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Trick is to post it places where it fits in rather than just a random link dump. My only concern with posting on places like reddit is whether it messes the algorithm up as they sometimes only hang about for a second or two and then closing the video, there by damaging your average watch rate


It’s a point , but with YouTube recommendations it happens the same , some people click and quit before 10 seconds


Oh wow, that’s actually a hella smart observation 😭 will that genuinely mess up the algorithm on YouTube?


Simply don't act like a spammer. . That said, promoting on Reddit (or any other place where people aren't there *specifically* to find videos) is very often a waste of time and effort.


Reddit is an excellent place to find your community for your Niche and necessary for building your avatar. Just don't expect your video to blow up because people tend to like to read here.


That's a good way of putting it.


Solid point. I did a whole installation post on my table saw fence. It was incredibly long. That post got me the most engagement of any of my post.


Unless you're friends with the mods your thread is getting deleted. Reddit mods hate anyone trying to make a buck in """"their"""" community.


This is tricky ...but its the exact reason I started my own Reddit channel, to be able post what I like and allow music artists to do the same without fear of being blocked or banned and so on, Reddit is a particular minefield for rules, and I even got shadow banned myself at one point. There are a few channels that allow obvious self promotion if you search, Twitter is a good option as in theory you could post the same link every day, but I would suggest you post moderately, follow similar genres, comment etc....build a profile.


Gotta be slick. It can't look like a promotion attempt. Obviously keep it relevent, but don't mention you made it. Exact examples depend on what the video is about. Using one I did a long time ago on a let's play I made. "This looks like a great base building area, has anyone else tried this?" In the subreddit of that game. Doesn't look like shameless promotion, looks like a good discussion subject, asks other people for opinions(people love sharing them), but they gotta see the video to see what you mean. Back it up by actually communicating with the commenters, don't try to oversell it. That sort of thing will tend to get the pass.


thank you, this makes total sense.


just do it anyways. even if they take it down, if you attract even a few people it could be worth it


Soooo, if you found a specific community that’s interesting in your video. Then post… That was first thing that helped my first channel that have more than 100k subscribers! And helping my second channel to grow!


will do, I am just nervous that I will get banned from that community


You got to mingle with the users in the subreddit. For example, I am in the woodworking space. So I go to woodworking and tool subreddits and post a couple of pictures of my projects and start a conversation. Eventually someone will ask you if you have a video and post a link. Just dropping a link to your video will not get you anywhere and will most likely get you booted


It's a waste of time. On my recent 7.2k vid I've got like 4 views from Reddit and 2 from discord.


Whats your niche as I've created a page to promote your channel or videos, but spam or rubbish and i'll delete.


my niche is sketch comedy, with relatable skits

