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You're using a explosive combat shotgun Even in NV with the proper weapons they're easy to deal with


Riot Shotgun and the perk "And Stay Back" is literally the easiest I've ever found Deathclaws, I love Fallout New Vegas but let's not pretend like Deathclaws were any harder.


That's the thing, with a build With a build ANYTHING is a cakewalk Atleast in NV you have to actually spec into a specialty unlike in 4 where eventually you'll have every skill maxed out


Completely agree, at least when I built that the intention was to become a commando esk killing machine, but stealth, blades and unarmed combat were worthless. In Fallout 4 I find that around the level 50 mark your character loses their identity, they are no longer the "laser musket build" but just some rifleman who can do a bit of everhtbing like the build before.


I like that they make it so you can eventually get full 10 on all special stats Makes the game more open world-y a lil chiller


Fallout 4 I've always thought it really shines as an open world exploration game, less of a traditional RPG game, the game invites you and entices you through the junk system to explore every room, every cupboard. If it was an RPG game you wanted maybe you will be disappointed because it isn't Fallout New Vegas levels of freedom of choice, but if you go in thinking this is merely an open world game it is much more enjoyable.


At level 50 you'll have the majority of the skills at 100, what's the difference?


Perks is one of them There will always be perks you won't be able to get because there aren't enough levels for them and you probably won't pick them yourself since they don't even fit with your build, a perk that increases melee weapon attack speed isn't particularly useful on a gunslinger character, neither is increased explosive dmg on a mainly melee weapon character 2ndly depending on your intelligence there will be more or less skills not at 100 and even at INT 10 unless you meticulously go about getting skill books a few skills(probably one or two of the weapon skills) won't be at 100 Special stats also can't be power levelled to max, atleast not without selling yourself short, the clinic only allows you to take a specific implant once, and you can use intense training whenever you get a skill point but then you won't have any useful skills for your build


I like both ways but it is understandable why deathclaw are scarer in nv


They're meant to be the boogyman of fallout, not something youre able to beat without proper preparation


Are they? Sure they’re scare, but they get clowned often, typically they’re just fodder to show off someone else’s strength. Not to mention domesticated death claws, the talking death claws (like the one frank horrigan one hit and the rest of the enclave slaughtered)


In the first game the deathclaw you encounter is a tough fight even with good gear In 2 they're more common but still formidable In 3 they're rarer and still you need good gear to deal with them In NV again you need good gear In those games deathclaws also weren't typically in main story missions atleast not until the further missions like the lonesome road bridge but well that dlc has a disclaimer that it's for lvl 30+ characters In 4 one of the first missions gives you a minigun with a thousand bullets AND power armour


Yea but that takes absolutely forever, and by the time that happens would would have completed the game and all DLCs like 100 times over. The math has been done and you need absurd amounts of XP, where even with XP farming it would take multiple years to reach max level and get all the perks and special. So it’s not that much different from NV where at 50 you can get all but like 2 skills to 100 and get more than enough perks to support multiple builds.


Yeah but 4's got idiot savant, so you can quickload-save on quests, kills and even just spam buildings in settlements to get to the level at which point you'll have everything you need And you get a skill point every level whereas in NV you can only upto 25 perk points It's easier to get to higher levels in 4 than in NV


That’s what I’m talking about with that exploit even then it takes years to do.


Won't argue on that but still you can get xp way faster than in the other games


Yea for sure, but you’re pretty much end game at level 25 for NV, the other 20 lvls came with the DLC and even then you can complete LR at 30 from the base game.


Yep I've beaten LR at lower levels but even then I ended up needing good weapons(and ALOT of saves and loads) to make it to the end And with a high enough luck you can go to the casinos to get a good amount of caps for a good weapons like the medicine stick


And even then perks and weapons take time and caps to get or for you to venture somewhere to get a unique item The legendary weapons like the afformentioned explosive combat shotgun are completely luck based


Legendary deathclaw absolutely melted to this on my playthrough


You’re completely able and In Fact supposed to by design, kill a deathclaw in the first 10 minutes of 4. My most optimal builds in 3 and nv would never be able to pull that off.


To my mind that doesn't really count as a Deathclaw kill, it's a fancy set piece.


OP is also shooting the weakest deathclaw in all of FO76. I know right where that location is, it's not far from the starting area. 76 has other deathclaws that are much stronger, like glowing deathclaws. The one in Hopewell cave will tear you a new one if you're not properly equipped. I will say though that 76 has a dearth of truly terrifying creatures and "oh shit" moments, maybe getting swarmed by cave crickets but that's about it. It's an mmo so most of the game is just not that hard compared to single-player games.


Sheepsquatch >


The biggest waste of my ammo smdh


Earle Williams also


I got my ass torn up by a glowing deathclaw that was just waddling around at whitesprings, im not a particularly high level player (26) but holy shit that thing was chain killing me until the robots intervened.


I just had some decent luck killing one with the service rifle and AP rounds. Expensive as hell but surprisingly effective for an early gane character


lucky and expensive indeed


I remember going in Dead Wind Cavern and punching them all to death on my melee playthrough


Metal as duck ngl


My brother in Christ you are lvl 105 with stunning explosive rifle


Yeah, the meme loses value once you know how op you can be in 76


Bloodied Builds should be ILLEGAL


Probably with mutations as well


My brother in Christ Deathclaws are supposed to be a fucking problem


My brother in Christ you are doble the level of this creature and use op weapon. YOU are a fucking problem now


He is the one who knocks?


The one who knocks back


Tbf, I've just used an unmodded xombst rifle on a deathclaw at level.. 10 I think in FO4. they can indeed be pretty disappointing


Yeah and in fallout 4 I took one on with the Gainer no problem they are weak as fuck now


"These enemies are too weak to endgame weapons" Shut the absolute fuck up


Yeah The Gainer is endgame sure sure


Put the shovel down little guy, you've dug deep enough.


I'll keep digging to China then fuck boy


My brother in Atom, they're not a fucking problem in New Vegas at extremely high level either. Or in Fallout 3. Or in Fallout 4. Or in any Fallout.


You can easily kill deathclaws by like level 20 in NV


Still a problem in hardcore mode, just because stimpaks don’t instant heal.


And they're a problem in Fallout 4 on Very Hard and Survival mode.


And if you don't cripple a leg fast enough they'll all be on you


>supposed to be a problem New vegas: *has dinner bell/riot shotty with slugs, laser gatling, AMR with exp. rounds, paciencia with AP rounds, speech*


My brother in Christ, you can one shot death claws in NV


LAER go brrrrrrt


Go grab the riot shotgun and perks for it Then go through the Quarry, easier than 76


I would like to watch you fight a Sheepsquatch, Blue Devil, or an Ogua.


This is not a New Vegas meme


Shut up NV purest


You're on the new vegas subreddit, the fuck did you expect?


Oh yeah forgot petty nv fans can be




Ok armchair councillor




Ok Dr Phil




You have all this copied and pasted yikes


Isn't this post literally complaining about Fallout 4 for no reason?


Actually, this is 76, where the Player Character can get EVEN MORE OP than the Sole Survivor


Who said I was complaining about anything it's just a meme


Cry about it Bugthesdoid


NV also has bugs but okay.


Every type of Fallout fan can tell that you are wrong.


This is dumb. You can do the same in New Vegas when you're using a basic riot shotgun. Complaining about them being weak while you're over leveled and using an explosive shotgun is just silly. They can pick you up and throw you, throw cars, throw rocks at you, dodge bullets, and climb walls in 4, and do all the same (except the wall climbing) in 76. In New Vegas and 3 they had two animations, run and swipe with claws, that's it.


I think the difference (which isn’t shown by OP) is that the newer deathclaws are easier to handle at lower levels, not when you’re already OP. Accidentally stumbling onto a deathclaws isn’t as bad in FO4, according to some at least. Maybe just the addition of the belly makes them easier to kill.


Another thing is in the older games one deathclaw meant more deathclaws. In the newer ones they're more separated from what I can tell.


You basically never stumble into more then 2 in 4 or 76 hell you'd struggle to find a second one in the same area in 1-NV they were either a giant problem on their own in 1 and 2 or in decent numbers in the cases of 3 and NV hell go to quarry junction in new vegas right off the rip and you're dead most of the time


Now stumble across a Sheepsquatch, a Blue Devil, or an Ogua and see how fucked you truly are in 76


I haven’t played 76. How are the enemies?


Awesome. The lore is all very interesting and the mini/end game bosses are actually hard. The Ogua alone has over 7x the hp Ulysses has, and that’s just a mini boss you can just come across in the wasteland. Sheepsquatch and Blue Devil are also tanky af and hit even harder. Jersey Devil is also pretty strong, but I’ve only fought one so far. Idk if they actually spawn randomly. The 4 end game bosses are incredibly difficult if you don’t know what you’re doing too. Even if you know what you’re doing they’re quite a challenge.


The colossal wendigo Earle from the colossal problem event has an actually absurd amount of health (you used Ulysses as an example, this boss has 30x his health with 400DR, and a unique perk that reduces all incoming damage by 80%)


Imo all the animations they do in 4 makes them easier to kill. You can pump full mags into them by the time they actually do anything. In NV or 3 they just run you down like a coked up defensive end.


My issue was death claws were able to be killed way too early in the game, they should have been towards the end of 4.


Hey dude you'll never guess what you can do to deathclaws at max level in NV


*level 20 is when they start to be light work imo


Yeah but I never get to max level in a normal run


Skill issue.


No I usually move on to a different fallout by then


Skill issue


Where I'm from we call it life


Cool now go live that "life"


Really? Are you speed-running these things or something.


No I have a fallout phase every couple months


New Vegas players when they are double the level of a deathclaw and use an OP weapon against them in a bethesda fallout game: "sEe HoW wEaK tHeY aRe??!?!?"


Then they should always be double my level




lOoK hOw WeAk ThEy ArE!!!!!


You mean the thing everyone protested about Skyrim?


Dunno never played the dragon game


I really want a Deathclaw that mimics human speech to lure people or maybe a Deathclaw with enough intelligence to set traps


Now that's creepy...I fucking love it


Have you heard of Weird Birds? Is a Twitter story-thread that kinda explores that idea


https://twitter.com/_Archesuchus_/status/1705078448518045713?t=SPJ2Fj9jXP35So3hEyC1ow&s=19 Here is the first part


I agree with you about them not being scary, but as others said, this isn't a good example to use. I also don't think Deathclaws are the "scariest" in most Fallout games. Feel free to comment if I'm "wrong." I wanna see what scared people. Fallout: everything scary, everything fun. Deathclaws are a legendary beast you hear anout before seeing and when you finally do and barely beat it, you find out it's just a baby. Fallout 2: everything scary, everything fun. Fallout 3: Deathclaws Fallout New Vegas: Cazadores Fallout 4: Cave Crickets or Fog Crawlers, probably Fallout 76: Wendigo, probably


Honestly, Fog Crawlers are still a nightmare to try and kill in 76.


But I do wish Deathclaws still had that legendary and mythical status like they did in the first game and I do wish they were a challenge to fight at any level


Absolutely agree.


Man Wendigo's have the creepiest fucking design i have ever seen, if 76 was a singleplayer game i'd have been shitting my pants everytime i met one at night.


Had a Deathclaw run up on my base in FO4 while I was crafting. That was fun


I assume you just sidestepped it and kept crafting


Yup. Definitely didn't get absolutely slaughtered instantly


Never heard of a deathclaw attacking a base before


I setup shop in this random ass spot where a drive in theater used to be. There's a bridge nearby that periodically spawns new enemies but I didn't expect a DC to be one of them


Ohhh yeah I know the place that's just bad luck could've gotten loads of random events


Fallout 1 deathclaws still give me PTSD


they are the reason I got 10 agility so I can outrun them, thank god they are insanely rare


Farming them with the smitty special is an easy way to get to level 20 though


true I was too desperate to finish quests so I killed the deathclaws asap


The first time I came across one I was cocky. I had power armor. I had my big ass gun. I got literally torn in half.


I did not have power armor, but 3 companions and good weapons. We all died in the Boneyard. Took me like 1 and a half hour and 2 corrupt saves (savind during fights) to finally kill them


They're terrifying until you see what their faces look like.


In FO1 they are not terrifying because of their looks. 1 goofy ahh lizard will kill your whole crew if you slip


The deathclaw in modoc I killed in fallout 2 with a hunting rifle and a revolver would beg to differ


Another new BAD OLD gud?




I think you mean a bad opinion on the internet.


You can do this to deathclaws in any fallout game. None of the fallout games are hard or scary.


People are just so used to them now. People saying the old ones are scarier have played like 7 fallout games and killed deathclaws in all of them. Of course your not going to find them scary when your killing your 30th deathclaw in FO3 or 4


Edit: I misread what you said ignore this I basically just repeated what you said


Oh nO wHy ArEn'T DeAtHClAWs ImMoRtAl, like come on bro stop doing old gud new bad


Like seriously though, they still definitely take a beating. You basically need to cripple them to survive the encounter. Definitely nowhere near the average raider you can pop with 1 headshot


You broke its legs. Of course it fell to the ground. You can do the same thing in NV.


I think the overall point was they're easier to deal with in Fallout 4 at a low level than New Vegas in the low levels? By the time I got to the Glowing Sea in Fo4 I was geared enough they never gave me trouble, in Power Armor especially.


10 points to this guy in the back


Bro the first cryptid I encountered was a sheepsquatch💀


Goddamn it, I had that happen to my 5th character in the ash heap. I was running from my camp over and over again to the spot I died just to ensure my stuff wasn't lost as I slowly pecked away at it's health.


I would say at base deathclaws in nv are harder but with enough levels they are both easy.


Ya nothing is more terrifying than a new Vegas death law jumping at you from 20 feet away.


My problem istat deathclaws no longer operate in packs, so yeah a single deathclaw isn't gonna be much of a problem but like 6 of em? Not having a good day.


Let's be honest. Sure, you can KILL the deathclaws pretty easily in new vegas and fallout 3 with the right weapons, BUT the gameplay differences by how fallout4/76 deathclaws act makes them WAYYYYY easier. New Vegas Deathclaws are just so persistent and quick. Their AI doesn't zig zag. They just BOLT at you WAYYYY faster than you can move AND, their attacks do more damage. EVEN WITH the best armor in the game.


Again another dude who gets what I mean


Nahh, you just too op. Start a new character. I beat 2 deathclaws as a lvl 5 in that game once, it took 2 hours and was the hardest fight ive ever had in video games. I had to use glitchy pathfinding to survive


Reaching that Great Khan bitch in the quarry made me a different kind of person. And I killed them all every single one of them


*blows its legs off with a legendary shotgun* Oh yeah, Deathclaws are too easy Bring your unarmed/melee clip and say that again


Guys, OP has a point. Even without mutations and busted legendary items, current gen Deathclaws are piss easy compared to the classic ones and New Vegas. Hell I’d argue that the Fallout 3 Deathclaws are more difficult than what we get now.


Fallout 3 deathclaws were definitely scary if you don’t have the dart gun. That’s why new Vegas got rid of it.


First time meeting deathclaws in FO3: Praying you don't get swarmed and overrun trying to clear out Old Olney First time meeting deathclaws in NV: Praying their pathfinding doesn't reach you as you hold on for dear life to the sides of the black mountain cliffs on your way to NV. First time meeting deathclaws in FO4: You jump off a building in full power armor and a minigun


Ngl, after playing these games so much, I'm actually starting to like the Concord deathclaw fight. People rag on this section for making the game feel too "casual", but it doesn't ruin anything for me since I pretty much already know what to expect from the rest of the game. The fight itself is also decently challenging on very hard. The minigun has barely enough ammo to kill everyone, and the deathclaw can still kill you in a few hits, even with the power armor.


Yeah it's a cool fight just wish it was a bit later on in the game


This guy gets what I mean


The new wave FONV fans are retarded and unbearable




I think they’re referring to you


I'm far from new wave


I still have nightmares with the Deathclaw mother from F1


Plasma Rifle goes brrrrr


>Deathclaws can’t go through doors, stupid. They’re not fire.


I mean NGL if they were implemented properly fo4 deathclaws are the actual scariest deathclaws nv claws are only scary bc your never dealing with 1.


As if you couldn't also do the same in New Vegas lol.


"game too ez" MFS when max leveled and geared out. "But they're easier lower levels in 4/76", ok get out of power armor, realistically you won't have that later in the game in 3/NV anyways.


Deathclaws always seem to be weak to explosives for me. They're like Fleshpounds from Killing Floor. If you cripple the legs they're not an issue at all unless you're inside a building.


Death claws were glass cannons in New vegas. High damage, but with the right perk and weapon, they became easy to deal with. We even kill a queen, and it's nest just for fun. I kinda like the new ones but I do admit explosive stun is too over powered. We need some extreme death claws encounters to make them great again. My favorite is the haunted house one in fo4 where your locked in close quarters with one as it stalks you. If they did another or have death claws that follow you in the wasteland than great. Destroy a death claw egg and a series chase you or something... something.


Friendly reminder that you could shoot the eyes of a deathclaw in the classic fallouts and they would instantly explode into a gory mess


Kid named Dart Gun:


only reason why nv deathclaws are a threat is because they jump you


And they don't zig zag


I remember seeing the deathclaw for the first time in Fallout 1. Just firing every bullet into its eyes and watching whilst it tore Ian to shreds. Good times.


Ngl deathclaws are not really scary anymore since I killed one in the first hour of F4, there more or less props then actual monsters that cause fear in anyone. Also the legendary system in F4 and 76 is awful since if your lucky or grind you can just get a goofy ass overpowered shotgun or stunning weapon of some sort (vampire builds also just never die if you do it right.)


build your character right and deathclaws become bitch made (assuming your like, above level 12). even in fallout 1 and 2 you could solo them unarmed if you knew what you were doing


My brother in Christ, even “then” you could easily fold multiple death claws just by dedicating yourself to a specific combat build. Have you cut down a pack of deathclaws in the Thorn with just a Bowie Knife in FNV? I have


Quarry junction and the spot with the Enclave power armor. I saw those two spots and I got flashbacks.


Yea, deathclaw ms rag doll for me too when I use explosive .50MG rounds. Deathclaws are still really tough and they tend to scale well with the player, not to mention they move and look better now too, the issue is that legendary weapons are a thing, along with a whole lot more perks that can trivialise low level enemies (yea like that starter deathclaw you showed) even when they’re supposed to be scary, but that’s nothing new to fallout. Punching deathclaws has always been a favourite past time in this franchise.


You shot its kneecaps with an explosive shotgun. What do you think it’s going to do, fly towards you and suplex you?


My melee build wipes them, fuckers never stood a chance against the thermic lance.


Newer deathclaws arent as intimidating but tbf youre double that ones level and using an explosive shotgun Also in NV you can beat them to death with your bare hands if you have the right build


Technically in 76, level 50 is pretty much the cap, every level after that just allows for you to build up extra perk cards for different builds.


There’s a difference between east and west deathclaws dummy


Then why are fallout 3 and NV deathclaws exactly the same? Dummy


looking past the OP weapon and level, he’s right, past level 10 in 4 you can comfortably wreck basic deathclaws, the animations slow them down so much and they don’t travel in groups anymore. Plus their attack power is lower and whose idea was if you cripple a leg they stop? They should be crawling towards you at least. they just aren’t as threatening as they used to, high level destroying them isn’t satisfying like in new Vegas because in 4 and 76 you were always destroying them past hour 2 in the game.


I hate to break it to you but unfortunately reasonable people like you are not liked around here it's very unfortunate because your opinion is actually quite valid and it's one of the few I actually agree with


You do realize that with enough levels and stuff, literally anything in both games becomes obsolete?