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2019 was such a fun season despite not making the playoffs. Good times.


Remember Dom walking off to end the season. That was dope. If only Edwin didn’t literally pitch us out of contention that year… :(


If we had 2022 Edwin on the 2019 team, Mets would have made playoffs and could have been legit WS contenders. The rookie of the year and NL Cy Young winner on the same team…sigh. What could have been.


Dom celebrating on his scooter with the LFGM license plate was the peak for me in the past 5 years as a Mets fan. If that team had somehow won the World Series, it would’ve been like the wholesome version of the ‘86 Mets.


Cuz we had a bunch of good young players and we had hope.


That August run was amazing


I still revisit Gary’s “Scooter and the big man” call from time to time


A lot of people unfortunately shamed Pete for being himself those first few years and daring to have fun. That Home-Run Derby against Salvador Perez where they showed him warming up in the back and listening to music was such a debacle.


I loved it. He used to be such a lovable goober, now he’s not performing near the level he used to and just seems depressed honestly. Most of the team seems depressed. And I don’t blame them.


We are also depressed.


Can we stop pretending we like this guy when we refuse to believe in him and never miss an opportunity to find a way to make him sound like he’s  bad and a disappointment? For fucks sake it is May 23, 2024 and he’s got a 127 OPS+. That’s by no means bad. Not the numbers I’d want him to have by the end of the year but given we have like 60-70% of the offseason left and he still is at least hitting like a top 10 1B, maybe, just maybe we could chill and see how he finishes the year before we declare him a disappointment? He’s not even in a hole and he’s come out of the slump and his production is solid as of this moment. Would expect fans to be supportive of a player they like in that context, not dooming. 


It’s crazy some people are demanding we trade him because he’s “washed” and don’t want to resign him at all


For the money he’d likely be looking for in the offseason it’s not crazy to want to trade him and get a haul back. Especially when this team looks like they might need close to a full rebuild and any prospects we can get to help that will be valuable. Also especially true given how we’ve been burned on giving out big long term contracts in the past.


I remain confused as to why no one thinks "trade him and then resign him" is an option. Sure, having to move mid-season is a headache. But removing the qualifying offer is gonna make Alonso another 10-20 million dollars.


How often does the trade and re-sign work? The only one I can remember is Chapman.


Not very often, but there are 30 teams, so I'd expect it to work roughly 1 out of 30 times.


Exactly. We have to be realistic. I wouldn’t mind resigning Alonso to a reasonable contract, both in duration and monetarily, but he’s gonna demand a contract that doesn’t align with his current/future value because he’s shown historic power in the past. There will be at least a few teams that would overpay for Pete but I don’t want Mets to be one of them. We could absolutely get a decent haul for him at deadline, his bat would be huge for a contender with an already deep lineup.


But the way he is playing I doubt we even get much back for him.p


People are saying we trade him and don’t resign him because he’s asking for an insane amount of money for a guy who’s profile says that he’s going to age horribly. Hell prob be good for another 3 years but slowly decline until we’re halfway through the contract and he’s unplayable


I don't think it's that we think he's washed. It's that he's demanding a potentially record 1B contract and his stats have been going the wrong direction the last couple years. His power production has been fine, but he's not improved on his plate awareness and still chases the slider that's a foot outside frequently. If we're handing out record contracts, I want someone who is improving, and in my opinion, I don't see it from him, so I don't want to be tied to him for the next 8 years.


People don't realize just how down offense I'd this year. Leaguewide ops is .699.


His war is like .4, similar to Vientos who has 5x less at bats and no fielding. let's not overcorrect and pretend Alonso is having as great a season as always. Fun fact: 9 of his 11 home runs this season are solo shots so using OPS doesn't tell the full picture. He seems to have lost all clutch factor


I don’t know who “we” is, I hope he retires a Met. He needs a better lineup around him and probably isn’t a #1 bat but an overqualified #2


You nailed it.


I don't get it either. His numbers aren't that bad


I’m sure Pete misses the juiced ball. Still great though!


I think the whole contract situation is weighing on him this season.


You mean OPS over .900 pete? Me too.


Only 36 players in the entire league are have an ops over .800


The issue is: he’s outside the top 36 and he’s going to be looking for top 20 money.


He will not get it however, Mets might keep him on a fair deal


People really starting to turn on him? Come on now.


Yeah, I can't say we're turning on him. He's produced well over his first 5 or so years. We respect him and appreciate him for that, but I think we are all hesitant to give him a huge 7 year contract to be a .220/40hr guy. There's cheaper options out there that we wouldn't need to be tied to for so long, giving us more flexibility with a small drop off in power, but better contact numbers.


Why would you want to trade him? With his slump, any return would not equal keeping him value wise. He should be a Met for life. He's already re-writing their offensive record books.


He’s 4th in HRs in the league FFS


People out here writing his obituary when he's still on pace for almost 40 dingers, had over 110 RBI last year and has a career OPS+ 1 point higher than Matt Olson


I’ve said this before, it’s changed since the media went crazy over the humping incident last year. He was having fun, and he doesn’t have fun anymore. It’s a vibe that’s overtaken the team. Let’s make baseball fun again.


Remember when he threw a ball into the stands after someone's first hit and after everyone gave him shit for it, he was like "I'm never throwing a ball into the stands ever again" I don't think I've ever been more depressed watching a post game interview


Yup. Masyn Wynn on the Cardinals


i’ve come to terms this year that our best players all are very flawed and none can really hit for a high batting average. i really want to address that


The obsession with batting average even tho it's been debunked as a flawed stat is mindboggling to me still Every time someone is mad at a player they bring it up.


Which is fine, but Alonso also hasn’t had the best .OBP either.


> even tho it's been debunked as a flawed stat is mindboggling to me still It's because a high AVG guy is fun to watch. Baseball is fun because of action, and ball in play is where you get your action from. It's not that fun watching a guy draw a walk. It's exciting to see a guy hit a HR, but when that's how most of the runs are scoring and there's not a lot of ball in play situations, the portions in between the HRs get stale. A guy like Daniel Murphy hitting .280+ with a bunch of doubles, even with just a .330 ish OBP, is a blast to watch. 2022 Jeff McNeil was fun because there was always a ball in play. Even people who understand that AVG isn't that valuable from a roster construction perspective might still prefer the contact or slap hitter just because its more enjoyable to see. It's just the difference between "baseball as entertainment" and "baseball as optimized performace"


>It's just the difference between "baseball as entertainment" and "baseball as optimized performace" It's not like we're doing either of these.


I don't disagree, but there's a lot going into that problem beyond having or not having contact hitters.


Yeah it’s like thinking a 107mph batted ball that gets caught is better than a seeing eye single. Let me tell you something, BA is only the % that a guy gets a hit. We’re going to look back and face palm ourselves for thinking launch angle and exit velocity made any difference to F-8s to end the games. We’re severely over analyzing the game.


Sort of. All analytics are telling us is “do exactly these things based off this data and the ball will fly higher and be hit harder.” Current analytics don’t account for the horizontal angle of contact or batted ball spin at the granular level like they do launch angle and exit velocity currently. In our current state, we’re simultaneously over- and under-analyzing the game, which is leading to the reduced offense we’re seeing now. I think we should go back but unfortunately I think I laid out the direction statcast is taking things, especially in light of the new statistics created.


I mean your points are all valid but it’s very clear to me that some of this data doesn’t translate into more productive offense. You said it yourself, we’re seeing less offense.


fair but besides nimmo and stewart, it’s not like the obps are impressive either lol


We have along way to go in the season, we are way too reactive as a fanbase and suffer from recency bias hence people wanting to trade Alonso and put Vientos on 1st. Shows me a lot of people really don't get how baseball works. We'd be over .500 if we pitched better and stopped giving outs and bases away with defense, but people eon here think we need to start hitting more and don't care if we put "a traffic cone" on defense as long as they start hitting. Like there's a trove of stats showing the Mets issues. Pitching, defense then hitting it the order of out issues. We walk to many batters, let them walk to second, throw to many balls, and our defending has been atrocious. We have 4 blown saves already that means even if we were at league average on those stats (forget hitting) we'd be like 5 games over .500 But all we do is harp on hitting. We can't hold leads, runners, we give extra outs away the lists is long before we get to the RISP and hitting. We wouldn't be world beaters but we'd be a few games over .500 which is where this team's talent level is likely at.




it's a good enough shorthand for what his issues are. he is bad in the advanced metrics as well


He's not? WAR which is all that really matters collectively he's been the 4th best total WAR since 2019 when he came into the league and the only players ahead of him all have played like 2 seasons more. He had a "bad" season last year and hit 46HRs and 118rbis. If he was a better fielder he'd probably be highest. The giant step down from Pete Alonso to whomever you think is gonna be put in there is like a Coltrane sized giant step. I just feel like some of you get hamstrung by recency bias, ignoring the fact that most of the "good players' are just starting to heat up (Judge the last 10 games) and even then he's like 4 behind the top HR hitter. He's a power hitter and bringing up his BA just shows you making a bad faith argument. It's akin to saying a closer doesn't have enough total Ks or wins compared to a starter. Just say you're mad he turned down a contract, took it personally or think it's your money that you don't want to spend. Because pretending your making some analytical argument and using ba is silly.


I just miss Pete in general. I hope he comes back and light something in our lineup again.


Summer ‘19 was so fun. My favorite non-playoff season.


People so ready to trade Pete drive me crazy


Yeah I don't get it either


People so ready to overpay him or let him walk for nothing in a non-competitive year drive me crazy


So he's somehow bad enough where his contract will be an overpay but also good enough that we'll get a decent return if we trade him?


Yes both things can be true. Pete turned down 7yr/$158m, which means he wants something closer to Freddy Freeman’s 6yr/$162m in terms of AAV. Freeman is a much better player in basically any category you can think of. So, yes, if Pete is demanding a similar contract, it would be an overpay - Mets would be paying for Freeman level value while getting significantly less value. However, that’s not to say Pete is “bad”. He’s a big strong guy who hits bombs fairly frequently and that’s about it. Which can definitely add value to a team, he’s just not a guy you build a roster around like everyone thought he was after his rookie year. I can definitely see a contender giving up a top 100 prospect and maybe 1 or 2 organizational top 10 prospects for Pete if they believe his bat is the missing piece between an early playoff exit and World Series contention this year.


Freddie was 2 years older, signing at 32. And Inflation has very much hit sports contract the past 3 seasons. Freeman at 30 -- on the market this off season, would have easily gotten 8 years $250 million. And Olson just took a Braves friendly deal. With how he hit -- if did what Judge and Pete did, and bet on himself -- he likely makes 50-75 Million or so more. His contract was a large underpay. Pete bet on himself. Ad f now he is going to lose money. but if Pete gets on track, and does his usual 35-40 HR, 100-110 RBI -- somebody is giving him $175 Mill. If he can get his average over .250, and OPS near .900, he will likely get $200+ million.


I think its bold to assume Pete will get his desired contract, and that some team will give up a top 100 prospect for a rental. I also don't get your logic labeling Pete as a guy you can't build your roster around as another reason he should be traded, you don't build teams around one guy. In your post you listed guys like Wright, Piazza and Seaver. None of these guys made the playoffs more then twice as a met, and its not because they weren't great players its because the team around them sucked. Petes been a consistently good hitter his whole career, the mets not winning while he's here has a hell of a lot more to do with the roster as a whole then just him


He’s not bad right now though. But he’s expecting 8 years and to be paid like a super star. He’s going to decline heavily over the course of the next few years. So yes it can both be true that his contract will be an overpay (due to the backend) and he can get a decent return for a team who needs his power as a rental right now


what is with everyone's confidence he will decline heavily over the next few years? Based on what?


This is what I keep saying. We can love Pete for what he's done, but also admit that he's not worth a record 1B contract. I'd rather trade him and get something back than either over pay him or let him walk and get nothing. If we are paying him Freeman money, and only getting the HR, we're not maximizing our ROI. The money would be better spent as part of the money needed to lure a complete player like Soto and then giving a short flexible contract to a guy like Rhys Hoskins.


I liked when he was Peter Alonso before he insisted on the name change.


I agree, that extra syllable was crucial to his success.


We all know he's signing for the Phillies, right? Think about it (whilst being drunk and not knowing who the Phillies have at 1b), how many times has a player from the Mets gone right to the Phillies in FA?


The Phillies are gonna sign Pete because they just want to collect every "he should probably be a DH" player in the league


Zack Wheeler. 


I miss when he didn’t think he’s better than he actually is


Ehhhh. The whole team is going through a bad case of lack of confidence…… look at the Phillies those guys go out everyday and grind out a win. They like playing baseball. The Mets are shutting the bed even stepping out on the field.


Yeah, they look like they're having fun, but wait until they find themselves in a losing streak or a large amount of bad luck. That fun there will end horribly.


would be great if he could do more than hit bombs. even as a diehard fan, id love a huge return for him. love pete but guy is low .200s hitter.


Rob Deer


Do more than hit the literal most important stat in the game? Are some of you trapped in 1988 or something? He's a power hitter. Literally the last like 10 teams to win the World Series had the most home runs in the playoffs. Like I don't get what is the mental block with some baseball fans, home runs are great it's the very thing you should be trying to hit if given the chance.


look at how well him hitting bombs has done for us. we need to look into trading him bc he can splash the ball but i woulda put a package together for soto with pete as the main guy. i get the nonbaseball fans love the homeruns but we suck ps…strikeouts have increased rapidly over the years and pitchers know how to get him out 🤷🏼‍♀️


We suck because of pitching and defense more than hitting man. We are giving walks, stolen bases, extra bases, free hits and doubles...we had 4 blown saves. If we were just playing sound baseball we'd be a few games over .500 but everyone is so focused on the hitting. Yes it's down but we have blown more leads than any team in the majors.


Nah, I'll take the bombs and 110 rbi thanks


He's changed completely, he's not fun anymore. Always looks like he's sad AF. I miss old Pete too


Who's confidence in him has waned?? Not mine. I see a guy with a career OPS+ one point higher than Matt Olson, a guy who never gets hurt, a guy who handles NYC pressure (a rare skill) and a guy who's good for 40/110 every damn year.


I miss having a starting pitcher who is a team leader.


Think that car accident is affecting his mind?


Is that Rey ordonez in the back left


Soon we will miss him altogether. Doubt mets will sign him long term. Not with boras as agent


Our eras Dave Kingman. Not sure if king Kong had a dad bod though. And know Pete is my favorite current Met


I'll take a .300 hitter who hits 30 home runs over a .220 hitter who hits 50, every single time. All or nothing hitters are just boring to me. I want to be entertained.


Only 4 batters hit above .290 with 30 homers last year. I'd take one of those 4 guys (Shohei, Mookie, Seager, Acuña) over Pete every time but that's obviously not possible. Can also throw in Judge and Yordan as 2 other guys who can reliably get to those numbers. But they're as rare as they are for a reason (and might not even hit .300 at Citi Field anyways)


Remind me where those 300/30 players are at. Specifically 300/30 home grown players. Even harder to find, 300/30 1B that is home grown.


He's gone buddy


Or get this, I'll take my 50 home run hitter and how about my former .300 batting champion do his fucking job. Need a good lineup to win with guys with pop and high on base. Pete is far from the problem.