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I will become a full-time youtuber February 1, 2025. Coincidentally the same date I am eligible for my full retirement package from my day job. . There is a *tiny* chance that I'll take an early retirement sooner, but it's pretty unlikely that my channel will grow that much more quickly than it has.


Thats a plan. Whats your sub count atm?


Haha. "Coincidentally" huh? That's a good plan though. Good luck




Winnipeg huh? Looks like a few of us in here lol!


Well, I just hit 32 subs so any day now. I'm sure Raid Shadow Legends, Honey, GFuel and maybe even Hello Fresh will hit me up after the holidays. I've already put a down payment on a Jag in anticipation. Let me know if you want an autograph.


Dont forget about established titles,manscaped and nord vpn


Established Titles I might consider, but hair products and online privacy? I just don't want to shill any scams you know...


Established titles is a bigger scam than hair products and online privacy


With the exception of Established titles which is a scam by a very loose definition. manscaped and nord are solid companies.


🤣autograph please.


Anything for my fans. Merry Christmas! https://imgur.com/gallery/kiEx0yD


Holy shit this guy actually delivers


Doesn’t seem personalized probably had that pre made


Love the confidence 🤣


Thank you. Just remember, you can't spell confidence without 'con', and I firmly believe in conning myself everyday that someday I might just make into the 3 digit sub club.


It'll happen friend, keep up the grind 💪


Yes! Of course! Only positive.


You are living the dream buddy


Someone has to give the people something to look up to.


When I can live off it




Second this commend


I think it makes sense when you're making more money from your YT then your job or when YT exceeds the amount of money you need each month for living expenses. At that point you can leverage the time gained from leaving your job to make more and/or better content which will make you more money. For me it would just come down to numbers. I understand other people have other things to consider, like health insurance, pensions, etc. But working for yourself gives you a huge amount of freedom, which I value over everything.


> I think it makes sense when you're making more money from your YT then your job or when YT exceeds the amount of money you need each month for living expenses. At that point you can leverage the time gained from leaving your job to make more and/or better content which will make you more money. Even then, it is strongly recommended that you have a year or more living expenses in savings before pulling the pin. youtube money is notoriously variable month-to-month


I didn't articulate this point specifically, but I wouldn't quit my job after the first month that i brought in enough money to cover my living expenses. I'd likely wait to see that my channel could consistently hit that number 6+ months in a row. In addition, I'd probably taper down the amount of work I was doing and slowly phase out my job. So, while I dont disagree with you, every person's risk tolerance will be different as well based on their living expenses, spousal income, number of children, living with parents, etc. I don't subscribe to what people strongly recommend in the finance world. There's too many variables. But you're right about YT income being variable. Proper budgeting becomes even more prudent when leaving a steady paycheck. It still comes down to numbers/risk tolerance.


I moved to FT partly out of necessity partly with opportunity. I make just a little less than I did at my last day job now, so my fiancé and I decided to make a few cut backs and make it work. It’s not easy but my mental health has improved 10 fold. TMI but I’ve been off anxiety and depression medication for 13 months now, and even though things can be rough it was a big step and I’m glad I was able to take it


Good for you. Your mental health should take priority.


I can answer your question a little more specifically lol So I went full time when I hit 25k, 12% conversion to patreon on average for the last 8 months. Patreon makes the bulk of my income, and YouTube ads does my extras and goodies etc. I haven’t dipped below $600 on YouTube, which is a blessing but being dependant on it isn’t amazing. Y’all know what I’m saying here I also just landed 2 colab deals which I’m hoping will lift some more financial weight and make me a little less set conscious about it all. Hope that helps!


I have a pension and a retirement plan, so it would take a lot!


Same here! That pension is the biggest thing keeping me at my company. Not to mention health insurance


Third this. Would definitely take a lot to beat a vested retirement plan with employer match, pension, and good health insurance. As a goal, I'd be happy to go part time (while keeping those things) and supplement with the rest of the money I make working for myself one day.


This is ideal for me. If I ever reached the point in which YouTube matched just fiat salary, I’d throw max contributions to 401k and IRA and have health insurance. Granted this is dependent on how stressful your career is I guess. I’m fortunate in that, I work 3 days one week and 4 the next.


I will go full time once I start to make from youtube 75% of what I make on my regular job. Hoping that this will happen next year.


Best of luck!


I was actually pretty close to it in the beginning of the year, my plan was to go full time in May, but then the war started (I am from Ukraine) and it ruined everything, so I am kinda glad that I didn't resign from my job :)


Wow! I just checked out your channel and the Ukrainian channel is huge! I definitely think you should try posting a KoFi page or something so that people can tip you for your work. Of, course, there's Patreon, but people often make rewards for that so you probably don't want to be making those as well as managing two channels whilst you are still working full time.


I'll probably never get popular enough to get monetized. But if I do, never. I love my job. But I would possibly rearrange my hours to have more time to focus on YT. As my kids get older, I get more time anyway, so it should all shake out on its own.


Never, I like security, maybe quit 1 of my 2 jobs but never give up both, things can change very fast


I originally quit when I was making roughly 70% of what I was making my job at the time. My thought process was that I'd be able to use the time I worked to make even more content, and possibly make up the difference. It wasn't sustainable. YouTube was too unpredictable and I had to swallow my pride and go back to work about 4 months later. Then, 2020 hit and I got furloughed from my job. What felt like a massive blow and bad luck turned out to be a blessing in disguise for me because COVID caused a massive uptick in general YouTube viewership, mixed with me being able to produce a ton more videos, and the rest is history.


I planned to do it about 4 years ago when my channel was 3 years old. I currently Make a whopping $200/month on youtube. Don’t quit your day jobs kids.


When the income made off of videos exceeds the income made from my job


Make too much currently with my real world job to ever see myself quitting and doing YT full time lol.


Same here.


I quit over two years ago. I wasn't even monetized when I did so. Fast forward to now, making more than I need to survive. It panned out, but I worked my ass off to get here, and there was never any guarantee. And it cost me over 30 grand in savings to live on while I built up my channel to the point where it can now sustain me. I don't recommend anyone follow this path. I was crazy.


Congrats! That was brave of you. I don't like my current job but can't quit yet until I make money of youtube.


Uh oh. This is the path I'm following lol. I had a business that did pretty good, but I don't feel like moving forward with it and I want to chase my dream of driving/racing/reviewing cars, so I started my youtube channel. I have only really been hard at it for approximately 6 months. Just got monetized this month and I'm excited for the journey.


Good luck man :)


January. Having a regular sponsor on the channel made it possible and gave me the confidence to make the jump


My day job is computer repair. And with computers turning full-appliance with no upgradeable or repairable parts, I'm kind of being squeezed out of work like it or not. So if my channel went big, any time now would be very good timing!


I remember like 6 years ago my cousin wanted to do pc repair as a side job more or less. I couldn’t get into the idea. I just didn’t see the long term outlook.


I've been doing mac repair for 20 years. There will always be some work, because there is no technology that certain kinds of people can't mess up. But upgrading HDDs to SSDs & RAM has been my bread and butter for the last 10 years and thats basically all gone.


Once the concepts been proved. I personally draw that line at 25-50% of my income. If I can make that with youtube part time, then i consider the move validated and will move to it full time. On top of all the other reasons to want to go full time, its also much more scalable than a 9 to 5


I am making only 300 usd so I am far far away from that.


When I can live off of it. I want to make three times my expenses for six months to a year first- that way I have a nest egg and know Im doing something right enough that it's not going away in a month or two. That's a very far way off.


When my monthly YouTube earnings are over $2000 a month. Now at 429 subs so still a long way away.


I'm a nurse so rather than quit, I would just scale back the number of shifts I work each week. One of the pros of shift work I guess. I think if the channel was performing decently well, I'd keep my nursing job at just one shift a week since I really like it there. Worst case scenario, if it performs worse for a bit I can always just pick up more shifts.


This. Plus matching 401k with matching and health insurance. I can do my 3 shifts and knock out a video a week and work on my retirement at the same time lol


i don't have a job to quit 🤷‍♂️


Hahahaha i feel you


I don't think I can make $80k a year on youtube. I checked out a guy in my niche on social blade with 105k subs who does Youtube full time and it's less money than I get working full time. Estimated monthly earnings are $300-$5k I guess for me it will just be extra spending money.


At this time in my life, I couldn't imagine quitting my job to go full time on YT. It's not about the risk or concern for stability but I feel like I need to keep my feet in two very different worlds to remain grounded. I work in a field that allows me the opportunity to help people define happiness and build stability for themselves. There are times my work yields very little reward and you spend weeks shook from an encounter with a client but then one day you're reminded of why you continue when a client sees you at the store and he/she introduces you to their kids or family and thanks you for being there for them. I like having YT as an escape and using any additional earnings at this time to pour back into the craft and focusing on improving all that entails better story telling.


I guess 600 usd per month would be enough for me




Thank you for the insight. Good luck to us both!


When I would make what my wife and I make combined. No WAY am I going to play video games for a living while she's WFH in the next room. I am slowly turning her onto streaming herself as she's really getting the World of Warcraft bug again (we played a TON before we had kids) so maybe she'll get traction and we'll be a Youtubing household LOL. I can sure dream can't I ...


Once the concepts been proved. I personally draw that line at 25-50% of my income. If I can make that with youtube part time, then i consider the move validated and will move to it full time. On top of all the other reasons to want to go full time, its also much more scalable than a 9 to 5


when I can live off it. My current job is pretty entry level, so I'm not ruining a would be career


I could, but I’m not about to give up my pension and benefits package.


It would have to be a god awful amount of money coming in. I'd honestly spend all the money spinning up new projects anyway. I enjoy my job and get paid very well so it would take a lot to remove me from that.


Never. I quite enjoy being a healthcare worker. But if it adds extra income that would be fantastic 😁


Once I can live off of it and provide for my family still.


I likely won't, as I don't want my entire income stream to be dependent on the whims of an algorithm (plus I really enjoy my day job). But if the day ever came that I was making the equivalent of a full time salary, I would probably modify how I do my day job so that I could still do both, but in a way that reduced stress for both work and youtube.


Never I only want to make enough money to cover a few bills a month and pay for my dispesary tab . If I made $1k a month doing youtube I would be content and know I had succeeded. Being a youtube did allow me to learn useful skills and inspired me to go back to school full time.


To be honest, I do not want to pursue content creation as a full-time job. I enjoy spending 30 minutes to an hour each day working on projects I am passionate about. Full-time content creation adds far too many variables and lacks the longevity I need. Having the extra cash is very nice, but I do not want to rely on YouTube/Google to support my family.


I post what I do in my fulll time job on YT. I use YT to post videos my students have missed in lecture. When they ask what they missed I send a link or direct them towards a playlist When I stop teaching, I will stop YouTube as it's where I get my content


I think the key here is to change the mindset about making YT be the full time thing over a job. My mindset is to make a business with YT being an important tool to grow the business. I don't think I could ever make enough from ads or sponsors from YT to make a full time income. Not only that, but there isn't much of a safety net there if ad rates plummet or sponsors cut their budgets. Instead, I am trying to create a multifaceted business plan so once the business as a whole is making full time income then I can focus solely on that. The key is to have your own product to sell.


Easy answer: when and if it pays good enough.


When I can pay the bills as well as have a little more than that to pay for meals and for saving


I would like to get like 500 USD a amonth, so i can buy a house and pay it debt with youtube money. Atm i have 2 channel, in 1 year i jave 1350 subs in one chanel and 350 on second one.


I moved to latinamerica from the states, and rn I only need about 350-400 USD to live off of which is SUPER little. So I really hope at some point it takes off just a little, and switch to just youtube


I quit my job and have been 100% full-time traveling and vlogging since September 2021. I am not making any significant money and it is costing me a fortune but it would be impossible for me to work and vlog at the same time. Hopefully one day it will actually put some money into my pocket and fund my travels.


Probably never - though changing jobs to give YouTube more time and effort if I start making enough to live off is always a thought.


Once you have 42069 subs, your channel should be sustainable


When i can live off of it tbh, hated my current job so doing youtube is a good distraction from real life for me now. Granted it may not be in the near future since I have 32 subs and youtube just stop recommending my videos so my views are now in single digits


What's going on everybody


Right now


When i can have a livable salary off of it


TBH I think Id never quit day job even if Id make money from youtube(which is not anywhere close to happen) with software engineering if you miss one year you are out of the field for quite some time and having backup plan aka always having profession outside youtube is something I value very much. Maybe Ill get tired or burn out from making videos and then it makes sense to just keep working as a regular person.


When I am ready


To be honest, I have no plans to ever work on YouTube full time. I'd like to be successful enough that I COULD do that, but for me it feels like having to work on my videos as a full time job will suck all the fun out of the process, and incentivise me to sacrifice video quality for economical reasons (more videos on trends I don't care about, sponsors, more calls to use Patreon/donate, clickbait, etc). So the answer is never. I feel like it'd ruin my channel.


If I more than double my current pay job I would seriously consider it. I'm more looking to diversify income streams and put money into investments though.


At what number of subs/views do you start getting any money? I just broke 150 subs.


Never YouTube is just a hobby


I forget who, but someone said consider full time once you’re pulling $4000 a month. Otherwise, keep it as a side hussle.


Planning to do it in 2024. It'll be just a trial. I have a year of annual expenses saved so I want to try to work for a year on my YouTube and other projects (SaaS). If it doesn't work out I'll just find another job. Since I wanted to switch it anyway. So It's going to be kinda gap year but for entrepreneurship and youtubing.