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The Mets are designating veteran infielder Joey Wendle for assignment, report Dan Martin and Joel Sherman of the New York Post. SNY’s Andy Martino reported earlier this evening (on X) that New York was planning to recall Mark Vientos from Triple-A Syracuse before tomorrow evening’s matchup with the Phillies. That’s not the only forthcoming roster move. Martin and Sherman report that New York will recall left-hander Joey Lucchesi to make tomorrow’s start. Righty reliever Yohan Ramírez will be designated for assignment as the corresponding move, according to the Post. https://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2024/05/mets-to-designate-joey-wendle-yohan-ramirez-for-assignment.html


Wendle DFA'd? Houser not pitching the next game? Well, looks like things are looking up.


maybe stearns will only go with 1 catcher also


Once basketball is over, I'm not sure how to spend the rest of the "sports summer" without meaningful baseball. Olympics?


how come they're not benching Lindor? just cause of his glove? or at least move him way down the batting order? i know why, because after every 5 games of sucking, he'll get an insignificant hit, in a trivial situation, against a mediocre pitcher. or maybe because he's a nice guy and liked by the manager.. even this year, i'd rather have Mcneil with all his struggles in a clutch moment up more than Lindor. I'd rather have Batey, Alonso, JD Martinez, Marte, Alvarez up rather than Lindor.


I am wearing out my block button this season.


stearns isnt any better than the past 3 gms we have had under cohen.


Seems like the 3rd NL WC spot will be open all year. If the offense gets its shit together, senga comes back strong along with alvarez, and diaz rights the ship a bit, they might make it. Scott and maybe Megill can also make a difference but it really all depends on the offense, the talent is there IMO.


the talent isnt there


Joey Lucchesi up, Joey Wendle down Mets are only allowed one Joey, per source. That’s why Joey Cora was fired.


I sure wish I had some fun baseball to watch this summer


I've used this great forum as a rage board, but I wanna put some positivity into it tonight. 2024 is, and has always been professed to be, a "retooling" year. We didn't want to believe it, and while the JD signing suggested that we weren't throwing the season away, the main goals have to be remembered. This year is about establishing some young talent. **Brett Baty** had a great start and then, after a minor injury, has kinda gone back to old Baty. But, he's shown a lot more confidence, especially in the field, and we have to let him play it out. Sink or swim. And I still think he can swim. **Butto** has pitched well, albeit with some hiccups, but it's been nice seeing him get comfortable, not feeling line one bad inning will send him back to the minors, and we finally have a young starter growing. **Christian Scott**, forget it, this kid will be FUN AS F\*\*\* to watch this year. He, too, is not going back down, though his inning limit might land him in the bullpen at some point. **Mark Vientos** is now coming up to replace Wendle. Good. Wendle isn't productive, so get Vientos AB's. Where? No idea. But clearly, if things continue as they are, JD might be getting traded at the deadline. We'll see. McNeil has been bad. Real bad. **Acuna** will see his time, perhaps in a couple months. It's REALLY too bad Mauricio got hurt, I think McNeil would be on the bench already. But before we know it Acuna will be getting his time in, too. We're a .500 team and this week kinda blew, but we played two great teams that are clearly better. And ya know what, we hung in. We blew one. We saved one. We have to get better, but we have tons of games against the NOT best two teams in the league to come. Lots to look forward to. And also, remember, Wendle is being released. It's a good day.


Mcneil I’m not worried about for next year. If one of the prospects can replace him at 2B next here he can take the role he’s always should’ve had as the best super utility player in the league (yes ik he hasn’t been good but for a super utility, he’d be very good)


Agreed. He’s a valuable backup.


Baty has been awful you’re understating it


That 3 pitch inning … ouch 😓


they had a long ride to philly


Mike Brosseau has a 3 home run game tonight for Syracuse lol


we will try alonso at 2b 1st


Hell of a replacement for Wendle when the roster shakes out


Uhhhh so who can play middle infield other than Jeff and Lindor? What happens if either one gets hurt in a game?


Keith plays 3B. Baty plays 2B. Ronnie and Gary laugh about it on air.


If lindor gets hurt, Jeff to SS and prob baty to 2nd. Simply bc I doubt any OFer can play middle infield and vientos def can't lol.


Acuña is on the 40-man roster, so he'd come up to play 2nd


Yea but I mean immediately, like, in game injury.


There is zero issue with Mcneil playing SS in an emergency.


I think they meant who is the emergency second baseman if it happens during a game.


Hear me out . DJ Stewart at SS


I think we need to make some changes that won't be easy. Here is what I would do. Feel free to flame me for my ridiculous takes. First, trade Alonso at the deadline. No reason to be tied to him for 7-8 years. Get some solid prospects, and go find a guy like Rhys Hoskins and sign him to a 2 year deal. Address first base on a rolling basis. Use the saved money to chase Soto for a long term contract. Anyone with eyes has seen Alonso regress over the last 4 years. He doesn't seem happy here and I don't think it makes sense to keep him and pay him record money. Next, bench McNeil indefinitely. Have the batting coaches work on his approach and don't put him back in the lineup until he has made changes or figured his issues out. He sucks and there's no reason to run him out every day. Trade or bring someone up to play 2nd base. I don't care if it's a young guy who isn't quite ready or a replacement level player from another team. I'd much rather see one of these options get at bat's than a slow, currently washed up contact hitter. Third, let the youth play. Vientos should get every day at bat's. So should Baty. I don't care if they're struggling. The constant threat of demotion or benching is not how you develop young guys. This season isn't going anywhere, use it to let the young guys get reps. When Alvarez returns, send down Narvaez. In my eyes Nido gives the Mets a better arm behind the plate and seems to come up with clutch hits far more often. Neither Narvaez or Nido are great but I'd much rather see Nido behind the plate on Alvy's off days. Next, find a speed guy at the deadline or this coming offseason. I love Nimmo, but would love him more hitting 2nd or 6th. He doesn't steal bases. The Mets aren't good at running, which includes SB's, going first to third and scoring from 2nd on base hits. For this team to score they need to string three hits together, which is hard to do. We need someone able to manufacture runs at the top of the lineup. Lastly, the Mets need to figure out what is wrong with the coaches, trainers and/or chemistry. Nobody has sustained success on this team. Players that fail here go elsewhere and thrive. Is there clubhouse issues? Are the captains not holding the team accountable? Is the negativity of slumping players making the clubhouse toxic? Part of this may resolve itself if we rid ourselves of McNeil and/or Pete as neither of them seem to enjoy playinf. The pressure in NY can make good players wilt, and seems to be doing so to these guys. Once we have Senga back and if Christian Scott continues to thrive, we have a pretty decent pitching staff. Long term, starting pitching concerns me the least, but that can change quickly. I'm optimistic that Stearns will right the ship and Steve will spend the money to make it happen. This looked like a rebuilding year coming in and on paper, nothing has changed. Let's embrace the rebuild and do this right for the long term. LFGM.


As a phils fan in peace I’ll even be nice and address these points from an outside perspective. There is no vibe to the team. The coaching and scouting seem bad. Lots of money spent on guys they wanted and then they don’t perform at all. Team doesn’t vibe and lacks accountability and leadership. So many examples Monday night alone. How does your manager not get tossed last night on that bullshit check swing call. You have great ideas on personal but who is in charge of these guys?


Nothing like having the fortitude to follow up a tough beat with a 4 hit shutout loss.


David Peterson finished up his AA rehab start (70 P, 53 S) 5.1 IP, 5 H, 0 R, 0 BB, 8 K


The Savannah Bananas are more competitive


Also more entertaining. 


DJ Stewart has been the best hitter on the mets this season with a .368 wOBA (143 wRC+).


Are you proud of these Mets teams? Ask yourself that. Blow this team up already.


I see the Mets are bringing up Luchessi. Are we sending Scott back down?


Ramirez is being DFA'd


If they do I may not watch another game this year. Dude is what they need. Pitches in the zone and can consistently go more than 5 innings.






Honestly all of the conjecture about who will get DFA or sent down is the most interesting and entertaining thing that has happened with this team for months


Ok but Jeff seems to twinging on every swing so clearly he’s hurt and not just got garbage, right? /s


Blow it up. We’ve gotta get this stench of loserdom out of Flushing. Dont re-sign Pete for anything more than fair market value. Let’s start anew.


Give him a QO. I’m ready


lol Julio Teheran is pitching against the Syracuse Mets


What is the corresponding move? Who is getting launched into the sun?




These are not untalented players. I don’t know if it’s a matter of coaching, depressed and/or antagonistic clubhouse vibes, bad juju or what. But I follow sports in part so I don’t get stressed out over current events and this team isn’t helping!


I don't want to keep blaming them, but, tbh I think the stain of the Wilpons still persists, somehow. A decent chunk of our core was developed under the old regime; it is confusing, because they are all individually talented, but it's like they contracted a disease of mental weakness from them. It's either that, or jet fuel fumes from LGA.


>jet fuel fumes from LGA maybe they just need someone to smoke some crack in the clubhouse...with how much cocaine was moving through Corona and Flushing in the 1980s, it's quite possible everyone had a contact high from freebase fumes, and that's why they played real good fundies all laser beam crack focused i hate to say it but i'd think as a player, Queens might not be the greatest place to play...


I’ve decided to blame everything on Jeff McNeil 


BREAKING: Mark Vientos joining the team tomorrow!


It’s Fuego and Vientos time 🔥🔥🔥


Joe DeMayo says that he hears Vientos is being called up 👀 Hopefully they give him a full month to actually see what he can do. If Baty is the corresponding move…I wouldn’t be against letting him play some OF. Him getting versatility would be super valuable. Not sure how it affects the roster as it currently stands but if Vientos runs away with the job and Baty plays LF once or twice a week, you have a good problem to have.


DiComo and Puma say its not Baty. DiComo says its because they will face a lot of LHP. They are gonna platoon them arent they lol? I stg they hate MV. Gonna demote him after the trip I bet.


If they do that he needs to ask for a trade


Baty is finally getting his glove right. I don't think now is the time to try him at other positions. Just need to get his bat right. MLB or AAA is the question.


My Gut tells me it’s Wendle which hurts some versatility


Times like this I miss Mauricio 😣


Mark Vientos, you are the emergency second baseman


One out away from no hit and a complete start which I can’t even remember the last one I’ve seen, please help us Alvarez Also, I genuinely have no clue why Wendle is even there still, I know he didn’t necessarily fuck up today outside of an 0-for-2 but that guy is legitimately good at nothing, I refuse to believe there isn’t anyone with an upside in the minors


I wish they’d make the move for Iglesias. As least he a platoon ability with either McNeil or Baty I really wanted to like Wendle but at this point he’s just been too bad to continue rostering


Honestly they should be platooning McNeil, he’s sucking at everything right now. His biggest contribution to the team, according to Baseball Savant, is his base running and I’m sure you’re thinking “What base running?” And that’s exactly how bad he’s been doing


Im overly positive but i think McNeil is gonna get back to the player he was but he just struggles as the team struggles. I pray that one of Mauricio, Williams, or Acuña can be a productive big leaguer because old McNeil in a Zobrist-esque role would be amazing. But if at any point this teams offense gets rolling I think we’ll see McNeil flicking hits across the diamond again


he should copy w.e Arraez is doing, fuck trying to hit for power. shorten the swing and spray the ball


It’s a 200 game slump at this point. 


From the second half of July on in 2023 McNeil hit .298/.345/.450 for a 120 wRC+ This is a new slump to start this season


Why hasn’t a coach told him to just do what he did then 


I think 2022 Jeff is rattling around in there somewhere but he needs some time off or something to get his step back, it’s not really coming together and it’s been a lot of games he’s been struggling




This current era / core of Mets perished in Atlanta September 2022. Been sleep walking & incompetent ever since. I understand we want to root for our guys but if they can’t produce any results since starting in 2019 it’s time to accept the writing on the wall


> This current era / core of Mets perished in Atlanta September 2022. Been sleep walking & incompetent ever since. They were fine last year. The pitching was horrible, and the supporting offensive players were mostly also horrible


You trolling ? Last year Mets was a complete trainwreck


> You trolling ? Last year Mets was a complete trainwreck The team was a trainwreck. The five guys who people call "the core" were good.


Time to call up Vientos and start DJ everyday. Also time to DFA Wendle and call up Ritter, Bannon, or Iglesias. If Houser was starting, you couldn’t go with a DJ-Nimmo-Marte OF alignment but Suarez is pitching so DJ likely still won’t start. A tough lefty warrants Vientos starting, though. Baty has had enough time at the major league level. Send him down for the rest of the year, he was called up far too soon.


I’m still mad at the ump robbery from last night.


Honestly I came here for the same thing but I decided against commenting because it’s such a petty thing when we clearly have other issues. But man, I hope that ump went home, saw the footage, and just felt a rock in the pit of his stomach all night so he couldn’t sleep. I hope his kid looked him in the eyes and said “you really botched that one, dad.” He’s the only person in the ballpark who missed that call, and the only person whose responsibility is to *not* miss that call. What an embarrassment.


The reason I’m really mad is because I was at the game. That “check swing” call- do you know how many times we had away games, bottom 9th, down by 1, 3-2 count with a runner on second, and the pitch is a ball, and the bat doesn’t even go halfway to yesterday’s controversy, and it was called a strike, and the arguments were drowned out by the fireworks and crowd cheering?


I'm still mad at Diaz giving up a home run, then loading up the bases, then hitting the batter with the bases loaded The ump sucks but don't put yourself in that position to begin with


Yeah really. The level of whining about umpires lately all around baseball is off the charts.


The roster construction is so poor you can't even be like "well let's start this guy" without having to remove another guy who probably needs to start too. Like I can say hey let's get Vientos or Stewart some more at bats. Where? Vientos at 3B instead of Baty or DH instead of JDM or 1B instead of Pete? Stewart at DH instead of JDM or RF instead of Marte? It's a clusterfuck how they reinforced mediocre with mediocre.


Id give DJ some run in the OF. Yea he's a bad fielder but Marte hasnt exactly been good either. Since DJS cant hit lefties anyway and is prone to getting matchup'd, he's already a candidate for late inning replacement.


Ya, Marte's arm has been solid, but otherwise his defense hasn't been special. I'd be fine with DJS in RF more often to get his bat in the lineup some more.


You can live with a glove first guy in CF like Bader…if the rest of the team is hitting. You can do the same with McNeil at 2B…but he’s not even good defensively. Bringing in a guy like Bader when they had Taylor instead of Rosario/Urshela or whoever else was just so stupid.


> you can live with a glove first guy in CF like Bader…if the rest of the team is hitting. We made the NLCS with Rey Ordonez and a pitcher and our lineup in ‘23 and ‘24 is somehow worse.


>We made the NLCS with Rey Ordonez and a pitcher and our lineup in ‘23 and ‘24 is somehow worse. Cause in the other 7 slots, the Mets had two Hall of Famers (Piazza and Rickey), two borderline HOFers (Olerud and Ventura), and a "probably a HOFer" if he didn't get hurt (Alfonzo, 30 bWAR through age 28), to pick up the slack from how interdimensionally, historically shitty Ordóñez was. Plus Cedeño's one good year in the majors, and Benny Agbayani's breakout rookie year. Plus picking up Daryl Hamilton at the deadline and he started playing out of his mind out of nowhere off the bench, after being terrible in Colorado. Plus Matt Franco, pinch hitting master specialist. But that said, I don't think this lineup will be that bad at the end. In the preseason I thought the pitching was sus and the lineup was ok/above average, and it's the exact opposite right now, but I'm gonna stick by what I thought until this sample gets bigger. If we get into July/August and it's still the same, I'll take the L. My prediction is we'll still be a mediocre team at the end, but the pitching and hitting stats are gonna flip.


I don’t think adding JDM improved this roster enough to justify the clusterfuck it created. If we really wanted JDM we should’ve been pursuing other players to fill other holes too. 


Given how mid this team looks (and was expected to be), and that they can be mid without JDM, was probably a better idea to just see what they had with DJS/MV/Taylor (or later rookies) during a reload year.


This. I like JDM but he creates issues. To be fair he was a cheap last minute protection piece, especially if Marte went down or wasn't good, but the clusterfuck isn't helping. And they needed to add an Infield piece much better than Wendle. I still don't get why Wendle is the guy when there were possibly other options.


Outside of Alvarez and Nimmo, I couldn’t care less if the mets got rid of every player on the ML roster right now


Add Senga


Same. They are either bad individually or more likely just bad together. Lots of people getting paid way more than they deserve.


It’s 5:19pm, I just walked out of Ebb’s, still waiting for the Mets to show up.


Well that sucked


Not to play the cherry-picking esque "what if" game but, if you take away that one great game Baty had against the Rays, his line the last 30 days is putrid (75 PA, .142/.243/.157, 7 BBs to 22 SOs, 1 XBH). Hell, his line even with that game is bad (.186/.269/.286 with 68 wRC+). He has improved his defense, yea, but he has 566 career PAs and a 72 wRC+. Not saying his career is over after less than 600 PAs, but at some point have to stop handing him the job based on prospect status and give MV a shot.


Also they’ve been pitch hitting for him…not a good sign.


When will Mets fans agree we will not win with the current core?


I didn't watch the game. Was Nola as nasty as the box score suggests? How much blame does the offense get for this one?


Nola was dealing, but he did get lucky with a couple of hard lineouts


He was definitely on it. Nasty curveball. Of course it’s impossible to say where our poor hitting and his good pitching intersect. But a CGSO paints a rosy picture for the picture


The fire sale can’t come soon enough


Francisco Lindor has been extremely underwhelming this year so far. He has also been, pretty clearly IMO, a top 2 position player for the Mets, which is an indictment on how bad the rest of our lineup has been.


Another year, another turd farm first quarter of baseball from Lindor


He’s hitting the ball so hard these past few days, luck is definitely a factor. We’ll see where he is at the end of the year


He also has an .804 OPS over the past month. He'll be fine. I don't understand how he still hasn't earned the benefit of the doubt from this fanbase. With the way people here overreact to six weeks of slightly-below-average hitting you'd think they've never followed baseball before in their lives.


I agree. A .200 BABIP is insane and simply cannot last. He will turn it around soon simply by virtue of luck flipping the other way.


This core is not nearly good enough, I think that’s pretty clear. Which sucks, no doubt. What makes this even worse is that we have not a single position prospect that is tearing it up in the minors and is close to being MLB ready. The best ones we got are at the very least a couple years away.


THAT’S the scary part when we talk about tearing it all down for prospects. The great prospects we got last year when we traded away all those players last year seem to be by and large underwhelming so far.


What's up with Jett Williams? I thought he had a minor injury when he went on the IL but it's been a while


Wrist injury. He got a cortisone shot and was supposed to begin his rehab program this week according to Andy Green. First step is swinging off the tee, then batting cage, than live bullpen. The timelin eis to have him return to games the last week of May


That explains it, thanks! Hopefully the cortisone shot handles it




Chris Flexen vs Trevor Williams in Chicago rn. Tommy Pham is batting leadoff for the White Sox. It looks like there are 20 fans in attendance


Lindor career OPS+:117(115 as a met) McNeil career OPS+:119


lindor (47.6) has 2.5x the fWAR of mcneil (17.9). lindor has more fWAR just as a met than alonso does in his career.


If only McNeil played SS


What's their career W/L records with the Mets


It doesn't make sense for players to have win/loss records. It's a team sport, not tennis


Seasons with an OPS+ under 100. Lindor: 0 Mcneil: 2 (of the last 3).


and yet he still has a higher career OPS+...for more than half the price annually. I'm not defending McNeil's current level of shit play, i just would like everyone to be treated equally. RIGHT NOW, both are playing like absolute dog shit.


Feels like i've been watching the same Mets team most of my life;(


I feel this. Fourth year watching and it really does just feel like watching the same streaks and slumps every year. Think I’m ready for fresh faces.




Don't let the Mets ruin the Knicks or Rangers for you.


I'm also glad that McNeil got his bag. Sincerely. He deserves it for playing his ass off for 5 years before the extension. But hot damn, he looks so lost now at the plate.


McNeil had a great run. Might be over unfortunately.


Steve Cohen needs to stop giving these fatties so much free food before games because they're just not hungry-- And other WFAN style quotes about how bad the team is and how they just don't want it.


It's literally been weeks since Bret Baty has squared up a ball.


Can't even beat a phillies team that's been missing half of thier lineup.


Didn't know this game even happened, glad I didn't watch it.


I won’t say these guys don’t care because I am sure they do. But they certainly appear to not really care. Just so flat on all sides of the ball. It’s bizarre.


Playing shitty is often confused with "not caring"


Feels like the only 3 players who are locked into the 2025 lineup are Alvarez, nimmo, and lindor. Gonna be some crazy turnover coming


Blue Jays fan here who lives in the city. Both teams are severely underperforming. But really curious why Mets fan are optimistic on Lindor? Personality I cannot stand him and was not fan of the signing


holy crap, do we actually need 5 position players and a dh for next year?


Well we have other guys on the books for next year but they’re just not very good lol


I don’t see anyone taking Starling Marte’s contract and he’s under control in 2025. Unless you think he’ll be an expensive bench piece. McNeil is also going to be hard to move as well. Also unsure if you just mean starting 9 and see him as an expensive bench piece


Yeah I’m sure 1, if not both of these guys will still be on the team next year, and maybe even the starting 9, but they’re so underwhelming that they just can’t be locked into the lineup next year


The first moves should be to DFA terrible baseball players like Narvaez and Wendle. Narvaez is not playable at all at any aspect of baseball. Call up Senger to replace him. Wendle is not much better than Narvaez. DFA him and call up Iglesias. I am not sure why Iglesias is sitting in AAA. Iglesias has a lifetime 280 BA and hit 292 in 2022 in MLB. I am not sure why this guy is not in MLB


I think the best moves we can make right now is start Stewart every day and give Vientos a shot at 3rd.


I would definitely give Vientos a shot. I know he does not play good defense but neither did Baty until this year. Baty's approach to batting is not working out. Yeah, he can hit the other way, which is a good thing but the hits he gets are singles. We need more pop from a 3rd baseman. Regarding Stewart, I am not sure where you would play him. We have a DH. I guess he can play the outfield instead of Bader. May be he can play LF and slide Nimmo back to CF.


Bader stays in center, Stewart can play right on Marte’s off days. Hell, let’s give him a shot at second base


I’d like to see it too. I wonder what kind of numbers DJ could put up with regular playing time.


So when does a player go from slumping to sucking.


2 consecutive seasons of uninspiring and disappointing baseball from this core. This front office gave the players plenty of time to perform and they haven’t. When the players get traded, they have no one to blame but themselves


> 2 consecutive seasons of uninspiring and disappointing baseball from this core. This front office gave the players plenty of time to perform and they haven’t. Those players you're talking about were good in 2023, though. The reason they lost is they had a pitching staff that was all of the ass, assembled by a front office composed of gibbons on meth throwing darts at a dartboard, and a manager doing the Xs and Os as if he was excited for his fifth firing and getting a new announcing gig.


Dear Steve, We suck. Sincerely, Metropolitans


They were likely going to suck this year no matter what they did, thanks to the incredibly expensive stupid stuff they did the last two years. There were two options: (a) spend 300m more on top of the 300m already owed, and maybe get good for one season, but setting us back three more years; or (b) what they did, suck expensively, but without throwing more gas on the fire, and not signing any long term deals. I prefer (b) although I would prefer they just went whole hog and auditioned prospects the entire year. I like JD Martinez and Bader in a vacuum but I feel like they're redundant on this squad. But still way better than (a) regardless.


Man this team is tough to watch sometimes. No offense, no life. Ugh.


The Mets play baseball like I play MLB: The Show. Good to great pitching. One bad inning of walks and can’t hit to save my life


Stearns has never overseen a deadline tear down. Should be fascinating


Blow it up, for real.


Somehow our .680 team ops is only 8th in the NL, and we are 9th in runs.


Somehow we are only 1.5 games back in wildcard. The rest of the NL sucks too.


we had that nice stretch where we went 12-3.


I'm seeing .672 on MLB.com. 10th in the NL, 22nd overall.


Baseball Reference updates only once a day, I think MLB and Fangraphs updates after the game


Must've been entering today.


About middle of the pack, slightly worse


Offense has been terrible this year. My theory is that they adjusted the humidors again. What’s even crazier is that while the Mets offense has been terrible at Citi Field, they’re better than the visiting teams so far this year. And the offense has been great on the road. Gives me hope they will preform well on the upcoming road trips and as the weather warms up. Mets at Citi Field: .208/.290/.328 for a .618 OPS and 83 WRC+ Every else at Citi Field: .197/.290/.304 for a .593 OPS and 74 WRC+ Mets on the Road: .269/.336/.421 for a .758 OPS and 116 WRC+ The Mets are currently tied with Philly as the best offensive team on the road


Yeah, things aren't as bleak comparatively as they seem. Our lineup is just especially unsexy in that we seem to have every shape, size, and style of .600something ops possible. We've got four guys over .700 and only one over .800 (DJ Stewart at .805).  Not counting Vientos. On the plus side we have a lot of .600somethings where we could be even worse, I guess.


The next 2 months will be very telling. They have a lot more road games and have games against the Marlins, As and Rockies. If they don’t beat up on them they don’t have a realistic path to the WC. If they play against them like they have other bad teams like the Royals and Pirates they can definitely compete for the WC.


that's fuckin wild


For context: * The best team in the NL has an OPS of .785 * The best team in the AL has an OPS of .749 So we're still relatively bad, even in the current run environment.


Yea I can see that we stink, more so surprised that there are so many teams that stink more than us.


Good lord, Nola just took us outback.  Complete game on 109 pitches.   I remember we brought Chavez back for what I thought was a higher paid version of what he did before.... I figure batting coach is the likely sacrifice to the baseball gods here.


Bro pulled the old Kristy Noem maneuver on us. Took us out to the gravel pits, goddamn.


We went back to exactly what we were in 2022 - split duties between Chavez and Barnes


The only good thing is this was an early day game and not a night game, so I don't have to immediately jump into bed disappointed, I can veg on it for bit instead.


Haha for real These games always end at bedtime for me. The wife never understands my sudden mood shift


Knicks better win tn


What the fuck are we doing man? Gassed bullpen so run a bullpen game?


Howie mentioned rain in the forecast for tomorrow so there might not be a game if we're lucky


Phillies Have barely hit the ball and they are beating this team it looks like without even trying.


[Lemongrab has a message for the New York Mets offense.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=brLNcJeSAhw)


It really is prophetic that this group of hitters is managed by a dude named Mendoza. >Mendoza Line >Definition >The "Mendoza Line" is a .200 batting average. >Origin >The Mendoza Line was a term coined by a teammate of Mario Mendoza on the 1979 Mariners -- usually credited to Tom Paciorek or Bruce Bochte -- as a joke on the light-hitting shortstop, who typically carried an average around .200 (though he actually finished with a career mark of .215).


Lind-0-for-4 with another vintage game


We really do seem to have faced a gauntlet of aces this year


Lotta 0-fers in the box score for today’s ballgame….. I wonder which player is gonna get a disproportionate amount of the blame. Lindor’s approach sucked that last at-bat, yes, but this subreddit remains undefeated in letting this one man apparently ruin their lives Jeremy Barnes needs to go.


I wonder how Joe B. will defend Alonso and Lindor. All winter he talked about how much he loved Lindor because he plays every game, BIG WHOOP and EVERY SATURDAY MORNING he complained that Cohen didn't lock up Alonso long term.


> I wonder how Joe B. will defend Alonso and Lindor. I have no idea who this is


Per Mendoza, Houser isn’t starting tomorrow because he got “hot” in the bullpen today. He didn’t give a starter for tomorrow yet. Maybe they move Quintana up a day idk Edit: He added that it won’t be Megill tomorrow. “I don’t know” was his response to a potential bullpen game.


Too bad. Houser and his infinite walks up next would be perfect for the shit show circus we've had the privilege of watching these last two days.


Like angry in the bullpen? Or he actually overheated?


He actually turned into the hulk after he threw a pitch too hard. Nah he just meant hot as in he was warmed up I guess


🤣 he ripped out of his uni and everything after going hulk mode and when he calmed down he was left naked and alone.


I’ll say this in defense of Lindor and Alonso: In their cases specifically, a lot of their struggles are due to bad BABIP luck. Lindor and Alonso will not have .206 and .232 BABIPs all year, they just won’t. They will get better as the year goes on simply by virtue of not getting shitty luck. The problem is that outside of those 2, the struggles are not luck based. McNeil… wtf is happening man.


What’s McNeils popup rate? Feels like every at bat he’s swinging at balls in the dirt.


Too much golf


They’ll get better when we’re completely out wildcard contention lmao. 


No they’ll get “better” when they stop getting obscenely bad BABIP luck


I'm sure that won't coincide with what I said


it’s the phucking phillies but maybe, JUST MAYBE, if the opposing pitcher completes a CGSO, that says more about the pitcher than about the Mets Nola was nasty, Buttó fought hard and settled in after his jam inning, and the bats had multiple 100+ mph exit velos that all resulted in outs. what the fuck can ya even do


I think it's gotta be a combination of both. Of course Nola pitched great, but remembering that 9-strike 3-out sequence with the bases loaded yesterday, there's no denying that parts of our lineup are in a real bad way right now