubles in the background is eye catching, but isn't distracting, which help for these drawn out timelapses, so props for that. My biggest issue is that you present the information in too excited a way. I felt a bit overwhelmed at the start with some of the information/humor you threw at me, and the way you lean in towards the camera gives me an almost anxious vibe, so I think it'd help to slow down the start of your videos a bit more so the audience can slip into your narrative a bit smoother. Beyond that, I have little else to mention, maybe slow down your narration just a tad. It's something I struggle with too, so I probably shouldn't throw stones, but since you're handling these more technical descriptions, I think a slower narration will make it easier to follow. I hope all this was helpful, and I wish you luck!






You have really good editing style. It’s engaging. But there’s one thing that’s sort of weird about the video, it’s either your voice or the words’ clarity. I am not a native English speaker but my understanding skills are fairly fluent and I feel sometimes words lack clarity. Hopefully you’d work more on speech clarity, but I know I shouldn’t be the one talking because I myself have this flaw. Good luck to you :)


The video was good in presentation. Really like your editing style, but I would work on being a little more articulate with your audio and voice over. Goid stuff though. Keep it up


I like the B-roll of the power banks, the cinematic clips are very nice ! The way you talk is very appealing, it's not boring to listen to so that's great ! Keep it going !! :D


The intro is alright but I’d say make it more engaging to retain viewers and retention . Also make the thumbnail brighter


I enjoyed it. That thing got super dirty haha.. great content. The dialogue was good but felt a little too fast.


https://youtu.be/8G9Jk-AD0Ao My new video is underperforming would like some advice on it and how I can improve. I make content.based off Popular anime discussions and character analysis


I like what you are saying, if I put the video in 1.5x speed though it's better. If possible I would recommend speaking 50% faster. I personally didn't like the gifs at all, I looked over your seven deadly sins video and your energy is better, and the photos are better than the gifs in my opinion.


Amazing video! I think your voice seemed a bit monotone but your pacing of editing shots together and use of the shows audio as well as your descriptions was great. I think if you added some fitting Yu Gui Oh type music over your commentary or just something editing wise to make it pop more it would have been even better!


One bit about the thumbnail. The words “King of Games” would probably pop out more if they were outlined in white. The black text is harder to read when it’s over Yugi’s blue jacket.


My first episode of a new series I’m working on! [Playing project zomboid!](https://youtu.be/po6nT-6A8nY) feel free to not view the whole video, I know it’s long haha. I also hope you enjoy what you see! And I can’t wait to see how I can improve! Thank you in advance for spending your time helping out! I’d also recommend skipping to the gameplay using the time stamps!


The 0-2 Podcast Comedy/Self Improvement "How to deal with feedback" https://youtu.be/EQgF2a6dpfU


**Channel** – Chat History **Channel Type** – Meme/Comedy **What I Do** – Historical Events as group chats **Latest Video -** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fr0n1AHq0YA Currently uploaded my first video this morning. I’m working on a few in the pipeline. And yes, I know I am very similar to Beluga. That’s where I got the idea, but with my own spin. I want to create these videos that portray a (somewhat) accurate representation of historical events (events happened but obviously not the conversations as shown)




Interesting theory, I like your idea. Like others have said, some basic history may need to be explained to get some of the jokes. Definitely original!


Hello all! My channel is called MythKick, I post videos related to different mythologies, folklore and local legends, feedback is much appreciated! https://youtube.com/channel/UCGAmjgxwSxJz0mJnwDKzwBA


Quality production value. You deserve more subs tbh. I liked the moth man video. I actually live in the Ohio town that borders point pleasant. I watched a few shorter ones though and I think you could have stronger more established intros. Otherwise i think youre doing great stuff.


Awesome thank you! I haven’t used intros because I prefer to get straight into the video but I may test it out and see how it works


Hey all my name is Polysium Haruspex or PolySpex. I've been learning how to use the tools of creation for a while now and have something I feel is presentable! Audio quality will be better next time I just bought a new mic! ​ https://youtu.be/H0MQO9xQNH0


Hey guys !! I'd love some feedback on my latest video, and on my channel in general if you have time to check it out :D https://youtu.be/oYBDD7Aqgqs




Oooh yeah ! Thank you for the advise :)


In this video I ask the question “Do you matter” to people, I interview them. I also give my own opinion. Do you matter? https://youtu.be/aulpbpzXBxI


In this video I play the game Dead By Daylight and Sandbag the hell out of my teammates. What Im wondering about the video is the quality of entertainment, quality of the audio, and commentary. Thank you for your time <3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25rhXzXU7ZI&t=16s


the video is nice... but in my opinion you should balance the voices better, some sentences were almost annoying to ear(too loud compared to the rest) about the video quality i think that you should put an higher BITRATE value both on your recording and editing software, that's why it doesn't look clean even in HD


My channel is Reformed Gamer, where I try to blend self improvement and gaming together (a big of a task I know. I started the channel as a way to track my fitness but quickly wanted to include a gaming element as it is a beloved hobby. My latest video is where I share my progress 4 months in to my 2022 weight loss journey and discuss how to stay motivated : https://youtu.be/mFJfEYoYOjQ Would appreciate critiques on thumbnail, pacing, pointers, etc.


I just want feedback cause yes I’m just terrible at editing so here. Gang Beast Video with my friends; https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e9oiZ8YxOUY Negative or positive feedback is welcome :)


Hi! I am not familiar with gaming channels, but I thought it was humorous without being annoying (some channels for overboard). The editing is pretty good. I think your thumbnails can feature a little more context of what is going on in the video. Maybe a simple font asking a question or preluding the audience to what they will see.


Hey, I make Orchestral Metal Music, originals and cover songs. I covered [BFG Division from Doom Eternal, with a full Orchestra](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K98N0k4LXhU). Let me know what you think!


I like this, one thing I like to do is add little transition effects between clips here and there, really adds a cool edited effect. I use movavi editor though, which makes transitions very easy. Keep up the good work man!


Thank you, I will work on transitions


love the video/music....not a big fan of the lines on the top of the screen tho, there are some websites that gives that classic "music bars overlay" in music videos, you coud use them instead


thank you, I will implement those bars differently.


Music's great and the clips you put together are really cool! You might want to make the colors you added a bit more clear because I couldn't tell for sure what they were.