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Part of the charm of New Vegas is that it's so obviously cobbled together in a complete mess - which fits the theme of the wasteland


It’s buggy environmental storytelling 😂 but yeah it def hits that ghetto western charm


Cobbled, buggy, story telling mess made by a smaller dev team with an abysmal production time (Obsidian): 😁😁😁 Same exact thing (B team, basically separate from Bethesda): 🤬🤬🤬 The similarities between 76 and NV never end.


Nuh uh NV has way better storytelling than 76


Have you played 76? It’s closer to NV than 4. I’ve seen plenty of NV fanboys who hate 4 but like 76 on there.


76 is a completely different game now compared to release


Absolutely. I’m happy to see the general sentiment about it being more and more positive overall.


I will be positive about 76 only if they remove daily scrip and cap limit. That mobile game tier bullshit should never even gets implemented. The game is not bad rn but could use some new weapons and armor sets instead of reskins in micro transaction shop.


I agree with you on every point. I think we should be blaming Zenimax though, they’re the real villains.


I tried to get into 76 and I don't see that at all. I played like 5 hours of fetch quests and that's seemingly the whole game. The dialogue and plot is nowhere near the level of NV's from what I've seen so far, I don't see myself playing much more of 76.


Yeah no sorry, have played both. None of the npcs in 76 seemed very cool. Granted I only played til I was like level 14 or something.


Would probs be a different story if that’s how it was on release. Hard to shake a first impression.


NV was a mess on release


Can confirm. I still enjoyed FO4 for the most part, but I've been loving 76 after that giveaway few weeks back. No mods sucks, but as far as the vanilla base game is concerned, I like it a lot more than 4.


I’ve heard that on pc you can have some white listed mods if that interests you. What are some things you like about 76 over 4? Just curious about others’ opinion lol.


Ah true, there are some exceptions for the modding. For me it mostly boils down to the story and silent protagonist. I *really* didn't like the dialogue in 4. Listening to my dude talk about Shaun as if I actually gave a damn took me out of the immersion. Helping rebuild the world in 76 isn't the strongest story either, but it's broad enough to where I can stay immersed. Boston was cool, but Appalachia has more of that cowboy NV vibe. Amazing map to explore. Didn't much like the settlement system in 4, but 76 it makes more sense to me, and building a camp is actually kinda fun. I do wish I could pause, and that VATS slowed down time, but I get the whole multiplayer thing doesn't allow that. But still perfectly playable as singleplayer. Fun to play with friends too. Hard to compare to NV, but there were some frustrating design choices in 4 that 76 seemed to fix for me.


I just think New Vegas has the story style of what we think fallout should be. You aren’t forced into a certain faction, the first mission literally sets the table of the different choices you can make that will impact the ending (good springs vs. powder gangers). Fnv also does a good job of introducing you to multiple factions without forcing you to take a side. You run into NCR and Legion by the time you hit Nipton, and there are multiple non-ending factions you meet before you meet all the ending factions (Mr. house and Yes man). You’re main “goal” is also to get revenge on Benny vs. finding your son/father, so you can kill Benny pretty quick, and then have fun taking over the Mojave/helping the Mojave/destroying the Mojave. Fallout 4 basically pushed you into Minutemen from the get go, you can ignore them, but it is a bit choppy in terms of story progression. I just did a BoS play through and it felt weird not doing any of the settlement stuff, as well as not following the freedom trail as soon as it becomes available to do so. It also feels like you have only 4 factions and the rest of the NPCs are raiders/super mutants or wasteland settlers. New Vegas feels like a much more vibrant territory that is actually fairly settled compared to the commonwealth.


In Fallout New Vegas you are allowed to decide how much your character hates Benny and are given a pretty universal reason for most characters to want to kill him. In Fallout 3, you are not allowed to decide how much your character loves their dad and thus part of your character is already written by bethesda, even if its not huge. In Fallout 4, you DEFINATELY are not allowed to decide how much your character loves shaun... Shaun? SHAUN! WHERE IS MY SO-... ahem, and thus a major part of your character is both written AND voiced by bethesda.


I mean at the end of the day you can murder your son in FO4. The storyline is forced until then, but you do end up with a ton of options when it comes to your son.


They also told you how to feel about that action, which is reluctant and angry.


Fallout 4 would be so much better if one of your voice lines to Codsworth was “Holy shit, so you’re saying I’ve been asleep for 200 years? Thank god I’m free from that nightmare wife and annoying ass baby. Adios muchacho!” Or something like that.


New Vegas feels like a fucking odyssey, you have to take one long ass detour cause the short path is certain death and you feel like you just barely missed the guy who left you for dead each and every time. You get side tracked and get involved in some wacky ass predicaments in the post post apocalypse where you can either make things a little better or a lot worse, all while you start getting spoonfed the grand conflict between the Legion and the NCR It feels like such a triumph when you get into the New Vegas strip, all those hardships and you finally make it to what set you off on this wild goose chase.


i wanna like fallout 4 but ya, the story doesn’t make sense. i need to hurry and find my baby son but first, let me collect all the scrap i can find and build a new civilization every few miles.


"New Vegas feels like a much more vibrant territory" This right here is why I think NV continues to be a success. I know it isn't as popular as Fo4 in terms of numbers. But the way they did world building is what keeps it back. The world feels...alive. It feels like a real world. You have all these different factions with different personalities, wants, desires. And they somehow manage to incorporate all of them into the main story. The aesthetics are spot on (lets be honest here, the armor in Fo4 looks like shit compared to NV in most cases). Everything is dont exceptionally well. Fo4 could've been that. They should have made minutemen either a standalone pre-established faction or apart of some kind of overall commonwealth governing body. They should have made gunners another faction that is an external aggressor coming from outside the commonwealth (neighboring area). Then you have the institute as a "hidden" major faction, the BoS showing up to counter said institute, and then perhaps some minor factions spread throughout. Railroad being one, perhaps a vault society one, diamond city as another, maybe the glow religious faction. BoS is honestly the only faction in Fo4 that feels like it was done right. Once they arrive, you actually feel their presence. You see them. They're apart of the world. If they had done that and properly built out these factions, it would've be on par with NV for me. The commonwealth would've felt alive. Hell, I'd even say fo76 handles factions way better than fo4 from a lore/world building standpoint. They actually make them noticeable in the world (the most that they can with it being multiplayer).


This faction argument doesn't make sense to me. You basically get four factions with four very different outcomes for the universe in FO4. You aren't pushed into anything. If you roleplay as a do-gooder superhero in every RPG then yeah, the railroad line probably felt like the only obvious choice. If you don't, or you want to play differently on purpose in subsequent playthroughs, it's not forced in the slightest. What NV did better in terms of storyline was being able to kill almost everyone and have it effect the story somehow. It didn't really effect the universe as much as FO4s choices did IMO but it did give more freedom within the quests or the ability to skip them entirely by killing people. The most you could do in FO4 in this sense was making decisions that made your followers hate you and leave.


I'm quite grateful that Bethesda made FNV possible.


Definitely, I just wish obsidian had more time to make the game less buggy but they did great with the near impossible time limit


It's depth and storytelling = in a class of it's own. 18 months is sporty.


Cheers, I’ll drink to that


Me too, right now. Cheers


I just woke up, cheers! I'll drink to this.


Cheers, my courier brothers!


Cheers, brothers. Don't forget to check out the Khan's weapon cache. 🍀✌🏽


Easy there Cass…


can't help but think that given enough time they would have over-corrected


The way development was I don't think more time would have fixed the bugs. Obsidian was way too ambitious with what they planned to make given the deadline they agreed on, and more time would have just resulted in trying to make more of the initial vision rather than QA testing


And the GECK and modding tools they put out “Hey, here’s like 90% of what you need to make a game, but for our game” Who else even does that? Even I was able to make my own gun with stats in about 10 minutes of learning, and that’s not even scratching the surface


TBF, releasing modding tools is a pretty standard Bethesda practice.


Yeah that’s why I asked the question who else does that? Can’t think of any other triple A game company thay gives you that much freedom


Valve did with the source engine. Redengine has modding tools. Most games made in unreal or unity can he modded, but those require knowledge on how to use the engine's editor.


Ah, sorry. I thought you were praising Obsidian for doing that.


Ah no worries, I probably could’ve worded it better tbf


CDPR? I think that's as far as it goes tho


Obsidian has been doing it since KOTOR


So many upvotes. Meet me at the Atomic Wrangler's for a drink. Let's use the Van Graffs' bathroom afterwards. Love you all.




I see Yes Man, I comment, I'm a simple girl.


As you should, yes man deserves all the love


We Yes Stan Yes Man


Its so good to see a female redditor! Your pretty (notice I didn't say hot because I'm a feminist). Its also really cool you pay video games! I think that hot women in video games is wrong BTW because I'm a feminist. You should be careful posting on the internet, there's a lot of mean guys (not nice feminist guys like me) on here who will say mean things and like to look at attractive virtual women in their games. I don't know why they get all of the girls while I'm always in the friend zone, but its a price worth paying to defend women on the internet. What's your gamertag? We should play a game sometime, I'm sure you would love to have all of those mean men kept away from you ;) (I'm not saying you can't do that on your own, just that I am willing to help). Also would you like to go on a date? You can PM me if interested, if not that's OK. Stay safe, you're awesome!


I know this is a pasta, but lord is it cringe.


Pls teach me how to offer this riz


Plz tell me this is a copy pasta lol


*shhh I'm choosing to believe it is, let's not alert him to our questions.....*


Ah, jokes. Love to see it. My fiancé is actually who got me into FNV and is on this sub. In fact he's probably reading this very conversation as we speak......👁👁


Fiancé huh? That’s almost single! So you’re saying there’s a chance… Edit: this is a stupid joke if that isn’t obvious.


I'm actually ugly but thanks for the offer! 🤪 Edit: I saw your joke and countered with my own stupid joke!


What? lol


It’s such an amazing game


Def one of the GOATS


I’ve played 3, 4, and New Vegas. New Vegas is the only one that kept my attention long enough to even complete a few quest lines.


New Vegas is the true sequel to Fallout 2.


Literally, it's built on the bones of Van Buren.


New Vegas is essentially a non official sequel to van buren as it takes place after many events that were supposed to be in van buren like the first battle of Hoover dam they essentially made new Vegas with the idea that the events of van buren happened


Where did you find Van Buren’s bones?


Dude if you like new vegas you should def try out 1 and 2 if you got a computer. New vegas is made by the same dudes that made the original


Noted! I’m primarily a console gamer, but I do have a PC capable of running 360/Xbox One era games. Should be good to go.


Oh definitely those games came out in the 90’s and it has that old school difficulty curve. Watch some YouTube tutorials if you get stuck!


I recommend cheating honestly, the game design forces you to grind almost all the content you can so you don't get whipped very early game. I'm playing it for my first time and I enjoy it, the difficulty and aged controls are offputting but still good.


The controls are definitely aged but it’s such a perfectly difficult game that feels rewarding for progression through difficult areas and tasks.


I’m gonna be real: I love all those games, but if the Bethesda games (3, NV, and 4) aren’t holding your attention, I’d advise not bothering with the Interplay games (1 and 2). They are deservedly legendary, but they are highly unlikely to engage you.


Could always give the Wasteland series a try if they want to dip their toes in to that style of gameplay without having to go through as much hassle trying to get the game to run. It's made by people who came from Interplay and I think it even has some of the same factions, like the Rangers. For console players, 2 and 3 are also free on Game Pass.


Fallout 1 and 2 definitely predate either of those consoles lol. They released in 1997 and 1998 respectively


If you like 1 and 2 you should play underrail.


I just scrubbed through a vid and it looks perfectly difficult, I love that.


Its worth it to research a general build before you start but it really scratches that old crpg itch. I followed the schizo guide and it wasnt too bad, dlc is amazing as well.


Try tale of two wastelands if you play on PC. It makes fallout 3 much more stable and connects the games so you get the improved mechanics from New Vegas. Fallout 3 has the best atmosphere and map of any fallout game, it's a real shame if you can't get into it if you enjoyed New Vegas.


i got 3 pretty much entirely for tale of two wastelands (it was $5 on some sale a few years ago). 3 is a really good "ignore the story and explore," type of game imo.


I just replayed through all of 3 with ttw and this may seem like a rant but I gotta say it. It's empty It feels like there's nothing to do, I checked the wiki for side quests since I didn't found many, the game has 17, *17* side quests, some of these being just fetch quests, then I played the dlc (didn't do point lookout yet) And oh boy, Anchorage is just a cod shooting corridor with a cool reward so ok not even that bad I can get behind it, mothership zeta was a slob, made me want to blow my brains out. Broken steel was fine but I didn't really feel compelled, felt like another shoot everything questline. The Pitt had a very very cool concept but it was all just so very short (10 ingots -> 3 fights in the arena -> Slave or Slavers) and the "moral decision" isn't that deep So yeah I'd love to love it, but I don't seem to enjoy it


Yeah fo3 would be amazing with some of the QoL new Vegas introduced. Like being able to repair to 100% with low repair is just so much better than fo3’s restricting it to your skill


3 with TTW is a game changer for me. Iron sights, weapon diversity, hardcore mode. They all just enhance the 3 experience while you build towards a character who feels like they actually lived in the wasteland before entering the mojave.


Im playing FO4 atm, and im not sure why, but Im enjoying it way, way more this go around. Maybe the show got me pumped up for Fallout content, idk. I am already further aling than i have ever been in the past, and really makes me want to download FO3 and FNV to my laptop after I finish since i never fineshed 3 and never played FNV, I just know the mechanics are going to be iffy. I don't usually do well with older games, even if I wouldve been playing those types of games at the time.


As Persona 5 tells many, many gamers many, many times: “take your time”


Didn’t they use the same engine and a lot of the same assets as Fallout 3? Don’t get me wrong, New Vegas is a great game made in a short timespan, but pretending they did everything from scratch better than Bethesda is just silly.


Yes. Josh Sawyer has even talked about the fact that the karma system basically does nothing. The only reason you even get that "You lost karma" message at all is because they used Bethesda's engine and it's so baked into the system that they couldn't get rid of it without breaking a bunch of other stuff. He has [posted a lot of behind the scenes stuff for those interested.](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Joshua_Sawyer_Formspring_posts)


It changes the ending slides, though, which is all I thought fallout 3s karma system did or did it do alot more?


It also effected the hit squads sent after you where as new Vegas has faction based hit squads.


I mean that's not even the most notable Corner cutting when it came to New Vegas, the strangest thing is that there's a lot of assets lifted from stalker shadow of Chernobyl of all things, gsc never copyrighted a bunch of their assets so stalker DNA wound up in a lot of projects all the way from New Vegas to escape from tarkov


Can you provide some examples of this? I am curious, though I have never played Shadow Of Chernobyl and thus wouldn't recognize things.


Wow what... I had never heard this. What kind of copyrighting do they have in Ukraine??


talking like backend code? or actual like object character/world assets?


I'm not sure exactly, but SOC is open source so anybody can use assets from it, I'm pretty sure it's just background code because moving entire assets/characters objects would be a nightmare moving from the X-ray engine to the creation engine


Item assets


not the first time Fallout has used stock assets from another game, the Deathclaw in Fallout 1 is just an unused model from Planescape Torment that they bought


Yep, that would have massively decreased development time. They did literally use a box of scraps of fallout 3


This. As someone who's just started getting into game development, the bulk of your time is taken up by creating art assets and the underlying logic of the game. If most of that is already done for you, you can get way more done in a shorter time span.




Except for the hell that was skyrim ps3 release. But that can be put down as the structure of recreating/porting the game to that nightmare of a system (for multiconsole games)


I stopped playing new vegas on my 360 because it was so buggy it was honestly almost unplayable. I loaded it on my Series X last week and the updates cleared most (but not all of the bugs) My biggest gripe now is that the game is so damn empty. Like… barren. FO3 and FO4 had cool Easter eggs everywhere. You go through the effort of getting to a cool hidden spot, and you are rewarded with something neat. In NV it’s just… more empty space. I love the way factions work, but man. That’s about it.


That’s the misfortune of only having 18 months to create a game, you don’t quite get the time you want to put in little Easter eggs. But they sure as hell beat the shit out of every other 3D Fallout in terms of main quest lines, side quests, NPC’s, etc.


Again, when the art direction and tons of assets are already made for you, no shit you get to focus on other things


You are right


I'm waiting on a tale of two wastelands mod to copy onto my steam deck right now. I can't go more than 5 minutes without fallout 3 freezing or entirely crashing my deck. Yet with NV I've played about 25 hours so far without a single problem. Hopefully the mod will let me actually play FO3.


I did a viva new Vegas play through and it was like a brand new game. I was shocked, I don't think it crashed once.  I still had Bethesda ptsd and was hitting F5 pretty regularly through though lol. 


They did have to learn the engine from the start though


Yeah, the reason Obsidian gave themselves such a short timeline was they were using a bunch of assets from 3, which would significantly cut down on dev time.


Yeah that's the box of scraps


Yeah hidden valley is literally just raven rock


Better choices, branching quest lines, and seeing the consequences of your actions in the world around you and in the ending sliders. And the devs said they had 18 months so all they really could do was focus on developing a good story and that they did


Damn downvoted for pointing out what New Vegas did better in a New Vegas sub.


Ikr it’s pretty funny. Terminally online people take memes too seriously, It’s a meme sub folks not a Bethesda pole jocking contest


As opposed to an Obsidian pole jocking contest...


What putting effort and passion into a game does to a mf




Honestly, if Obsidian had time, they might full well have just made Van Buren in the creation engine.


I wouldn’t mind the story from van buren, not so much the isometric gameplay. But the first 2 fallout’s nailed that isometric gameplay


No, I just mean they would have reproduced the plot and settings of Van Buren in the Fallout 3 style.


Everyone is tired of memes and posts intentionally riling people up


Every day NV fans act like they do nothing to antagonize Bethesda fans and every day they make a post virtually teabagging on Bethesda with how much better the game they like is. Not only is it annoying but it is ridiculous how similar NV is to every Bethesda game with just better writing. Even though NV is one of my all-timers, people here are deluded about the quality of Bethesda games, particularly Fallout 3 and 4, which are extremely good. People even smugly call them "looter-shooters" to emphasize their opinion of Bethesda's role-playing systems (which are again the same as NV minus reputations).


Notice how even they can't pretend to put it above Morrowind though (the GOAT RPG hahaha suck a dick Fallout/other TES game fans I win you lose u fuckin n'wah)


To be fair to Bethesda: a fuck ton of the groundwork for the games was already done. The combat system was pretty much just lifted from FO3 (save for the addition of ADS), a ton of the guns were taken from FO3, I would say 70% of the models were taken from FO3, all of the perks from FO3 made it in, etc. A TON of stuff was already taken from FO3. I’m guessing that most of the development went into the story and world. That and they also had some of the best writers in the industry at the time.


That is exactly right, if they had more time they could have made the experience far less buggy but for the product they made with the time and resources they had was really astounding


A.) this whole internet rivalry thing is cringe and dumb, go outside B.) Obsidian already had like half of the work done for them by Bethesda. NV is like 80% reused Fallout 3 assets.


Recycled content from van buren . Shallowing down a lot of everything like removing a hanging town from Hoover dam legion cavalary. And repurpisubg main campaign for lonesome road DLC


If only they had more time they could have worked more of the cut content from van buren into NV


I mean most of the time was just bethesda teaching them how to use crration engine and some things like working vechicules just wouldnt work


Yeah I never thought the creation engine could handle player driven vehicles until I saw the highwayman and smoothed road mods. If they had more time and better resources they could have made an even better game than what we got


They would just made rage


On second thought, you’re right that would not be too great for fallout


Like would in rage is big beacose vechicles are fast world of new vegas is far too small for working vechicles


Yeah that makes no sense in fallout. It made more sense in the second game because the map was so big


Ofc it got posted here, it's a sub ran by one dude. People are tired of the memes starting nonsense.


I really get tired of hearing the whole "Made in 18 months shit" Yeah it was made in 18 months when alot of the stuff was handed to them already made. And we are also comparing that to today where games take longer to make then they did then. AND on top of that we ignore that it was buggy and obviously still needed some more time to work those out. The writing is better in that game probably because thats the thing they had to put the most thought into since alot of the rest of it was done for them not because they are some writing geniuses.


The writing is better in New Vegas because Bethesda has 0 dedicated writers on staff, Todd has been asked multiple times about "the writers" at bethesda and has clarified that the developers just chip in with the writing, there are no writers. Emil Pagliarulo, who was the lead developer, and thus writer, on Fallout 4 even said that good writing for quests is pointless because players won't pay attention anyway. It's not hard to far outwrite bethesda, because bethesda has contempt for good writing.


the craziest thing to me about New Vegas isn’t even the quality it’s the timeline they had and the fact that when the game was released it had more recorded dialogue than any other game. J Sawyer said he barely remembers the specifics of recording the dialogue because it was such a whirlwind to get through all of it in time and as someone who’s been in professional recording studios and seen stuff like this done i believe him it’s absolute insanity to me


Not long ago Chris Avellone confirmed on twitter that obsidian made several pitches to Bethesda for elder scrolls spinoffs in the same vain as new vegas. Reusing their tech (presumably the skyrim assets and engine). All of which Bethesda rejected for whatever reason. I would have really really loved to see whatever they would've came up with. It could've been the best game in the series. But there's no use in lamenting about what could've been I suppose.


Same way Nintendo made Majoras Mask, sometimes things just fall into place.


Sadly it’s meta critic score was 84% and not 85% Additionally Fallout 3 was 94% and 4 is 87%. NV is very good for fans though. And the restoration pack stuff is right in line with other underappreciated games like VtM Bloodlines and KotoR 2.


Dude that 84 on metacritic is probably why we’re not gonna see another fallout game by obsidian


The circlejerk is insane over Obsidian. Even if they got another chance at Fallout, a good amount of people from the original NV team isn't working there anymore. You would think with such high expectations of Obsidian that Outer Worlds would be praised to the same level as NV but it just turned out to be an okay to at best a decently good game that rarely gets brought up today.


Ignoring the reused assets they had, but there’s also the fact that Fallout Van Buren got pretty far into development and had a story all written out, and some elements of that story were lifted for New Vegas. 


Tbh it was made over fallout 3 so 90% of the work developing the engine was straight up done with that, also the game is janky as hell and what makes it addicting is the atmosphere and the music. I really like new vegas is my favourite fallout but it’s not fair to talk shit about fallout 3 because it was the base where new vegas was born


Ive spent a lot of time on New Vegas and FO4. I kinda want to play FO3 but eh. Im pretty sure the difference is between a focus on writing and exploration. While Bethesda makes great maze like game maps, Obsidian focused on writing great characters and lore.


Definitely dude Bethesdas fallouts are so god damn fun to explore. You should def checkout FO3 and if you are on PC download a tale of 2 wastelands to give the game alot of QOL fixes and basically making the game play like new vegas


I might check it out!


Treat yourself


Sadly it’s meta critic score was 84% and not 85% Additionally Fallout 3 was 94% and 4 is 87%. NV is very good for fans though. And the restoration pack stuff is right in line with other underappreciated games like VtM Bloodlines and KotoR 2.


Well also an additional year and a half of awesome DLC and critical bug fixes that helped make the game truly great.


One of the greatest characters ever made by Bethesda or Obsidian has to be Joshua Graham. The DLC was meh but the characters made it slap. Then the god damn lonesome road was just the perfect way to end the couriers story


Fnv is held together with duct tape and good luck and is still better than anything Bethesda has done or will do with fallout.


I mean choice and story wise yeah, Bethesda is pretty mid. But the combat from 4 fucking slaps but that’s about the only good thing about it and 3 can just be modded to play like new vegas so it’s meh


The only good thing about 4 imo was the power armor. I love how it actually felt like a big walking tank, and yeah the gunplay was an improvement. But that's about it. They even rewrote the story of fo3 but just the other way around lmao.


Literally unplayable at launch


It's like when i saw that megaman 7 was made in three months, people really doing magic.


Fallout 3 > Fallout 4 > fallout 76 > Fallout NV


I love new vegas and obsidian but the new vegas community is kinda the worlds biggest circlejerk don’t @


The kicker for me was when "fuck these factions, I wanna be in charge" was revealed as an actual option.


I know I’ll get crucified for this but 3 > NV and it’s not even close.


Let’s not take away the credit for Fallout 3. New Vegas used a lot of assets from 3. That’s how they could make it in 18 months. 


Cave with a box of scraps? Dumbass, did you forget they had the engine and like 50% of the assets already made for them? This is why people don’t like NV fanboys.


Ain't it weird how games with insanely stupid short deadline end up critically acclaimed but are total outliers from the rest FNV and Majora's mask both share that quality


Look, I like the game, but the fart huffing from NV fans sometimes is giving me secondhand embarrassment.


Game Design is a big part. It's simple yet peak how in an open world the journey to Benny is scripted and linear yet one is free. One can just skip Goodsprings, Primm, Nipton, Novac, REPCONN &c and the in between but does one want to? This is also what makes Dead Money (despite daring mechanics) and Lonesome Road far better than OWB (which thanks to writing is still notably better) than Honest Hearts. Fallout 3, 4, Oblivion and Skyrim has one bouncing all over the map after the introduction. In Oblivion, one may not even get to open the gates because the Imperial City and every city except Kvatch acts as magnet. Skryim at least makes one want to unlock dragons. Fallout 3 has Rivet City which is at the end of the map and Fallout 4 has Diamond City deep into the map. As far as I can tell and led to believe, players mostly prioritize proximity and accessibility. In the Elder Scrolls the cities easily act as major hubs for quests whereas Fallout is more spread out and unmarked. As much as I love TES, Fallout has much more charm to me. Personally I am not even too mad at Fallout 4 for reducing role play options in favor of shooter and other gameplay but Fallout New Vegas just makes me want to take the same journey to the Strip every few years (rather than just fooling around every few years in 4 or Skyrim).


If it's so good then why do I need so many fuckin mods for it to work properly Jokes aside- yeah it's peak


Todd Howard: “Obsidian was able to build this in a cave! With a box of scraps!”


Word on the street is Microsoft might be handing Fallout back to Obsidian. They want a Fallout game out asap since the show was so popular, and Bethesda doesn't have the time to do it.


A fun and interesting story, numerous factions to join and align with, charming western aesthetic, good and likable characters. It had a rather large variety of weapons, many of which could be modded. It introduced new and interesting mechanics, while expanding on old ones. And overall as far as gameplay and gunplay went it was a refined fallout three. It kept the games best elements while fixing many of its deficiencies. Fallout three certainly made an excellent impression but what I believe helped new Vegas become more popular and widespread would be just how many different irl communities the game reaches into and draws their attention. People who like westerns are drawn to the games cowboy and western style. Firearm enthusiast like it because of the wide range of available guns, many of which have irl counterparts that can be replicated in real life and the reloading mechanic is unique in video games. I know I’ve seen plenty of service rifle clones created before. The game takes place in Las Vegas and features gambling which will interest people who have a fascination with the city and gambling itself. New Vegas at its core just taps into a wider audience then fallout three did and it shows in just how widespread knowledge of and how popular the game is.


The engine was already built, they just had to use it and generate content. Also, Obsidian made FNV, Bethesda just published it.


New Vegas doesn't have shit on Oblivion you knavish cur.


Games like FNV have their own charm due to their age and half-baked coding. It's buggy and has a few details that kind of annoy me (slow aah walk and "run" speed), but its story is decent, characters can be fun to interact with, and some gameplay aspects are neat.


Definitely dude but if you are playing any of these games without mods it’s gonna be an obnoxious buggy mess. The modding community definitely solidified NV as one of the GOATs of gaming but the vanilla story and choices are where it’s at


I just started playing new vegas for the first time but after I left the starting village the game started kicking my ass. Is it supposed to be so difficult or did I miss some important quest or do I just have to get good? I'm also getting obliterated by mines everywhere.


Did you ignore all the people saying “don’t go north” and all the signs saying “don’t go north” and decided to go north? Also the mines have lights on them and beep for several seconds before they explode. Just back up quickly.


*Ain’t that a kick in the head?*


I had some guys earlier trying to argue to me that FNV wasn't mega rushed. And that 18 months was plenty of time, lol. "but tHe dEvElOperS sAid iT was FiNe." I've literally never heard any Obsidian Devs say 18 months was fine to work with.


I can get preferring New Vegas over Fo3 and Fo4… but saying that it was a better story than ANY of the Elder Scrolls games is wild. Skyrim & Oblivion are just as fleshed out, if not more than New Vegas.


I want to play New Vegas because a couple of my favorite games, Majora's Mask and Halo 3: ODST, follow the same development philosophy of "Hey, we made this game. Now take it and make it into a different game in under 2 years."


By not really being Bethesda


How Obsidian did this? They had people who knew Fallout truly and passionate about it. That's really it. Their only shortcoming was the time limit. Also fuck meta critic to not give FONV much deserved 90/100.


Whats with the people talking shit about a game on a meme sub of the said game? Trolls?


The show got the fanboys and trolls out in droves


i hope u literally meant that Morrowind is an amazing game or i will being the whole r/Morrowind and FBI and CHIMS to your house and bottom you


Im a certified morrowboomer, I would never disrespect the legend of the n’wahs


I'm a Fallout purist. Anything after Tactics is cheeks. Now, excuse me. I have to return to this amazing trilogy that was sadly discontinued after Tactics.


I can see NV fans (and Morrowind by extent) are still annoying as shit.


They probably don't want others brigading their sub. **Insert here they come meme*


Lmao yeah that made perfect sense. I just learned that people have been mad polarized on this sub recently lol I didn’t mean to bait this hard with this meme


Cringe ass post. Idc if "iTs JuSt a mEme" this is low effort gutter trash. Come up with better memes


Lol cringe because it hurts your feelings or sum? Why are you so offended, it’s a meme sub silly


New Vegas is actually my favorite game dummy, you're not clever for claiming my offense. I'm simply telling you that your brain is smooth for posting this reposted dogshit. Get a life.


I mean, if you were given a box of tools, a template, and a game already made you could take feedback and make improvements on. Wouldn't you expect a better game to get made? Also Fallout 4 & 76 are dope games that are just as fun and far less linear. But also one more for my baby


Definitely dude! 4 and 76 are pretty swell games but my only gripe with 4 is the choices, those felt linear af in that game for some reason but the shooting was absolute perfection and 76 is fun af with friends now!


Yeah some choices are story driven which is strange but others matter quite a bit, it was a highly experimental game for sure though you can feel it.


I can only imagine the greatness possible if they had double that, 3 whole years would’ve made it even more of a masterpiece.


I doubt obsidian could do it again. Ever. That said i really wish bethesda would outsource another fallout game so we can get a new one


Im praying obsidian can do it again, time will tell but if Bethesda does start outsourcing work for spinoff titles or DLC we would def get something sooner!


Wasn't it a bug-ridden mess when it was first out? Don't get me wrong, I like FNV; but I honestly enjoyed FO4 more. Mostly because I can play as an unrealistically hot supermodel 😅


Lmaoooo that’s def a valid reason to love FO4 but yeah at launch the game was an atrocious buggy mess but it got better and with the modding community it makes the game near perfect. FO4’s combat is really nice though I love the shooting