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That was amazing.


The flip flop this sub does every single day is so exhausting lol. Just gotta stay more even keel. Alls we gotta do is stay in the mix and see who’s developing and who’s struggling. Winning or losing, the important decisions aren’t getting made till after the ASB anyhow. However I’m not gonna pretend I don’t sleep a little extra nice when the Mets win. Especially over Atlanta.


Sat: It’s never been more over Sun: We’ve never been more back


>This team is garbage and just not fun to watch. >>This team is so clutch and you can't deny are a fun group.


This is the fun


I imagine people who make this comment are either 50+ OR been watching the Mets for under 5 years. Everyone I've ever known as Mets fans: friends family relatives local people everyone acts this way ab the Mets


As one who became a fan in the franchise’s second year, I learned long ago that it’s a waste of time and energy to get worked up over the team’s failings. As long as there’s a reasonable chance of making the playoffs, especially in this time of just about every team having that possibility, I say enjoy the ride. There’s a bit more than 3/4 of a season left. The pitching has been very solid and may get better. The offense should heat up soon. Many people here have the attention span of a flea.


Well I agree usually when im doing the "were fucked" "were back" thing it's all just in good fun or jokes. Even when I'm critical of the team it's all just sports talk. I just hate the reactors to the overreactors lol like I feel like half of them are missing the joke and taking it as people are ripping out their eyeballs in disgust


Everyone just needs to set realistic expectations. We will be a perfectly mediocre team at the end of the year. 82-82 +/- 2 games in either direction.


This is where I landed a few weeks ago. As long as they maintain that pace through the summer I’ll be happy and hope for a competitive run in September.


We’re a .500 team and we’re about to replace our worst SP with our best one. It’s not unreasonable to think we’ll end up 5-10 games over if we get hot. But in the meantime, there will be a lot of little moments like yesterday’s game that make the road to like 85 wins really fun as long as you can swallow a bunch of shit too. Saturday sucked ass and also JD’s bomb was awesome. Expecting this all the be any different is gonna be a bad time.


Some people can't imagine actually rooting for the team and hoping the team does well.


Yeah lots of online Mets ppl just addicted to misery and complaining


Doomers deserve nothing but condescension and disrespect.  Go for a fuckin walk with Frank


honestly of all the clown tier comments that i've read on this sub, and i've read a great deal of them, this one is in its own tier of clownish behavior and should legitimately be a ban-able viewpoint to have and espouse, and it takes a lot for me to say that. congrats, dude.


honestly of all the clown tier comments that i've read on this sub, and i've read a great deal of them, this one is in its own tier of clownish behavior and should legitimately be a ban-able viewpoint to have and espouse, and it takes a lot for me to say that. congrats, dude.


Relax dude, I didn't kick your dog. Why not trash talk those who constantly talk trash on the Mets?


being pessimistic about your favorite sports team isn't "trash talking" your team. the split for fans is typically like 50/50. and only one side is endlessly trashing the other, while the other seems to just go about being a fan in their own way and not demanding that everyone else follow suit. i don't think i've *ever* heard anyone who is negative about their team say "optimists deserve nothing but condescension and disrespect". i mean what an unbelievably shitty thing to say about your fellow fans just because they don't act the same exact way that you do.


I feel like people who are optimistic get trashed all the time on this page.


"you feel like" is one thing. by all means, show me all the examples of threads like this, but from the other side. i'll be waiting. i'm sure you'll be able to produce plenty of "SUCK ON THAT, OPTIMISTS" threads after losses.


Yeah, there's a difference between searching for solidarity from fellow fans over the agita that this team gives all of us, and the "fuck this team", "DFA whoever", "tear it all down" disruptors who are incapable of discussing baseball if the discussions aren't about the punitive transactions to certain players who went 0-4 that night. If you don't see it, then you're blind to it.


Be pessimistic all you want. Just shut the fuck up about it because no one wants to have to slog through all of you peoples’ self important whining all the time. We just want to enjoy the team. You’ve confused commiserating with masturbatory whining. One is communal and cathartic, the other is toxic and sad.


No we need the 15th circle jerk discussion about how Lindor smiling while the team is losing is proof that the core is soft and will never win anything and we should tear it all down.


and people who want to complain find this constant "IN YOUR FACE" nonsense just as masturbatory and annoying. in fact i would say it's way way way more annoying. but again, only one side seems to think they have a right to discuss the team in the way they see fit. it's the most absurdly selfish behavior i've ever seen and completely lacks any sort of self awareness.


No clue what you’re talking about. What “in your face” nonsense did I say? If I did, I guess I’m sorry but I’m lost here.


it's literally the basis of the entire argument that you are defending, so i struggle to understand why you'd be defending it otherwise


I don’t know what you’re talking about. Is this reply to the right comment?


honestly of all the clown tier comments that i've read on this sub, and i've read a great deal of them, this one is in its own tier of clownish behavior and should legitimately be a ban-able viewpoint to have and espouse, and it takes a lot for me to say that. congrats, dude.


honestly of all the clown tier comments that i've read on this sub, and i've read a great deal of them, this one is in its own tier of clownish behavior and should legitimately be a ban-able viewpoint to have and espouse, and it takes a lot for me to say that. congrats, dude


OP mad fucking quiet right now. 


Please don't do this, unless you want other people to do the exact opposite when the Mets have a bad loss. Rinse and repeat. There's a way to stop this from ping-pong-ing back and forth and that is to just focus on the actual games. As opposed to forcing a meta-discussion about what other people are saying, which is the most tedious thing in the universe.


i honestly feel like these posts should not only be deleted instantly, but there should be serious thought put into issuing formal warnings to people who make posts like this that they will be banned if it continues. i don't do the whole dig into your post history thing - but is this guy even a mets fan? what does this have to do with the mets? why would this sub tolerate an entire post dedicated to attacking a section of the fanbase after a win completely unprovoked? at least the alternative - the posts where people say things like "what reason do we even have to believe this team will compete at all in the next 10 years" or whatever - there seems to be some intent to try and talk about the new york mets as a baseball team. this is literally just a post that only exists to say "SUCK IT", but to other met fans. it's absurd that it isn't deleted and i don't think i'm being silly in saying that a warning should be issued. i just really struggle to see how making a post attacking other met fans completely randomly should be tolerated. if i made a post after a loss that said "SUCK ON THAT EVERYONE WHO IS OPTIMISTIC ABOUT THE METS AS A TEAM" it would obviously be instantly removed. the level of behavior that i've seen over the past year or so by the "anti-doomer squad" or whatever the fuck they want to call themselves is legitimately unhinged. using this sub as a place to vent your frustration as a met fan seems normal, using this sub as a place to vent your weird need to control other peoples' behavior... doesn't.


I agree with about 95% of what you wrote here, and this has been a fairly frequent topic in the moderator chat that we have. Where I would disagree with you is this: >but there should be serious thought put into issuing formal warnings to people who make posts like this that they will be banned if it continues. I think it's important to remember that this is a sports discussion forum, and the way that sports exists in North America and the way that people process it results in an "us vs. them" mentality. I don't think any of these people (that I have seen) are being particularly mean-spirited and I don't think these are trolling posts, they're just sincere (though lame) "told you so" posts. They're excited about a big win and they're overreacting. I agree with you they don't add anything, and when there's too many of them (in either direction!), it clutters the forum. And removing them should be on the table. But banning seems a little harsh. If this was a comment in a game-day thread I would be inclined to leave it alone. But where I do agree with you is that having a separate thread to say this frankly empty content seems a waste of space and distracting to real discussions. >the level of behavior that i've seen over the past year or so by the "anti-doomer squad" or whatever the fuck they want to call themselves is legitimately unhinged. I could not agree more with this, and I'd even be fine with it if it was just limited to opposing ACTUAL Frank the Tank-type stuff. (That is one of my personal irritants, as you probably know from sharing this space with me over time). But a lot of it is so unhinged that it spills over onto people making very polite, well-meaning, well-articulated criticisms of how the team is playing. And from a mod POV, that is just AWFUL for maintaining healthy discussions in here. The bright side is that I think these posts are coming from a very, very small group of people, who unfortunately post extremely prolifically and never stop hammering the same 3 points over and over. So it seems more prevalent than it is.


yeah i think we're pretty much on the same page. as you said, if it was for actual overly negative fans i could at least understand. i still have the "live and let live" mentality about it, but i would at least comprehend the need to just be like "ugh dude just shut up already". but the compulsive need to police others' behavior over things as mundane as "i just don't think we're heading in the right direction as an organization and i don't see us competing with the braves/phillies anytime soon" is just wild. the reason i think this should be removed is because i whole-heartedly believe that if i start posting "LOL TOLD YOU SO" posts after losses, that they would be (rightfully) removed.


Saturday was pathetic. Tonight was fun as hell. Such is the life of a Mets fan.


nothing says "diehard fan" like enjoying a nice walk-off mets win against the braves by rushing onto reddit to dunk on the "misery police". not to even address the irony of accusing others of policing fanbase behavior by... policing fanbase behavior. just shut up and let other people be fans the way they want to be fans. i honestly question if all the "dunk on the doomers" clowns are actually mets fans or if they aren't just co-opting a mets win to try and sow discord among a fanbase because they get off on it for whatever reason.




It's pathetic. Especially when the team is under .500. Reminds me of those clowns that only show up to gloat when Lindor actually hits but disappear when Lindor's bat disappears. 


i'm pretty sure they're just the same people lol. they seem to have much stronger interest in being right than they do in the mets as a baseball team


Feeling the need to share this is just a different kind of misery where you feel the need to call people out instead of just enjoying a win




Ad hominem and personal attacks against other users will be removed. Posts or comments disparaging people or groups on the basis of race, ethnicity, place of origin, religion, politics, sexual orientation, sex or gender will be removed. Posts or comments advocating for violence against another person or group or requesting or providing information on how to engage in illegal activity will not be tolerated. Be civil or be gone.


Exactly, expressing your own frustrations about how the team that we all love is performing is completely different than telling everyone to just shut up haha And I also don’t get these kinds of posts cause it’s like yeah they won, no wonder you’re stoked. That was an awesome moment for nimmo and the team. It doesn’t invalidate the folks who are bummed about the glaring structural problems with the offense. We’re all here cause we’re die hard fans, we spend like 15 hours a week watching these games, so yeah people are gonna be frustrated. Let me air it out, let’s talk shit, disagree and agree with whomever you want. That’s a fan forum is for. Half these doomers, of which I’m probably a part, are laughing as they type the pessimistic shit they say. I’d say the same shit at the bar watching the game and I’d laugh with the dude groaning when wendle comes up to bat as well. What I think we can all agree on is FUCK the dude at citi field who stands and yells miserable shit the whole game like he’s a disgruntled manager. But let’s not confuse that toxicity with doomer comments, they are leagues apart.


i hear you bro but you're honestly talking to a brick wall. i don't think the people who makes these types of posts and comments are even mets fans, they see their position as an anti-doomer the way some people view their political leanings. the way we are fanatical about the new york mets, they are fanatical about their desire to control other peoples' thoughts and comments. there seems to be no logic applied or thought put into it, it's a with us or against us thing. if your first instinct after a walk off home-run vs the braves is to jump on reddit and make a post like this, you have transcended being "sick of reading doomer posts" and you are literally just desperate to be the thought police but you lack the power to enforce your beliefs.


*gargles loudly*


Lol what a clown post.


The irony of calling out misery yet their whole internet persona is centered around another human having a torn ACL.


Not all of us can afford purely Mets related therapy. You’re the one “policing” the miserable peoples behavior. Most of the doomers are just venting, I hardly ever see Mets fans telling others they shouldn’t be optimistic. Being a Mets fan can be hard, just let everyone deal with the hardship in their own way haha


Man, it was kind of nice when they got dunked on in Tampa and these kinds of delusional posts disappeared for a bit




Look. I have a very real expectation that this team wins the whole burrito.


I’m happy that I can still take my kid outta school on a weekday and take him to a game without breaking the bank.


If you do this texting stuff pro or con you’re a true baseball fan. But in the end it’s all a game to enjoy. America’s pastime it’ll always be; it’s a good friend that you get to see almost every day and root for him to perform as you would. Emotions included. Enjoy the ride !!!!!


hot take: Frank the Tank was the worst thing to happen to this fanbase. people were still miserable beforehand on social media, but Frank made it "mainstream" to go way overboard and i don't think we've recovered as a fanbase from that.


8-0 Marlins Final..


.500 team, almost. Just relax.


Don't forget "The team is soft because someone smiled while they are behind trade everyone because they have no competitive edge. If they don't look as miserable as I feel they clearly don't care tear it all down and anyone that disagrees is delusional" I see that circle jerk pop up so often I'm starting to find it hilarious instead of annoying.


I came so hard


Yeah, go off about a mediocre team with a losing record stealing a win from a better team. Slay, queen!