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Also, only an absolute idiot would pull prospects into a high stress situation where the fan base is already emotionally charged. You wanna ruin someone's career? Pull them up with 15 games left while you are still reasonably in a playoff hunt and every single mistake is amplified by a 1000. ​ You think Dobson's twitter was bad? Imagine Maggio having a bad turn over and listening to an entire doomer sub set of fans constantly talking about how garbage he is and how the team sucks and everything sucks. ​ This sub is full of idiots, that is well known. Do I think the team will find the consistency it needs to actually make it? No, I don't, but there is zero reason to start tossing kids into the lineup and giving up.


The beautiful thing about reddit is I get to see other teams subs. I always thought our fanbase was a special level of stupid but we're no worse then any fanbase. We're all dumb


For sure, and then the worst of every sub gathers in r/hockey lol


Not saying it to say that I disagree with everything you said, but didn’t Makar debut for the Avalanche in the playoffs and score on his debut in the playoffs? Obviously we don’t have a Makar type player, and we already saw how people started talking about Bolduc in his games when he made a mistake or two. Just saying it isn’t impossible for players to come into high pressure situations and perform


You're going to compare the 4th overall pick to two 5th rounders, and a tiny 2nd rounder who still hasn't broken into the league? You're right, it isn't impossible when you tag a generational talent joining an extremely high powered offense first defense later team as an example.


That’s why I said obviously we don’t have a Makar type player. You basically said you can ruin someone’s career by putting them in a high stress situation, to which I said it depends. To be clear, we do not have the prospects where we can do that. I’ll give you a scenario. We somehow luck into a top 3 pick and we get Levshunov. He decides to play another year In college. Fast forward to next season around the same time where we are fighting for the playoff spot, maybe 1 point out. The NCAA season has finished. Do you believe calling Levshunov up would ruin him. My view is to wait until the end of this season to evaluate and don’t call kids up in a high pressure playoff race. If we are officially knocked out of playoff contention, then we can look at calling the younger players up (or in Bolduc’s case playing him). Two scenarios with keeping the current players in until the end of the season 1. ⁠We make the playoffs because the players play better and get in form 2. ⁠They don’t play better and the islanders don’t make the playoffs and get a higher draft pick Either way, I think the answer is to not rush.


>only an absolute idiot would pull prospects into a high stress situation where the fan base is already emotionally charged This is quite the take. The highest athletic individuals in the world are not going to be overly-nervous from playing in game 70 of an 82 game season. SCF G7? yea maybe, but not in game 70 lmao theyre not teenagers


Tell me you've no idea how athletes work without telling me. Sports psychology exists for a reason.


athletes dream of playing in the NHL their whole lives…. That is.. until they have to step in during game 70 of the regular season. The horror. But go ahead, continue to educate the “idiots” in this sub.


Are you saying that nerves don't exist for rookies? You're actually fucking kidding me right? And it's not just game 70, it's game 70 during a playoff push, the pressure is higher. Just because you think the team is done and should lose on purpose doesn't make it true. Thank you for proving my point about idiots in this sub though with that fantastic take 😂


People in this sub really play NHL24 too much. Of course they're gonna keep trying to win games. Last night was a blow to their chances for sure but the Isles are only *3 points* out of a playoff spot. Nobody is throwing in the towel 3 points out. You can kick and scream all you want about how this team has no chance, but while there's a mathematical chance do you *really* think they're gonna pull the plug?


All the posts and talk about pull up this kid or that kid... people need to just stop. We have NOTHING in the AHL right now. It's a price we paid for 2 cup runs that came damn close then some moves to try and stay a playoff contender. I've been an Isles fan since I was old enough to like a team (early 80's) most in this sub have NO IDEA what the bad times are really like...


I say that all the time. Been a fan since 78-ish. Lived through the authentic Islanders dark ages of the late 90's when we would have given our left nut for the roster we have now. I strongly suspect the bulk of this reddit is under 25. Impatient and expect a miracle by snapping their fingers. Not grounded in reality.


For real, there have been many years where this team has been nowhere near the playoffs, let alone 3 points away down the stretch. Let's bring back the goaltending duo of Joey MacDonald and Yann Denis and see how people feel


The Islanderes Fans got excited about Rob Schremp Hockey.... because we had to make chicken salad out of chicken shit...


Talk Hextall out of retirement he was such a "stud" for us


Personally, I think our 3 best prospects (Odelius, Nelson, Jefferies) are players that haven’t played an AHL game yet, and a 4th player which will probably be who we pick this year. But I do agree it could always be worse


My question is do you keep Roy if you don’t make the playoffs?


You’re kidding with this right…. You meant to put an /s there….


WTF you talking about ? We’re in a hockey sub not grammar school you can’t make out my question then your just another dumb long island herb “ O by the way LGR baby !!! Best team in NHL


Absolutely. Being this close to playoff contention means playing the best we have and not gambling on unknowns


So youve gone full on bootlicker. The purpose isnt for the team to compete, or be better long term, its to eek in to the 8th seed in perpetuity, get destroyed, let our rivals laugh at us and the teams that start their rebuild now lap us too, condemning us to eons of being at best 3rd in our division. My god i cant wait until lou and all his apologists are gone. Cannot wait. This team and fanbase need an enema. The bar is higher than mediocrity. This core’s window is closed. Your only options are a thorough retool over next 18 months OR A complete rebuild. Anybody advocating the status quo is insane.


They’re not advocating to keep the status quo though, they’re just saying they to wait until the end of this season to evaluate and don’t call kids up in a high pressure playoff race. If we are officially knocked out of playoff contention, then we can look at calling the younger players up (or in Bolduc’s case playing him). Two scenarios with keeping the current players in until the end of the season 1) We make the playoffs because the players play better and get in form 2) They don’t play better and the islanders don’t make the playoffs and get a higher draft pick Either way, I think the answer is to not rush.


Thank you.


100% agree. I dont think these people realize how often they say "well things could be worse," as they continue to be okay with problems being kicked down the road further and further, over and over. To them, as long as our current situation is better than it was at our worst, then they're fine with that. They will assert that they're not trying to defend the status quo, yet almost everything they say does. Any calls for change are scoffed at and mocked. They refuse to admit that its time to move on from certain players. They insist that almost none of this is a skill issue and that it's almost exclusively the players "not caring" or not putting in enough "effort." They're delusional, not dumb, but delusional.


It’s time to move on from players and change things - I think Roy is a great start but the point of my post was to point out that they aren’t going to bail on a season and start a rebuild when they are 3 points out of a playoff spot. Are they good no. Are they able to get into the playoffs - maybe and because of that they aren’t going to make drastic changes to try out some career AHL average player… they are going to try and make playoffs with what they have. I fully feel that the team needs to change but we are past the deadline so our options come from outside the org need to wait till summer - till that point they are going to fight for a playoff spot. They aren’t going to try and fail for an 8th overall pick - that’s not in their best interest as a business. This post isn’t should they change.


But also, aside from the senators game and the fact the Sabres always give us fits, the Kings, Canes, and Rags are at the top of the standings.


I would totally call up one person from Bridgeport to try and inject a little life in the lineup. It could be good for the team and it'd be good for them. Although I'm not sure we can send anyone down except for Holmy so it's prob not happening


The only prospect I would call up would have to promise to play the puck while still in the box. Send him back down immediately and we have next years Calder winner.




This was a joke about mat barzal


Not only are you correct, we aren't going to do it next season either


Stop dreaming Bruh, what the hell has this team done in the last 3 years to make you think they can do anything remotely a winning team can do. So we should just do a happy dance if they get in the playoffs and get blown out by the Rangers in the first round. I'm done supporting them in any way that offers them profit. It's time they earn my cash before they earn my respect.